Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four) (31 page)

BOOK: Sanibel Seduction - Vampire Werewolf Menage (Fanged Romance Series Book Four)
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She scrunched her brows wondering why she couldn’t belong to someone like Rock.

“Dakota,” he spoke gently, rubbing her shoulder, “there’s not one part of you that’s not gorgeous. But you’re not like these other girls around here. Just so you know, things aren’t always what they seem. So believe me when I say that staying away from Rock is the best way to keep your heart in one piece. And I say that as a true friend and not someone who’s trying to get inside you. But if you change your mind about that last bit…”

She placed her fingers over his lips. “I’m going to, uh, make my final rounds since Jami’s taking over what’s left of my tables in a minute or two. Then I’ll check the bathrooms and call it a night, okay?” She pulled her hand away.

“I’m heading out in a few, so have security escort you to your car.”

“Don’t I always?”

“No,” he snapped, “and if I catch you walking through that parking lot by yourself again, I’ll turn you over my knee.”

Heat rushed Dakota before she stammered, “I’m going to….check…”

“Your tables and the bathrooms?” Ryan brushed by her, making sure the back of his hand grazed her ass before slipping down the corridor that led to his office. His phone vibrated in his pocket. “Yeah?”

“It’s me.”

“Rock, why are you looking for Blythe?” Rock headed security for the North American Werewolf Pack, a powerful beast with a quiet disposition that hid something incredibly feral. If there was anyone you wanted on your side, short of the Alpha or Maestru, it was Rock.

“He’s back.”

Ryan pushed his office door open and plopped on the corner of his desk. “

“That’s what I said. Bane gave me a heads up, and I’m giving you the same courtesy.” He heard a car horn in the background, before a motorcycle started up. “I just went to her apartment, but she sent me away.”

“Well… she just may find out what we are.” Ryan took a deep breath, adding vehemently, “I don’t care anymore! But one thing’s for sure; I’m not turning her out” – he gripped the phone until he heard it crack – “no matter what

Chapter 2

ou belong to me.”

“Please, I don’t want to be your captive.”

“You are pampered,” he hissed. “There is nothing nobler than being kept by the noble. How could you expect me to release my fountain of nourishment, my will to rise every day, or my very soul? You are all those things to me and much more.”

“You were doing just fine before you met me.”

“But now I no longer simply exist. Not since, I found you. I live.”


“Do not entertain thoughts of leaving me, Pet.” He kneeled down and dipped his tongue in her navel. “Where do you think to go?” His hot, wet mouth slid further, skimming the elastic of her delicate scrap of panties. “Where do you think to hide away?” With sharp fangs, he tore them down the center, careful not to mar her skin. “I would always find you. Always…always…find you.”


“Hush,” his tone sharpened. “Now we begin our scene. Play along or accept the consequences.” Scalding threats wrapped in casual words blew against her pink flesh.

At the present, she couldn’t hide anywhere. Mirrors were all around. Every wall wasn’t a wall, but a visual study reflecting her precarious position. Centered in the room staring at countless images of her body, she wished she could cover herself but that would bring on the more
vampire - the one who spanked naughty girls who didn’t obey. And once again, she’d pushed him to the brink with her pleas to leave. All of them ignored. So she waited patiently - just as he taught her - for his next move, his next set of instructions, or his next bite.

She hated the way her body heated from his long perusals while he walked circles around her nudity, determining where he wanted to start or finish. Often he admitted that he encircled her to calm down, so he wouldn’t hurt her with spiraling, uncontrollable lust.

Every single time she loathed her body’s response to his simple touch – his encouragements, and his praises. She despised his control over her, yet her easy acquiescence under his hands was shocking. Blythe Giarrusso wasn’t supposed to be
girl: She who submitted to a master.

But here she was.

Submitting to a master.

She was no fool either. Blythe understood her vampire facilitated her twisted descent into something she always thought was wrong, but couldn’t step away from it if she tried. At least, not when he was
close, slipping fragments of her panties down her trembling legs.

