Sated (3 page)

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Authors: Lucy Felthouse

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Sated
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Smiling, I reached out and took Ace’s hand. “Despite him almost causing me to choke on an ice cube, I like him. He’s cute and polite, and seems genuine. If it’s still okay with you, I think I’d like to sound him out and see how he feels about meeting up again later in the week? Part of me is tempted to take him home tonight, but the more sensible part of me knows I shouldn’t make such a rash decision.”

“Okay, that sounds like a good plan to me. You know this is all up to you, so whatever you decide, I’ll support.” He ran his free hand through his hair and returned my smile.

“You sure?” I glanced over his shoulder to make sure Barton wasn’t returning yet. He was just placing his order, by the looks of it, so he wouldn’t be long.

Ace squeezed my hand, then leaned forward and kissed me. A relatively chaste peck on the lips, but when we parted, he moved back only millimeters and whispered, “I’m sure I want to see your beautiful naked body completely overwhelmed as it is pleasured by two eager men.”

Goosebumps broke out over my skin. With my free hand, I gripped the back of Ace’s neck and pulled him to me. This time, the kiss was far from chaste. I pressed my lips hard to his for several long seconds, before coaxing his mouth open with my tongue. He allowed me entrance, and I immediately sought out his tongue, engaging him in a heated French kiss that made him grip my hand almost to the point of pain. Fortunately, he realized what he was doing and released it, instead looping his arms around my neck and deepening our kiss further.

It was dizzying. Ace and I weren’t usually ones for public displays of affection, but we were slightly hidden from the rest of the room by our booth, and clearly it didn’t matter if Barton saw us—it was likely that he’d be seeing a hell of a lot more than just us kissing at some point. The thought spurred me on—rather than winding our embrace down, ready to pick it up again at a more appropriate time, I kept it going. I was sure Ace knew what I was playing at, but he didn’t care. Very little fazed him.

Our tongues battled together—not so much a fight for dominance, which clearly I would lose, but actions that showed the strength and depth of our need for each other. I could tell from the flexing of Ace’s muscles that he was fighting the urge to strip off my jeans and underwear, bend me over the table and fuck me into oblivion. At that moment I was so horny I probably wouldn’t have protested if he had.

The kiss seemed to go on and on—so passionate, so heated, obvious to anyone that saw us that the only reason we weren’t taking it further was the location.

My pussy ached. I’d been damp pretty much since I’d gotten dressed after my shower—thoughts in the back of my mind that some time in the very near future, I could be checking off the ultimate item from my sexual bucket list. And if I didn’t, I still had the best consolation prize a girl could ever ask for—a smoking hot vampire boyfriend who already had the skill and stamina of two human men, if not more. The arousal had been there constantly, burning hotter with each new piece of information—Barton was sexy, Barton wanted me… Oh God, it was down to me now. If this was what I wanted, it would go ahead. And fuck, did I want it. But I was determined to stick to my guns—one evening of conversation wasn’t adequate to get to know someone enough to decide if they should be allowed to share something so…intimate.

Reluctantly, I broke away from Ace, grinning and blinking rapidly, hoping to bring myself back into the room, instead of spinning away on some lust-drunk fantasy. Breathing hard, I focused my gaze across Ace’s shoulder again, to where I’d last seen Barton at the bar. My heart skipped a beat when I realized he’d gone. Shit, he’d gone!

An exaggerated cough from across the booth snapped my attention in that direction. My heart skipped another beat as I realized I’d gotten it wrong. The werewolf, the
hadn’t gone, after all. He’d simply retaken his seat and watched and waited as Ace and I snogged each other’s faces off. No doubt he’d enjoyed the show, too. The lust-fog finally lifted, and I decided it was time to take things to the next level. We weren’t going to invite him home tonight, but why not tease him a little?

Licking my lips slowly and deliberately, I then gave Barton what I hoped was a seductive smile. “Hello there. Sorry about that. My sweetie and I got a little…carried away. I hope we didn’t embarrass you.”

He returned my smile, and the look in his eyes, the widened pupils, told me that he’d been as aroused by our public display of affection as we had. “No need to apologize, Aneesa. I’m not embarrassed, but my cock is so hard that let’s just say it’s a good job this table is attached to the floor. If I get up again now, I’ll be in serious danger of getting arrested for indecent behavior in public.”

