Savage (4 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

BOOK: Savage
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“I…” Her voice was no more than a whisper, but both of them heard it nonetheless. Opening her mouth a few times, she looked as if she was going to say something, but instead she started to cry. Alric couldn’t stand to see the big, fat tears roll down her cheeks. He got up despite Sam tightening his hold on him. Alric moved towards her. He watched her stiffen when he crouched in front of her, but she didn’t move away.

“You’re safe here. Whatever happened out there can’t get you in here. I promise.” He reached up, slowly, not wanting to frighten her further, and brushed her tears away. He stared into the deep green depths of her eyes, willing her to open up and to not be frightened.

“I’m from Willowhearth.”

Alric played the name over in his head, finally realising that it was a small shifter community about four hours from Forrest Haven.
Hell, she travelled that far?

“I couldn’t stay there any longer. They would have killed me once I had the baby.” She covered the small swell of her belly protectively with her hands. He had known she was pregnant, not right away, but once they had tended to her wounds he had picked up on the small, fast heartbeat.

“Your mate didn’t protect you?” A nasty purple bruise marred the side of her face and he couldn’t help the rage that consumed him.
How can this be? How can she be here, pregnant with another’s baby, hurt and frightened?
Alric didn’t want to delve too deeply into it. He was just thankful she hadn’t died.

“There is no mate. My pack,” she stuttered on the last word, as if just mentioning it brought fear to her.

“Shhh, let’s start with something easier. What’s your name?”

“Dalia Cooper.”

. He said her name over and over again in his mind and turned to stare at Sam. His mate had a look of pure terror across his face, but Alric could see, beneath all that fear, a knowing presence of understanding and dawning realisation take root. He needed to speak with Sam, but it would have to wait until Dalia was taken care of.

“Dalia.” Murmuring her name, Alric brushed her auburn hair away from her eyes. “Such a beautiful and fitting name for a little flower.” He noticed her blush and his heart sped up. “Would you like something to eat and drink?” As soon as she nodded in agreement he saw Sam hurry up and go into the kitchen. The open floor plan allowed him to watch his mate prepare the food. Alric couldn’t help but smile and feel his chest swell with love.

“Dalia, tell me what happened.”

Chapter Five




Dalia glanced down and started picking at invisible lint. “I come from a pack that is known as the Braylocks. Our alpha, Clay, is a very determined and strong alpha. I didn’t choose to be part of their pack, I was bequeathed into it. You see, Willowhearth doesn’t have just one pack and one alpha. Family units have split into their own packs. My father was the alpha of the Cooper pack. When I was born, I was promised to Clay. Even before I was born my life was doomed.” Tears streamed down her face in fast rivulets and she quickly wiped them away.

“Does your pack not have bound mates?” Although the Luecross had mates, destined individuals that were bound body and soul to each other, not all shifters had the same luck.

“We do not get to choose our mates. The females are sold, bartered to other family packs in hopes of strengthening their own.”

Sam stopped beside him and set a plate and mug beside her. “It sounds barbaric.” There was a growl in Sam’s voice and Alric snapped his gaze to his, giving him a silent warning to not make things any more difficult.

“Yeah.” She let her head fall forward as memories washed through her. “When I found out who I was to be bequeathed to, I refused to take him as my mate. You see, the Braylock pack is not known for their gentleness and kindness. They are a ruthless pack that enjoy causing pain and suffering…” Her breathed hitched. “It’s the only way they can succeed in this world. I did not feel this way, didn’t want to be a part of something so ugly.”

Alric placed his hand on hers, giving her his strength when he could see she needed it most. Sam sat beside him, but he didn’t touch her. It was clear his mate was struggling with the story she was telling. He wanted to assure Sam that things would be okay, that they would get to the bottom of this, but he needed to do that in private so they didn’t scare Dalia with the revelation that would no doubt have her even more upset.

“He will come for me. I know he will.” She took the mug and brought it to her lips.

“He must love you, though.” She shook her head before he had even finished.

