Saved By A Siren: Spencers in Love Book One (9 page)

BOOK: Saved By A Siren: Spencers in Love Book One
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            "I know that you didn't fail them. But even
if you had, they would forgive you and they wouldn't want you to hurt like
this. They would want you to be happy."

            Elise felt his shoulders relax, as if a great
weight had lifted.

            "You're absolutely right." Gilles
pulled her to him and his lips crashed against hers hungrily and she tasted

            His lips were everywhere, her forehead, her
eyelids, her chin, her cheeks, her nose.

            "I was so stupid to wait so long to come
here." Gilles spoke the words against her neck causing her to shiver. He
licked and sucked his way to the corner of her shoulder and began nibbling. He
found the lace trim at her neckline and slid his tongue under it and traced his
way down along her décolletage. Elise moaned and thrust her breasts forwards.
His tongue licked up and down her cleavage and dipped in between her breasts.
Her fingers speared through his hair and her head fell back. Gilles bit the
edge of her gown and tugged with his teeth. It slid down, almost revealing a
nipple. Again he slid his tongue beneath the fabric and he felt the pebbled tip
against his tongue. She mewled and he felt his cock throb and jump. Elise felt
it too and wiggled her behind against him.

            "Jeeesus!" Gilles swore as he held her
still and rocked his hips against her. He found her ankle under the hem of her
skirt and his hand began gliding up her calf.

            "Take me upstairs, Gilles." Elise
begged, her voice muffled as her face was buried in his hair.    

            "I wish I could. God, I wish I could."
He stroked the soft flesh behind her knee.

            Elise whimpered and parted for him.

            This was heaven, Gilles thought. It had to be.
Nothing had ever been this good.

            Just as he was saying his thanks, Elise
stiffened in his arms. Her head jerked. It was now hell, Gilles amended.

            "Holderson is coming!" She leapt from
his lap, tugging her bodice up and shaking out her skirts. "Is this
alright?" She gestured towards her breasts.

            Sublimely alright. For a moment, Gilles could
only think of lewd things. He forced himself to be serious and looked her over.

            "You look like you've been kissed but
everything else is in order." he glanced down at himself. Other than the
very obvious bulge in his trousers and possibly his hair, he was fine. Gilles
ran his fingers through his hair and tried to cross his legs. Too painful. He
grabbed the bigger book off the end table, opened it and set it face down on
his lap just as the butler entered.

            "My lord, my lady." His gaze swept
over them and he valiantly kept his lips from curving. "A carriage has
been spotted and should be turning into the drive just about now."

            "Maman must have had them on the road
before the sun came up."

            Elise could hear Gilles' smile and tried to
focus on his happiness and ignore her nerves.

            "Does Cook know? She'll need to prepare a
bigger lunch." Elise stood and began pacing.

            "She's been informed and she says lunch
will only be delayed by half and hour. She will have tea and scones prepared

            "Oh, good. I'm sure they'll need
refreshment. Should I meet them in the hall?"

            Gilles stopped her by taking her hands.

            "Relax! Wait here and we'll settle them
into one of the parlors off the front hall. You can bring them back here when
you're ready." Truthfully, he wasn't sure he wanted to share this room
with anyone else. He liked having it just for them.

            Elise tried to pull away to start pacing again.
He turned her face towards him.     

            "It's going to be alright. They will love
you. I promise."

            She nodded and tried to look brave.

            "My shoes! They're upstairs!"

            "Leave them! They'll want you to be
comfortable. You're perfect just as you are. Isn't she, Holderson?"

            "Yes, she is, my lord." He stepped
towards the door. "I will see to the front door and have the Blue Parlor

            "I'll be right there." As soon as
Holderson was out of the room, Gilles gathered Elise in his arms and kissed her
soundly. "Trust me, all will be well. I'll come for you shortly."
With that, he was gone.

Chapter 13


            Mirabelle opened the carriage door and jumped
out before it had come to a full stop and stretched.

            "Finally, it feels so good to get out of
that torture box!"

            "Hellion. I didn't realize we were such
terrible company." Alastair said as he stepped down. Mirabelle pulled a
face and shrugged. He pivoted around, appraising the grounds and the front
facade of the house. "Impressive." He turned to assist his mother
from the carriage.

            Celine stepped out and her face lit up as she
took in the serene beauty.

            "Magnifique! No wonder Gilles is so content
to stay!"

            At the mention of his name Gilles walked briskly
through the front doors and skipped down the steps. Mirabelle and Alastair
exchanged glances.

            "You made good time! I'm so glad you're
here!" Gilles lifted his mother into an exuberant hug.

            "You're well, mon garçon?" Celine
asked as she searched his face.

            "I'm very well." He kissed her
knuckles then reached for his sister.

            "I'm glad you survived the trip!" He
swung Mirabelle in his arms and kissed her forehead.

