Saint's Sacrament - Sins of the Father (5 page)

BOOK: Saint's Sacrament - Sins of the Father
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The next is unhealthy attachment. As we discussed earlier, it is the lower level chakra playing into this—your damn dick. You are staying for sex. That is self-explanatory. The next is shame. Feeling ashamed of something you’ve done or haven’t done… see how that ties into guilt but they have special, individual qualities? Next, is illusion—buying into the hype,
the illusion of a happy family, playing pretend. That ties into lies, but we can’t miss fear. Fear is being afraid that the person will hurt themselves, or even you, if you leave, or being afraid that you will miss out on something if you let them go.” He paused, previewed the audience and crossed his arms as he pondered.

omen sometimes struggle with this one, because if the man is paying their bills, then they are afraid to go because they need the financial help. So, they stay with him.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Now, there are some men like this as well. He is paid dick, basically. It’s fucked up! Us men fall into the fear zone when we don’t want to be in a relationship with a certain woman anymore, but we are afraid she will get another man, and that bothers our ego, so we stay with her, to keep her attached. It is unhealthy, it is sick!

“Those dark s
ides are sometimes called demonic forces, but for right now, let’s just call them backward, upside down, unsavory and destructive. I prefer that over calling something black or dark actually. The connotation has always bothered me how things that are richer in pigment are construed as evil, distasteful, dirty. In any case, let’s look at our illuminated side, the part of us that shines and grows with development and nurturing. The positive side of the coin—the polar opposites are happiness, innocence, freedom, pride, acceptance of reality, peace and truth. When someone is sick, spiritually ill, you pour the opposite inside of them. Men and women are opposites. I’m not talking about our minds, personalities and all of that. I am talking about our actual design. Once we get past the neck of a man or woman, things change. Her shoulders are generally smaller, ours are wider. Her breasts jet out, our chest is flat. That is where the morphing into one another begins.

“When you lie next
to or on top of one another, you become two puzzle pieces that stick together perfectly. So now, her breasts are pressed against you. Your stomachs are flush with one another, and you are pressing into her as you go further down. Once you get past the lower thigh, things are like they were above the neck, they are even, but the middle, that is where your heart and many of the chakras exist. From the neck up and from the lower thigh down, you two are equal. This means you both have the same capacity for intelligence!” He pointed to his forehead. “And you both can walk the same path!” He pointed to his leg. “We
one another, to fit. We are
without each other. Everything in us is programmed to cure, if we are spiritually healthy. There is nothing we can be afflicted with, that cannot be cured from the Earth; we just haven’t found all of the cures yet. And not to go off on another tangent, sometimes we actually have, but medical and pharmaceutical greed has forced us to not provide it!”

Applause dotted the audience.

“Some women say they have a headache to try and get out of sex.” He smirked. “That’s when they
be getting laid! We can fuck that headache right the hell away.”

Laughter rang out.

“Now, let’s bring this full circle. I brought up Christianity for another reason, a reason that makes some Christians angry.” He paced the stage, casually looked down at his slowly moving feet and shook his finger in the air at no one in particular. “That is, the story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. This ties right into opposites attracting, which I spoke of earlier. A romance that was thrown under the rug, buried. Tell me, what was Mary Magdalene’s occupation?”

Several men yelled out
: “Prostitute!”

s right. She was a paid whore. She had sex with many men on a daily basis. Her vagina was a portal for menfolk from all walks of life, men who could afford her services because, you see, back then,” he ran his finger briefly under his eye, “prostitution was something only the wealthy and upper middle class could afford. None of that ten dollar blowjob shit we have out here now on the streets. The prostitutes now are, more times than not, strung out on something, so they will sell their souls to the lowest bidder. Not Mary Magdalene.” He grinned, stopped walking and crossed his arms.

And she was beautiful. The type of beauty that would stop a mothafucka cold in his tracks. Men would drop at this woman’s feet. She was fine, stunning! Think of one of the most gorgeous women you’ve ever seen, and imagine that same woman being a prostitute.” He winked.

I had a discussion with a friend of mine. He is a minister, a Christian, Baptist minister—wonderful man—and he was really pissed off that I said that Mary and Jesus were married. I told him flat out, over dinner one evening. Sorry,” Saint shrugged nonchalantly, “that’s what I believe. My exploration shows me that yes, this man existed, and that he not only was a representation of purity, he did have the power to heal. It was real. I believe in that.” Saint was certain to not go into his own life, and how he, too, was a healer. As open as he was,  some secrets were meant to stay buried, and some crosses were only his to bear. “So many people are uncomfortable with imagining Jesus making love. Jesus having sex,
sex, and with a whore at that! She wasn’t when he got done with her. He made her his woman! He turned that
into a
” Applause broke out as almost the entire room leapt to their feet.

And you know what he turned and did, gentlemen?” His eyes narrowed.

“He healed that
tramp, cleaned her of her demons, seven of them!” His voice boomed. “Is that a coincidence? We have seven chakras in our damn body! They can hold angels and demons! In your Bibles, Christians, it clearly says in the Book of Luke, chapter eight verse two of the King James version…” Saint said, his voice going a few notches louder. Many said the verse right along with him: “Now after He had risen early on the first day of the week, He first appeared to Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons!” Saint turned and faced the crowd, his eyebrows furrowed, his forehead creased. “Seven!” He held up seven fingers. “God made the Earth in seven days! Seven is supposed to be a Godly number! Seven demons, seven angels!” The clapping grew so loud, he had to stop talking until it died down—and it took a while.

