Sapphic Cowboi (21 page)

Read Sapphic Cowboi Online

Authors: K'Anne Meinel

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #love, #women, #horses, #lesbian, #cowgirl, #sapphic, #boi, #butch, #kanne meinel, #cowboi, #friesian

BOOK: Sapphic Cowboi
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Maggie only knew that there was a fire
building within her, the kernel hadn’t exploded but it felt like it
would any time, it was the size of a fist and it was expanding, a
delicious warmth was creeping throughout her body starting at her
toes and the tip of her head and threatening to meet in the middle
as Ariana kissed her down there, as her fingers came into play
Maggie nearly jumped off the mattress from the sensation but Ariana
firmly held her in place so she could play, so she could hear the
delicious pantings and cause the moans coming from her.

Ariana gently parted the folds of skin and
began to probe with her first two fingers of her left hand, her
nails were short from working with the horses and she didn’t worry
about accidentally poking too hard as she gently went in. She had
figured out long ago that Maggie was a virgin, not only to women
but to men as well, she was proud to be her first, not only woman
but no man would ever know her either if she had anything to say
about it. When she got her finger in to the first bend she pulled
out slightly to rub and was rewarded with a gasp as though
protesting the removal but when she returned Maggie moaned ever so
slightly. She added a second finger and the combination went a
little deeper as she curled them inside and Maggie arched off the
bed with a louder moan. Ariana smiled as she leaned down to kiss
her and lick at the erect clit in front of her. Over and over her
fingers performed inside of Maggie causing her endless pleasure and
a further building of the kernel within her that was becoming too
large to contain. The combination of Ariana’s mouth, her fingers,
and the delicious body against her was doing something to her and
she had no idea what. Her body broke out in a sweat. When Ariana
reached up with her free hand and began to play again with the
erect nipples and hardened breasts she was in ecstasy, the thumb
rubbing across them, the fingers pinching them slightly, the warm
palm against them… She lost it and her body went along as she began
to convulse and grind down on Ariana’s face and hand.

Ariana was thrilled as she felt the ripples
rip through Maggie’s body, she tightened excruciatingly on her
fingers and she wished she had room for more fingers but contented
herself with the thought there would be other times, she would make
sure of that. The legs wrapped around her tightened unbearably,
giving credence to the fact that Maggie used them endlessly, and
she rode Ariana’s tongue and fingers into her first orgasm. Slowly
Ariana wrung every bit of it out of her sweaty body trying to
prolong the feeling and make it memorable for her. Slowly she came
down and relaxed which was a bit of relief as her legs had squeezed
Ariana’s ribs painfully, her muscles inside had made Ariana’s
fingers numb and she gently pulled them out and saw their pruny
whiteness. She rose up Maggie’s body and rubbed against it giving
her own pleasure as her aroused body demanded release. She kissed
up Maggie’s body to get some of her essence off her lips, face, and
tongue. She stopped to pay homage to the still erect nipples before
continuing on to Maggie’s lips that were now demanding of her,
kissing her back, having learned before how much she could do, how
to do it, and wanting to show her gratitude for what she had just

Maggie rolled with her until Ariana was
beneath her and began rubbing her body thinking she must do the
same things to give Ariana the same pleasure. She hesitantly kissed
and licked at Ariana’s engorged nipples. Her hands explored the
exquisitely feminine body, not realizing until this moment how much
she had wanted to, never having thought she would have the
opportunity and now realizing the utter freedom it gave her.

Ariana was too far along to
stop her, she wanted, she needed her too much. If she would just
but she couldn’t rush her, she couldn’t frighten her, she didn’t
want to instruct her but if she would just touch her
…she would explode
and they could explore more later. The first touch of Maggie’s
callused hand between Ariana’s legs nearly had her exploding in the
palm of her hand but she petted the soft curly hair thinking how
different it was to horse hair or even Ariana’s head of elegant
black hair, she petted it not realizing how she was affecting the
woman beneath her. She thought about kissing her there and didn’t
know if she was up to it, not yet. Ariana couldn’t wait any longer,
she needed the release, her body was thrumming in painful need and
she grasped Maggie’s hand, stopped it from petting and began to
grind against her, her body taking over as she used Maggie’s hands
and fingers to get herself off, the climax causing wonderment in
the novice’s eyes.

Maggie stared in fascinated pleasure as she
watched Ariana’s nipples harden as she came over and over again,
her body dancing in a dance she had never seen. She wondered if she
looked like this when she had cum, she wondered if it felt the same
without the fingers inside that Ariana had done for her. She let
Ariana use her body as she enjoyed every moment of it and lowered
her lips to Ariana’s erect nipples to give her some of the same
pleasure she remembered.

It wasn’t the best orgasm she had ever had,
it was only clitoral and not vaginal but it did help relieve the
pressure that had been building and making her lose her mind. The
pleasure she had given Maggie soothed her soul, the orgasm had just
been a need fulfilled. There would be more of them later she was
sure of that at this moment. Right now she needed to just feel, to
know that Maggie was with her in this time and place, against her
body as she intertwined their legs together and lifting Maggie’s
face from her nipples leaned down to kiss her carefully and

Later, much later Maggie said carefully “are
you okay now?”

Ariana chuckled at the incongruity of the
question but then remembered the nightmare and the screams. She
didn’t remember anything about getting home or into bed. “I think
I’m okay” she stretched feeling Maggie’s body against her own and
felt arousal again. She tamped it down for now, regretfully. She
didn’t want to jeopardize this new relationship with Maggie. “How
about you? Any regrets?” She looked at the head nestled on her
shoulder waiting for a response.

Maggie lifted her head to look down into the
beautiful face that was Ariana’s and smiled “I didn’t know all that
was inside me” she blushed a little and glanced down “thank you for
showing it to me.”

