Sandra Hill (22 page)

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Authors: Hot,Heavy

BOOK: Sandra Hill
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And what did he do? He rolled away from her and opened a drawer in a chest beside the bed.

“What? You are stopping
” Her voice was shrill with her need for fulfillment.

He chuckled and rolled back. “No, I am not stopping, sweetheart. I’m just beginning.” Lying on his back, he tore open a silver packet and was about to put the object inside on his manpart.

“What … is … that?”

“A condom,” he said, surprised at her question. “Birth control.”

“This country has a means of preventing conception?”

He nodded, even as he sheathed himself.

She shook her head. “ ’Tis not necessary with me. I am barren.”

“Are you sure?”

“Woefully sure.”

He unpeeled the sheath from his manpart and arranged himself over her. Pushing her knees up and out, he entered her with a grunt of satisfaction.

She could not breathe. She could not move. Speech was impossible. Had anything in the world ever felt this good? He filled her, then moved, and filled her some more. Her bedsport with Karl had never been anything like this.

His straightened arms were braced on the mattress on either side of her head, but he lifted one arm. His hand reached between their bodies where they were joined. He flicked his middle finger back and forth, playing a part of her that felt engorged and extremely sensitive.

Her lower body bucked against him, of its own volition. The muscles of her inner female channel clutched and unclutched his still unmoving, fully imbedded manpart, which unbelievably thickened even more.

The only indications that he was as aroused as she were the perspiration on his forehead and his heavy breathing. He took both of her hands and raised them over her head, where she grabbed onto the rungs of the headboard. “Hold on, honey,” he said, and began long, long strokes in and out of her body, so slow she wanted to scream.

Holding on tight, she arched her back upward, so
intense was the sweet agony. He leaned his head down and licked one nipple. Ecstasy was hitting her everywhere—where his lips suckled, where his lower body hit her special spot when he slammed into her, where her inner folds convulsed over and over and over.

She spread her legs wider, wanting more, giving that special spot greater access to the rhythmic off, on, off, on graze of his body against hers right there.

“Are you ready?” he choked out.

“For what?”

He let out a hoot of laughter, and showed her. His strokes became shorter and harder, slamming into her. Apparently, she had been ready, because her mouth was letting out those embarrassing, whoofing grunts, “Uh, uh, uh, uh … !”

Ian was no better. One continual moan was coming through his gritted teeth.

And then … and then her body splintered apart, starting where they were joined and spiraling out to all her extremities. Ian thrust into her one last time, arched his neck back, and spilled his seed inside her welcoming body.

For the first time in many, many years, Madrene mourned the fact that she was barren. Because this wonderful, wonderful lovemaking she’d just experienced with Ian ought to have some fruitful result. Alas, that was not to be. But she was happy nonetheless.

The man was sprawled over her heavily, panting for breath. She lowered her arms and caressed his back. “It was never like this for me afore,” she told him, not sure if he was asleep or awake.

He raised his head and said, “It was never like this
for me, either. I swear to God, Maddie, that is the truth.”

Withdrawing his wilted manpart from inside her with a grimace of pain, or pleasure—she could not guess which—he turned so he was lying on his side. He kissed her lightly on the lips. “Thank you,” he said. “No, don’t say anything. Any minute now, you will probably revert to your regular shrewish nagging. Before that happens, I want to thank you for the most incredible sex of my life.”

“Well, I have only Karl to compare you with, but you were far superior to him.”

“Thank you. I think.”

“Is it always like this for you?”

“Not even close.” He pulled her closer so that his arm was over her shoulder and her face lying on his chest.

She tried to ignore the feeling of her breast nestled in his chest hairs. “Do you think it was a one-time thing?”

“I hope not.”

“Me, too.” There was a comfortable silence between them as she just listened to the thump, thump, thump of his heart. “Mayhap we should try again.”

She felt his body shaking with laughter.


“I have a motivational quote for you.”


