Sara, Book 3

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Authors: Esther and Jerry Hicks

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Book 3

A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!

Other Hay House Titles by Esther and Jerry Hicks
(The Teachings of Abraham™)

Books, Calendar, and Card Decks

The Law of Attraction
(will also be available in Spanish in October 2008)

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent
(also available in Spanish)

Ask and It Is Given
(also available in Spanish)

Ask and It Is Given Cards

Ask and It Is Given Perpetual Flip Calendar

The Astonishing Power of Emotions
(available in Spanish in 2009)

The Law of Attraction Cards

Manifest Your Desires

Money, and the Law of Attraction
(book; 5-CD set)

Relationships, and the Law of Attraction
(book; 5-CD set—both available April 2009)

Sara, Book 1: Sara Learns the Secret about the
Law of Attraction

Sara, Book 2: Solomon’s Fine Featherless Friends

Spirituality, and the Law of Attraction
(book; 5-CD set—both available October 2009)

The Teachings of Abraham Well-Being Cards

Additional CD Programs

The Teachings of Abraham Master Course Audio
(11-CD set)

The Law of Attraction
(4-CD set)

The Law of Attraction in Action
(2-DVD set)

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent
(Parts I and II: two 4-CD sets)

Ask and It Is Given
(Parts I and II: two 4-CD sets)

The Astonishing Power of Emotions
(8-CD set)

Sara, Book 1
(unabridged audio book; 3-CD set)

DVD Programs

The Law of Attraction in Action, Episodes 1, II, III, IV, V
(2-DVD set)

The Teachings of Abraham Master Course Video
(5-DVD set)

The Secret Behind “The Secret”?
(Abraham) (2-DVD set)

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Book 3

A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!

Esther and Jerry Hicks

Illustrated by Caroline S. Garrett

Hay House, Inc.

Carlsbad, California • New York

City London • Sydney • Johannesburg

Vancouver • Hong Kong • New Delhi

Copyright © 2002 by Jerry and Esther Hicks

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Hay House, Inc.:

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Hay House Publishers India:

© 2002 Caroline S. Garrett

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in
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permission of the publisher. The intent of the authors is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your
quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which
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Originally published by Abraham-Hicks Publications: 0-9621219-9-1

Library of Congress Control No.:


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1st edition, April 2008

Printed in the United States of America




Chapter 1:
School Is Starting

Chapter 2:
What’s Going On?

Chapter 3:
A Little Triumph

Chapter 4:
The New Kid in Town

Chapter 5:
Change Is a Good Thing

Chapter 6:
Annette Sees the Tree House

Chapter 7:
A Delicious Meatloaf Sandwich

Chapter 8:
Minding Her Own Business

Chapter 9:
“Do You Believe in Ghosts?”

Chapter 10:
Disturbing News

Chapter 11:
There’s Plenty of Love to Go Around

Chapter 12:
Family Pictures

Chapter 13:
A Change of Heart

Chapter 14:
Explaining Who Solomon Is

Chapter 15:
Talking with Solomon

Chapter 16:
Withdrawing Negative Attention

Chapter 17:
Sara Soothes Seth

Chapter 18:
Well-being Always Abounds

Chapter 19:
Things Will Always Work Out

Chapter 20:
Figuring Out What They Want

Chapter 21:
Giving Birth to a New Desire

Chapter 22:
Being in the Receiving Mode

Chapter 23:
Finding Thoughts That Feel Good

Chapter 24:
It’s Nice to Have a Private Place

Chapter 25:
An Allowing Owl

Chapter 26:
Releasing Worrisome Thoughts

Chapter 27:
Intend to Feel Good

Chapter 28:
Flying High

Chapter 29:

About the Authors


As we drove today through the unbelievably beautiful backroads of Illinois and Indiana, my husband, Jerry, read me this just-completed
A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words!
(What a pleasure it was for me to hear it for the first time in this way.) We parked the motorcoach, and checked into our
seminar hotel, and I sat back in a comfortable overstuffed chair, eyes closed, feet up, basking in the fulfilling feeling
of having completed another book—when, almost instantly, my mind began filling with powerful words, flowing for the next

So we’re off again!

I hope you’re enjoying this
series as much as I am. Sara, Seth, Annette, and Solomon are as real to me as anyone I know, and I, too, am loving what I’m
learning as I watch their lives unfold.

With love,


Within all that is, and isn’t; including every place, and non place; swirling through the Unlimited Universal Environment,
await the answers to everything you have ever needed to know about anything. And from where Sara’s teacher, Solomon, exists,
in that Universal Environment, comes to you
Sara, Book 3.

