Authors: Dayle Furlong
hank you to the Ontario Arts Council and Sumach Press for the Writers' Reserve grant. Thanks to David Adams Richards and the Humber School for Writers for guidance through early drafts. Thank you to Randy Chan, David Cooper, Jane Dingle, Karen Stevens, Grace Deutsch, Bobby Harnum, Kirk Johnson, and Paul Markowski for publishing support. Thank you to my editor Allister Thompson for being so wonderful to work with. Thanks to Margaret Bryant and everyone at Dundurn Press for their talent and dedication toward publishing this novel.
Thank you to Draft Reading Series, Brockton Writers Series, and the women of the writing salon.
Thank you to Cynthia, Joe, Karen, and Jo-Anne, Brendan, Ann, Herb, and The Toter for your love, support, and encouragement.
Finally, thank you to the mining families and residents of Buchans, Leaf Rapids, and Marathon for the endless inspiration.
Song lyrics adapted from “Like the Yukon” appear courtesy of Karen Furlong.
Exit Papers from Paradise
by Liam Card
rustrated thirty-five-year-old plumber Isaac Sullivan believes he has both the intellect and skill to be a surgeon. Forced to take over his father's plumbing business straight out of high school, Isaac's dreams of attending the University of Michigan fell by the wayside. However, the unfortunate setback didn't stop him entirely. For the past decade, he has absorbed every medical textbook and journal available to him. For practical experience, Isaac performs surgeries on the wildlife around his house, preparing for the day he attends Michigan. Yet the years continue to pass and Isaac remains stuck in Paradise, Michigan. That is, until this year, when an event pushes him to apply as an undergraduate for the first time.
Exit Papers from Paradise
is about the gap between the person we are and the person we desperately want to be.
Barrett Fuller's Secret
by Scott Carter
Barrett Fuller is a world-famous and very wealthy children's author who writes under a pseudonym because he's a self-absorbed womanizer and drug user. His life changes when he receives an extortion letter, challenging him to live up to the morals he currently espouses in his books. He is presented with a series of tasks to complete or face having his identity revealed to the public, resulting in the ruin of his financial empire. Richard Fuller, Barrett's nephew, has a secret, too, and it's one no kid should bear. He knows why his father left the family and he's never told his mother. When the extortionist challenges Barrett to spend time with his nephew, their respective secrets move toward a collision that will change their lives forever.
Surface Rights
by Melissa Hardy
What was it Donald used to say? “
When it comes to children, you pay now or pay later. You never don't pay.”
Middle-aged Verna Macoun Woodcock returns to the family cottage for the first time in thirty-eight years to scatter the ashes of her husband, father, and twin sister. At first she is alone except for her dad's dog, the lake, bitter memories, and a barely hidden drinking problem. But soon Verna is forced to open up her tightly shut world to others: strong-willed handywoman Winonah; the neglected children of her sister, each lost and broken in their own way; even the ghost of Winonah's dead brother, Lionel, who can't seem to make it to the Sky World. Just as Verna is starting to accept this newfound family, she discovers a menacing prospector who posts a notice on the cottage door, stating his intention to dig for ore. As it turns out, the Macouns hold the surface rights for the land, but not the mineral rights. For the first time in her life, Verna has something to fight for and family at stake.
Copyright © Dayle Furlong, 2015
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording, or otherwise (except for brief passages for purposes of review) without the prior permission of Dundurn Press. Permission to photocopy should be requested from Access Copyright.
All characters in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Editor: Allister Thompson
Project Editor: Shannon Whibbs
Design: Colleen Wormald
Cover Design: Laura Boyle
Cover Image: © MIMOHE/istockphoto
Epub Design: Carmen Giraudy
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Furlong, Dayle, author
Saltwater cowboys / Dayle Furlong.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-1-4597-2197-5 (pbk.).--ISBN 978-1-4597-2198-2
(pdf).--ISBN 978-1-4597-2199-9 (epub)
I. Title.
PS8611.U75S24 2015 C813'.6 C2014-904261-2 C2014-904262-0
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Canada Council for the Arts
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Ontario Arts Council
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Government of Canada
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Canada Book Fund
Livres Canada Books
, and the
Government of Ontario
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Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit
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Ontario Media Development Corporation
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