“Clay doesn’t love me. He loves the idea of me. I’m pregnant, but not by choice.”

Alric felt heat rise inside him at her admission. The very thought of her being forced to do anything had his wolf howling in rage. “They forced you?” The words were no more than a growl and he watched as her eyes widened. The smell of her fear was thick and he cursed inwardly at being the cause of it. He put some distance between them.

“It’s okay, Dalia. We are only here to help. We just want to make sure you’re okay and to know what we’re up against.” Sam said.

She breathed out heavily. “I know. I can feel how accepting you are. I only sense caring and sincerity from the two of you. It’s just…” She licked her lips before continuing. “I have not known gentleness from another male. I never wanted Clay’s baby, but now that I am pregnant I can’t even think of giving him up. This baby is all that I have, despite the way he was conceived.” Her eyes were big and shiny from her unshed tears as she looked at both of them. “I can’t let Clay have the baby. He will warp his small and innocent mind—turn him into something evil and twisted.” She whispered.

“We won’t let him near you. Please don’t worry.” Alric watched as Sam rubbed her back. “He just needs to see reason. Needs to realise that harming a female and taking what isn’t freely offered is a disgrace and requires punishment.”

“No, Clay will never see reason. He is who he is and nothing will change him until he is dead.” She set the mug down and closed her eyes briefly. Alric could sense how tired she was, could feel how worn out her small body was from running.

“Sleep, Dalia. We won’t let anything harm you.” He walked up to the couch and took the plate and glass. She hadn’t eaten much, which didn’t please him, but she needed to rest and let her body heal. When he came back from placing the dirty dishes in the kitchen, she was already lying on the couch and Sam was placing a blanket over her body. Her eyes were closed and he knew it would only be moments before she was asleep.

Gesturing for Sam to follow him, he led his mate into the bedroom and shut the door quietly. Sam paced and Alric could feel the anger and possessiveness inside his mate.

“You have to calm yourself, Sam.” This wasn’t just about finding a fragile female lost in the woods, this was about so much more. Alric sat on the edge of the bed and rested his head in his hands. Confusion was heavy within him and he honestly didn’t know what to do.

“I’m at odds, Alric.”

“I know.” Glancing up at Sam, Alric had never thought something like this could happen. “She is our mate.”

Sam rubbed his hair haphazardly and sat beside him. “How is this possible?”

Alric shrugged, knowing that anything was possible, but feeling at a loss for words. “It isn’t unusual for a Luecross to have more than one mate.”

“I know this, but she is from another pack and is carrying another’s child.”

“Not by choice, Sammy.” Sam let out a deep growl and Alric placed his hand on his lover’s leg. “Be at ease. I am just as upset over the revelation as you are, but our priority is keeping her safe.” He breathed out and chuckled.

“Who would have thought the two of us would have another mate?” Although they were with each other, both he and Sam had been with men and women. It just so happened that he’d mated with his best friend and the man he loved. The only problem now was telling Dalia this.

“It sounds like her pack will not let her go.” Alric looked at Sam when he spoke.

“They won’t have a choice. She isn’t an object they can acquire and do with as they please. She is
mate, Sam, and it is our job to protect her. All of this was meant to happen, and even though it isn’t the ideal situation, I have faith that things will work out.”

“We should leave with her and go back with the pack. All of us will be able to protect her better.”

Alric shook his head. “Sam, the power went out not too long ago and the blizzard is only getting worse. I don’t want to risk travelling with her in the condition she is in. What if something was to happen? She’s lucky she didn’t die before she got to us.” Alric swallowed past the lump in his throat. He had only just met the small female, but she was already making an impact on him. Glancing at Sam, he could tell by the expression on his mate’s face that he thought the same thing.

“You’re right. She is far too vulnerable to be travelling right now. I think one of us should consider going and getting help, though.”

