Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2) (30 page)

Read Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Siobhan Davis

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Science Fiction, #Survival Stories, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Aliens, #Time Travel, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Dystopian

BOOK: Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2)
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I twist around so I can look at him. “Logan?” His fingers stall in my hair. “I’ve been thinking.”

He feigns surprise. “Should I be worried?” His teasing grin curls my toes.

“Hardy, har. Can you focus here, please?” His expression grows serious. “What if your scientists are wrong? What if the conscience transfer isn’t about sex? What if it’s actually about love?”

“I think I know where you’re going with this, but humor me. How have you reached that conclusion?”

I adjust my position, sitting up on my knees. “I’ve been thinking about how you and Haydn and Neve have always seemed to have some element of morality. And we agreed before that it was down to Evana’s influence. And then I was thinking about what happened with Jen …” I trail off into a whisper. It’s so hard to think or talk about my friend. Logan squeezes my hand in quiet reassurance. “I know her and Dante shared a connection, an attraction, and they did care for one another on one level. But it wasn’t love. And when they slept together, Jen wasn’t one hundred percent in agreement. So your scientists are right about that aspect of it. But what if love is actually the key, not sex? Love in all its many forms? That changes things. Offers other possibilities.”

He taps a finger off his lips while he thinks. “I think you could be onto something.”

“So what can we do about it?”

“I’m not sure right now. But it’s certainly food for thought.”

I wake up in bed alone the next morning. I don’t remember falling asleep. Logan must have carried me from the couch. Looking down at my undergarments, I realize he must’ve also undressed me. Lost promises of rain checks have my body pulsing with remembered need.

Shaking my head, I mentally scold myself for prioritizing the wrong things.

There are plans to be made.

High-level stuff to discuss.

Secrets to be shared.

Shoving my concern aside, I get up and scrounge through the box of clothing I took from the ship, looking for something to wear. I yank item after item out, but I can’t find anything suitable. This clothing is way too big and far too weird looking. I walk to the closet and open it wide. Various garments hang pristinely on a white rack, shrouded in protective covering. Indecision bites me. Clearly, these belonged to Logan’s mom. I don’t know if he’d like me wearing them, and I don’t want to do anything to dredge up more harrowing memories. I shut the door quietly, grabbing my bag and pulling my running gear on.

Mouth-watering smells greet me as I step barefoot into the kitchen. Logan is busy at the stove, humming to himself, his back to me. “Well, aren’t you the picture of domesticity,” I joke, draping myself around his waist from behind.

He spins around super-fast, his imposing frame impeding my view. “Out. Now.”

I pout until my eyes dip and I scan his upper torso. I can’t help it, I bust out laughing. “Nice apron!” I hoot, convulsing at the vision of my man in a cerise pink frilly smock.

“Shut up.” I detect the humor in his tone. “We’re low on clothes, and I didn’t want to get dirty.”

“A likely excuse.” He flips the dishcloth at me, and I scream, jumping back. He gives me the once-over, his eyes lingering on my teeny-tiny shorts, and his gaze darkens with lust. A surge of hormonal yearning pulses low in my core. “You look hot.”

I take a step forward, seconds away from jumping him.

“Morning.” Win deliberately interrupts us with his loud greeting. Turning around, I grin at Dali and Win, standing self-consciously side by side.

“Dali, just the person I need,” Logan says, gesturing her forward with a wiggle of his fingers.

She leans into him, and he whispers animatedly. She steps back, grinning ear from ear. “I know just the thing,” she tells him before linking her arm through mine. “Come on. Girlie time.”

She starts to drag me away. “Hang on, what’s going on?” I ask Logan. “What are you up to?”

He winks. “Have you forgotten what day it is?”

“Well, duh! Of course! I lost all track of time once I left New York. Why do …” My speech slips away as I figure it out. “Oh!”

“Happy Birthday, babe,” Logan says, yanking me into his arms for an earth-shattering kiss. “Now, scoot, before you ruin your surprise.” He swats my butt gleefully before handing me over to Dali.

“We’ve more important things to discuss today,” I chastise him. “Besides, you already gave me my present.” My fingers clasp my pendant.

