Sanctuary (A Hunted Novel Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Sanctuary (A Hunted Novel Book 1)
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“Relax,” Thea laughed. “I’m not a bigot like some of the people Tess has told me about. I just want my sister to be happy,” she sobered, cocking her head to the side as she observed him. “If you can do that for her, then I don’t care what you are.”

Nate let out a relieved breath. The tension in his shoulders eased, and he ran a hand through his hair. Thea accepted their relationship. He glanced at Tess, noticing the small smile splayed across her face. She was happy with the blessing too. His heart swelled at the realization. Maybe a romance wasn’t as doomed as he thought. Because when he really thought about it, he didn’t want Tess to leave Sanctuary. He wanted her by his side always.

“I do also want to thank you for your assistance to my family. Tess said you saved her too,” Thea acknowledged, pulling him from his thoughts again.

Pay attention.
“Of course. It’s no problem,” he insisted. “I hope your accommodations are okay.” Hopefully the guard would only be outside the door temporarily. The last thing he wanted was to make them feel like prisoners. They were guests—at least to him.

Thea nodded. “They are, thank you.”

“Good.” He said as he jammed his hands into his pocket. Now what was he supposed to say? He should probably go before things got awkward. Sure he and Tess had done the deed and discovered their bond, but they hadn’t completed it. Nor did they know what they were going to do long term. Not to mention, he did need to check up on Eden and Xander. Eden could be in trouble. He had to warn her and Xander.

He took a step back and met Tess’ gaze. “I should get going. I need to check in on my sister,” he replied quietly, cursing beneath his breath when his voice wavered with fear.

“Is everything okay?” Tess asked concerned.

“Yeah,” he frowned. Was it okay? Xander would keep an eye on Eden, but they didn’t even know a threat loomed “Just following up on a few things.”

“You should go with him, Tess,” Thea suggested, shoving her sister from the bed.

“Thea—” Tess started as she stumbled to right herself. She shot her sister an accusatory glare before turning sheepishly to Nate.

“Go. We are fine here,” Thea assured, shooing them away with her hand. “Dustin is just down the hall in the medical wing. He’ll be back soon. And I have two guards outside my door should I need anything. I’m sure they wouldn’t refuse a pregnant woman. Besides, the two of you should talk,” Thea insisted.

“I...” Tess tried to protest but trailed off.

“Go,” Thea shooed, flicking her wrist at them again as she pointed to the door. “Don’t make me tell you again.”

“All right, if you’re sure,” Tess murmured.

“I am. Now go,” Thea ordered with a smile.

Nate watched as Tess walked to her sister and pulled her into a tight hug. The pair clung to each other for a long moment before Tess stood up.

“I’ll be back soon,” Tess whispered.

“Don’t hurry on my account,” Thea teased.

Nate twisted the doorknob in his hand, tugging it open for the two of them. They did need to talk.
I need to figure out what I want.

Tess brushed past him, her sweet vanilla pine scent fragranced the air.
You already know what you want. Do you have the courage to pursue it?


ess wrapped her arms around herself and bit her lip to keep it from trembling. The night air was bitingly cold, and she quickened her speed, eager to reach the car. She hated the cold weather. The climate was definitely different in Tennessee than it was in Washington.
Guess I’ll have to get used to it.

With Thea, Dustin and the kids at Sanctuary, she wasn’t going anywhere else. Her home was with her family. Thea and Audrey were in no condition to travel. Sanctuary would be their home for the unforeseeable future. She hoped the council would continue to be cordial and mildly accommodating.

She peered over at Nate as he led the way to a dark blue Ford truck. The lights lit up and blinked as he pressed down on the clicker in his hands. Tess walked to the passenger side and climbed in. It would be nice to spend more time with him too. There was something about him. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but there was a reason they had been marked as mates. The attraction was undeniable, the lust unrelenting. But it was more than physical—she liked him as a person even if he was different than her previous boyfriends. What does he want? Does he feel the same? She glanced over at him as he hopped in the truck.

Nate started the engine and adjusted the heat. He grumbled under his breath as he put the truck in reverse. Tess watched him carefully as he twisted to look behind him as he moved the vehicle.

