Saven Deception (15 page)

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Authors: Siobhan Davis

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Romance, #Science Fiction & Dystopian, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Aliens, #Paranormal & Fantasy, #Dystopian

BOOK: Saven Deception
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While I’d like to believe that the
government’s generosity comes purely from a good place, I’ve observed enough
over the years to know they don’t give something without expecting something in

“But does it make sense to you?” I tug the
zipper on my hoodie up to my chin as a blast of cooler air whips around me from
a grated vent in the ground.

Noticing my gaze, Jarod stops and peers at
the vent. “That must connect to the air regulation chute,” he half-mutters.

“I remember reading that and the fact that
the temp automatically cools after seven p.m.,” I acknowledge, shoving my hands
into the pockets of my hoodie. “Anyway, what’s your view on the government’s
agenda?” I ask, attempting to refocus the conversation.

When I receive no reply, I look up at him
noting the reflective expression on his face. He bends over, positioning his
lips close to my ear. “I think they’ve an ulterior agenda, and I don’t trust
their motives.”

He arches his back and we continue walking
in silence, past a row of high-rise residential apartment blocks. A couple of
minutes later, I tug on his shirt and draw his head down to my level. “Me
either. Do you have any theories?”

“A few,” he whispers.

“Care to share?” I tilt my head to the

“Not yet.” He shakes his head and my face
drops. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, more so that I’m working on verifying
a few things, and I promise that when I know more I’ll share what I’ve
discovered. Until then”—he stops and looks warily around—“we shouldn’t discuss
anything like this with anyone else, and certainly not in public. You catch my

I nod slowly. For the third time tonight,
I’m waylaid by the sheer force of my internal terror. A dreadful sense of
foreboding hangs over me like a death sentence. There are so many things about
this new life I don’t understand, except for the acknowledgement that fear goes
hand in hand with ignorance. The only way to assuage that fear is to figure out
what’s up with Dante and identify what the government’s real agenda is.

Perhaps the cards can help
shed some light
. I make an on-the-spot decision to do a
reading once I’m back in the apartment.

When we reach the gate to our apartment
block, Jarod asks me about my day, and I update him, leaving out the
Logan-centered drama in the cafeteria. Still shaken up over Haydn’s reaction to
the incident with Dante and Jenna, I decide to take Jarod into my confidence. I
explain what happened exactly as I explained it to Haydn a couple of hours

Jarod guides me around the back of the
building, and we walk along the wide cream and red brick pathway through the
extensive rear garden. Crouching down in front of a bunch of fragrant white
roses, I bury my nose in the silky petals and inhale. My brow creases in
confusion and I dip my head for a second sniff. Still nothing. No smell at all,
just like the fake, synthetic types some of our local stores sell. I run my
fingers delicately over the petals, and the velvety texture is soft on my skin.
“That’s weird,” I say, straightening up. “They don’t smell of anything.”

Jarod bends over and sniffs. “You’re
right. It must be whatever they’ve done to preserve them in this artificial

We stop at a steel bench and sit down. I
stretch my legs out in front of me.

“I’ve got to be honest,” he says, “I’ve
only met Dante fleetingly, but he gives me a bad case of the chills and I’m a

“So, I’m not overreacting?”

“Nope. Is that why Haydn was there?” Jarod
runs his hands up and down the arms of his light sweater.

“Yeah. I’d gone to talk to Vin, but he
wasn’t around. Haydn noticed I was a little freaked and ultimately got the
truth out of me. He doesn’t have much love for Dante either.”

“What did he say?” Jarod stretches his
arms out behind him.

“That Dante is dangerous. To stay away
from him and secure my bedroom door at night.”

“Sounds like solid advice.”

“Yeah, but … it was nearly like he was
saying something else. I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something
strange going on with Jen whenever she’s around him, and I don’t know what to
make of it.”

“I’ve noticed.”

“You have?” I shoot a perplexed look his
way. Jarod was only with us in the Mock-Up Facility for little over a day, and
he’s spent practically no time with Jenna. He offers no further explanation, and
I’m even more baffled. “What do you mean?”

He pins me with a grave look. “You
remember what we spoke about a little while ago?”


