Salt Water Taffie (Boardwalk Brides Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Salt Water Taffie (Boardwalk Brides Book 1)
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Taffie and her sisters spent a few quiet moments sharing their goodbyes with her parents, then, with as much fanfare as a king and queen, the Carini clan leaders climbed aboard their RV and headed off into the sunset.

Standing there with the raspberry sunset settling in around her, Taffie had to admit there was something rather poignant about the fact that her parents were finally heading off on their way. The strings had been cut. She was on her own.

As if reading her mind, Ryan drew her close and planted kisses in her hair. Her heart swelled with joy.
No, I’m not alone.
The Lord—and a very handsome marketing guy—would walk with her. . .every step of the way.




The winter months passed—one holiday to the next. Just as Ryan predicted, Carini’s Confections thrived during the autumn season and did even better at Christmastime. The winter brought in an older crowd, but Taffie didn’t mind. In fact, she could hardly wait for Valentine’s Day. Not only had she created a new product called “Carini’s Rose
a delicate chocolate, rose-shaped candy made specifically for the holiday—she had also agreed to participate in the singing valentines project.

What in the world had gotten into her?

Ah yes. Love. Love had motivated her to sing, to dance, to smile twenty-four hours a day. Love had left her dizzy and gleeful, silly and carefree. She could hardly think straight these days. Her whole life had morphed into a romance movie. Not that she minded. No, sir. In fact, she rather enjoyed it.

On the morning of February 14, Taffie arrived at the shop and changed into her tuxedo attire, ready to get to work. Just as she made her way behind the coffee counter, Tangie appeared in the doorway, her cheeks flushed from the cold.

“Brr! It’s freezing out there!” She came inside and gave Taffie an admiring look. “I can’t believe you’re doing this. You’re going to. . .to sing.”

“I am.” Taffie grinned, unable to hide her joy. “But we couldn’t have managed our orders without you. I’m so grateful you took a day away from school. You’re saving my neck. Even with three of us participating, we almost have too many orders to cover. I almost asked Mallory if she would join us.”

“Is she a singer?” Tangie’s brow wrinkled as confusion set in.

“She is now.” Taffie gave her a wink. “Love will do that to you. But I think we can manage. And Ryan’s mom has agreed to stay at the shop, tending to our other customers while we’re out.”

Just then, Ryan made his entrance from the back room. He looked dashing in his black tuxedo, white shirt, and red bow tie. Tangie let out a whistle. “You clean up real nice.”

“Thank you.” Ryan bowed at the waist, looking every bit the royal prince.

Taffie’s heart swelled as she looked at him. Seeing him in a tuxedo made her head spin. She forced herself to stay focused on the task at hand. There was much work to be done, after all. She pulled out the paperwork, showing a total of thirty-three orders for singing valentines. “Eleven apiece,” she informed the others.

“Whoa.” Tangie’s face lit up. “You’ve really gotten good at this marketing thing.”

“Blame it on him.” Taffie pointed at Ryan, who shrugged.

“What can I say? I’m having the time of my life. My new PR firm is doing great. Business at the shop is growing every day. I can’t believe how blessed I am.”

“No, I can’t believe how blessed
am,” Taffie whispered. She gave him a light kiss on the lips and his cheeks turned crimson.

“You two are something else.” Tangie groaned. “To be honest, I’m jealous of you. It’s Valentine’s Day and you have each other. I’ve got. . .” She released a loud sigh. “No one.”

“What about Joe?” Taffie asked. “That guy you told me about last month?”

“Joe? Oh, yeah. Well, he moved back to Sheboygan when the show closed. Go figure.”

“You’re going to find your Prince Charming,” Taffie reassured her. “Just don’t get ahead of God.”

Tangie offered up an exaggerated sigh, then went into the office to change into her tuxedo. Before long, Ryan’s mother made her entrance, and the three songbirds were ready to hit the road. They agreed to meet back at the shop at five o’clock. After all, the first annual Valentine’s Day Karaoke Extravaganza at Carini’s was to begin at seven o’clock that evening. The place would be full of song-filled lovers, young and old.

