Satisfaction Guaranteed

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Authors: Tuesday Morrigan

Tags: #Contemporary Multicultural

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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Tuesday Morrigan

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Copyright © March 2011 by Tuesday Morrigan

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No

part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or

electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not

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author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

eISBN 978-1-60737-963-8

Editor: Crystal Esau

Cover Artist: April Martinez

Printed in the United States of America

Published by

Loose Id LLC

PO Box 425960

San Francisco CA 94142-5960

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical

events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either

the product of the author"s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any

resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or

locales is entirely coincidental.


This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be

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Chapter One

“I see you remember our song,” Rome whispered against the sensitive shell of

her left ear.

A slight shudder went through her as his breath moved over her. She licked

her bottom lip, hardened her resolve to make it through the evening, and turned. “I

see you"ve forgotten plenty. We were never together, Rome. We didn"t have a song.”

Their history was long and complicated. They never had anything as simple as a

song. Sela wondered again if she made a mistake coming to her ten-year high-school

reunion. No doubt her vacation time could have been better spent on a beach.

Their closeness wouldn"t be such a hassle if he weren"t so attractive. Rome was

a tall man, standing approximately six foot three, with long, strong muscles. His

broad shoulders and inky black hair differentiated him from every man standing in

the room. Bright green eyes rimmed with the longest, darkest lashes stared at her.

He smiled briefly, full, lightly tinted lips curving around straight white teeth.

He had grown more handsome while they were apart.

“Not because I didn"t try,” he said softly. So softly she wondered if she was

meant to hear the words.

Comment on his admission.

But he never gave her a chance. “Would you like to make this our song now?

Would you like to dance?”

She flicked a glance at the dance floor. It was crowded, and the song was slow.

If she agreed, her body would be pressed against his.

Hard muscles to full curves.

She continued to look past him as she spoke. “I think your wife would


“Then it"s a good thing I"m not married.”

Damn, she"d miscalculated. The last she"d heard Rome was engaged. That was

over two years ago. She"d assumed he would be married by now.

“Engaged, huh? Still haven"t gotten up the courage to do the damned thing.”

“I"m not married, engaged, or otherwise in a relationship, Sela.”

Her gaze lifted at the sound of humor in his voice. There was definitely

amusement in Rome"s eyes.

“So?” He held out his hand.


Tuesday Morrigan

She stared at it for a second. Long, slightly rough, lightly tanned hand—a

hand that she remembered pleasuring her body so well. She could turn him down,

but then he would believe she was afraid of him, of what they once were. She wasn"t

and wouldn"t let him think that. “Fine. Let"s get this over with.”

“Be still my beating heart.”

Sela ignored the very strong urge to turn around and flip him the bird as she

made her way to the dance floor. He caught up with her as she reached the crowd.

He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him.

The swiftness of his actions took her by surprise. She fell against him in an

undignified heap, but Rome was prepared. He wrapped both arms around her and

moved just a little closer.

Just as Sela feared, hard muscles met soft curves as her breasts were flattened

against Rome"s chest. She was dismayed to discover that her nipples immediately

hardened and her pussy flooded with moisture.
Christ, what is wrong with me? He

shouldn’t make me feel like this.

Whenever Sela thought about Rome and her attraction to him, she blamed her

response on teenage hormones. She couldn"t claim that anymore. No, it was all

Rome. She started to step back and put some desperately needed space between

their bodies when he moved. It was a simple, soft sway of his hips to the beat of the

music pulsing through the air, but it was highly effective. She felt her heart rate

increase. To slow down her raging emotions, Sela took a deep breath.

It was a mistake. She dragged in a deep breath of Rome"s distinctive scent,

clean male and animal magnetism. It filled her nostrils and slid down her throat.

She tasted him on her tongue, and like an appetizer, it left her hungering for the

main meal.
Him sliding into her sheath, filling her to the brim, and satisfying the

hunger that burned deep in her soul.

Needs long forgotten surfaced for just a moment before she pushed the

traitorous feelings aside. She looked up to find Rome watching her with an emotion

that made her sheath tighten with need. If she didn"t know better, Sela would say

Rome"s eyes had been filled with desire. She glanced away before she allowed the

sight to shatter her resolve.

That was the last thing she needed. She was teetering on the edge. Knowing

he wanted her might just push her over.

Thankfully, the song ended before she could think about it more.

“Well, that was…nice. Thank you.” She started to turn away when Rome

tightened his grip on her waist. Sela found herself staring back up at him.

“You remember this song, don"t you?”

She opened her mouth to tell him off when she heard the bluesy singer croon

the first line. She remembered the song, all right. They"d danced to it during their

senior prom. The last night they were real friends.

“What are you doing, Rome?”

Satisfaction Guaranteed


He flashed Sela a smile that did wicked things to her nether regions. He

leaned forward. She licked her lips slowly as anticipation danced along her nerves.

Dear God, if he kisses me…

“I"m trying to win my friend back.”

She stared at him incredulously. That was not what she was expecting. She

turned away, thinking about the summer after her senior year in high school. “We

tried to be friends. It didn"t work.”

He pressed her a little closer. She bit her bottom lip as every inch of his hard

frame enveloped her lush curves. “You"re wrong, Sela. We were friends for years

before things went south.” He paused. “I"ll admit I"ve considered that we were

meant to be more than friends.”

She took two deep breaths at his words. For a moment time itself seemed to

still. Years ago she would have given anything to hear Rome utter those words. Now

they filled her with cold heat.

“We tried that, or don"t you remember?” She gave him a brittle smile. “This

dance is over.” She stepped out of Rome"s arms and made her way off the dance

floor. Every step she took seemed to thunder through her mind. People glanced at

her in surprise as she walked through the crowd, but she ignored them all.

Somehow she managed to make it away from the crowd without losing her


She headed straight for the drinks. She was livid. Absolutely livid.

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