            Finally, he turned to Alastair and pulled him
into an embrace, slapping him heartily on the back before letting go.

            "I'm so glad you're all here! Come

            Gilles lead them up the steps, stopping at the
entry to introduce them to Holderson.

            "Welcome to Longwood, if there's anything
you require, please let me know."

            He showed them to the Blue Parlor and bowed out.

            Gilles watched Alastair's eyes. As usual, his
pupils bounced about, cataloging details.

            Mirabelle stuck her head out the door

            "The decor in this hallway is quite

            "Mirabelle!" Her mother scolded.
"Come in here and sit down."

            "We spent hours sitting, maman." She
pirouetted, examining the decor in the parlor.

            "It is unusual." Alastair muttered as
he looked out the window at the grounds.

            "This room is more in the usual
style." Mirabelle remarked as she examined the figurines on a side table.

            "It's rarely used."

            Everyone looked expectantly at Alastair.

            "The upholstery shows no sign of wear and
the curtains are evenly faded on the backside from being closed for long

            Celine shook her head and turned to Gilles.

            "You needed a chaperone?" She smiled
expectantly at him.

            "I'm surprised it took you this long to

            Celine shrugged.

            "You're brother and sister insisted on
discussing the decor."

            "But, really? Did Longwood double as a rug
showroom when the late earl was alive?" Mirabelle asked.

            "I promise, it will all make sense shortly.
If you'll excuse me for a few minutes." Giles turned to leave then turned
back around. "You might want to assume that anything you say will be
heard, even if you whisper." He strode quickly out of the room, leaving
his family puzzled.

            "What do you suppose that means?"
Mirabelle asked, her head once again in the hallway. "There are tapestries
everywhere! Absolutely everywhere!"

            "Come in here now and behave as if you have
manners, mignon!" Celine demanded.

            Mirabelle sighed and looked to Alastair.

            "What do you make of it?"

            "I believe he means that you shouldn't say
anything uncouth." He smiled as she stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm
not certain but I think someone is quite sensitive to sound."

            "That would certainly explain the
hall." Mirabelle said as she finally sat down.

            A moment later, Gilles entered with one of the
loveliest women the three of them had ever seen on his arm. Mirabelle gasped
loudly while Celine's jaw fell in shock. Alastair barely moved. His eyes
squinted as he began noting as many details as he could. All three looked down
at her bare feet and then up at her unfocused gaze.

            "Maman, Mirabelle and Alastair, it gives me
great pleasure to introduce you to Lady Elise DeVere, The Countess of

            "Stop!" Mirabelle exclaimed.
"This is better than I imagined."

            "Vraiment?" Celine asked breathlessly.

            Elise's head tilted towards each voice.

            Alastair moved forwards, his eyes locked on
Elise's face. She sensed his movement and turned towards him. When he was close
enough she held her hand up in his direction.

            "Sir Alastair, it's a pleasure to meet

            He repositioned himself in front of her hand and
bowed over it.

            "The pleasure is mine." Alastair
released her hand and stepped back. He looked at Gilles. "She's

            "Indeed. And in my spare time, I sell
rugs." Elise replied with a completely straight face.

            Mirabelle laughed and stood up.

            "Oh, Gilles! She's marvelous!" She
stated as she crossed the room. She took Elise's hands and kissed each of her
cheeks. "I'm Mirabelle. I'm so happy to meet you."

            "Thank you, I'm so pleased to meet

            Celine rose and approached, assessing Elise from
the top of her head to her toe nails. Gilles felt Elise stiffen and sway closer
to him.

            Once his mother stood before her she raised her
hands to her face. Elise jumped but didn't pull away.

            "You will do very well, mon petite! Very
well!" Celine kissed both of her cheeks and placed her hand on her arm.
"Do come sit so we might know you better."

            Elise let her lead her through the room,
snapping the fingers of her left hand as she moved. Alastair watched her, his
head tilted. Gilles came up behind her as she neared the chair his mother had
selected for her. He took her elbow and guided her as she sat. He took the seat
at the end of the couch so he was nearest to her. Holderson arrived with the tea
tray and set it on the table in the middle.

            "Would you be so kind as to pour, Mrs.

            "Of course, but you must call me

            Elise nodded and smiled.

            Once his mother poured Elise's tea, Gilles
intercepted her cup, added two sugars and a drop of milk and placed it on the
table in front of her. He turned the handle out to the right then took her
hands and guided them to the edge of the table. Celine and Mirabelle exchanged
wide eyed glances.

            "Stop babying me, Spencer." Elise

            "I don't want you to burn yourself or spill
it." He whispered in return.

            "It's not even that hot."

            "Must we go through this every time I do
something for you." He sighed.

            "I'm not helpless, you know?"

            "I didn't think you were but I know you're
probably disoriented. This isn't one of your rooms."

            "I'm fine."