As they left the candy shop, Taffie thought about all that had transpired in such a short period of time. God had truly stretched her. . .in more ways than one. Ironic. Not that she minded. No, looking into the chocolate brown eyes of Ryan Antonelli, the only thing she minded was being away from him for the next several hours.

Well, no time to fret over that right now. Not with so much work to be done. With a song in her heart, she headed off on her way to belt out some happy tunes. If the situation called for it, she might even throw in a little choreography.




As Valentine’s Day progressed, Ryan thought about Taffie at least a thousand times. As he sang to a young couple at a local restaurant. As he crooned a tune for an elderly couple in their front foyer. As he surprised a young woman at her workplace. Everyone responded well to the singing valentines and the accompanying chocolates, but his heart still ached for Taffie. He wanted to sing. . .to her. And he would, before the day ended.

At five-thirty, just as he wrapped up the final order, Ryan headed back to the candy shop. He pulled a slip of paper from his pocket and read the words over and over again. He couldn’t forget these lyrics. To do so might change the outcome of his life.

He pulled into the parking lot nearest Carini’s at a quarter of six, but didn’t leave his car right away. Instead, he spent a few minutes in prayer, asking God to lead him. With so much on his plate, he certainly needed the Lord’s guidance.

Ryan entered the shop and saw his mother at the coffee bar, serving up flavored coffees and hot chocolates to customers. Vic and Mallory had arrived with Casey in tow. Even Luke showed up to help out with the Karaoke equipment. Ryan grinned as he noticed his father and Casey, seated near the front of the room. He walked over to his father and gave him a warm hug. “Glad to see you, Pop. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“H–happy Valentine’s D–Day.” His father smiled a now-familiar crooked smile.

“I’m gonna sing a song tonight, Uncle Ryan,” Casey said, her eyes sparkling. “I’ve been practicing all day.”

“What song?”

“I can’t tell you. But you’re gonna love it!”

“If you’re singing it, I’m sure I will.” Ryan gave her a kiss on the top of the head. “Anything you sing will be wonderful.” He looked around, curious. “Anyone seen Taffie?”

Tangie appeared from behind the candy counter with an explanation. “She’s running late. She called about fifteen minutes ago to say that things went so well with the singing valentines that she got a couple more orders. So, she’ll be at least an hour or more.”

“No way.” Ryan’s heart plummeted. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Why?” Tangie gave him a curious look.

“Oh, nothing.”

Several minutes later, the evening crowd started to trickle in. Before he knew it, over twenty people had signed up to sing in the Valentine’s Day Karaoke Extravaganza. All love songs, of course.

Ryan started off the evening’s festivities promptly at seven, but nothing felt the same without Taffie. Sure, folks were buying all sorts of goodies to munch on while they listened to wanna-be singers croon love songs. But Ryan’s heart just wasn’t in it.

Until exactly 8:02 p.m. when the love of his life walked through the door. He took one look at Taffie—her lopsided ponytail, red bow tie all askew, and exhaustion etched on her face—and his heart sprang to life. After giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek, she went back to the office to change clothes. He was surprised to see her return in a beautiful red blouse and black slacks. No work attire tonight—not on Valentine’s Day. No, tonight would be a night neither of them would soon forget.

He hoped.

A few minutes later, just after an elderly man sang a Frank Sinatra standard, Ryan took to the microphone. “I know I’m not on the schedule,” he explained, “but I have a song I’d like to sing to someone very special. It’s a valentine I wrote just for her.” He picked up his guitar and swallowed hard before strumming the first chord.

From the audience, Taffie looked his way, clearly confused. Her cheeks flamed pink as he began to sing the song he’d worked on for days:


You’re God’s precious gift, my sweet valentine;

The love of my life, but will you be mine?

Forever I’ll hold you, forever we’ll be,

One in His sight, if you’ll just. . .marry me.


A gasp went up from the crowd as he sang the last line. He forced his attention to the woman he’d written the song for. From her chair, she stared at him in complete stunned silence, eyes filled with tears. Ryan stopped strumming the guitar long enough to gaze at her with a heart filled with love. He gestured for her to join him on the stage and she came. . .albeit slowly, hesitantly. When she stood next to him at last, he knelt down on one knee and a nervous chuckle erupted from the audience.

