Saved by Submission (16 page)

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Authors: Laney Rogers

Tags: #Erotic Romance, BDSM

BOOK: Saved by Submission
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Jacob took a step back and sat down on the bed, not able to keep his eyes off her face. She had no idea how amazing she looked, standing there, surrendering herself to her inner most feelings of desire.

He waited until her breathing turned to light panting, and then he let the vibrator come to life, once more.

Megan’s knees locked up, and it took all her self-control to keep from staggering over to the nearest piece of furniture so she could hold on for dear life.

She let her finger stroke over her clit, and each time it did so, her body gave a small jerk. When she quickened the pace, she threw her head back, lost in the erotic sensations that were plundering her over heated body.

All the overwhelming sensations threatened to engulf her. “Please, Sir, may I come now?”

The words were strained, and she knew that if he said no, she wouldn’t have the control to hold back.

“Yes, sweetheart, you may.”

“Thank you, God.”

She had asked not a moment too soon, and when she pressed down on her clit, she came, right there, in front of her Dom, letting her juices run over her hands as her head moved back upright, and then bowed down, her chin hitting her chest.

“Oh…Oh!” was all she could manage, and her whole body quivered and jolted, each time her fingers moved.

Jacob turned the bullet off, and walked over to her, lifting her face up and kissing her tenderly on her lips. “You’re such a good girl. I’m so proud of you.”

Megan opened her eyes, and gave him a slightly lop-sided smile.

Jacob needed to be inside her in the next few seconds, or he was going to explode. “My cock needs to be inside your sweet cunt, sub. Can you walk?”

Without waiting for her to answer, he picked her up, and walked to the massive bed. He put her feet on the floor, and then bent her, face down, over the side, making sure her arms were stretched out in front.

She had an effect on him that he hadn’t experienced in a very long time, maybe not ever.

He unzipped his jeans, and let his rock hard erection spring free. Then he took both hands, lifted her up off the mattress, and impaled her on his manhood, ramming inside her so hard that she yelped.

He thrust twice, and then slid one hand around her waist to hold her body up while the other turned the vibrator back on.

“Oh…my…God.” Megan couldn’t believe that her body was reacting to him so strongly, after only coming a minute ago.

The vibrator and his huge cock were almost too much, and she gripped the comforter on the bed, the metal of her cuffs rattling each time his thick shaft entered her pussy. She came again, and tremors ran through her, the intense pleasure overwhelming her, and she bit her lip to stop herself from screaming.

With a muffled roar, Jacob came, his head buried in her hair.

His own shuddering body covered hers, and they stayed that way until he reached over and turned the switch on the remote to the off position.

Slowly, he pulled out of her, and stood up, then removed the vibrator, stroking her body, and talking softly to her all the while.

He took off her cuffs and scooped her up into his arms, laughing softly when she hissed as his hand brushed against her sore bottom.

He got under the comforter, still holding her tightly, and she nestled against his chest, not wanting to open her eyes yet. If anyone had told her that one day she would experience such utter ecstasy, she would have given a cynical laugh, and said, if only. Yet, here she was, being held so tightly, and all she wanted to do was stay there, possibly forever.

“You need some water, sweetheart,” Jacob murmured, but she clung onto him, not wanting him to release her.

“I’m okay, Sir. Please, can we just stay here, like this?”

If truth be told, Jacob didn’t want to move, either, so he let his submissive rest there in his arms, sated, and contented until her breathing evened out and her head fell back onto his upper arm.

Jacob reached over and switched off the bedside lamp so the only light came from the lamps outside on the porch. The curtains were still drawn from the last night he’d been home, but there was enough light to outline Megan’s face and the curve of her shoulder.

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, and she sighed in her sleep, seeming to snuggle even closer.

Every Dom instinct that he possessed seemed to have kicked in where this woman was concerned. He thought he’d had it rough in the past, with neither parent exactly competing for mother or father of the year, but he’d had his grandmother, and she’d given him all the love and affection he’d been so sorely missing.

