Saved (17 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #saved, #wanted, #kelly elliott

BOOK: Saved
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I couldn’t peel my eyes away from Ellie. I
swore that this girl didn’t have a mean bone in her body. The
minute I told her about my dad having a heart attack, she had
started packing up our things. She had never once said a negative
thing about giving up our honeymoon. Now, she was offering to help
out a man who didn’t even bother to show up for our wedding.

“Gunner, maybe we should head to the cabin.
You must be exhausted,” Ellie said with a sparkle in her eye. I
smiled back at her and her smile grew bigger.

“I’m sorry Grams. I couldn’t pull my thoughts
away from my beautiful bride sitting over there. What did you

Grams let out a laugh, and Gramps stood up
and hit my back.

He leaned down toward my ear.

“Go on home, son. We can talk tomorrow. I can
see that you’re itching to have your bride in your arms.”

I laughed as I stood up and shook Gramps
hand. I swore that the bastard grew wiser by the minute.

Ellie stood up and hugged
Grams. They talked about getting together tomorrow to cook up a
storm. Then, I noticed Grams leaned in as she whispered something
to Ellie. Ellie pulled back with a surprised look on her face as
nodded her head. Grams pulled Ellie in for a longer hug as she said
something to her. I couldn’t even listen to what Gramps was saying
to me. The look on Ellie’s face was so sad.
What the hell is going on?


The drive to the cabin seemed like it took
forever. I held Ellie’s hand the entire time as she looked out the
window into the darkness.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong? I can tell you’re
bothered by something.”

Ellie turned toward me and let a small smile
play across her face.

“I guess I’m just nervous. I’m nervous about
being home, helping you with the ranch, and meeting your dad. I’m
also worried about, what’s going on with Ari. I don’t know. It’s
all just so crazy.”

I pulled her hand up to my mouth and pressed
a soft kiss on it. “Don’t be nervous about the ranch Ells. Gramps
and Grams will help us. As far as my dad is concerned.” I let out a
laugh as shook my head. “I’m not so sure that I can tell you not to
be nervous about meeting him. He’s a hard ass, and to be honest,
he’s made me nervous my whole damn life. Don’t worry though,
sweetheart, he’s going to fall in love with you the moment he sees
you, just like everyone else has.”

I parked the truck as we pulled up to the
cabin. It seemed like just yesterday when we had been here and I
asked her to marry me. I sat there for a second, trying to get my
heart-beat under control.

I jumped out and ran around to open the truck
door for her. I reached in and took her hand as I helped her out of
the truck.

“Such a gentleman,” Ellie said with a

“I’ll get the suitcases in the morning. I
don’t think you’ll need any clothes tonight,” I said as I wiggled
my eye brows up and down.

Ellie let out a laugh as she jumped into my

“I’m so glad to be home. I loved our
honeymoon, and a part of me wishes that we were back there,
listening to the ocean, but being home just feels so right.”

I reached down, scooping up her legs, and
carried her onto the porch. Right when I stepped up on the porch,
the locusts starting singing. I had to smile while I thought about
that first night on the ranch a year ago when Ellie had gotten
scared and ran into my arms after she’d heard the

“Welcome home, Mrs. Mathews.” I gently
started to slide her down my body. I held her as close to me as I
possibly could.

The moment I felt her feet hit the porch, I
captured her lips with mine. The small moan she let escape her
mouth traveled throughout my body. I wanted nothing more than to
make love to her right here and now.

Ellie pulled back just a little as she smiled
against my lips. “Listen, they’re playing our song,” Ellie said

I laughed and took a step back from her.

“Well, it would be rude of us to just ignore
such a beautiful song, now wouldn’t it?”

I held out my hand for Ellie, inviting her to
dance with me. She threw her head back and laughed while she placed
her hand in mine. I pulled her close, and we started to dance on
the porch of our new little home. I thought that my wedding day had
been the best moment of my life, but here was yet another moment
with Ellie that just took my breath away.