You are about to embark upon a remarkable and exciting experience—a new way of seeing things, a new way of looking at some
old ways of having fun.

And so, expect to realize some new perceptions. Expect to reconnect with your invulnerable Self. Expect to learn how to experience
adventure without fearing risk.

Learn how: It all turns out right anyway; you never get it done, and you can’t get it wrong; you can feel good under all conditions;
you can call it good or bad, but it’s all good; every “accident” has a cause; you can find the wanted masked by the unwanted;
you can go from jealousy and guilt to feeling good; you can perceive death and still feel good; there is no death; your body
naturally heals; you can attract harmonious relationships; you were meant to be happy; you can have everything you want. .
. .

We are all in this together. We have, somehow, been attracted to each other, in this moment, as a result of the intentions
and resulting vibrations of each of us. For example, for over a decade, Esther and I have traveled to as many as 60 cities
a year, opening our workshops to thousands of persons to ask any questions they wanted to ask—and from those thousands of
questions have evolved the series of delicious
books. And as this
Sara, Book 3
is distributed to thousands of readers, more questions will be evoked. . . . For instance, a teacher in a San Francisco public
school used the first
book last year as a class textbook, and he suggested that the students (about 30 sixthgraders) e-mail us their personal questions
and their suggestions as to what they would like to see happen in the next
books. (Although we have too many other commitments these days to respond like that again—we created, and gave to each of
them for their graduation, a booklet with each of their excellent questions, and Solomon’s answers. A great time was had by

The uncanny part of the story was that although none of them had read any part of the
Sara, Book 3
outline, nearly every suggestion of what they wanted to happen next was already written in the manuscript! Never before have
I been so aware of just how closely we are spiritually intertwined and how our questions are being answered, often before
we’re aware that we’re asking.

So here we are—you with your asking and this book with the answers. What a perfect point of co-creation! This material has
been created to add to your level of joy, no matter how happy you already are, and it has been created for you, if you so
desire, to share with or teach to or give to others who may not yet be as happy as you.

We are living in a time when there is more opportunity for happiness than ever before in our recorded history. And yet, among
the billions of us here, there remain some relatively small clusters of persons who seem to consciously band together and
deny themselves that readily available opportunity for “earthy pleasure.” For the majority of us, who were neither born nor
coerced into one of those more stringent systems of beliefs, we can somewhat understand, if not readily accept, their “choices
of earthly pain.” However, once we begin to hear that “we are each free to choose, and that by our choices, we create our
own experience,” we find it more difficult to understand why there is so much fear, illness, pain . . . and general unhappiness
being experienced in our civilized environment. In other words, why should there be any pain or suffering in this era of so
much opportunity for freedom, growth, and joy?

Solomon, Sara’s ethereal friend, teaches that experiencing anything less than well-being is unnatural, and so this book is
simply about discovering how to return to your naturally happy self—no matter what! This is a book about allowing it and then
being the example of it—and then about sharing your well-being with others.

The following passage is an excerpt of Solomon’s words to Sara, words that summarize the simplicity and clarity of this thrilling
adventure into the discovery of how joyous and fulfilling our lives are meant to be:

Sara, what about making your happiness your main issue? Nothing is more important than that you feel good. . . .

People often believe that things have to be a certain way before they can feel good. And then, when they discover that they don’t have the power or the votes or the strength to make things be the way they want, they resign themselves to unhappy, powerless lives.

Understand that your power lies in your ability to see things in a way that keeps you feeling good, and when you are able to do that—you have the power to achieve anything that you desire.

Everything that you desire is trying to make its way to you, but you must find the way to let it in—and only in feeling good can you let in those things you desire.

You live in a big world, Sara, with many other people who may want things to be different than you want them to be. You cannot convince or coerce them all to agree with you; you cannot destroy all of them who do not agree with you. Your only path to a joyous, powerful life experience is to decide, once and for all, that no matter what, you intend to feel good. And as you practice turning your thoughts to things that do feel good—now you have discovered the secret to life. . . .

Esther and I have found much pleasure in discovering the depth of Solomon’s “Secret to Life” as it unfolds, page by page,
through this third book of the
series. And we are imagining the fun you will have as you, too, discover the treasures contained between the pages of this
delightfully powerful work.

The purpose of life is joy; its basis is freedom; its result is growth. Sara and her friend Solomon are about to add another
chapter to the fulfillment of your purpose in life.

And so, off we go, on anther adventure . . . an adventure in joy.

From my heart,

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