His jaw was set; and his hands clutched the wheel tightly, causing his knuckles to turn white. He hadn’t said anything to her since they’d left Thea. What was going on? He’d always been personable. Did he not want to be out with her? Was he trying to forget what had happened and bide their time until the two weeks was up? But why did he stop by the room then?

“Everything okay?” she asked quietly.

Nate sighed heavily and looked at her. “I don’t know yet.”

She quirked her brow hoping he would continue. Maybe whatever was bothering him had nothing to do with her. Eden then? That’s where they were going.

“I learned some disturbing things from my mom. With everything that’s going on...” he trailed off.

“Did you tell her about us?” Tess whispered. Had he fessed up to his mom about them? That couldn’t have gone well. She held her breath waiting for him to answer.

“God no. But she insinuated that if anything
happen she would be against it,” he paused, drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel. “She wouldn’t be the only one either. If we chose to pursue a mating bond, we would be in danger,” he explained with a growl.

Tess sat back in her seat as she watched him. Was he mad at her or the circumstances?

“She also told me that someone tried to kill Eden when she was an infant,” he admitted as he jerked the wheel hard, taking them onto the main road.

“What?” Tess exclaimed. “Why?” Why would someone attempt to hurt a baby? What kind of people were on the council?

“Because she’s half human. They don’t like her because her blood is impure,” he answered simply. “Xander’s getting close to her. I’m just wondering if this guy that’s been following Eden is more sinister than I originally thought. My mom suggested Xander’s parents could attempt to harm her because of how close she and Xander are.”

“I thought you said there were creeps at Gordy’s every so often. Why would he be any different?” Tess asked curiously. What did Nate learn that had him so worried right now? Eden wasn’t an infant anymore. Would Xander’s parents really go after an adult woman? That would cause a buzz; draw attention to Xander and other shifters like Nate. Attention no one could afford with hunters so close.

“There are creeps that pass through. But guys don’t generally hang around town and keep coming back. It’s usually a one-night thing. They come make some noise, go to their hotel room, sleep it off, and then are on their way the next day. There is something different about this guy. You felt it too,” he accused as he fixed a glare on her.

Tess nodded slowly. True, she had found something unsettling about him. But he wasn’t a hunter; she would’ve sensed that. “I thought it was just a girl thing.”

Nate scowled, his brows lifting up in question.

“Just because I’m a shifter doesn’t mean guys can’t give me the heeby jeebies,” she explained. Men could be dirt bags whether they were human or other.

“The what?”

“Creep me out,” she laughed out loud before sobering. “Why do you think Xander’s parents are out for Eden now? Surely they wouldn’t want to do anything to put him in danger or implicate him in something.”

“Xander’s parents are the ones who killed her mother and planned to kill her too,” he blurted angrily. “Now that Xander is so close to her...” he trailed off as he pummeled the steering wheel. The horn blared loudly from his violence.

Tess blanched at his anger. Rage radiated off him in waves. Doubt crept under her skin. What if the weird man was out to hurt Eden? “Xander isn’t going to let anyone hurt her,” she promised. The wolf might not have given her a warm reception, but she’d seen the way he lusted after Eden. Xander was in love with Eden whether he wanted to admit it or not.

“Until an hour ago, I thought that Eden’s mom died in a horrible car
. It turns out the accident wasn’t truly an accident. I don’t know what to think anymore,” he admitted. He turned to her, his eyes softening as they met her gaze. “I don’t want to put anyone else in danger. I don’t want to put you in danger.”

“I can take care of myself,” Tess began. She could take care of herself. And she wasn’t going to let someone bully her into making a decision. “Besides, we haven’t decided anything yet, have we?” Unless he’s made a decision? Her pulse roared in her ears at the thought. Did he want to continue with their bond? She hadn’t really had time to think clearly, but Thea had helped to put some things into perspective. What if he’d already made up his mind, and she’d only begun to make up hers? What happened if they wanted two completely different things?

Nate squeezed the steering wheel tighter and focused on the road ahead. “I know I don’t want to be stuck in a loveless relationship,” he paused and cleared his throat. “Not that I...” he trailed off and wrung his hands on the wheel.

