Savage Hunger: Savage, Book 1 (25 page)

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“You found it? When?” She tugged on her shirt and spun to face him, her mouth trembling. “Where is it now?”

Unable to tear his gaze away from the red marks on her neck, he replied flatly, “Quinton has it.”

“Oh my God. You didn’t. You didn’t! This can’t be happening.” Spinning away again she found her panties and shorts, offering him a seductive glance at her naked ass before she tugged those on too. Then she spun around, stormed toward him, and slammed her palm against his chest. “Are you absolutely insane?”

Warrick blinked, some of the numbness fading as the big picture swam back into focus. Something that had nothing to do with his claiming Sienna as his mate, and everything to do with the lives at risk. Her rage flew at him in waves, making his own vat of hot anger simmer hot and volatile inside him.

“I can’t believe you would do this, Warrick. After I
you I didn’t trust him.”

When she went to slap his chest again, he caught her wrist and jerked her against him. “You can’t believe what
done? Dammit, Sienna. You lied.

“I couldn’t tell you about the jump drive—you know that.”

“The hell you couldn’t.”

Why the hell had he even bothered to protect her? She’d dug herself a nice, deep grave. And he knew what would happen next. They’d go back to the safe house and the agents would discuss doing a memory wipe on Sienna.

Who knew if they would actually do it. The chances seemed slim, being that she was Kevin Peters’s daughter.

Warrick’s throat tightened and a chill swept through him at his next thought. Maybe it might be a good thing for them both if she was wiped. It would be like his claiming her had never even happened. The marks would fade. Only he would know.

You’re a fucking bastard for even thinking this.

Sweat beaded on his forehead. He’d be able to keep his career and stay in the community, which was all he’d ever wanted, right? He’d never planned to take a mate. Had never needed a woman longer than a few nights. Until in one moment of jealousy—because that’s the only way he could rationalize what he’d done—he’d claimed Sienna. Had taken her innocence and claimed her as his own.

He wouldn’t push for her memory to be wiped. But if the final decision was to do it, then he wouldn’t fight it either.

Sienna shook her head, her eyes narrowing, and for one second he was sure she could read his thoughts and his stomach heaved.

“I’m going to go back to the house, take a shower, and then I’m out of here,” she said warily. “You have the jump drive, there’s no reason to keep me anymore, Warrick.”

“Hang on a minute. Answer me something first. You had all the information on that drive all this time. Right down to the chemical components that they’d been given. Why didn’t you try to develop an antidote?” She shook her head and tried to pull away, but he tightened his arm. “Don’t walk away from me, dammit! You went to school for this, Sienna, you’re a biochemist. Why didn’t you

“Because I’m not my father!” she shouted, frustration and humiliation in her eyes now. “This is way above me. If I could’ve helped them, for God’s sake, don’t you think I would have? I went to school to follow in my dad’s footsteps, because I’m fascinated by what he does. And everybody expects me to be the same fucking brilliant chemist, because I’m his daughter. Well I’m not. I’m just an average mind who could barely make the Dean’s list.”

Sympathy pricked in his gut, because he knew she was comparing herself to her father and coming up short. And Sienna was a damned smart woman—barely made the Dean’s list, his ass. But she was right. She wasn’t her dad. Her father was the kind of brilliant scientist whose name got flung around with other heavy hitters in the scientific field—some who were long since dead.

“You’re not stupid, Sienna.”

“Well, I’m not smart enough to crack this, Warrick. I didn’t have much time, but I tried. Molecular biology was never my strong suit.”

“Then you should have been honest with us, Sienna.” He shook his head and released her wrist. “You shouldn’t have hidden this. This is bigger than some little irrational fear you have.”

“That irrational fear was what got Leo killed,” she argued and made a great show of rubbing her arm. “So congratulations. You’ve likely just put that jump drive into the hands of someone who will betray your kind.”

“Quinton would never do that.”

“How can you even be so sure? And maybe it’s not Quinton. It could even be you, Warrick.”

The hell she made such an asinine statement.
This was the second time she’d implied she didn’t trust him.

He wanted to grab her again, kiss the hell out of her until she took it back. She was his mate now, surely something inside her should

But he knew he needed to keep his emotions under control. He was a fucking P.I.A. agent and it was time he started acting like it.

Pushing all emotion from his voice, he replied, “You don’t believe that for a minute.”


Sienna stared at him, wanting to deny it. Wanting to hurl more accusations at him. But he was right. She didn’t believe it. This man was almost a part of her. He’d had no more a part of what had been done to those shifters than she had.

“It doesn’t matter anymore.” The fight left her in a rush and her energy level plummeted.

Already she was emotionally and physically exhausted from making love. Though she wondered if it could even be called that. It had been so rough and passionate, overwhelming her senses and inhibitions. Not that she’d had too many inhibitions to begin with.

And afterward she’d been so full of amazement—her heart swollen with happiness. All she’d wanted was stay in Warrick’s arms. To be held and kissed. Not to mention ask him what had made him bite her. Maybe it was some seductive thing the shifters did. It had only hurt for a second before pleasure and light had radiated through her body. Warming her and swelling her heart with an emotion so close to love it scared the hell out of her.

She hadn’t expected Warrick to shut down emotionally and slip right back into hard-ass-agent mode. But then, his intent in coming into the woods hadn’t been to make love to her anyway—obviously he’d been ready to confront her about the jump drive.

Until he’d seen her with Agent Hilliard. He’d been so out of line. Why did he care so much if she got involved with someone else? Jeez, she’d only given the agent a grateful kiss on the cheek, it wasn’t like she’d been giving him a blowjob. Warrick had been so completely out of line. Out of his mind!