Ace cleared his throat. “Yeah, me too.”

“Great,” I said, unable to help feeling smug that the two men had to hide their arousal beneath the table, whereas my soaking pussy wasn’t apparent to anyone except me. Well, and Ace. Probably Barton, too, actually. “It’s been great meeting you, Barton, but we have to get home. We’ll be in touch.”

Chapter Five




Knowing Barton’s hearing would be just as superior as his, Ace waited until we were safely in the car and therefore well out of earshot before speaking. “Um, Nees? What was that all about?”

“What do you mean?” I said, flashing him an angelic smile.

Ace scratched his head. “Well, perhaps I’m just being dumb here, but I thought you had the hots for Barton. You said you were gonna sound him out about meeting later in the week, then we had that super-hot kiss and I thought you’d changed your mind and wanted to take him home tonight. Poor guy looked fit to explode after watching us.”

My grin widened, and I was sure it was far from angelic now. “Well, you know what they say, gorgeous. Treat ’em mean, keep ’em keen and all that. If he’s really up for this, and is a good guy, he’ll be happy to wait until we get in touch, he’ll respect my decision. And if he doesn’t, well then it’s his loss, isn’t it?”

“I guess so.” Ace still looked confused, but he pulled on his seatbelt, then started the car and began driving us home.

He didn’t say any more, clearly still wondering what was going on in my head. But the silence gave me the opportunity to start thinking and try to figure it out for myself.

My body was thrumming with power, with arousal. Having two gorgeous men wanting to share me was a sexy power trip. But I knew I was right to stick to my guns—this was way too big a deal to rush into anything.

Still, I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering. Images of Ace and Barton, butt naked and erect flooded my head. Their big hands exploring my body, caressing, gripping, squeezing, pinching. Mouths, tongues, teeth—sucking, licking, biting. Pleasuring.

I was just contemplating whether sticking my hand down my jeans and jerking myself off in the car would cause Ace to crash, when he finally spoke.

“Uh, Nees? I think we got trouble.” He wasn’t panicking, exactly, but there was something in his tone that told me he really wasn’t happy.

“What? What do you mean?” My own tone wasn’t nearly so even—it was bordering on a squeak and already my heart rate was increasing. If my big, badass vampire boyfriend thought we had trouble, then it was something big.

“Barton’s following us.”

“Huh? How do you know? Maybe he didn’t want to sit in the bar by himself and decided to leave.”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t explain why he’s still behind us. He lives in completely the opposite direction.”

“He’s going to see a friend?” Now I was definitely squeaking, my panic apparent even as I tried to tell myself—and Ace—that there was nothing to worry about. That was me, always attempting to see the best in people, to give them the benefit of the doubt.

“Maybe,” Ace said.

I noticed a slight pick up in speed, and gripped the door handle. “Ace?”

Turning to me with what I’m sure he thought was a reassuring smile, he said, “It’s all right, babe. I’m just gonna ride around for a little while and see if he keeps following us. He doesn’t actually know where we live, so if he stays behind us, then we definitely got a problem. But I’m sure as hell not gonna lead him to our house.”

Closing my eyes, I leaned heavily into the headrest. Despite my comments about Barton maybe going to see a friend, I had an unpleasant feeling, which was manifesting as a hard knot of worry in my stomach. Christ, how had everything gone so wrong? Gone from being on track for what would no doubt be the threesome of my life, the checking off of an item from my sexual bucket list. And now what? I was in a car with an occasionally possessive vampire, being followed in another car by a feral werewolf.

What the

Ace pressed the pedal and the car accelerated again. I gripped harder onto the door. “He is following us, isn’t he?” I asked.

Ace glanced at me, his lips set in a tight line. He gave a curt nod. “I think so, sweetheart. I’m almost certain, actually. Just trying to figure out what to do to keep you safe.”

In spite of everything, a rush of warmth buzzed through me. Not
I’m gonna kill the bastard
hold on tight, I’m gonna put my foot down
just trying to figure out what to do to keep you safe

“Uh, okay. W—what do you think he wants?”

He quirked an eyebrow. “I think that’s pretty obvious, babe, don’t you?”