“Practice makes perfect.”

She laughed and said, “That is the first one of your silly sayings that I have liked. So, are we going to do it again?”

He pretended to be reluctant. “A man needs some time to … regroup.”

“Really?” She trailed her fingertips down his chest, over his belly. Then she took his limp manpart in her hand. Like magic, it grew larger and larger in her loose grip.

“On the other hand …” he said.

Chapter Twelve

Playboy would be envious …

Ian was slam dunk in the middle of the ultimate sexual fantasy, and he wasn’t even dreaming.

A gorgeous woman straddled his stomach … a
gorgeous woman. She had silver blond hair down to her sweet butt … her
sweet butt. Her breasts were big, and firm, and uptilted … her
breasts. They were not as big as he’d originally thought, but hot damn big enough; her slender body—narrow waist and hips—made them appear larger.

“Why are you grinning?” she asked.

“Because you are so hot and you’re sitting on my lap. Naked.”
And because I am hoping for a repeat … or two.

“Is hot good?”

Better hot than cold, sweetheart. And I’ve had a few of those.

“Then I think you are hot, too.”

That has got to be the first time a woman has called me hot.
Not that he’d ever had trouble getting a girl. Being a SEAL made it easy. But hot? Uh-uh! He probably had a goofy grin on his face.

She raised her arms to push her hair behind her ears.

And his cock jackknifed from zero to ninety degrees in an instant. Well, okay, from forty-five to ninety—he’d already been half hard.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked.

He almost swallowed his tongue at that question. “Everything.”

“Be more specific. I’m new at this.”

Oh, sweetie, you do not want me to be specific.
“You ever heard the song, ‘Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy’?”

She frowned with puzzlement. “What?”

“It would be like saying, ‘Save a Boat, Ride a SEAL.’”

He saw the minute she understood. “The seal being you?”

“Oh, yeah.” He smiled at her.

“You should smile more often. You have a beautiful smile.”

Horse, seal, whatever. I’m all yours.
He’d seen a bumper sticker yesterday on a pickup truck that read,
Save a truck, ride a redneck.
He smiled some more.

“It … your smile … makes me fluttery.” She put both hands over her stomach.

Well, holy shit, I can’t get a more direct invitation than that.
He guided her down onto his cock. Sloooowly. So slowly he feared he might come before the big event.

When she was impaled on him, her eyes went wide and her lips parted with arousal. Then, of all things, she said, “We probably shouldn’t be doing this.”

No way, babe! You are not backing out now.

you realize that?”

“We won’t be able to get that annul thing, will we?”

“Annulment. No, that won’t be possible, but we can still get a divorce.”
If she changes her mind now, I might just cry … or beg.

“How is that different?”

“Takes more time.”
I cannot believe I am discussing divorce with a naked woman sitting on me.

“How much more time?”

Enough already!
He reached down between her legs and stroked her there. “Yeeek!” she squealed and spasmed around him a few times, which caused him to twitch. But then he answered her: “Months.”


He did a mental high-five. “Okay, baby, show me your moves.” He arched his hips up to get her going.

“I don’t have any moves. What are moves?”

Talk, talk, talk, talk.
“Just do what feels good. That’s a move.”

Turned out Maddie had moves aplenty.

No regrets …

She was sound asleep when she felt a tickle on the bottom of her foot.

She kicked out, hoping to shoo the fly away. But it persisted. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the fly was in fact Ian standing at the foot of the bed. He was fully dressed, and she was splatted out on the bed, arms on the pillow, legs spread.

“Eek!” she said and grabbed for a bed linen to cover herself.

“A little late for that, sweet pea. There isn’t an inch of your body that I’m not up close and intimate with.”

“You don’t have to say it out loud.” She glanced at the window and saw that the sun was fully up. It had to be at least an hour past dawn. She hadn’t slept this late since she was a little girl.