From out of the crowd, he heard Casey’s lyrical voice, “You go, Uncle Ryan!”

He didn’t let that stop him. Reaching into his pocket, he came up with the tiny box that held the beautiful princess-cut diamond. He knew it would be a perfect fit.

If she would just say yes.




Taffie’s hands shook uncontrollably as she stared down at Ryan. At least, she
it was Ryan. Through the tears, she couldn’t quite tell. There, in front of everyone, he shared his heart. He asked her to be his. . .forever. The whole thing reminded her of a movie she’d once seen. A fairy tale.

Perhaps life really
like that, after all.

As he slipped the exquisite ring on her finger, she could hardly breathe, let alone speak. She finally managed an emotional, “Yes!” then pulled him to his feet.

Who cared if the world looked on? She didn’t. No, as he leaned down to kiss her, nothing mattered. Nothing at all. Just the two of them.

Well, the two of them and Casey. . .who’d taken to dancing around the room and singing a corny love song at the top of her lungs.



The twentieth of July dawned with one of the prettiest pink skies Taffie had ever seen. East Coast sunrises had always taken her breath away. But pink? Ironic, in light of the color of the bridesmaids’ dresses.

Before she even had a chance to ponder the fact, the door to her bedroom flew open.

“Why are you still in bed?” Tangie demanded. “We’ve got so much to do!”

“It’s barely seven in the morning.” Taffie laughed as she double-checked the time. “The wedding’s not till two.”

“But we’ve planned a special breakfast. Then we have to get our nails done,” Candy argued. “After that, you’ve got a ten-thirty hair appointment. Then we’ve got to come back here and get dressed before Pop drives us to the beach. So, c’mon! Get out of bed.”

Just like they did when they were little, Tangie and Candy climbed atop her bed and began to jump on it until she finally gave in. “Okay, okay! I’m coming.”

Their mother appeared at the door, a scolding look on her face. “Don’t make me tell you to get off that bed.”

With sheepish looks on their faces, Tangie and Candy left their perches and raced for the door.

“Wait till you see what we’ve made for breakfast!” Candy called out as they left the room.

“French toast! Your favorite!” Tangie added.

As they disappeared from view, Taffie kicked back the covers and rose from the bed. Her mother entered the room with a smile. “Excited?”

“Mm-hmm. I could hardly sleep last night. And I had the craziest dream. Ryan and I were working in the candy shop and he came up with an idea for a new flavor.”

“Oh? What was it?”

“That’s the goofy part.” Taffie yawned. “I can’t remember for the life of me. I just remember telling him it was a great idea.”

“Funny. But put the business stuff out of your mind today, honey.”

“Oh, trust me, I will! Oh, and Mom. . .”


“I’m so glad you and Pop made it back from your trip in plenty of time for the wedding.”

“Don’t thank me just yet.” Her mother sighed. “I still have to talk your father out of wearing that cowboy hat he bought in New Mexico. He’s got his heart set on it.”

Taffie laughed. “I’d say, ‘Let him wear it,’ but I’m not sure it’ll fit the beach wedding theme.”

“Don’t worry. If he won’t give up on the idea, I’ll hide the hat someplace at the shop.” She gave Taffie a wink, then left the room with a playful smile.

With excitement building, Taffie began to prepare for the day. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, groaning as she saw the wrinkles on her cheek from the pillow. “Hope I can get rid of those before I walk down the aisle.”

Not that it was really an aisle. No, the plan to get married on the beach had been hers. Ryan had willingly gone along. And the idea to host the reception at the candy shop was a given. Where else could they celebrate in such a comfortable setting? Her sisters and Mallory, now a wonderful friend, would make the best bridesmaids ever. And, of course, Casey would look radiant in her pink flower girl attire, complete with glistening tiara.

One more quick glance in the mirror and Taffie rushed to take her shower. All the while, she prayed, not just about the day ahead, but about the life ahead. Her praises seemed to flow as steadily as the water from the faucet above. How blessed she felt. And how excited!