“You’re only eighteen once, so we’re doing this my way. Don’t argue. Now get! Go!”

I jab my finger in his rock-solid abs. “You need to learn some patience, buddy.”

“Patience is for wimps.”

I roll my eyes as I follow Dali out to her bedroom.

I throw myself down on Dali’s bed and pat the space beside me. “Okay, spill. What happened last night with Win?”

A massive smile lights up her face. “I told him everything, and he kissed me and told me he loves me too, but he doesn’t think he’s good enough for me.” Her smile dies out, replaced by a look of unadulterated sadness. “So, we’re in limbo. And it’s complicated with everything else we’ve got going on. Stopping my father has to take precedence right now.”

“It’ll work out,” I say, taking her cold hands in mine. An involuntary shiver creeps over my skin, but I hide it well. “You love each other. That’s the important thing.”

She makes a disgruntled sound, not entirely convinced. “Anyway, enough about me. Time to focus on the birthday girl.” She lets loose a stream of foreign words, and two green fleshy jelly-like creatures float under the door into the room. They hover in the air in front of us, staring out of lifeless white eyes. My breathing stutters. “Dali,” I whisper. “What the heck?”

“Don’t be afraid. They won’t hurt you. They are called memebaa and they have unique powers of relaxation and rejuvenation. At home, they form part of my weekly beauty regime. Now lie back and close your eyes. You are going to love this.”

“That’s debatable,” I mutter, but I do as she instructs.

My tongue grows heavy as I lie in wait. Then something slimy lands on my face, and I jump up screaming, arms and legs flailing all over the place. The creature spins out of control, flying to the farthest corner of the room. Its boneless form starts quivering. Beside me, Dali is shaking with laughter. It takes a couple of minutes before she is composed enough to speak. “You are too funny.” She wipes moisture from her eyes. “Relax. Look, watch me.” She closes her eyes, and the creature floats down, draping itself all over her face. Its body mass slithers and slides, in and out, up and down, like gentle waves coasting the shoreline. Dali lets out a happy sigh. “Lie back, Sadie, and give into the pleasure.”

I gulp nervously as I flatten out on the bed. The creature cautiously approaches from its hiding place, and I clamp my eyes shut, mentally preparing myself. I stiffen as the slimy surface lands on my face, but I stay immobile this time. A heavenly warmth sweeps over my face and treks up and down my arms and into all my limbs, heating every part of me. My skin lightly vibrates as I feel the sensation sink into my bones. I moan quietly, and Dali chuckles. The soothing heat has reached every part of me, and I tingle deliciously all over. It’s akin to being swaddled in the most luxurious, most comfortable blanket in front of the coziest fire, as flames lick every inch of skin, coating and binding and easing every ache and pain, obliterating every worry and concern.

I feel nothing but pleasurable warmth, and I give into it fully.

A while later, the heat subsides, and I sense the creature lifting off me. My eyes remain closed as I savor the blissful feeling.

“We should clean up,” Dali says sleepily.

I open my eyes and stare at her. A fine layer of clear gunk coats her face. Using my fingers, I prod the gooey substance on my own face. Huh. I shunt off the bed as she opens her eyes. “Did you enjoy it?”

“That was the strangest experience of my life,” I admit, “but I can’t deny it was enjoyable. What’s this stuff?” I gesture toward my face.

“The memebaa’s secretion has the highest concentration of youth-enhancing and skin-softening nutrients. All the ladies of court swear by this procedure. Once the heat is gone, the effects have worn off, and we can wipe it away.”

Eww. As the implications sink in, I think I might puke.

She swings her legs off the bed, and we walk to the bathroom and remove all traces. The creatures have already bolted.

I’m feeling my face when we walk back into the living area. It’s never felt so silky smooth, and my bones continue to feel like rubber limbs. Although, I’m still struggling to get over the fact that I just let some weird alien creature crap all over me.

I don’t think I’ll be forgetting this birthday in a hurry.

The lights are dim and a sweet floral scent lingers in the air. Logan lands in front of me, a bunch of unusual-looking flowers in his hand. “For you.”