To remove something, you must get close to it! He went
of that prostitute, that woman of ill repute, and ripped all that demonic possession out of her, cleansed it away! Seven of them, from the top of her damn head down to her pussy and tailbone! This beautiful woman was selling her body, and he wanted her,
! That is what
us to deal with a woman with baggage, or even a damaged woman that we know has issues. It’s our love for her! We want to heal her, make it all right. We were designed to move inside of the woman and fix her, just like she fixes us with one single kiss! Period, point mothafucking blank!”

Thunderous applause broke out.

“And all these women talking about, ‘I’m no damn princess, I don’t need savin’’ and all that other bullshit are missing the damned point. I am not telling one mothafucka in here that they are superior to a woman. I am not telling any of you to talk down to a woman or believe you are in some way better because mothafucka, you aren’t! Women are powerful beings! In some ways, they’re even
than we are. Example in point, God didn’t trust us to birth any babies! He chose
to bring life! Yes, we speak life in our words and actions, but we can’t do exactly what they do, and we need not try to compare ourselves. We are just the delivery boy.” He laughed. “We all have our roles, however. We have them, and once we embrace them versus fight them, things tend to fall into place instead of fall apart. We are conducting our function, our design. We get wrapped up in emotions, instead of the basics and beauty of the prototype. Puzzle pieces...never forget that.” He paused and looked out at the men while tapping his finger on his bottom lip, pondering.

Women save us as well, just differently. Everyone needs saving or we wouldn’t have a Creator to come and clean up the shit and messes we make!” he said angrily as he pounded his chest with his fist. “If we were meant to take care of everything on our own, we wouldn’t desire to be around other people.

e are not hermits by nature. Yes, there are natural introverts and people that tend to stay solo, but they still crave some sort of human interaction, whether they admit it or not, and anyone who doesn’t, at some point in time, is a sociopath, period. We
help, because we are pieces of a larger conundrum and it never gets solved unless we are near one another, touching another puzzle piece. Jesus knew this. He wanted that woman! He was in the flesh, and wanted a wife. I know why this so upsetting to some Christians. It is because the thought of Jesus having a sex drive and making love is somehow seen as perverted! No, it makes him even
are the ones that have warped it. He was able to cover
bases because of that—because you cannot completely connect to all chakras, in their full design and performance, without having intercourse! It is necessary, a part of growth of one’s spirit. It is even stated that God put life inside of Mary, her son Jesus—come on now! No, there was no physical sexual intimacy, but for you Christians, explain that! God chose a woman to birth his child! There is sensuality in that! There is
in that! There is love in that!

I believe Jesus made love to this woman, Mary Magdalene, and had children,” he said matter-of-factly as he stood in the middle of the stage. “I believe he healed her and married her, so if you believe in Jesus, and you know the story, you must ask yourself: what seven demons did he cast out of her?! Tell me,” Saint pointed down at the stage floor. “Why were there seven of them, hmmm? Numbers, calendars and days are science. They
something! Why was this woman around him everywhere he went?! Why did she clean his feet with her hair?! That is intimacy. One of the most humbling things you can do is kiss and wash someone’s damn feet! Now you have these theologians arguing, saying it wasn’t Mary Magdalene that did this, it was a different prostitute... ” He rolled his eyes and drew a deep breath. “You know why? Because then, they, too, would have to admit there was a relationship. Mary Madgalene’s intimacy constituted basic understanding, especially back in that time period, of what the hell that meant! The woman was in love with him! She used her damn hair—this beautiful woman, her hair was part of her glory—as she groveled on the ground and washed his feet and kissed them!” he shouted.

Saint reflected on the many times he’d washed
and kissed Xenia’s feet, paying honor to his soulmate, the mother of his children...

Jesus also washed the disciples’ feet. That was his way of showing them honor and respect. He was a humble person. In many ancient weddings, it was customary for the groom in some African tribes to wash his bride’s feet, or vice versa. We come from the Earth, our feet are the closest to the Earth, they take the brunt of everything from the ankle down. Did you know you are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse after giving a woman a foot massage versus a back massage?” He raised an eyebrow.

A few sp
urts of laughter could be heard as the men whispered amongst themselves.

ome men think they are so suave. They offer a back massage before sex, and it is relaxing if you do it right. Back massages are a great gateway, don’t get me wrong—but massaging her feet, that is a whole different ball of wax. Both have important nerves, but the foot massage relaxes her, and makes her feel even more intimate toward you, because you are massaging her Goddess within! Remember, our Queens are the Earth. You have to study this stuff, you really do.

“Back to Jesus and his wife...
Why did he spend so much time with her and why are there at least nine books out of the Bible missing that even many Christian theological historians admit are missing?! There are huge gaps in the timeline, just gone! Explain it!” His voice shook. “And how coincidental is this: those missing books are mainly in the spot of the New Testament, after the birth of Christ, after he’d met Mary Magdalene! They don’t want you to know the truth! The truth that Jesus was like
” He pointed out into the audience. “A normal man...a good man, but had similar desires and needs as the rest of us.

Use your minds! Don’t just take and swallow the proverbial bullshit! Don’t be afraid of the left side of your damned brain! It is there to process logic and keep you grounded in reality. You’re being hoodwinked if you think that everything we need to know is in a book, but the least you could do is start there,” Saint said calmly. “The church is obsessed with sex, and trying to repress it. Religion cannot suppress sexual awakening. It is part of the human experience.” He took a deep breath and made his way back to the podium and grabbed the glass, which rattled in his grip.  He took a shaky sip, and set it down. Gathering his thoughts, he heard his steps echo across the stage in the sudden quiet of the vast room. He quickly wiped fresh sweat gathering across his brow with the back of his hand and closed his eyes as his final deliberations formed.

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