Alric nodded, knowing the reasoning was logical. It just depended on if they could get down the mountain in time to get help. They had brought their snowmobile with them, but it hadn’t been used since the previous winter. Even if they trekked down the mountain in their wolf form, which would be safer, the weather was a bitch, which would be unsafe for whatever form they were in. All in all, it was just a dangerous trek, but one they would have to make if they wanted to keep their mate safe.

“We will figure it out. I have no doubts about that.” Sam smiled and Alric leaned in to kiss him.

Alric knew this, but he was worried about others things as well. “We have another problem, though, Sammy. We have to convince her that we won’t hurt her as the others have.”


* * * *


Dalia sensed the men leaving and heard the door shut. Breathing out, she kept her eyes closed, feeling exhaustion take hold of her. She couldn’t believe she was pouring her heart out to these strangers. They had saved her, she kept telling herself, but still, trust others was something that had left her long ago. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but these two men were different. They were fierce and strong yet they exuded a warmth and understanding that Dalia had never seen. She was used to the ruthlessness of the packs around her, but these two wolves—Luecross they called themselves—were so much more.

She could feel a pull towards them, but didn’t know what that meant. For so long she had been under the thumb of abusive and territorial males. She could sense Sam and Alric were just as dominating, but not in the way that she feared. They genuinely felt empathy for her, something she had never got from another person. She had been a prisoner for so long she had forgotten what it felt like for someone to actually care for her, as an individual, not an object. It was enough to make her cry all over again, but she held in her tears. She wanted to rest so badly, but the fear that Clay and the others would burst through the front door kept her on edge. Dalia stared at the fire. She watched it until her eyes burnt and she couldn’t hold them open any longer and she slipped into a restless slumber.


Chapter Six




The storm became fiercer as the days progressed. Dalia found herself staring out of the front window for long intervals, yet she wasn’t quite sure what she was searching for. Maybe she was just watching the blizzard, or maybe she was waiting to see if Clay and the other Braylocks had found her? She felt safe with Alric and Sam, but still, she couldn’t help the guilt she felt when she thought of them getting injured because of her.

She placed a hand on her belly and felt the light flutter of her baby’s movement. She was only four months along, and even though to some this pregnancy wasn’t ideal, she couldn’t think of giving up on it now. The baby was hers, not Clay’s, and she would fight with her last breath to make sure her child was taken care of.

She stared at Alric and Sam as they sat engrossed in books. Dalia couldn’t help but feel a fierce attraction towards them. It was a shame given the fact that they were lovers and mates, but she couldn’t help but wonder if they felt the same attraction for her. She had seen the way they watched her, as if she was their prey and they were waiting for the right moment to make their move. It wasn’t fear that drove her to feel this way, but the need to feel them, touch them, be with them in the most primal of ways. She had no place with them. It was clear the two were in love and she couldn’t help but feel like a burden in their life. Here they were, helping a virtual stranger and putting themselves at risk.

As if Alric had sensed her thoughts, he lifted his eyes from the book he was reading and stared at her. She would have turned away embarrassed if not for the fact that he held her gaze so intently that she found it hard to stop watching him. He was so handsome and rugged, so masculine and strong. Everything about him screamed male testosterone and pure unadulterated dominance. He smiled, just a lift of his lips that did nothing to hide the raw power he exuded. Her heart sped up and her mouth went dry. All sorts of naughty things played in her mind, images that had her cheeks heating and her pulse racing. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she saw through her peripheral vision that Sam watched her as well.

Blinking several times, she finally tore her eyes away from Alric’s and looked at Sam. He wasn’t as ruggedly handsome as Alric, but was more attractive in a pretty boy kind of way. She turned back towards the window and saw her reflection. The woman who stared back at her had pink cheeks and a lust-filled expression. She was ashamed by her thoughts, disgusted with herself for even wanting these two kind and generous men the way she did. They were gay, and it was clear that what she wanted from them would never happen. Still, she thought of those looks they gave her, ones that had her pussy tingling and her nipples hardening. It had to be her imagination playing with her, showing her what she wanted to see.

Stop it, Dalia.
That, of course, was easier said than done.

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