            Alastair, Celine and Mirabelle watched the
exchange with intense interest, their heads swinging back and forth as if they
were watching a tennis match.

            Mirabelle clapped. "This is lovely!"

            "I'm sorry, we're being rude." Elise
said as a blush crept up her neck.

            "Not at all! We're quite enjoying it"
Offered Celine.

            "Where are your rooms, Lady Elise?"
Alastair asked as he set down his tea cup.

            "I don't really have rooms. There's just
the one downstairs that I spend most of my time in. He's referring to the rooms
I travel through and use on a daily basis. I've memorized those areas and can
find my way without assistance."

            "Then why are we in here and not in a room
you're comfortable in?" Alastair asked, looking at Gilles.

            "I wasn't sure if she wanted everyone is
her personal space. If anything is moved..." Elise interrupted him.

            "It's not my personal space. This is your
home, I don't have a claim on anything here."

            Gilles sighed and squeezed the bridge of his

            "How many times do I have to tell you that
this is your home? I live here now and it's my home too. But it's just as much
your home as it ever was. The ballroom is yours and so is the back sitting
room. The gardens are very definitely yours. What use would I have for

            "Even if I agreed, I would be more than
happy to receive your family in my sitting room, Spencer." Elise grumbled.

            "I'd like to see this room." Mirabelle

            "May we take our tea in there?" Celine
asked as she rose.

            "Of course!" Elise replied as she
stood. "If you'd be so kind as to lead me out?" She asked as reached
for Gilles.

            Once in the hall, Elise let go of his arm and
lead the way, her fingers snapping as she turned into the ballroom. She was
half way through the room before she realized that only Gilles was following

            "My word! What a lovely collection!"
Mirabelle sighed as she drifted around the various pieces.

            Celine took her time moving from piece to piece.
"The light in here, it is lovely. Such an inspired use of this room."

            "Basil created this for me. He thought that
since we had no use for a ballroom, he would turn it into my own personal
gallery." She glided over to the horse and trailed her hands along it's

            "That's your favorite?" Alastair asked
as he approached her.

            "Yes. I used to wonder what it would be
like to ride a horse. Spencer took me for my first ride this morning. It was

            "How sweet of you, Gilles!" Mirabelle
cooed. "I never realized you had it in you to be so romantic."

            Gilles cleared his throat.

            "With the right woman, I can be very

            "I see!"

            "Weren't we going to the sitting
room?" Gilles asked impatiently.

            Everyone agreed and Elise turned and led them
through the ballroom. Alastair came along side her, watching her walk.

            "How does the snapping help?" He

            Elise smiled. "I can feel sound as it moves
through a room. I feel when it hits objects and moves around them."


            Elise turned into the small hallway and then
into her sitting room. She went straight to her chair and sat, curling her feet
under her.

            Alastair nodded his head as he looked around the

            "This is your room." He stated as he
stepped onto the terrace and disappeared from sight.

            Gilles sat in his chair, crossing his ankles. As
he watched his mother and sister question Elise he noticed she was more
comfortable responding to them here. It had been a mistake to have her meet
them in the other room. She was in her element here.

            Holderson entered with a new tea tray and set it
down. Celine repoured and added the sugar and milk to Elise's cup before
handing it to Gilles so he could set it on the table in the right position.

            Alastair returned and sat opposite Elise.

            "The paths in the garden are lined with
different herbs and flowers so you can find your way."

            Elise nodded over her cup.


            "Lady Elise, Longwood truly is your
home." Celine remarked gently.

            Mirabelle nodded and sighed.

            "This is truly meant to be." She
declared. She took a bite of a scone and sighed again. "And these are
divine. I may never leave."

            "These are lovely!" Celine agreed and
turned towards the piano. "I assume you play, Lady Elise?"

            "She's a virtuoso." Gilles said as he
extended his hand so his finger could trace the back of her hand as it rested
on the arm of her chair. He hadn't realized he'd done it until he looked up and
saw three sets of eyes staring at him. Other than her rapidly blinking eyes,
Elise was completely frozen.

            "What are you doing?" She whispered.

            "I have no idea."

            Mirabelle giggled. "Please play for us! If
anything, it will keep my brother from doing anything awkward for a few

            Elise got up and made her way to the piano.

            "How do you read music?" Mirabelle

            "I don't." Elise stated as she began
to play an arrangement of Canon in D.

            Everyone was spellbound as the notes rippled
through the room. When the last note faded Celine and Mirabelle applauded and

            Alastair had stood by the piano watching Elise's

            "How many pieces do you know?"

            Elise chewed her lip and considered the question
for a moment before shaking her head.

            "I don't know."

            "If you had to guess?" Alastair asked.

            "Three or four hundred... Maybe."

            "You've memorized three or four hundred
pieces of music?"

            "Maybe more. I've been playing since I was

            "Amazing." Alastair announced.
"How do you learn a new piece?"

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