Saving Face (Mount Faith Series: Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Saving Face (Mount Faith Series: Book 1)
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"Stop this drivel," Greyson snarled. "I am taking you both off this case. Now! Today!"

"You wasted one month of our time," Harry said to Greyson. "One month when all you were doing was saving face. How did you even come up with that method of killing your uncle?"

"He asked Dr. Fiddy," Natasha said. "Fiddy must have told him what to do. We are going to have to find out the exact time this conversation took place."

She looked at Greyson. "I expected more from you."

"Don't speak to me like that!" Greyson said, "I am still your superior. You are being insubordinate!"

"I am writing a report and sending it to the Commissioner's office." Natasha said, "As you said this is a high profile case, the Commissioner must know about our findings."

"You can't prove I did a thing," Greyson snarled.

Harry stood up. "The bad thing about all of this is that you might get away with this. You killed your own flesh and blood. A life is a life. No matter what he did, or what he was, that doesn't justify you taking matters in your own hands."

Greyson heaved a sigh. "Get out of my office! Now! You can't prove any of this cock -and-bull theory that you have. Detective work is finding evidence that will hold up in court. You can't even prove that Edward didn't just die from a simple heart attack. All you have are conjectures and accusations.

I was wrong about you two. You are lousy detectives. I am splitting you up. I am going to arrange for both of you to be transferred out of here. I am sending you to a place where there isn't much to do.

How did you like up Malvern huh?" He asked feverishly. "I am sending you up there," he pointed to Natasha. "And you with your cocky attitude," he pointed to Harry, "should be squashed in Manchester,."

"I am going to appeal this decision," Harry said without much heat because he did not want to have to work with Greyson ever again.

Natasha shrugged and got up. "Why would you do this if you weren't guilty and trying to cover your tracks? You sir, will have to answer to God for your actions and God is not sleeping."

Chapter Twenty


Natasha drove slowly up the hills to Mount Faith University. She passed the police station and looked over at it, a hint of anticipation on her face. She would be working nearer to Taj if the superintendent got his way.

She felt a twinge of sadness that she wouldn't be working with Harry again but the truth is, neither of them would be comfortable working with Greyson at the station  knowing what they knew. They had barely left the office yesterday when their transfer documents had come in. Greyson couldn't stand the sight of them and it was mutual. She would start working in Malvern as early as next Monday.

She turned into the imposing gates of the university and headed to the south side of the campus where the Psychiatry Center was. Taj had said he'd be there today.

It was a nice campus. She admired the design of the buildings and the gardens. She wished never to come back here for any criminal investigation ever again but she was looking forward to visiting Taj on a regular basis. She hoped that what started between them in the last couple of weeks would evolve into something more.

She parked beside a truck with a construction logo on it and Taj's vehicle.

She got out of her car and leaned on it. The building was coming together nicely. They had even started to put in flowers.

"Hey!" Taj said from the door, "come check out my new office."

Natasha walked up the walkway, skipping over the debris that was strewn across the path. She followed Taj's retreating back and joined him in the office.

"So does this mean that you are out of the running for the presidency?"

"Yes," Taj said, "I chose medicine again, and I am comfortable with my choice."

Natasha smiled. "Good for you. I have good news too, we solved the case. Partly on your advice too."

Taj looked at her. "Wow. You did? So why do you look so sad? Who did it? It wasn't any of my biological parents?"

"Nope," Natasha said, "the killer was closer to me than you."

She closed the door and went into the middle of the office pushing her hands in her pockets.

"Who was it?" Taj frowned.

"My boss," Natasha said. "You said to go back to the beginning but the beginning usually means childhood so I thought about it and thought about it. Superintendent Greyson was the one childhood link we had. So, I got to wondering if he had known about Carlisle's bisexual tendencies.

In the process of gathering evidence, we found out from Carlisle's lover that he was going to leave his wife and be with him. Then it clicked that his uncle and friend may have been the most passionate out of all the suspects to want to kill him for what would be regarded as a shame on the family. Because we dared to confront him about our suspicions, Harry and I were transferred.

"To where?" Taj asked concerned, his heart suddenly racing.

"Up here," Natasha grinned at him, "my boss said he is sending me to a place where I'll be bored out of my skull."

"So what will happen to your boss?" Taj asked.

"Well," Natasha shrugged, "we sent in our report. The commissioner will look into it and maybe refer it to the anti-corruption branch. They will call Greyson in for questioning. When the top brass of the police force commits a crime..." She shrugged. "He may be transferred. The case declared close. The detectives involved shifted up. It is doubtful whether the case will see the inside of a court room."