For some reason, the scripture verse that hung above the door of the shop swept through her mind:
“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
The familiar words made more sense today than ever. The Lord had done such an amazing work in her life over the past year. And truly today would be the icing on the cake.

Oh, if only Grandpa Gus had lived to see all of this. He would’ve celebrated in grand style. And he would have loved Ryan, too. Of that, she was quite sure.

After finishing her shower, Taffie ate breakfast with her family, then dressed in capris and her
I’m the Bride
t-shirt, and made her way out to the car with her sisters in tow. Before long, they were all seated at the nail salon, where Mallory and Casey joined them. They chatted like they’d done a thousand times before. Only now, the situation was completely different. Today—with pink nails and a flowing white dress—she would become Mrs. Ryan Antonelli.

Giggles nearly erupted as she thought about it. Suddenly all of the work that had gone into preparing for her and Ryan’s big day seemed to escape her memory. All she could think about—all she could imagine—was taking that first step toward her Prince Charming. The first step toward the rest of her life.



“Having trouble with that?”

Ryan stopped fidgeting with his tie as he heard Vic’s voice. “I’ve never been very good with ties. Good thing I don’t have to wear them very often, right?”

“I guess so. Let me help you.” Vic drew near and started working on it. Afterward, he stepped back and sighed. “I’m hoping you’ll forgive me for something.”

“Oh? What’s that?”

Vic shrugged. “I’ve set a terrible example for you. As a husband, I mean. I know you’ll do a better job of it. You’ve always been so. . .”


“Selfless.” Vic sighed. “You’ve always been the sort to put others first and that’s critical in a marriage. It’s a lesson I’ve had to learn the hard way.”

“But at least you’ve learned it. And I have it on good authority you’re doing a fine job with putting others first,” Ryan said. “So don’t be so hard on yourself. You and Mallory are great examples to all of us. When I look at you, I know it’s possible for God to mend even the toughest situations. I also see that you’re both great parents. That speaks volumes.”

“Um, speaking of which. . .” Vic flashed a suspicious smile.


“We, um. . .we’re going to have a baby.”

“No way!” Ryan slapped his older brother on the back. “Congratulations! Does Casey know?”

“Not yet. We wanted you and Taffie to have your big day. We’ll make our announcement soon, don’t worry.”

“Well, I think it’s amazing.” Ryan chuckled. “I can almost see Casey now, bossing around a little brother or sister.”

“No doubt. I’m hoping for a boy so I can take him fishing with his grandpa.”

“Speaking of which, thank you so much for making all of the arrangements for last Saturday.” Ryan reflected on the boat trip they’d taken last weekend with their father. “I could tell Pop had the time of his life. And Casey. . .she’s a natural with a rod and reel.”

A rap on the bedroom door caught Ryan’s attention. He looked over to see his mother peeking in.

“Almost ready?” she asked. “It’s nearly time to go. Don’t want to be late to your own wedding. Pop and Luke are getting anxious.”

“I’m ready.” Ryan turned to look at himself in the mirror once more. He smoothed out a loose hair and straightened his tie, then smiled. “This is the best it’s gonna be.”

“No.” His mother entered the room with a gleam in her eye. “It’s just going to get better from here.”

Ryan smiled as he caught her meaning. “I know you’re right, Mom. It’s only going to get better from here.”




“Aunt Taffie, do you like my dress?” Casey twirled around for Taffie’s approval.

“You look beautiful, honey. You’re the prettiest one here.”

“Hey, I heard that,” Tangie said with a wink.

“Me, too,” Candy echoed.

Mallory leaned down to kiss Casey on the forehead. “She does look angelic, though.”

“Aunt Taffie is the prettiest of all.” Casey giggled. “She looks like a princess in her wedding dress.”

“Do you think so?” Taffie turned a bit to show off the beautiful Grecian gown. “It’s not as elaborate as most wedding dresses, but it’s perfect for the beach.”

“You look like a million bucks, kid.” Pop reached over and kissed her on the cheek.

“Just like the lady in that movie,” Casey echoed.

