Savage Instinct

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Authors: Leila Jefferson

BOOK: Savage Instinct
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By Leila Jefferson





















Time Publications


Copyright © 2011 Leila Jefferson


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

ISBN 13:

First Printing 2012

Library Congress Of Control Number: on file


Printed in United States of America


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to the real locals are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places and incidents are entirely coincidental.












s Note



Wow, another book. Every time I’m done writing and have reread my story about 72 times, I have the same feeling. I’m excited, nervous, exhaling, sweaty, anxious, can’t breathe, smiling ear to ear, second guessing, and ready for the world to read. I keep asking myself did I do everything I wanted to do with characters and scenes. I always think of something I should have added or something I should have changed. All in all, I’m always very pleased and look forward to feedback I get from readers. That is what keeps this pen moving.

When I wrote the first book about 12 years ago as I sat at work bored out of my mind, I never imagined I’d be right here, right now finishing up book #8(
Survivin’ Tha Game
is 2 books in 1

). Anywho, the feeling is surreal. I’m truly blessed.

As mentioned in
Devious Savages
, there are a lot of those Savage women and I know I introduced you to a gang of drama involving them all, and now I’m taking a few of them and telling their personal story. The Savage series isn’t a sequel or trilogy and my goal is for all the books to stand alone. I don’t want my readers feeling lost because they missed a book, but, of course, I’d like you to read them all

. These next few books are before the time of
Devious Savages
and after, and maybe when I’m done giving you more insight on characters I’ll pen a
Devious Savages 2

Big thanks to Sheperd Photography for the picture and Ashley Paden for bringing Lexi Savage to life by being the model for the cover. Bigger thanks to all my readers. Good, bad, or ugly, you guys support me and that’s priceless! Much love to my kids and grandkids, as always, they keep me motivated. Don’t just follow your dreams, chase ‘em down and catch ‘em in a headlock!

Over and out


Leila J’t
been on there much, but I’m gonna get back in twittermode soon)




Also by Leila Jefferson


Survivin’ Tha Game

He’s A Keeper

Every Man’s Dream

Scorned Hearts

Chronicles Of A Single Chick

Devious Savages




That’s The Way Love Goes

Tasty Temptations

A Place To Go

Naughty & Definitely Not Nice


















Chapter 1



Lexi, go sit on ya Uncle Bank Roll lap and get ya dolla,” Candy said to her daughter.

At twenty nine, Candy was gone beyond the point of return. She had been prostituting since she was eleven and her parents made her sit on laps when she was younger just as she did her girls. Her first lap sitting was at five, and she had done so much more before she ran away like her Yesina and hit the streets on her own. While sitting at the bus stop on Telegraph Street a guy picked up Candy and became her pimp. She raked in lots of money for him. She had known so much for her age and the men loved it. She got pregnant by one of her tricks when she was fifteen, who became her man, and had another baby by him a year and a half later.

Derrick was thirty one when he saw Candy walking down the street in cut off shorts and a half shirt. He knew she was a hoe and that was just what he needed. He had just gotten over the heartbreak of his woman having a baby by his brother and he never wanted to love again. He pulled over and picked her up, and her skills kept him going back for more. He didn’t know how many tricks she had turned and he didn’t know why he trusted her, but when she said she was pregnant he instantly knew the baby was his. Her pimp got rid of her, and she prostituted her pregnant body for food and room money.

Derrick showed up every now and again to fuck her, but he didn’t want to take her in and take care of her for her to turn around and deceive him. When she finally had Yesina, he saw the Savage genes all over her, only she was chocolate like her mother. A couple of years after Lexi was born, Derrick got tired of trying to chase Candy down to see about his kids or having his ex sister in law, Elizabeth, call him because the kids were over there, so he moved in her two bedroom, low income apartment in East Oakland. Besides, going to Elizabeth’s was a constant reminder of the hurt when he saw the youngest daughter.

While Derrick robbed, Candy sold pussy when money was gone from her welfare check. Feeling frustrated from having two small babies, they both started getting high to take away from the stresses of their life and the girls were left to fend for themselves.

Candy’s once chocolate skin looked dull and dry. Her five feet seven frame was once curvy with 38D tits and a round apple bottom. Over the years, her tits and ass became droopy, but at the end of the day her pussy and mouth still worked. That was all she needed to make a few dollars here and there. She used to have long, thick hair but cut it all off so she wouldn’t have to worry about combing it, and she always wore too much makeup when she called herself going out to turn tricks.