Taj went to stand in front of her his brown eyes sympathetic. "I am sorry about this whole thing. You are going to have to tell me more over dinner, but I am more than happy that you will be closer to me here in Malvern. It's a sign."

Natasha grinned. "A good sign."

"Yes," Taj kissed her briefly. "A sign that we should work on what we have now and get hitched later."

Natasha linked her fingers with his. "That's a plan. I love that plan."





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Tattered Tiara


The rain can be hypnotic
Micah thought staring through his room window at the patterns it made on the glass. He was supposed to go to a family reunion in two hours where his father would announce the not-so-secret, secret that Taj Jackson was his son.

All the family was going to be there. He hated family gatherings but a trickle of happiness reminded him that he was happy that he was no longer this father’s eldest son. The responsibility of being the first -born and the trendsetter was now off his shoulders.

He stretched. He could always remind his father that Taj was his eldest when he spouted his nonsense about him needing to strive for higher education.

Micah laughed softly. He liked Taj and was happy that he was already accomplished in academia and was his father's sole challenger for the presidency. That should quiet the old man a bit whenever he wants to mention that his eldest son should be an example.

Thank God for Taj
Micah thought feelingly because this whole school system and pursuing of degrees was like a prison for Micah. For the first time since he brought home that D in Mathematics from grade school, he was feeling a sense of ease.

He was still the black sheep of the family, the one who didn't want to conform. The one who wore his hair in dreadlocks, who preferred strumming on his guitar and singing than reading boring books. He was the one who had unacceptable friends, who rode fast bikes and did wheelies in the streets. He was the one who couldn't sit still in church, who thought formal clothes were chafing. He was the one who laughed at his father when he started to pontificate in his pompous voice. He was the one—that Bancroft kid—who would amount to nothing and he was fine with that.

One time long ago, when his parents bellowing and cajoling had mattered, he had gotten a business degree–just for them. He had found no joy in it. His heart was with the land; he wanted to farm and to play music on his little guitar.

The rain slowed in its intensity and the droplets on his window got sparser. He could hear the weeping willow trees that led up to his driveway mournfully pick up their song and then he heard a knocking.

Nobody visited him up here in the old house on the outskirts of Malvern, especially since the community people thought the house was haunted. Not even his mother and she was the only family member that seemed to still care about his welfare.

He didn't even have a peephole in the heavy oak door at the front of the three-bedroom house. It was a little drive up the curving driveway to the top of the hill where the house was perched.

He dragged on an undershirt and cracked the front windows to see who was at the door. He saw her car first, a late model red Mazda with her name on the front. It was Deidra, his forced fiancée.

How did she find out where he lived?

He had not wanted her to find out. He glanced at her. She was standing in a yellow rain coat, her long curly hair was dripping wet and she looked as if she was shivering. She knocked on the door again and he wondered if he should let her in. He didn't want to be in close confines with Deidra—she was a man-eater.

She had gotten it in her head that she wanted Micah and had recruited her father, the wealthy senator and benefactor to Mount Faith University, to help make a marriage happen. Her father, William Durkheim, had contacted his father, Ryan Bancroft, and the two of them had come to a medieval agreement that Micah Bancroft would be a suitable partner for Deidra Durkheim.

He glanced at her again. She had entered a beauty contest a few months ago and won. She deserved it, he thought grudgingly. Even though her father had sponsored the event, there was no denying that Deidra was hands down the prettiest woman on these hills, with her dark brown chocolate eyes, her snub nose, her generous red lips and not to mention her lean shapely curves, which she endeavored to show to all and sundry in her tight, short outfits. He wondered what was under her yellow raincoat and then stopped himself. At only nineteen Deidra was a petulant teenager who needed to grow up. Why she was so fixated on him he didn't know.

He closed his hand over the doorknob; a war was raging in his head. Don't let her in your house. Don't let that sexy teenager who was running on hormones and who threw herself at you at every turn anywhere in your house.

He pictured her generous breasts, which were usually outlined in her too tight blouse, her perky firm butt, which was perfectly shaped in her short shorts, her tiny waist, which he could span with both hands and her creamy caramel legs, which went on forever.

He didn't want to lust after Deidra, or like her, but she made it hard on a man. His hands slowly curved around the door handle and he smoothly released the security latch.

He swung the door open and Deidra, who was just turning to go, turned her big brown eyes on him.