Taffie peeked out from behind the makeshift wall, waiting to hear the music. Finally she heard the strains of Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons.” Off in the distance, across the sand, she saw Ryan and his brothers take their place near the pastor under the beautiful white gazebo, which Mom and Mrs. Antonelli had decorated with pink sweetheart roses just this morning.

“It’s time,” Taffie whispered to her father, who stood nearby, a sad look in his eyes. “A–are you all right, Pop?”

“Mm-hmm.” He sighed. “It’s just so hard to believe you’re grown up enough to get married.” He turned to the other girls. “Before you know it, you’ll all be married and I’ll be. . .”

“Old?” Casey interjected.

“Thanks a lot, kid.” He patted her on the head and she quickly readjusted her tiara.

Tangie snorted. “Well, I, for one, won’t be getting married anytime soon. I’ve got a Broadway career to think of.”

“And now that I’ve got my pilot’s license, I have to stay focused on my work,” Candy admitted. “So, no weddings in my future. And least not for a long, long time.”

Taffie couldn’t help but smile. God, in His own unique way, had shown her how to merge her business life and her personal life. Surely her sisters would eventually learn the same lesson. . .in His time.

But now, business was the last thing on her mind. No, the only thing driving her at the moment was the desire to sprint across the sand and land directly in Ryan’s arms.

Instead, she drew in a deep breath and waited patiently.

“Do you remember what to do?” Mallory asked Casey as she pointed her toward the aisle.

“I’ve been practicing since Valentine’s Day!” Casey jumped into place, then began to take calculated steps. As she took her first few steps, Taffie could hear her whispering, “Right, together, left, together.”

When Casey reached the midway point, Mallory set off on her journey toward the gazebo. Taffie noticed Vic’s beaming face as he watched his wife. Their reignited relationship truly warmed her heart.

“Almost my turn.” Tangie gave her a wink, then took her first step toward the aisle. She turned back long enough to whisper, “Break a leg, sis,” before heading off on her way.

Finally it was Candy’s turn. She whispered, “I’m so proud of you,” gave Taffie a hug, then began her journey to meet the others.

With tears in her eyes, Taffie turned her attention to her father.

He took her by the arm and whispered, “Are you ready, sweet girl?”

“I’m ready.”

As they took their first few steps, Taffie looked beyond the rows of white chairs—filled with friends and family—to the front, where Ryan stood waiting. He looked every bit as handsome in his beach-friendly suit as he had back on Valentine’s Day in his tuxedo. And the look in his eyes. Oh, such longing! Joy overwhelmed her as she gazed at the man who’d captured her heart. The one God had hand-delivered and wrapped with ribbon and bow.

Just as she got thoroughly caught up in the moment, Pop leaned over and whispered, “I keep forgetting to tell you something.”

“Oh?” She tried not to slow her gait as she responded in a whisper.

“Ryan had a great idea for a new taffy flavor.”

“Taffy? Pop, do we really have to talk about this right now?” She tried to keep her pace steady, but found it more difficult with each step.

“Wedding cake.”

“What?” She almost stopped walking altogether as confusion took hold. “Wedding cake?”

“Yeah. Great idea, don’t you think? He said the marketing possibilities are endless. Just think of it.”

“But why are you bringing this up now?” she whispered, trying to keep in step with him.

“I made the first batch this morning.” Her father reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a piece, then gave her a wink. “Tastes just like the real thing. Want a piece?”

“Um, maybe later.”

He slipped the candy back in his pocket just as they approached the midway point of their journey down the aisle. Taffie turned her attention to her husband-to-be. He gazed at her with love in his eyes, a love so sweet she wanted to sing, wanted to dance, wanted to. . .

“Pop, hand over the taffy.”

He pulled it out once again and unwrapped it, never missing a step. Taffie popped it in her mouth and took her first bite, mesmerized by its creamy sweetness. It tasted almost as good as actual wedding cake.
Mmm. Yummy.
“Great stuff.” As they neared the front of the aisle, Taffie leaned over to whisper, “We’ve got a keeper here, Pop.”

Now, turning her complete undivided attention to the man she loved, the one she’d waited for all of her life, Taffie repeated the words with a giggle. “Yep. We’ve got a keeper.”

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