If it hadn’t been for his grandmother, Christ knows where he might have been by now. She’d been a support to him through everything that had happened in his life; school, getting his business started, even his nightmare divorce, when his wife had tried to take just about everything from him.

Megan had not been so lucky in life. She’d lost her father when she was just a little girl, and her mother, from what Megan had said, seemed to have checked out, as far as coping with the loss, and supporting her daughter.

As for the mother’s asshole boyfriend; Jacob knew exactly what that fucker needed. Maybe if he was lucky, he’d be the one who got to do the deed.

His body tensed as though preparing to fight just thinking about it, and Megan stirred in his arms. He forced himself to relax, not wanting to wake her, and after a few seconds, she settled once more.

Jesus, she was a strong woman. Even after being attacked by that animal, she’d still had the courage to give up her control and put herself in his hands. Submission came naturally to her. It was just that up till now, she’d been so busy trying to survive that she hadn’t had the chance to find out who she really was.

That was something he could actually help her with, and just knowing that he was the one who was going to do so put a smile back on his face.

After a few more minutes of cuddling his little sub, Jacob lifted her gently from his lap, laying her on her side, next to him. Then he lay down, behind her, and wrapped his arm around her waist, wanting to feel her soft, round bottom tucked in against his cock.

What he didn’t know, was whether he’d be able to wait till morning, before thrusting himself into her hot, sweet pussy once again.


Chapter Nine




Both Jacob and Megan woke to the wonderful aroma of bacon wafting through the house.

Megan lay there, warm and comfortable in the arms of her Dom, and it was difficult to decide what she wanted more—to stay here for at least the next hour, or go to the kitchen and fill her empty stomach.

In the end, the decision was made for her when her stomach gave a long, hungry rumble. Jacob laughed and pulled the comforter from her body.

“Good morning, sweetheart. I think, from the sound of it, we’d better get you fed.”

“Oh, just one more minute,” she begged, trying to pull the cover back over her body.

He swatted her ass, and she yelped. Her bottom was still tender from the strapping, and she frowned at him, quickly changing her expression when she saw the look on his face.

Quickly, she scrambled from the bed. “I’m up, Sir, I’m up!”

His frown changed to a lazy grin. “You look edible, standing there, all flushed and rumpled. Maybe we will stay in bed a little longer.”

“But your grandmother has cooked breakfast, Sir. She’s expecting us, remember?”

Megan was backing away very slowly while she spoke, not wanting to appear rude to Eileen who was probably waiting for them, right now, in the kitchen.

Jacob lay there, with his hands behind his head, and let his eyes travel over her luscious curves and full breasts. It was going to be a lesson in self-control, that was for sure.

“Okay, sweetie, five minutes in the shower, or I’m coming in after you.”

He pointed to a door at the side of the room, and Megan, not needing to be told twice, hurried over there.

Jacob had done an amazing job with the room. It was obvious that it was newly renovated, but was in keeping with the age of the house, with a black and white mosaic floor, a huge white cast iron tub, and a small chandelier with glass droplets. Stained glass filled the small window, giving a certain warmth and splendor to her surroundings.

She jumped and turned when she felt a hand run over her ass. She hadn’t heard him come in, she’d been so absorbed taking in the décor.

“It is a bit over the top, I admit,” he said, grinning. “I let Rachel design the room after she and Mat had looked around the house when I first bought it. She was so appalled at the mold and the old, crusty bath, and I was too busy with work. Do you approve?”

Megan nodded. “It’s incredible,” she said, taking in the old fashioned towel holder filled with huge, fluffy, red towels, standing in front of a massive cast iron radiator. “I’m scared to touch anything.”

Jacob went to the tub and turned the taps on. He pushed a small lever to the right and water cascaded down into the bathtub from an antique looking shower head. He pulled the shower curtain across, and grabbed a towel from the rail.

“Five minutes, sub, remember?” He lifted her chin, planted a kiss on her lips, and then swatted her ass before leaving the room.

A minute later, after using the facilities, Megan stood in the tub, her eyes closed, letting the warm water refresh her. She used Jacob’s soap and shampoo, and then rinsed herself off until her body squeaked with cleanliness.