Not to me, it fucking wasn’t. “He’s not going to try and mug us or something, is he? I know I’m only a human, but how would a werewolf fare against a vampire? Surely you’d both end up getting hurt—”

“Aneesa, he is not trying to mug us. He wants you, sweetheart. He’s even more interested in you than we first thought. The treating him mean thing seems to have worked a treat.”

“Are you saying this is my fault?” Fury blazed through me. How was I supposed to know this was going to fucking happen?

“No! Of course not. That’s not what I meant at all. I just meant that our werewolf friend clearly really has the hots for you, and isn’t going to give you up without a fight.”

“B—but I’m not a thing to be won. And he hadn’t lost, anyway. I had every intention of taking him to bed with us, just not yet. But now he can go fuck himself. He’s a psycho.”

Ace’s face twisted into an expression somewhere between thoughtful and wry. “It’s not going to be as simple as that.” He’d slowed the car down now, but was still motoring along aimlessly, and going nowhere near our house.

“What do you mean?”

He bit his lip. “I don’t understand it fully myself, I have to be honest, but something to do with your…scent has put him into a kind of frenzy. A bit like a vampire’s bloodlust, I think, but without the blood. It’s simple lust, the insatiable kind that won’t go away until you get what you want.”

“So what you’re saying is, he won’t stop until he has me? That’s a bit fucking stalkerish, isn’t it? What if I don’t want him?”

Now a pained expression crossed Ace’s features. “Well, he knows that you do, doesn’t he? The scent I was talking about wasn’t you in general, it was your…pussy. He obviously smelled how turned on you were back there, and not just for me, and it’s blanked out all reason from his mind. He’s being led entirely by his instincts, unfortunately. His brain doesn’t really have a say in the matter.”

For once, I wished I had vampire strength so I could rip the door handle off and beat Ace over the head with it, repeatedly. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me this could happen? You told me a bunch of other stuff, but not once did you say that I could end up with a stalkerish werewolf on my tail because he likes the smell of my cunt.”

“Hey, I said it wasn’t your fault! But it doesn’t mean it’s my fault, either. Let’s stop arguing about it, anyway, and figure out what the hell we’re going to do about it. Otherwise we could drive around until one of us runs out of fuel, and I don’t want to risk us being the ones to get to empty first.”

“I think it’s pretty obvious, isn’t it, babe?” I said, parroting his own words back to him.

He ignored my choice of phrase. “What do you have in mind?”

“Well, I was going to fuck the two of you. So why not go along with the original plan? You don’t think he’ll hurt us, or try to, do you?”

“I’ll snap his furry neck if he so much as puts a finger on you in the wrong way.”

“I’d much rather avoid murder, or bloodshed of any kind, so why don’t we pull over and see if we can talk to him?” I sounded surprisingly calm, but inside I was terrified. My heart pounded, my guts were roiling and I’d broken out in an unpleasant cold sweat.

And yet, despite all that, there was a part of me, a deeply buried, incredibly dark and twisted part of me that was aroused by the whole fucking thing. Christ, what the hell was wrong with me?

Chapter Six




Refusing to allow my nerves to take over, I immediately turned to the men with a wide smile. “I’m just going to freshen up, so if you could give me five minutes or so before coming upstairs…” Turning on my heel, I sauntered away with an emphasized wiggle of my hips, then climbed the stairs. As soon as I was out of their sights, I kicked off my shoes and hurried. There was no time to lose—it had taken some serious bravery on my part and restraint on Ace’s to get things back on an even keel with Barton, and I didn’t want to leave the two of them alone together for any longer than was absolutely necessary. Carnage on my living room carpet was not an option.

Dashing into the bathroom, I used the toilet, then washed my hands, brushed my teeth and gargled with mouthwash. Then back in the bedroom, I ensured everywhere was tidy—silly really, given I’d done that before we’d gone out, just in case. Finally, I grabbed a handful of condoms and a bottle of lube from a drawer and put them on the bedside table.

Once everything was taken care of, I stood in the middle of the floor, frozen with indecision. What did I do now? Getting onto the bed was the obvious choice, and one I intended to make, but did I get undressed, or not? Would the boys prefer to strip me? Or watch me take off my own clothes?

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