Still, a part of her thrilled at the possessive, passionate response he’d had to seeing her with another man. Which was ridiculous. She didn’t want to feel like someone’s possession. She didn’t want to belong to anyone.

Or don’t you?

Sienna glanced up at Warrick through her lashes, trying to reconcile the hardened man staring down at her with the hot-blooded male who’d made love to her so passionately moments ago. He was so far buried beneath a cold, methodical exterior it was hard to believe they were one and the same.

“What happens now?” she asked, trying to force her mind back to where it needed to be. “Have you been able to contact my father?”

“Our attempts at reaching him have proven unsuccessful,” he replied flatly.

. Dammit, where was he? Fear swelled in her belly and she shook her head. “This doesn’t make any sense. He’d never leave his phone this long.”

“We’re bringing in other P.I.A. scientists to try and create an antidote—”

“It’s not going to help.”

“We have no choice but to try.” His harsh words rang out in the forest. “What would you have us do, Sienna? Let those shifters die? They’re already on the brink.”

The lump of emotion thickened in her throat and she bit her lip. They could try, but they would probably hit the same wall she had. But it was useless to try and tell him that again. They’d discover it on their own.

“And what happens with me? I can go, right?”

Warrick pulled back. Physically and, she could sense, emotionally. His gaze was briefly troubled before it became unreadable. She knew that look by now. It wasn’t good news.

“I can’t say for sure. But it’s time we head back to the house.” He turned away from her and started up the trail.

The jerk just expected her to follow. Didn’t even consider the possibility that she’d run off back into the woods and try to escape the grimness of her future. She was of no use to them anymore. They’d already found the jump drive and there wasn’t much more she could tell them or that they hadn’t already discovered.

She glanced back into the forest. She could run from Warrick, but what would be the point? He’d catch her. She knew that now. He was a shifter with heightened senses and abnormal abilities. She didn’t stand a chance in hell.

Swallowing her resentment, she started after him. She tried really,
hard not to think about what happened next. Maybe she could still prove she was useful. Or maybe her dad would finally see his messages and call them back.

“Keep up with me, Sienna.” Warrick’s sharp command cut through her thoughts.

“I’m coming already,” she muttered and quickened her stride. Because no matter how much she dragged her feet, it wouldn’t stop the inevitable.



Back in the bedroom. Naturally.

Sienna paced the hardwood floor, hands curled into fists so she wouldn’t tug off the bedspread or start throwing things. Right now grabbing the lamp and hurling it at the wall sounded pretty damn good.

The agents had been conjoined in the other room for about an hour now. Beyond discussing the contents of the jump drive, no doubt they were talking about her. Oh God.

She may as well have just finished running a marathon with the way her pulse was pounding. Her throat hurt from holding back tears of frustration. For the last couple of hours she’d tried to think of something—anything—that would make her useful to them again.

She’d toyed with the idea of lying and telling the agents that she knew who was behind the shifters’ captivity. But could she lie convincingly? Warrick would probably see right through her.

Her gaze slid to the bed and the simple striped burgundy bedspread that covered it. Memories slammed through her head—images of Warrick and her. Of the first time he’d brought her pleasure and how she’d slept in his arms. The peace she’d found there. The completeness.

She clung to the memories, mentally digging claws into them and clinging possessively. Frantic at the idea that they could be stripped from her mind against her will.

The sudden silence struck her immediately and she held her breath, her gaze sliding to the door. They were done talking? Sure enough, footsteps sounded in the hall a moment later. Each step made her flinch and she still didn’t draw in a breath as she waited.

Her chest tightened and she grew light-headed as she watched the door handle turn and the door open slowly. Warrick stepped in. She knew it was him without looking at his face. His physique she could recognize blindfolded and by touch alone. But the broad shoulders, ripped chest and tapered waist were easily distinguishable beneath his black T-shirt.

She lifted her gaze slowly, up his neck, then lingering on a mouth that could be so patient and exquisitely torturous in giving pleasure. Her own mouth trembled as she finally lifted her gaze all the way up to meet his.

A ragged sob ripped from her throat, part a gasp for air, but mostly a denial to the blatant shock and remorse that was in his eyes. An expression that told her all she needed to know.

“I’m sorry, Sienna.”

“No.” Her head whipped from side to side, the word
spilling from her lips again and again in a furious mantra.

She wasn’t aware of retreating until the backs of her knees hit the bed. Warrick’s mouth tightened and he strode across the room toward her.

Panic and terror assailed her at once and she shrieked, climbing onto the bed in an effort to escape. Even though there really was no escape, but every part of her fought the obvious. Because she had to fight back. Or everything—
that had happened recently would be wiped from her mind. Including making love to Warrick.

More agents rushed into the room, ready to restrain her, and Sienna’s screams turned shrill. Someone grabbed her around the waist, jerking her down from the bed.

Oh God, and it was going to happen now. Now! Not even a few hours to get used to the idea. To have one last talk with Warrick.

She kicked and hit, blind in her need to free herself and stop the inevitable. The agent who held her around the waist pinned her arms to her side while another agent grabbed her legs. She tried to fight, but was rendered almost immobile by their grip as they moved her toward the door.

Her stomach roiled so hard she thought for a moment she might vomit. She twisted her head, searching out Warrick. “Don’t do this!
, don’t let them do this!”

His lips compressed together, almost trembling as guilt and pain swept across his face. “Sienna…”

“Please!” she screamed, tears rolling down her face, hysteria taking over. “I don’t want to forget.
I don’t want to forget

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