“I love you, Drew.” Ellie said as we slow
danced to the Locusts humming in the trees.

“I love you, too, Ellie.”

She looked up at me and smiled. “I never want
this feeling to end…ever.”

I smiled back at her, watching as her eyes
turned from love to passion within a matter of seconds.

“What feeling would that be, sweetheart?”

“The feeling of being so incredibly in love
with you that I can hardly even breathe. I’m so happy here, Gunner.
I’m so very happy here in our little world.”

Our little
. I couldn’t have said it better even
if I tried.

“I feel the same way, Ellie. I couldn’t stop
staring at you earlier. The only thing I could think of was getting
you back to this cabin and making love to you all night long,

Ellie pulled back some as she tilted her head
up to me. “Well, what are you waiting for, Mr. Mathews? I’m ready
to start christening this cabin.”

That was all I needed to here. I reached down
and grabbed her as she let out a giggle. I opened the door, and the
moment we walked in, I smelled flowers. I smiled as I thought about
making love to Ellie as man and wife for the first time in this

Ellie reached behind us and turned on the
lights. We both let out a gasp as we took in the cabin. Daisies
were everywhere. A bottle of wine with two glasses sat next to a
large tray of fruit and chocolate-covered strawberries on the
kitchen table.

Ellie was staring at me I looked at her. We
both let out a laugh. At the said at the same time, we

“Damn, that girl is good!” I said. I started
to put Ellie down…in that oh-so-slow way I knew she loved.

Ellie walked up to the table and leaned down
to smell the flowers. She turned back to look at me and smiled that
smile that she saves only for me. I instantly felt my dick get
harder than a rock.

My knees just about buckled when she lifted
up her T-shirt up over her head. Then, she slowly started to
unbutton her jean shorts as she gave me the sexiest damn look I’d
ever seen. She stood there in a pair of white boy short panties and
white lace bra, and she had the cutest damn smile on her face.

“Well, Mr. Mathews, how long are you going to
wait before you make mad passionate love to your wife in our new

I’d never moved so fast in
my life. She let out a laugh as I picked her up and walked us over
to the bed. I tossed her on the bed and started to take off my
shirt and shorts. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her. She was
now sucking on her finger as she slid her legs up and down against
each other.
…I felt like it was our
first time all over again.
The things this
girl does to me.

I slowly crawled onto the
bed , lying down next to her.
My god, she
is so beautiful.
She rolled onto her side
to face me. Lying there, we just stared at each other. I would
never get tired of just looking at her. I took the back of my hand
and ran it down the side of her face. She closed her eyes as she
sucked in a breath of air. When her eyes opened back up, they were
on fire.

“You know, I never did thank you properly for
that carriage ride,” Ellie said as she slowly started to get

She slowly pushed me down until I was laying
flat on my back. She started to kiss my neck, and then her lips
moved down my chest.

“I think my favorite part of your body is
your chest, Gunner.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Ohh…yeah,” Ellie said as she kept kissing
all over my chest.

“I could say the same thing about your chest,
Ells,” I said with a laugh.

I quickly stopped laughing when I felt her
take me in her hand. Now, it was my turn to suck in a breath of

I thought I just died and gone to fucking
heaven. She was kissing further down my body, and with every kiss,
my body felt more sensitive. The moment I felt her take me in her
mouth, I had to do everything in my power not to lose control.

“Ellie.” I groaned.

Good Lord, this girl was
going to be my undoing.
Then, she moaned,
and I felt it move through my whole body. Reaching down, I grabbed
her by the shoulders and pulled her up to me.

“What’s wrong? Was I doing something wrong?”
Ellie asked pouting.

I wanted to laugh at the look she was giving
me, but more than anything, I just wanted to be inside her.

“No, baby, you were doing it too well.”

I rolled over and crawled on top of her as
she opened up her legs for me.