I bury my nose in the pink, red, and green bundle, inhaling deeply. The scent is strange but not unpleasant. “Thank you.” I beam up at him, slinging my arm around his waist and snuggling in close.

He brings me over to the couch and gently pushes me down. Win sits facing me, rather standoffish and uncomfortable looking, and I wonder again what his deal is. A large round cake, covered in pink and white icing, rests on the middle of the low table. My eyes well up as I look at Logan. “You made me a cake.” A streak of pink icing has dried on his cheek. Licking my finger, I wipe it clean. Fire blazes brightly in his eyes, and the air charges with effervescent electricity. We stare at one another, unable to tear our gaze away.

Win coughs in transparent annoyance, and the moment is effectively broken.

Logan divvies it up, and I waste no time tucking into a large red-colored slice. It tastes like nothing I’ve tasted before, and the myriad of strange delicious flavors swirl around my tongue. When I’m done, I lick my lips and flatten a hand over my belly. “I think I could get used to cake for breakfast. That was yummy, thank you.” I give Logan the quickest peck on the cheek. No sense in testing Win’s limit’s any further this morning.

After the dishes are cleared, we get down to the serious stuff. It’s agreed that our main concern is stopping the Amaretti from attacking Saven and invading Earth. Dali wants to approach some of the neighboring planets for help, counting on at least a handful of guaranteed alliances. Win agrees to travel with her after dropping us off in New York. Once she has an alliance in place, she intends to return home to try to talk sense into her father. “If that doesn’t work, then I’ll go to Chancellor Xava and apply for a Renunciation Order. I’m confident I’ll get the backing I need, though I genuinely hope it won’t come to that.”

“What’s a Renunciation Order? And who is the chancellor?” I tip my chin up.

“Chancellor Xava works for the High Commission which is the peaceful form of central governance in the galaxy. It was set up years ago as an alternative to the opposing rule of the Regal Commission. Of course, many planets refuse to accept or abide by their laws, but my father signed a contract with them when he lost his position of power, so he has to accept their ruling. I can apply to have my father removed as king on the grounds of his unreasonable behavior. Essentially, that’s what a Renunciation Order is,” Dali explains.

I frown, and Logan notices. “Ask your question.” I feel like I’m back in school.

“So there are two ruling factions?” He nods. “How does that work?”

“Colonists tend to conform to the rules of the Regal Commission and those planets who have been conquered have no choice but to accept their form of governance. Others, either those opposed to the ruthless strategies of the colonists, or those at risk of oppression, tend to side with the High Commission. Saven is currently a member of the Regal Commission. Something which I plan to change once I’ve ascended,” Logan assures.

“Part of the reason why the balance of power has been shifting these last few years,” Dali adds, “is the fact that more and more nations are joining the High Commission. It’s the cause of the recent instability and why there’s so much concern over the Saven’s plans. We are on the crux of massive change, and everyone knows it.”

“Will the High Commission support you?” I look between Logan and Dali, making it clear my question applies to both of them.

They both nod, though it’s Dali who verbally responds. “I believe they will approve of our plans. And I’ll need the backing of a certain percentage of member states to usurp my father. Also, the chancellor has to approve it, but I think he would. He’s never seen eye to eye with my father. Once the Renunciation Order is in place, I can apply for an Interim Instatement Order to be appointed temporary queen of Amara until I’m officially enthroned.”

“Where does the Heir’s Summit fit into the overall scheme of things?” I ask, still somewhat confused.

Logan stands up. “Holo-board.” A digital screen appears in the space in front of us. Using his finger, he constructs a quick graphic, showing the Regal Commission on one side, the High Commission on the other and the Heir’s Summit in the middle. “The Heir’s Summit was originally set up by the High Commission as a means to further unite their member planets. The initial idea was to foster an environment where open discussion between future heirs on key diplomatic concerns could be discussed in a non-political setting. In an unexpected move, the chancellor reached out to the Regal Commission and proposed sending heirs from their member states. The intent was to enter into genuine dialogue in the hope that peaceful discussions within this group could influence politics at a higher level and that it might broker an end to the war in the near future. The Regal Commission agreed purely because they saw it as an opportunity to possibly glean valuable intel.”

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