“Are you comfortable in your restraints?” a voice spiked with foreboding hunger asked. Powerful hands ran smoothly up her arms.

She stared at the hook above her and rattled her lined wrist cuffs. “Yes”

A sharp smack delivered on her backside. “Yes,
.” It stung, releasing internal moisture that would saturate her inner thighs before he was through for the night. He secured her ankles and pulled a white rope that he’d attached to the hook, lifting her to his groin level. She felt a tug at her stomach, her thighs, various parts of her frame, and saw how he’d twirled the same colorless rope around her body.

His breath rushed out at the sight of her hanging there. Her vampire went down on his knees again, placing his mouth against her dangling nipple. He plucked with sharp teeth, stinging but nothing more - nothing but fueling her need. Back and forth between the two, he plucked and suckled while ignoring her core. He always did. Until she was dripping, coating herself with her response for him and him alone.

Unless he deemed it so, Blythe wasn’t permitted to beg after the scene began.

Not in this room.

“What a good girl you are staying so perfectly quiet. It seems I don’t have to gag you this time.” He stood up slowly. Caught her around the waist with one arm and ran his tongue down her back crevice. His other hand hovered over her clitoris with a heat she couldn’t enjoy because he wouldn’t make contact. A game he liked to play, especially when she frustrated him as she had today.

“Do not try to say goodbye to this, Pet.”

His hand moved. A whispering breeze but nothing more, which only caused her small bundle of nerves to throb demandingly. She bit the inside of her jaw. She traveled this dark road with him many times.

He wanted her to break the rules of the room, wanted to give her pleasurable punishments alongside anal. He always lost himself between her legs, and at any time he pushed himself back there; she completely lost
under his dominion. And she couldn’t continue to lose herself, could she?

“Do you surrender?” Gliding quickly in the way of vampires, he was in front of her again.

She kept her mouth closed.

“You are tamed under my hand, relaxed even.” He stroked her cheek lovingly and her eyes fluttered shut. “Look at me.” She obeyed immediately. “You have learned well, pet.” Blythe heard a snapping sound, saw a quick flick of his wrist.

Something black was in his hand.

“But I must confess that I am an untamed, uncontrolled creature in your presence.” Behind her again, something hard slid across her slick opening. “One touch from you, Blythe, just one touch and I cannot restrain myself. Can you understand what it is like for a being of my power to lose myself to anyone?”

Cool leather straps skimmed her shoulders. “You’re so small and fragile - needy for my protection.” Back to the front, he cupped her chin with one large palm, turned her throat to the side and delivered a drugging bite filled with an aphrodisiac she absolutely did not need.

She fought her moans while listening to his - waiting for him to finish. He swallowed twice, licked her closed, and whispered hoarsely, “Yet I fall on my knees before you daily.” She smelled the copper tanginess of her blood on his breath as he continued, “Just as a peasant kneels before his king, worshiping your body with mine.”

Desire rose hotly, pushing through every cell in her body.

am the king here,” he declared, “and I abhor that you bring me down to groveling.”

She shuttered, trying to remain silent under his bite’s climatic assault.

He glided in a distorting movement, positioning his chiseled and perfectly honed body between her cleft, stroking her fleshly curves absently. Gentle fingers parted her drenched folds, exposing her feminine core while the hard, smooth object slid inside, wedging her open. “And as powerful as I am, I hate that I haven’t the will to stop needing you.”

He eased his broad crown in her forbidden hole, allowing her a moment to contemplate his actions. That he wasn’t following their agreed-upon terms this night. Her vampire groaned as he plunged in as far as he could go. His heavy balls sank the object inside her swollen sheath, over stimulating her with double penetration. He gritted, “No power to stop my desperate hunger for you.”

The first lash struck her backside.

Blythe’s arm shot out as she jumped awake to a loud pop and a familiar, wet slosh. “Don’t do this to me
. So…tired.” Still dressed in her work clothes, she lifted off the couch and dragged her feet to the kitchen.