As she slowly came awake, she recalled the events of the night before. Her body ached in unmentionable places. Her lips felt kiss-swollen. In effect, she felt sated … and wonderful.

Her blush prompted Ian to ask, “Are you having morning-after regrets?”

She thought about saying yes. After all, she did not want him to get too puffed up, but she could see that he awaited her answer nervously. “No regrets.”
I might later, but not now.

He came around and sat on the edge of the bed near her. He reached over and pushed a strand of hair off her face. Then he kissed her gently on the mouth. “I’ll be gone all day, but Geek is here. He’ll stay with you till I get home this evening. Please …
don’t go be-bopping off to the mall or anywhere else.”

What in the name of Thor is be-bopping?

“Sly and Cage have outside duty, but you won’t see them.”

I have much to do. I must needs find a map in order to return to my country. The jewels have to be sold to raise funds for an army. So much planning to do. I cannot sit back and enjoy life, tempting as that might be.
“How long will this go on?”

“Weeks, I would think. Starting today, there’ll be little snippets about you planted in newspapers and on television. After that, it will probably take Jamal’s
cohorts several days to track you here. So you’re relatively safe for now. We have to be cautious anyhow.”

She nodded.
So the danger won’t come for a few more days. Hmmm.

“Geek says you want to learn to read and write. I told him to bring some materials with him. And you should rest. You didn’t get much sleep last night.” His voice was thick with meaning at that last.

“Why are you being so nice?”

He laughed. “I’m always nice.”

“Hah! Not to me.” She looked at his face, and it was impossible to miss the lack of the tension that was usually there. And she knew why. “ ’Tis amazing what a little bedsport will do for a man’s disposition.”

He pinched her arm in a teasing manner. “You’re being more agreeable yourself.”

“I’m just tired.”


She raised her eyebrows at him.

“It’s amazing what a good roll in the hay will do for a woman’s disposition.”

He ducked then when she would have clouted him upside the head, which caused the bed linen to drop, which caused his eyes to widen, which gave her the opportunity to punch him on the arm. He laughed at such a piddly effort. She heard him still laughing when he closed the front door after himself.

Madrene found herself laughing, too, with sheer joy. This euphoria she felt now was probably temporary. But for now, she was happy.

There was hope.

Every time men think they understand women … oops! …

Ian and those squad members not at his house joined the other team members, and a new SEAL training class, for a grueling day of physical and technical training.

They ran five miles. They went to the “Kill House” to practice breaking down doors and fighting pretend terrorists. They ran another five miles. They practiced gunmanship on the firing range. They … yep … ran another five miles. Then they went through all the obstacles on the O-course, including the climbing wall and the suicide jump. And that was before noon.

Throughout it all, he kept thinking about Maddie and the incredible night they had spent together.
were words that came to mind to describe himself, but there were also
. Toby Keith sang a song saying something to the effect that he wasn’t talking about forever, he was just talking about tonight. In other words, no promises.
I don’t want just one night.
He surprised himself with that thought. What did he want?
Hell if I know. Just more. Lots more.

As they paraded over to the mess hall, muscles aching as usual after a workout, Pretty Boy looked at him and said, “You look different today.”

He didn’t answer, knowing what was going to come next.

“Yeah, he seems more … relaxed,” Omar said, fighting hard to keep a straight face.

“I think he’s blushing. Yep, I see a blush,” JAM concurred.

“Well, hell’s bells, it looks as if the good lieutenant got his ashes hauled,” the usually quiet Slick said.

They all turned and looked at Ian. At first with disbelief … which he considered insulting, then with mischief.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said and walked faster to avoid further conversation on that subject.

But they were not going to drop the subject. No way! He wouldn’t have, either.

“Let me guess. You brought some babe into your house while Maddie was asleep and did the deed on the couch.” They stood waiting in the food line, and Pretty Boy was having a great time tapping his chin in exaggerated contemplation. “No, that doesn’t seem right. It must be … could it be? … our boss nailed the decoy.”

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