"I want you," She said simply. No hello's. No preamble. She knew what she wanted. She walked toward him, her red lips were trembling slightly.

Micah stiffened at the doorway. His control was slipping. She unbuttoned her raincoat and slowly floated toward him. Naked. In the rain, her firm body had no blemish or mark. He drunk her in and then swallowed convulsively.

"Deidra," he said softly. "Don't."

Deidra's eyes filled with tears. "But why not? We are supposed to get married soon. I love you."

Micah stood like a sentry at his door. There was no way he could let her into his house and have any conversation but a carnal one. His heart was saying
just do it. She is right. You can even marry her to appease your conscienc
. His head was shoutin
this is all wrong.

"We are not getting married," Micah said firmly "and I don't want you."

The lie hung in the air. She jerked back as if she was slapped. She grabbed the raincoat and slipped it back on.

"You are mean and cold-hearted and a prude and gay! And you will pay!" she almost slid on the gravel before she swung her car door open.

"If it's the last thing I do I'll make you pay!"

Micah stood at his front door, frozen. He had done the right thing in sending her away.



Mount Faith Series


Saving Face (Mount Faith Series- Book 1)
- Mount Faith University drama begins with a dead president and several suspects including the president in waiting Ryan Bancroft.


Tattered Tiara  (Mount Faith Series-Book 2)
-  Micah Bancroft is targeted by femme fatale Deidra Durkheim. There are also several rape cases to be solved.


Private Dancer (Mount Faith Series- Book 3)- Adrian Bancroft was gutted when he returned to Jamaica and found out that his first and only love Cathy Taylor was a stripper and was literally owned by the menacing drug lord, Nanjo Jones.



The Three Rivers Series


Private Sins (Three Rivers Series-Book 1)
- Kelly, the first lady at Three Rivers Church was pregnant for the first elder of her church. Could she keep the secret from her husband and pretend that all was well?


Loving Mr. Wright (Three Rivers Series- Book 2)
- Erica saw one last opportunity to ditch her single life when Caleb Wright appeared in her town. He was perfect for her, but what was he hiding?


Unholy Matrimony (Three Rivers Series- Book 3)
- Phoebe had a problem, she was poor and unhappy. Her solution to marry a rich man was derailed along the way with her feelings for Charles Black, the poor guy next door.


If It Ain't Broke (Three Rivers Series- Book 4)
- Chris Donahue wanted a place in his child's life. Pinky Black just wanted his love. She also wanted him to forget his obsession with Kelly and love her. That shouldn't be so hard? Should it?


Contemporary Romance/Drama


Homely Girl
- April and Taj were opposites in so many ways. He was the cute, athletic boy that everybody wanted to be friends with. She was the overweight, shy, and withdrawn girl. Do April and Taj have a love that can last a lifetime? Or will time and separate paths rip them apart?


The Preacher And The Prostitute
- Prostitution and the clergy don't mix. Tell that to ex-prostitute, Maribel, who finds herself in love with the Pastor at her church. Can an ex-prostitute and a pastor have a future together?


Love Triangle: Three Sides To The Story
- George-the husband, Marie-the wife and Karen-the mistress. They all get to tell their side of the story.


New Beginnings
- Inner city girl Geneva was offered an opportunity of a lifetime when she found out that her 'real' father was a very wealthy man. Her decision to live up-town meant that she had to leave Froggie, her ‘ghetto don,’ behind. She also found herself battling with her stepmother and battling her emotions for Justin, a suave up-towner.


Full Circle
- After graduating from university, Diana wanted to return to  Jamaica to find her siblings. What she didn’t foresee was that she would meet Robert Cassidy and that both their pasts would be intertwined, and that disturbing questions would pop up about their parentage, just when they were getting close.


Historical Fiction/Romance


The Empty Hammock
- Workaholic, Ana Mendez, fell asleep in a hammock and woke up in the year 1494. It was the time of the Tainos, a time when life seemed simpler, but Ana knew that all of that was about to change.


The Pull Of Freedom
- Even in bondage the people, freshly arrived from Africa, considered themselves free. Led by Nanny and Cudjoe the slaves escaped the Simmonds’ plantation and went in different directions to forge their destiny in the new country called Jamaica.


Jamaican Comedy (Material contains Jamaican dialect)


Di Taxi Ride And Other Stories
- Di Taxi Ride and Other Stories is a collection of twelve witty and fast paced short stories. Each story tells of a unique slice of Jamaican life.


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