Wrapped in the huge towel, she went back into the bedroom and saw that he had put her bags on the bed for her.

“My turn,” he said, kissing her shoulder as he walked past.

When he returned, Megan was dressed, and ready to go downstairs. “I’m impressed,” he said, his eyebrows raised in surprise. “Most women seem to need an hour or more to get ready in the morning.”

His comment was mostly lost on her. She was too busy taking in his body while he stood in front of her, so obviously at ease with his nakedness.

When she finally met his eyes, she blushed and he laughed.

“It’s okay to look, sweetie. It’s nice to be appreciated.” With that, he pulled on a fresh pair of jeans, and a thick, cable sweater, and grabbed her hand. “Come on, I need to feed my hungry sub.”

“At last,” Eileen exclaimed when the two of them entered the kitchen. “I was about to give up on you and eat the whole lot myself.” She gestured to the heaped plates of bacon, scrambled eggs and sausage on the table, and then to the chairs. “Sit down, and I’ll make some fresh coffee. There’s juice on the table, and more bacon keeping warm in the oven.”

After twenty minutes, Megan was so full she could hardly move. Cooking hadn’t exactly been top of the list of priorities back at the apartment, and both women had pretty much survived on fast food.

She put her fork down and held her stomach, groaning, and both Jacob and his grandmother laughed. “Thank you so much, Eileen. I can’t remember when I had a breakfast that good.”

Eileen looked Megan up and down. “Yes, well you young girls never eat enough in my opinion.” She leaned over, and refilled Megan’s coffee cup. “You know, most men like some curves to appreciate, dear. Isn’t that right, Jacob?”

Jacob took a swig of his own coffee, and then ran his eyes over Megan’s body. “That’s absolutely right, grandma.”

“Jacob, you really are awful. Don’t embarrass Megan, like that.”

He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am. I mean no, ma’am.” His cell started to ring, and he dived into his pocket to retrieve it. “Thank God, saved by the bell.”

Eileen tutted and started to clear the plates, and Megan stood up to help. In no time at all, the table had been cleared, and the dishes washed and dried. Apparently, Eileen didn’t hold with dish washers, and preferred to do them herself, and the two women chatted while they worked.

It had been Mat on the phone, arranging a time to meet at the kennels, and when Jacob hung up, he watched his grandmother and Megan, pleased that they were obviously getting along well. His grandmother had always been polite to any woman he had brought home, since he’d been old enough to date, but she hadn’t always chatted and laughed with them the way she was with Megan.

Elizabeth, Eileen’s friend, arrived not long after the dishes were done, and introductions were made. She was as tall, as Eileen was short, and ramrod thin, compared to Eileen’s plump curves, but the two women had known each other since elementary school, neither of them having moved away from the area. They had both buried husbands many years before, and now kept each other company, with trips and outings on a regular basis.

Eileen kissed her grandson, and then gave Megan a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll see you soon, dear. The two of you must come over for supper, okay?”

“That would be great, thank you,” Megan replied, and she and Jacob watched the two elderly women drive away in Elizabeth’s old car until it disappeared, out of sight.

“She’s quite a lady,” Megan said, walking into the kitchen, to put the last of the dried dishes away.

“So are you, Megan,” Jacob replied, turning her around and pulling her into his arms. “How is your behind, this morning, sub?” he asked, running his hands over her ass cheeks until she squirmed.

“They’re fine, thank you, Sir,” she replied, knowing that he was fully aware of how tender they still felt.

“Subs who don’t tell the truth get bent over and punished with the same implement that was used the last time,” he growled, maneuvering her towards the edge of the kitchen table.

“It still hurts; it’s still sore, Sir.”

The words tumbled out of her mouth in a rush, and he laughed at her attempt to appease him. “It’s lucky for you that we have to get over to the kennels and we’re running late, sub, or your bare ass would be tipped up in the air for me to strap right about now.”

“Right, then I’d better go and get ready, Sir.”

“I guess you better had.”

He managed to get one, light swat on her ass, but she didn’t stop moving, hurrying over to the stairs and sprinting up them before he had a chance to grab her.

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