“God, Ellie…I love you so much that it hurts
sometimes, baby.”

Ellie arched her body toward mine as she ran
her hands through my hair. I kissed the side of her neck, and
moving up to her ear. It drove her crazy when I sucked on her
ear-lobe. I barely slid inside of her before I backed out and made
my way down her neck to her chest.

As I started to suck on one nipple, I played
with the other one. Ellie let out a moan that about had me come on
the spot. I barely slid back in again before I pulled out.

“Oh god, Gunner, please stop
teasing me. I want you so bad…

I smiled as I looked up at her. I watched her
reaction to my every move.

I thought about how someday, I hoped soon, we
would be making a baby together.

Ellie’s eyes were closed as her head was
thrown back slightly. I stopped there for a few seconds, just
watching her. I started to enter her again, and I’ll be damned if
she didn’t smile. It took all of my control to move slowly. I just
wanted to make her feel good.

“Gunner…oh my…that
so good!

Ellie looked up at me, and our blue eyes met.
I leaned over her and gently bit down on her lower lip. She started
to move her hands through my hair faster. The, she grabbed me and
pulled me closer to her.

Oh god. I loved the way she moved perfectly
with me as we made love. She pulled away from the kiss and started
to call out my name. It took everything out of me not to come with

When she finally came back to me, I rolled
her over so she was now on top of me. I smiled up at her, and I was
rewarded with the most beautiful smile ever.

“My turn, baby.” I said as I winked at

It took every ounce of energy to last five
minutes with Ellie riding me. Nothing had ever felt so good as when
she was in control. The moment I heard her calling out again, I let
go. She collapsed on top of me, and we were both breathing like we
had just run a damn marathon.

“How was that?” Ellie said with a giggle.

God, I love her.

Ellie, sweetheart, I want
to have kids right away.” I wasn’t sure why I said it, but it came
out before I could stop myself.

Ellie sat up and just stared at me. Then, I
saw her eyes tear up, and I watched as a single tear rolled down
her cheek.

What did I just do?



It took everything out of me not to jump up
and down when Gunner said he wanted to have kids right away. I felt
the same way, but I didn’t know how to talk to him about it. I just
thought he’d say we were too young, but I knew I wanted kids right
away. I tried not to cry, but I was so happy I couldn’t help

Gunner sat up and pulled me
onto his lap. I placed my head on his chest, and I just lost it. I
wasn’t really sure why I was crying.
Is it
the idea of Gunner wanting to have kids right away?
Or maybe it’s the fact that I’m was scared
shitless because I’m worried that I’ll be a shitty

Then, I thought about Ari. She had begged me
not to tell Jeff about her being pregnant. I knew she thought that
Jeff had a lot on his mind with Rebecca’s stupid stunt, but I also
didn’t think she should hide it from him.

“Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you,
Ellie. We don’t have to start having kids right away if you’re not
ready. I just thought.”

I leaned up to kiss Gunner. He pulled away.
He seemed so confused.

“Ellie, baby, please tell me why you’re
crying,” Gunner said as he wiped away the tears from my face.

“I want nothing more than to start having
kids with you, Gunner. I would like to start right away, too. I was
so afraid to talk to you about it and kept putting it off. I was
worried that you would think we were too young or maybe I wouldn’t

“Stop right there, Ellie. Don’t ever think
that way again, baby, ever. You’re going to be an amazing mother.”
Gunner placed his hand on my stomach and smiled at me.

That damn crooked-ass smile of his gets me
every time. I couldn’t help but smile back at him as I placed my
hand on top of his.

“So, should we? Should I stop taking the
pill? Can we do this, Gunner?”

The next thing I knew, I was lying back down
as Gunner kissed me so passionately that I could hardly breathe. I
could practically feel his love and happiness pouring into me with
every kiss. Just his touch was enough to drive me crazy. I loved
him more than life itself. The thought of us trying to start a
family just about had me wanting to jump up and run around the

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