Derrick looked old and dirty. His two front teeth were missing from being knocked out by a young drug dealer he tried to rob. In the end, it didn’t matter to him because he still made out with forty dollars and five rocks. No one would have believed he was once a fine man that made over fifty thousand a year and lived in a plush house with a promising future. The infidelity from someone he thought was going to be his wife made him turn down a devastating path of destruction. There were times he couldn’t look at himself in the mirror because he was so ashamed.

Lexi laid on the floor on her stomach looking at music videos. Yesina had paid for bootleg cable with money she had gotten from Bank Roll before she ran away. Lexi didn’t know how long the cable would work, but she planned to watch videos until it was turned off or until her parents sold the TV. She loved looking at the half naked girls that the rappers rapped about. She wanted to be fly and fabulous just like them, and she vowed one day she would. She wanted the long weave, the perfect makeup, and a banging body. She practiced her dance moves in front of the mirror, preparing herself for her big break. She turned her head toward the couch behind her and eyed Bank Roll.

Lexi stood up, smoothed out her dress, and as she walked toward him, Bank Roll smiled and let out a lust filled chuckle as she jumped on his lap. She sat sideways with her arms draped around his neck while she looked at him. Bank Roll was forty three, and looked great for a man of his age since he had never done any hard labor and always had money. He was light skinned with wavy hair and stood five feet eight, although his presence made him seem to be well over six feet. He had a thing for the young girls and had no problem fulfilling his wishes since he had money to throw away. He loved the fact that two of the biggest fiends had the prettiest little chocolate girls. Lexi sat on Bank Roll’s lap plenty of times before, but since Yesina was gone she wondered would it be the time she had been waiting for.

Give me my dolla first,” Lexi said in a sassy tone with her hand out.

That’s right, baby, get ya money first,” Candy rooted before leaving the living room to go to the kitchen for her high.

Bank Roll went in his pocket and gave Lexi a dollar. She looked at it as if she were trying to make sure it wasn’t fake, and once satisfied that it wasn’t she tucked it in her young cleavage as she had seen her mother do many times before since her dress didn’t have pockets.

Ya momma and daddy owe me some money, but I said we can let all that go if you sit on my lap for a little while.” Lexi shrugged her shoulders like it made no difference to her one way or the other. “You miss your sister?” he asked as he patted her back.

Yea, I don’t have nobody to play with since she ran away,” Lexi said sadly as she looked toward the floor.

Bank Roll rubbed her arm. “I miss her, too. I don’t have anybody to play with, either. Can we play together?”

Lexi gave him a big smile. She was a grown woman in a little girl’s body, and Bank Roll was about to find out she knew exactly what she was doing. “Do you like to play jacks or hopscotch?” she asked innocently as she laid her head on his shoulder.

Those games are fun, but I know something that’s funner than that,” Bank Roll said as he moved down to her legs and slightly rubbed them.

She opened her eyes wide as if she was amazed he knew something better than silly ass jacks or hopscotch. “You do? Like what?” she curiously asked.

Your skin is so soft. Bank Roll an old man now. Feel how rough my skin is.” He held his hand out. His hand wasn’t really rough, but it wasn’t as smooth as Lexi’s.

Lexi ran her hand over his. “Yea, you have a lot of wrinkles,” she said as she softly rubbed his hand and nodded her head.

Bank Roll laughed. “You’re right, I do. Want to play a game me and Yesina used to play?”

Yes, I like games.” Bank Roll turned Lexi around on his lap so her back could face him, and put her legs on both sides of his lap. She gave off a slight smirk that Bank Roll didn’t see since she was no longer facing him.

OK, if you don’t like something just let me know and I’ll stop. I just want to rub your skin to remember how smooth mine used to be.” Bank Roll rubbed up and down Lexi’s chocolate arm as he spoke to her in a childlike voice. When he got to her armpits, he tickled her and made her laugh. He figured that would ease her nerves, and it would have if she had any. “You’re so pretty, can I kiss you?”

I like kisses.” She turned to face him, and then puckered her lips as she closed her eyes. Bank Roll kissed her lips and moved to her neck. He roamed her young body as he kissed her neck and back. She already had a small B cup and had a plump booty that stuck out. Bank Roll knew she was going to be a brick house like her momma had been once upon a time. Lexi felt something hard between her legs. “What’s that?” she asked dumbfounded as she reached down and felt his dick through his slacks.

That’s what happens when you make Bank Roll feel happy. You want to see it?”

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