“It links to one of my theories, but I’m
not in a position to elaborate yet. In the meantime, I think you should take
Haydn’s advice and keep out of it.” Jarod’s head whips up and he grimaces.

I sense him before I see him.

“Sadie.” Logan stands with his legs
slightly outstretched and his spine ramrod straight. He’s wearing a snug, black
sweater that clings to his taut chest. Dark navy jeans encase his long legs,
and black and red sneakers adorn his feet. Waves of sleek, jet-black hair fall
into his dazzling cerulean eyes. An air of authority and organic power
surrounds him. Even Jarod is mute in his presence.

Frustrated to be rendered immobile by his
magnetic charisma, I force myself to look disinterested. “You do know stalking
is illegal and subject to prosecution, right?”

His lips curl upward but he doesn’t

I sigh heavily. “What do you want, Logan?”

“We need to talk. And I’m not taking no
for an answer.”





Jarod’s penetrating gaze lingers on my face, as I eyeball
Logan and project disinterest. “We’ve nothing to talk about,” I reply coolly.

“I disagree. We’ve plenty to talk about,
and it’s not stuff that can be said in front of an audience.” Unashamedly, he
spears Jarod with a blunt look. “Leave us.”

Jarod’s eyes widen in disbelief, and I’m
torn between disgust and incredulity. “That is downright rude, Logan. You’ve no
right to speak to Jarod like that. Apologize.”

“Bite me.” A smirk tugs up the corners of
his mouth.

I yearn to ram my fist into his
self-serving mouth. However, I’m determined to maintain the moral high ground.
Ignoring him, I face Jarod. “You ready to leave?”

“Hell, yeah.” Hopping up, he glowers at

I rise. “Let’s go.” I’ve barely taken
three steps when a hand fists in my hoodie and I’m dragged backward, up against
a warm, solid form. My heart damn near combusts in my chest. Logan’s masculine
scent envelops me, and I practically swoon in his arms. His responding laugh is
rich and low.

Snapping out of it, I wriggle in his arms,
but his hold strengthens as he wraps a broad arm around my waist, securing me.
“Play nice, Sadie,” he mutters.

“Let me go,” I demand, gripping his arm
and trying to wrench it free. He doesn’t move, but I detect a slight tremor
under his skin as soon as my hand makes contact.

“You heard her. Release her.” Jarod’s eyes
blaze with shared indignation.

“I will,” Logan replies amicably. “As soon
as she agrees to speak to me.”

Jarod’s eyes narrow to pinpricks as he
stalks toward us. Tension radiates from him in waves, and I’m suddenly fearful
things are about to turn nasty. There’s been enough of that tonight, so I make
a lightning-fast decision and hope I don’t regret it. “Okay. I’ll talk to you,
but make it quick.”

Logan doesn’t relax his hold and Jarod
looks ferocious. “This is a private conversation, Jar-od,” he says, enunciating
his name as if it pains him to speak it. “So, goodbye.” Spinning around—with me
firmly imprisoned in his embrace—he tugs me upward, so my feet are now dangling
a few inches off the ground. He strides—impressively fast—through the center of
the garden.

“Let me go.” Hyper-aware of Logan’s firm,
hot body pressed against my back, I’m having a hard time concentrating.
Reminding myself he’s a cheating jackass, I manage to hold onto some of my
repulsion. But I’m not completely indifferent. Unfortunately.

Footsteps follow us and I groan. So much
for diverting danger. “Release me. Please. I’d like to talk to Jarod, and then
you and I can speak privately.”

Surprisingly, he places me on the ground
with more tenderness than I’d expect. My face is level with his imposing chest
so I slip my poker face on and walk away without surrendering to the urge to
ogle him.

Jarod drapes his arm around my waist and
pulls me into his side. “Who does this guy think he is?” he whispers
conspiratorially in my ear.

I snort. “Give me five minutes to get rid
of him. I’ll meet you out front, ‘kay?”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay with him?
He’s very demanding.” Jarod flings a scathing look over his shoulder.

“I’ll be fine.” I look into Jarod’s homely
blue eyes. Though I barely know Logan, and I’ve nothing substantive to verify
my statement, I instinctually know he means me no harm. “Don’t worry. I’ll meet
you in a few.”