“I know what you mean,” Tess sighed. She felt deeply for Nate, but she wouldn’t call it love. Not yet anyway. Perhaps if they let their relationship blossom it could be. Red crept across her cheeks and she ducked her head down, hoping she could conceal her face with her hair.
I can’t believe I’m thinking like that.
“There is a pull between us, a desire. If we follow through with the bond it will grow into something more,” she said truthfully. If everything she knew about bonds was true, then Nate was her soul mate. Their lust would grow into friendship, love, and something deeper. She trembled at the thought.
I want that.
It wasn’t too much to ask for the best friend and a lover all wrapped into one perfect package.

“But at the same time, I’m not sure we could stay at Sanctuary,” he growled. “My mom said we’d be in danger there. Action could be taken against Thea or Audrey as a warning to us.”

Tess shook her head. Surely his mother was being far fetched. “I can’t believe there is so much prejudice against an interspecies relationship,” Tess wondered aloud. How could there be so much hate? A bond should be celebrated, family should be happy that love was found. A true bond between mates was rare.

“Your sister is really okay with it?” Nate asked curiously.

“My older brother Thomas rarely dated. He consumed himself with work and helping my dad run the pride. One day we went to town to sell some apples at a farmers market and Audrey was there. It was love at first sight. We had humans in the pride, but not in the alpha family. He was worried about how we would react to a human becoming a member of the family. My parents laughed at his fears and accepted Audrey with open arms. Growing up, all they ever wanted was for us to be happy. It didn’t matter how we got there, just that we did,” Tess smiled at the memories. These were the things she wanted to recall. The happy thoughts—not the ones painted with black smoke and death.

“So your parents would approve too?” Nate asked slowing down as he rounded a corner.

She considered her answer for a long moment. Would her parents approve? “I think they would have,” Tess whispered. A lump formed in her throat. Her father would never be able to officially give his blessing. Her mother would never get to help her pick out a dress for the formal mating ceremony. Hunters had taken so much from her—from her family.

“How did your brother tell Audrey he was a werecat?” Nate asked suddenly sporting a wide grin.

Tess laughed and shifted so she was facing Nate. “No one will ever commend Thomas for his people skills,” she beamed as she recalled the story. “Instead of preparing her for what was to come he stripped down, and shifted while she was out of the room, and then hopped into bed while he waited for her to return. That didn’t go over to well.”

Nate chuckled. “She still stayed with him.”

“That she did,” Tess agreed.

Tess sighed wistfully, closing her eyes as she let the memories wash over her. It was nice to laugh again, to remember the good times. As long as she held onto those, her family would never truly be lost.

The car came to a halt and Tess opened her eyes. They were parked outside of Eden’s complex. The street lamps shown brightly on the sidewalk, but it appeared that all the lights were out in Eden’s apartment.

“Should you call before we go up?” Tess asked, causing Nate to frown. “You know, in case they’re doing something.” Her cheeks reddened at the thought of walking in on them in an uncompromising position.

“They’re not. I know Xander.” Nate hopped out of the car and Tess got out and followed him to the entrance. “Xander is duty bound, and Eden’s off limits. He won’t cross that line.”

“They’ve been alone for a few days, just the two of them,” Tess pointed out as they made their way up the steep, narrow staircase. It wouldn’t be too far of a stretch for something to have happened.

“Trust me. We won’t be interrupting anything, except maybe a Gilmore Girls marathon. It’s Eden’s favorite, and she takes full advantage of...” Nate paused, his arm jutted out to block her path.

Tess froze, swallowing hard as she saw the barely opened doorway leading into Eden’s apartment.
Oh my God Eden.

Chapter Sixteen

ate’s heart thudded painfully in his chest as he lightly kicked the door open. The living room was dark, and the lamp that sat on the end table, lay shattered on the floor. Where is Eden?
I have to find her.

He gritted his teeth and balled his hands into tight fists. The floorboards creaked behind him as Tess made her way into the apartment. If there wasn’t the chance of running into a human, he would shift right now, but he couldn’t risk being seen. Speaking of the humans, why hadn’t someone called the police? Eden’s apartment complex was far from empty. Surely someone had heard or seen something.

BOOK: Sanctuary (A Hunted Novel Book 1)
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