SAHM I am (35 page)

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Authors: Meredith Efken

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Domestic fiction, #Family Life, #Christian, #Religious, #Female friendship, #Mothers, #Suburban Life, #Urban Life, #Christian Fiction, #Housewives, #Electronic discussion groups, #Electronic mail messages

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Gotta run. We’re heading out to some Mayan ruins today. And then, we have a moonlight date arranged on the beach. Did I ever tell you how exquisite Tom’s backrubs are? Love and hugs to everyone (’cause I’m overflowing and have plenty to spare),



[email protected]




I’m New

Dear Mothers,

My best friend has been bugging me about joining this group, but I’ve been refusing because I don’t like computers or e-mail. However, the events of the past twenty-four hours have changed my mind.

I decided to purchase a computer after my fiendish nineteen-month-old daughter watched me step out of my house in my pj’s and robe this morning to grab the paper and deliberately locked the door behind me and stood making faces at me in the window. It didn’t bother her that I am seven months pregnant with her little brother, and had to use the bathroom. I had to knock on neighbors’ doors until I found someone home who would let me use the phone to call my husband. The neighbor, a middle-aged man, had a hard time not smirking at my pregnant, waddling, bathrobed predicament. Upon my husband’s arrival and unlocking of our door, I entered the house and found said daughter had scattered an entire box of Cheerios throughout my kitchen and living room, including between the couch cushions and in my potted plants.

I decided to get e-mail when I found out my best friend, who was my last link to sanity, went crazy, destroyed her mother-in-law’s wedding cake, had a food fight with her husband, and got a trip to Cancún as a reward.

I decided to join your e-mail loop when she told me she and her family are planning to move to Springfield, MO, where her husband’s new stepfather found him a programming job and has offered to teach him all the things her husband had wanted to learn from his dad, but hadn’t.

She says the friends she’s made here have changed her life and helped her be a better woman and a better mother. I’m sure hoping you can do the same for me.


Marianne Hausten


ISBN: 978-1-4268-5429-3


Copyright © 2005 by Meredith Efken

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, incidents and places are the products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real. While the author was inspired in part by actual events, none of the characters in the book is based on an actual person. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

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