“Suck harder.” Sixteen had AB negative on her knees in one of Six Feet Under’s many accommodating bathrooms, sinking deep inside her mouth at a breakneck speed. He was going to climax and drink, in that particular order. She pulled away again. “Oh, come on,” he complained. Although he could easily do it, he
placed a female under straight compulsion for sex, but if they were already turned on, he’d strum their libidos up a few more notches in a way only a vampire could. This human needed nothing in that department, she was ready to go the minute he turned the door lock.

But he still used compulsion to make her think his cock looked like a human’s in every way. Thanks to his biological father, that particular organ was clearly Habaline. It was truly remarkable, if he did say so himself. The females must agree, since he never had any skin left on his back after he was finished with them. But when was the last time he actually fucked one?

Her shrill voice bounced off the tiles, spearing his highly sensitive ears, “What was your name again?”

,” Sixten groaned. “Does it even matter to you?” Who was she trying to kid? She took one look at his pretty-boy face and followed his ass into the bathroom like a willing sex slave.

“I want to get off, too.”

Humans really knew how to spoil a good time, especially when they whined incessantly. But her mouth was as far as Sixten was going. One-sided oral had been his idea of fucking for quite some time now. Sure, the mortal was hot, but he really didn’t want to wedge himself between her thighs. And he refused to think about why it repulsed him so much. “Fine.”

He spun her.

After draping her legs over his shoulders, he adjusted her skirt, palmed the back of her head, and rubbed her face against his throbbing hard-on. “You go back to what you were doing, and I’ll use my mouth to get you off. If you stop again, or do a shitty job, I’m done for good. And honestly, you really don’t wanna miss out on my tongue.” That little pep talk did the trick. She wanted more, moaning and groaning around his cock, and they were off.

After the initial stabbing pain that she undoubtedly experienced, AB negative never knew he hit her artery instead of licking her core. She climaxed repeatedly as he drank deeply from her inner thigh while pushing enough aphrodisiac-laced endorphins through her bloodstream to bring a wooly mammoth to shuddering ecstasy.

Drawing her lifeblood into his body, he rejuvenated with her liquid warmth. It flowed down his throat until he heard her heart give a shout out; fluttering against her ribs until it decided to straighten its rhythm. So it was definitely quitting time, since Sixten didn’t actually kill his food.

He sealed his pinpricks with his tongue, ignoring the moisture that coated her scrap of panties and the languid way she opened for him. Nope, he didn’t want any of that. However, he
want to come himself, therefore he pictured the only woman he had ever truly desired.

Blythe Giarrusso.

It had been years since he laid eyes on her. Even so, Blythe’s blue-black hair, her silky bronze skin, her wickedly swollen lips, and her man-eater body still etched his mind, permanently engraining his soul until he often thought he couldn’t take another breath without her. And the way she called to him in his dreams night after night, slowly rocking her hips over his before lowering her supple body down his shaft, drove him to the brink of insanity.

Just to kill the visual, her last words to him rolled around in his head:
“Six, I think I love you more than you love me.”

“NO!” A bucket of mental ice water doused his lust.

“What?” She pulled away again.

“Say you love me,” he demanded of AB negative, though he didn’t even know her name.

“I love you?” She questioned.

was going to help. After snapping out of his internal padded cell, he eased her down, zipped his pants, and straightened her clothes - since she was wobbly. But luckily, it was more from her multiple orgasms than any blood loss, so he didn’t feel guilty when he zapped her memory and shooed her out the bathroom door.

He twisted the faucet and waited for hot water. Soaping his hands until he thought he had caught a bad case of OCD, and then plunged them under the scalding stream to wash away her scent.

Sixten had to talk himself down from the preverbal roof. Thinking more and more about Blythe was understandable since he had recently returned to the states and stood in the very town where they’d fallen in love. Even though she was long gone, living back in Italy with her brother, memories charged him as if she’d never left in the first place. Sixten actually thought he felt her presence earlier, crossing paths with him in some warped turn of fate. And how crazy was that? He splashed his face, scrubbing at his lips to wash away visible traces of blood while doubting those particular memories would stop plaguing him anytime soon.

“I find it hard to believe that werewolves suddenly rattle you.”

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