Satan (5 page)

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Authors: Jianne Carlo

Tags: #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: Satan
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“Yes, we’re in business together. We try to keep the ass-licking to a minimum.” He darted her a sharp squint. “There’s a lot of politics in a charity organization?”


Angel realized that they’d continued feeding each other as if it was a normal habit only after they finished the salad.

“More wine?”

She shook her head. “I think my go button just stopped.”

“Your go button?” He ran the back of his hand along the line of her cheekbone.

She adored the way he continually touched and caressed her.

“I have three modes, go, fast forward, and dead stop.” She had a full stomach, and the wine had her feeling a tich tipsy. The whole situation, Satan, their easy camaraderie, the coziness of the setting, all combined to dissipate any tension left in her body.

“There’s no normal mode?”

“Nah. Normal feels like slow-mo to me.”

All of a sudden, a wave of tiredness had her yawning. She cupped a hand over her mouth. “Sorry.”

“Bed for you, missy.”

“I’ll help you clean up.” She yawned again.

“You can’t keep your eyes open. I’ll get it tomorrow. Up you go.”

She pushed to her feet, only to have them leave the ground when he scooped her into his arms. “I’m a big girl. You don’t have to carry me. I can walk.”

“I’m a bigger man, and I want to. By the way, you weigh nothing. You’re very slight for all your luscious curves.” He snatched a remote from a wall latch, turned off the lights, snapped the device back into place, and headed down the hallway.

Her eyelids felt like anchors. She snuggled closer to him and buried her nose in his T-shirt. He smelled delish with a hint of ocean brine.

“Where’s your meeting?”

“Lower Manhattan.” Another yawn, longer and wider, captured her mouth.

“That means we have to be up by seven at the latest.”


He carried her into the bathroom, slid her down his body, but wrapped his arms around her back. “Can I leave you alone? You’re okay to stand?”

She blinked up at him, her gaze slightly unfocused. “Yes. I promise not to fall asleep standing.”

He outlined her mouth with his thumb. “I sleep naked.”

“I don’t.” Her drowsiness abated a tad. Would he force the point?

“Whatever you’re comfortable in is fine with me. Just didn’t want to startle you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Use my toothbrush. We’ll get you your own tomorrow. Yell if you need anything.”

He spun around and vanished through the doorway, shutting the door behind him.

She stared at the solid oak panel for a while, her mind going from dazed and half-asleep to fast forward. When he lowered her to the ground, the erection he sported grazed her mound. She puffed out a breath, not really in the mood for another fucking round, but prepared herself for the inevitable. No man she’d ever been with went to sleep hard as a rock and unsatisfied.

He’d been terrific company and hadn’t pushed her while they ate. At least she didn’t have to worry about not getting excited. The man only had to shoot her one of his smoldering half-hooded glances and her pussy started quivering.

Angel brushed her teeth, washed her face, and dried off with a plush gray hand towel. She stared at her reflection in the mirror for a couple of seconds, fluffed her hair, slid out of the sweats, and hung the pants on a hook.

When she opened the door, Satan, who’d been lounging on the bed post closest to her, raked her from head to bare toes and smiled. “Every time I see you, my to-do list grows.”

She frowned. “To-do list?”

He walked past her to the bathroom. “Your legs are mouth-watering. I want them wrapped around my head, my waist, and draped down my back. Three more to-dos.”

The wicked wink he flashed her before closing the door tickled her funny bone, and she grinned. Daydreaming about compiling her own to do list, with blow job at the top spot, she ambled over to the bed, slipped under the covers, and rearranged the pillows before lying down.

She scanned the room, and once again, marveled at the clutter of knickknacks filling every available shelf and surface. She spied a series of delicate crystal musical instruments.
This room was so not Satan. He caught her frowning when he reentered the bed chamber.

“I can tell from the expression on your face that you can’t resolve this room and me.” Gloriously nude and definitely aroused, he stalked around the canopy bed, threw the linens back, and rolled onto the mattress. “It was my grandmother’s room. It’s the only bedroom in this mausoleum that doesn’t creep me out.”

“She liked her knickknacks.”

“Loved ’em.” He turned off the light, pulled her down beside him, and shifted her so that he spooned her.