Shucking out from under his arm, I walk
back toward Logan. If looks could kill, Jarod would be six feet under by now.
Searing anger prickles underneath the surface of my skin. The nerve of that
boy! He has no right to look offended, no right to claim any ownership over me.
Further empathy for his girlfriend wells inside me, and I’m incensed on her

We stand toe to toe. Man, I wish his face
didn’t affect me so potently, but I’ve had a lifetime’s experience of wearing a
mask, so I adopt my usual blank expression and present the guise that hides the
true extent of my feelings. “Let’s hear it.” I look at him as if I’m looking
straight through him.

“Let’s sit.” He threads his fingers
through mine as he leads me off to the right of the path. My composure wobbles
dangerously, and my treacherous fingers curl involuntarily around his smooth,
warm hand. Then anger rears its head again, and I yank my hand free. Jarod is
right. Who the hell does this guy think he is?

Logan stares at me as if I’m the one who’s
done something wrong. I glare at him, hoping he gets the message.

“I like holding your hand.” He just puts
it out there.

“Well, I don’t like holding yours,” I lie.

“Come on now, Sadie. We both know that’s a
total fib.”

I shove my hands in my jeans pocket lest
he make another attempt. “Can we be done with this already?” I implore.

A bench materializes in front of us.
“Sit,” he commands.

“Do you have to be so bossy all the time?”
I sink down onto the bench.

“You think I’m bossy?” His eyes crinkle.

“As if you don’t know.” I tut-tut.

He appears to seriously ponder this while
I sit there waiting for him to start. “Jarod is waiting for me. Can we hurry
this up, please?”

His face contorts into an unpleasant
grimace. “What’s the story between you two? Is he your boyfriend?” He lowers
his face to mine, rendering me momentarily speechless.

“I’m not discussing Jarod with you. Say
your piece so I can go.”

He grinds his teeth, making a repetitive
clicking sound. “I know what transpired with Dante, and I’m here to make sure
you do as Haydn told you. You are to stay away from him. Do you understand?”

A flare of rage sparks to life and I hop
up. This guy is unbelievable! I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve
given in to my temper in the course of the last seventeen years on this planet.
I’m normally a model of calm temperament. This time, I’m incapable of any
restraint. “What gives you the right to demand what I do or don’t do? It is
none of your business, and I can’t believe Haydn betrayed my confidence with
you, of all people!”

“You’re angry with me over what went down
in the Mock-Up Facility.” He says this very matter-of-fact, as if he didn’t
lead me on a wild goose chase.

“No. Yes.” I flap my hands in the air.
“That’s got nothing to do with this. I’ve had my fill of people telling me what
to do, so
don’t get to dictate to
!” I jab my finger in his
chest and it meets a wall of solid muscular resistance. Right away, I’m
distracted. “Why does it matter anyway?” I’m trying hard not to gape at his

His look softens.

Perhaps I should be grateful so many
people seem to care about me, but after years of the opposite treatment, I’m
already starting to feel smothered.

Is it too much to expect some kind of
healthy medium?

“Because I care about you.” Reaching out,
he lightly taps the skin at my elbow, and a delicious tingle feathers up and
down my arm.

Hell, this guy is a total pro. One touch
and my resolve starts to wobble?
Get a grip girl, he’s toying with you.
Maybe, at another time, I might’ve believed him, but after everything that went
down between us, that is the last thing I’m falling for.

“Cut the crap, Logan. I know exactly what
you’re about, and I’m sick of being a pawn in your manipulative little game.
You’ve said your piece. We’re done.”

I walk away before I say or do something
I’ll regret. I can’t remember a time when I was this keyed up over something,
and so vocal about it. Caving to my emotions, after restraining myself for so
long, has unleashed a flurry of heady sensations I’m ill-equipped to deal with.

I’m primed to explode, and it feels both
exhilarating and terrifying. How can I feel so in control and so out of control
at the same time?

“Goddammit, Sadie. Stop running away from
me.” Logan hauls me back.

This time I’m prepared, and I give him a
hefty shove. Catching him unawares, he stumbles and falls backward onto the
ground. He’s still holding onto my arm so I fall too, twisting around and
landing awkwardly on top of him, the length of my body tangled up with his.