Ariana chuckled again and used her finger
tips to caress along Maggie’s jawline and lift it “I’m grateful you
let me.” She waited a couple of heartbeats before she added “I love

The instant joy in Maggie’s eyes was
wonderful to behold, she smiled broadly making a pretty face
beautiful as she asked “you do? I’ve loved you for so long I didn’t
dare hope…I couldn’t dream…” she went to hide her embarrassment
against Ariana’s delicate shoulder and Ariana wouldn’t let her.

I’ve loved you a long time
too and I couldn’t tell you, I didn’t dare to think that you might
return that love or that we would have this” she moved a leg that
brushed her thigh slightly against Maggie’s lower curls. “I never
thought either…” she revealed her own insecurities.

Maggie wanted to tear up and cry at the
emotions that were overwhelming her. She had thought her feelings
were wrong for so long, that what she was feeling for this
beautiful woman was wrong, to realize they both felt the same, the
relief, the other things she had just felt, she couldn’t believe it
was possible that Ariana felt the same. She smiled tremulously and
because she could she reached out to kiss Ariana delicately and

Ariana realized immediately what the kiss
meant, it was a seal of the bond they now had. After several
minutes of ‘bonding’ they sat back to talk. “What happened last
night, the last thing I remember was two men coming in out of the
dark…” she trailed off as the same panic that had occurred then
returned to her stomach and having a naked woman in her arms wasn’t
really the time or place for such a feeling.

You just went into shock,
you were awake and yet you weren’t…” Maggie explained that she had
packed them up, got Ariana on a horse, and led her throughout the
night to get her home. “You moved and followed instruction but you
” she
explained about getting her into the house and into bed.

You bathed me?” Ariana said
incredulously wondering how she had missed
. She grinned suddenly to lighten
the mood; after all they were in bed together, naked. “Wish I had

Maggie laughed; it hadn’t been a laughing
matter at the time but look where they were now. “Do you remember

Ariana shook her head as she tried to
remember, “all I know is when I saw them come in out of the
darkness I was terribly afraid.” She sat up, “you scared them off
with your gun?”

Maggie sat up too pulling the sheet up to her
breasts and grinning at the disappointed look on Ariana’s face at
hiding them. “Well Sampson helped too, he wasn’t tied up you

Ariana shook her head again, the temptation
to pull that sheet down and bare Maggie’s upper torso was there but
she also wanted to find out what happened to a block of her time
that she couldn’t remember, which terrified her to not know. “I
don’t remember any of it” she said duly as she tried to

I think you were just that
afraid” Maggie said wisely.

Ariana nodded but then said “I think I was
more than afraid.” Just then her stomach rumbled. She laughed and
said “and now I think I’m more than hungry” although she eyed
Maggie as though she were a delicious entre.

Maggie laughed at the look on Ariana’s face
and when she sobered she said “I never knew it could be like that
between two women.”

Ariana reached out to touch her gently along
her neckline “it can be” she said softly, lovingly “and more.”

They got up to feed themselves, Maggie much
more modest than Ariana. Each took turns in the bathroom washing up
and getting dressed before heading out to outhouse. Maggie was
ready first and began to make breakfast. Ariana came in and helped
having learned a lot about cooking than when she first got there.
They discussed future plans and both realized they had the world
before them, no one to answer to, whatever they wanted to do
together they could be together.

We can stay together
forever” Ariana stated and then asked “that is if you

Maggie put down her plate, she had been about
to clean off the table and she came over to where Ariana was
sitting and pulled her up. “I want you in my life forever if that’s
what you want.”

Ariana kissed her because, well, she

Maggie loved learning how to kiss and would
become very adept at it in time.


Later as they worked on the
farm doing their chores while the sun shone, working with the
horses and introducing the new Quarterhorse to the herd, keeping
her in a separate paddock while they called to her and enticed her
to play as much as she could with a fence separating her. Perseus
showed off for her, realizing she was a mare and a potential for
his harem. The geldings were chased away for while they were no
threat they still annoyed him. Those up and coming youngins that
hadn’t been gelded yet were nipped and harried to keep away

Maggie was in the best mood and showed it to
Ariana, giving her impromptu hugs and squeezing her hand whenever
she could. Ariana brushed against her, smiled with her, and gave
her a kiss now and again.

We are going to have to be
careful so that no one knows” Ariana warned her.

Maggie nodded wisely “we will always be
friends but they would think us odd if they knew we were

It would be very delicate, very hard to
maintain such a ‘friendship’ in this day and age and yet two women
deciding to live together was not unheard of. Maggie owned the farm
out right. Ariana worked with the horses and they would go back on
the show circuit together until they either tired of it or got too
old to do it. Meanwhile Maggie and Ariana would raise the horses
and save their money together. Peter visited later the next day and
got a full recounting of their trip south, he was concerned for his
friend but seeing the way Ariana looked at her he realized a lot
more than they would have given him credit for. He accepted his
loss gracefully. He included Ariana in his friendship with Maggie
because he loved her.


As the months of their vacation from the
circus came to an end Ariana wondered how they would hide it from
their ‘family’ as she was certain it couldn’t be hid like here on
the farm. The farm was isolated, they rarely went into town, and
only Peter really came around.

Well, what are you going to
say?” Maggie asked her one night as they worked on the alphabet.
Maggie had memorized it with a little song that Ariana taught her
in one night. Learning the sounds and learning words had taken
longer. They worked a little on letters and numbers each night
before bed, it gave them intimate time alone and Maggie was so
grateful to learn and Ariana so proud of her progress and that she
had been the one to teach her. They had so many firsts
it was precious
and neither one really wanted to share with others.

That I love you” Ariana
shrugged. The circus family would understand, it wasn’t unheard of
in their circles. “I just don’t think my father will

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