It was impossible not to be aware of his rampant erection nestled against her T-shirt-clothed backside. She twisted to meet his gaze. “We’re not?”

“Nope. You need all the Zs we can cram in before seven.” He kneaded her deltoids in a slow, hypnotic motion.

“You should be a massage therapist. You have magic hands.” Satan must’ve taken some sort of acupressure course because he unerringly found the knots in her muscles and rubbed the tension out of them.

Her mind drifted.

Chapter Five

Satan awoke when Angelica moved, and her firm rump grazed his morning wood. He opened one eye and checked the old-fashioned cuckoo clock adjacent to the dresser. Six in the morning—he’d actually slept a whole four hours and knew the reason for his restful slumber nestled in his embrace.

The alluring crook of her neck proved too potent a temptation. He swept her silky curls down her back and nuzzled her sweet flesh.

“Mmmm. Your stubble feels delicious.” She arched to one side for him.

He accepted her not-so-subtle invitation and kissed his way to her ear. “Morning.”

She stretched her arms over her head and rolled over to face him. “Good morning. Do we have time for a quickie?”

“If we skip breakfast, yeah.” He pushed her T-shirt up to her cleavage, cupped her breasts, and rolled his thumbs over her erect nipples. “Your tits are magnificent. Can’t get over the color of these. So mouth-wateringly pink.”

Color washed across her face and throat.

“I didn’t think women still blushed. And you’re getting pinker by the second.” He bent his head, suckled the enticing rosy circle of her areola into his mouth, and sawed the tip lightly with his teeth.

She hissed, inserted her leg between his, and wrapped her fingers and thumb around the base of his cock.

He shuddered when she stroked the length of his dick. “Easy. Easy. I’m ripe and ready.”

“So am I.” She guided his hand to her pussy.

He toyed with her slick folds and teased her clit with soft pinches. “Gotta get a rubber. Can’t seem to make my hand leave your sweet pussy.”

“Forget the rubber.” She grasped the head of his cock, rolled down the foreskin, and lifted her leg over his hip, exposing her luscious sex to him.

“Jesus. You have the prettiest pussy. All these red curls and your pretty pussy lips.” He curved his arms under her back and rotated so she lay beneath him. He trapped her stare. “You sure? About me going bareback?”

“Oh yes.” She looped her fingers behind his neck. “Fuck me hard and fast.”

Lust ripped through him. He gripped her hips and drove home. “God help me. You feel so fucking good, darlin’.”

She locked her legs around his waist, and her internal muscles fisted him with a furious series of quick clenches. Christ, he had forgotten what it felt like to have a hot, naked pussy clamping his bare cock. Heaven and hell all rolled into one. Wet fiery heat pumping the boner of the century. His cock engorged with each ferocious contraction of her walls.

He dug his toes into the mattress and pounded into her incredible, creamy sheath. When her orgasm began to wane, he changed the angle of his penetration, bit his tongue to stem his impending climax, and hammered her G-spot.

She exploded around him. Her sheath squeezed his dick with a merciless conviction.

His stones went tight. The orgasm thundered across his groin. He spewed his load in violent gushes, bucking and jerking into her quivering core.

She continued to come, her sex tightening around his turgid cock.

His biceps and triceps strained with the effort to keep his weight off her. He rested his damp forehead on the bridge of her shoulder. He hadn’t been bareback in years, maybe decades. It was fantastic. She felt amazing, her walls both sponge-soft and steel-hard when her muscles convulsed around his dick. He didn’t bother to even attempt to gather his thoughts, but surrendered to the physical ecstasy of her aftershocks.

Never had a day dawned with such dazzling brilliance. When was the last time he awoke bursting with vigor and intoxicating anticipation flooding his veins? All at once he knew four days, four mornings, wouldn’t be enough.


Panicked by the direction of his thoughts, he did what any SEAL did when confronted with a situation fraught with uncertainty—he played for time by peppering her with caresses from all fronts. He tongue-teased her cleavage, padded his thumbs over her nipples, and fucked her to another climax.

He couldn’t bring himself to pull out of her heat, but didn’t want to collapse on her, and so he remained upright on one elbow. He set his cheek to her sternum, and rested his head enjoying the view of the delectable pinkened skin of her breast.