Lifting my head, I stare into eyes as vast
as the ocean, and I’m all adrift at once. Logan’s hands press into my lower
spine, holding me firmly against him. My chest rises and falls as one with his,
and there’s no denying the electrifying spark that sizzles between us. My lips
part and his eyes narrow in on my mouth. My pulse kick-starts its own beat.

Why do I feel so comfortable
in his arms when usually I shy away from physical contact of any kind? Of all
the boys for me to relax around, why does it have to be him?
I wish I had the answers to my questions, but I’m completely confused and
feeling more and more like a stranger in my own body.

Logan rolls and our positions are
reversed. I’m lying on my back as he hovers over me. His hair tumbles over his
forehead, partly shading his eyes, but not fully masking his hunger. My lips
ache with unfamiliar need. The desire to kiss him is so strong, and I feel
powerless to resist. Lowering his head slowly, his eyes never leave mine as his
lips edge closer and closer to my mouth. Warm puffs of air streak over my skin
like an alluring mist, and I’m lost in an inner tornado of conflicting

Cheating jackass
The statement lands in the forefront of my mind just in time. Sliding sideways,
I wiggle out from underneath him, and he face plants on the ground with a low
growl. Climbing to my feet, I smooth my hair back off my face and beg my
trembling lips to cooperate.

Logan jumps up effortlessly and moves in
front of me.

“Don’t touch me,” I warn, taking a step

“I was wrong.” The words fly from his
lips. He glides a hand through his hair, and my eyes follow his movement possessively.
I need to get out of here. “It was beyond foolish to think I could stay away
from you, because I can’t. I’m drawn to you in a way I’ve never felt before,
and I know you feel it too. I know I’m weak, and selfish, but I want you too
much. Anyway, you need me, more so now than ever. That means it is okay. It’s
okay to do this. So, we’ll start over.”

It’s borderline mumbling and I’m wondering
whom he’s trying to convince. Himself or me?

Snagging my wrist, he laces his fingers in
mine and reels me in close to his body. My mouth hangs open in a most
unattractive manner. It takes very little effort to retaliate this time.

Removing my hand from his, I step back,
putting some distance between us. I narrow my eyes. “I’ve never met anyone so
self-centered and arrogant before. I want nothing to do with you, Logan. Not
now, not ever.” I glare at him.

His brows knit together and he looks
totally confused. “You’re … refusing me?”

“Damn right.” I stand my ground and I’m oh
so proud of myself.

“Hmm,” he harrumphs. “Well, that’s a
first.” He looks torn between amusement and frustration.

My hackles are raised and off come the
gloves. “Well, I hate to break the news to you, buddy. But you’re not such a
special cookie after all. Now that I know who you are, you disgust me. Yeah,
you may look hot on the outside, but it’s what’s inside that matters most to
me. And inside, you are downright ugly. What you’re trying to do here”—I
gesture between us—“is despicable. I hate your kind and what you represent, and
I will never let you touch me in that way.”

His face pales and he staggers back. Did I
go too far? A wave of remorse sweeps over me. I think that’s probably the
nastiest thing I’ve ever said to another person, and while he deserves it, I’m
awash with guilt.

“You know?” He sounds mildly skeptical.

“Yes.” My voice resonates with clear

“How?” He looks like I’ve taken his
favorite toy and smashed it against the wall.

“Neve told me.”

“What?” He yells and I jump in alarm.
Before I know it, he’s in front of me, his hands gripping my upper arms. “What
did she say? Tell me now.”

Unnamed emotion burns brightly in his
enlarged eyes as his grip tightens on my arms. “How much did she tell you? What
do you know? I can’t believe she’s been so foolish. Sadie?”

My mouth feels like it’s coated in sand
and I lick my dry lips.

“Tell me.” His eyes flutter and my heart
leaps into my mouth. His body trembles against mine. When his grip tightens
further, I’m sure he’s restricting the blood flow in my arms.

“You’re hurting me.”

A sudden scorching heat burns me from the
inside, and a heavy pounding takes up residence in my head, hammering darts of
sharp pain all over my skull. I wince. The pressure of Logan’s hands on my arms
loosens. I’m stifling hot. It’s unbearable. Swaying on my feet, I vaguely hear
him call out to me.
I’m too hot, my arms throb, my head hurts; I can’t

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