They lay there together not talking for a good five minutes, and the silence wasn’t the slightest bit uncomfortable. Rather the quiet enveloped them in a contented lassitude he hadn’t enjoyed for years, maybe ever.

She trailed a finger along his forearm.

He lifted his head and drew back to meet her gaze.

She wore a dreamy smile. “Now, that was the best good morning I’ve ever had.”

“Me too.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Thank you.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Really? Thank you?”

“For letting me go bareback. Jesus. You’re still coming.” Her pussy shuddered around his half-hard cock.

“Oh yeah.” Her grin got wider.

Sunlight streamed into the room. He’d forgotten to draw the drapes and was glad of the fact now. Never had a morning been so promising. Bathed in the soft glow of dawn, she was even more beautiful than his first sight of her last night. Her cheeks were flushed, her glorious hair was in a wild, erotic tangle, and the sated, sexy smile she wore was all because of
. Even the T-shirt crumpled around her neck was erotic as all hell.

“Sure you can’t cancel your meeting?” He twirled a fat auburn ringlet around his forefinger. “My cock’s happy where it is.”

“I’m happy where it is too, but I have to make this meeting.” She scrubbed her hand over the stubble on his jaw. “Can I ask you a favor?”

“You can ask me anything. Right now, I’d scale the Great Wall of China for you.” He nipped the tip of the finger outlining his mouth.

“Don’t shave. I like the way your stubble feels on my breasts.”

Their stares locked. “Did you forget that today I plan on eating your pussy until you, one, come five times, and two, beg for mercy? Wouldn’t want you to have stubble-burn.”

She winked. “I didn’t forget, and that’s the reason you shouldn’t shave.”

His dick had slowly been going flaccid, but when the image of him between her legs stubble-fucking her clit flashed through his head, he hardened on a heartbeat.

“Damn, woman. You turn me on like I’m a horny teenager. A man of my advanced years is supposed to need time between screws. I’m ready and roaring again. But,” he glanced at the clock. “We need to get going if you want to be on time for that meeting.”

With the greatest reluctance, he pulled out of her tight sheath, gave her a quick kiss, and rolled off the bed. “Use this bathroom. I’ll shower in one of the others. You going to wear your black dress?”

“Yes. I have the card for the limo driver from last night. I’ll—”

“I’ll run you into the city to the meeting.” No way did he intend to let her out of his sight. Ten to a thousand a bazillion doubts would rear and she’d retreat.

“Honestly, it’s easier and more convenient for me to take a limo. The meeting’s in my condo’s conference room. I can dash to my place and change quickly.” She eased out from under the covers.

His good mood frayed at the edges. “I said I’ll run you into the city. I’m the reason you have to dash.”

She held up a hand. “This is not negotiable. I’m calling the limo…”

It didn’t sound like she had any intention of returning. He was ticked off. “Are you calling off us spending Christmas together?”

“No. Not at all. In many ways, this is
meeting of my lifetime. This appointment is
to my plans for the future. I need time to think about how I want to handle it, and you’re very distracting.” She stood, walked over to him, placed both palms on his chest, and looked right at him. “Have
changed your mind?”

She didn’t give off a single telltale lying body signal. No increase in blink rate. No averting her eyes. Reassured, he covered her hands with his.

“Not a chance. How about we compromise? You take the limo into the city, have your meeting, and we have lunch downtown before heading back here?”

She flashed him a smile. “Perfect. You pick the restaurant?”

“I will. What’s the address of your building?”

She rattled off a Manhattan address. “Should I text it to you?”

“Nope. Got it memorized. Now, you can’t hide from me.” He tongue-tickled the center of her palm and grinned when her breathing accelerated. His dick did a hopeful twitch.

Her gaze dropped to his boner and then encountered his. She shook her head. “I haven’t felt this level of sexual attraction in forever. It’s good to know it’s mutual.”

“Oh yeah. Now, you’d better get going missy. Is the card for the limo in your purse?” He massaged her bottom cheeks, before giving both a light tap.

“Uh-huh.” She shot him a sensual peep, and he wondered if she enjoyed bondage play.

From the deep recesses of his mind, he recalled seeing a billboard for a sex-store on the route to the Hades Squad office. While she had her meeting, he intended to pay a visit to at least five retail joints, including that destination.

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