Saving Lawson (Loving Lawson Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Saving Lawson (Loving Lawson Book 2)
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              I turned back to him and took a step forward. I stared daggers at him, feeling the anger in me roar like nothing else before. I’d been treated like shit by this dickhead for far too long. I’d been fine with it, too. I’d accepted my new life, but that didn’t mean I was going to drop every single one of my morals in the process.

              “No,” I cut in, pinning him with my icy stare. “No, Ricardo,
listen. What I do from here on out is none of your fucking concern. You don’t want any part of this? Fine. Take your ugly ass out of here and leave me to it. Nothing you say is going to change the fact I’m not gonna leave a baby behind, and if that means I’m walking to my death, then I’ll do so with a smile on my face. I’ve got nothing to lose,
, so don’t be threatening my life like it’s all that matters to me. It ain’t.”

              He just stared at me for a long moment. His eyes had widened some. He was speechless. Good, because I was certain I couldn’t hold another steady conversation. When the surprise wore off, he simply took off out of the room, and I was glad to see the back of his head. He wouldn’t leave me behind. He’d be waiting for me in his car, and the fucker was going to take me to the hospital whether he liked it or not.

              You want me to make another man bleed? Fine. You want me to break some bones and empty a wallet or two? Fine. You want me to take some druggie’s life? Sure, it’d be hard, but I’d probably find it in me to do it. However, I was not going to turn myself into the kind of monster that was too far gone from humanity to let a baby die in the process.

              If that meant I’d get a bullet to the head for this, then sure.

              I’d gladly eat it.


There are some moments in life you can’t move on from. They twist your soul on the inside, until you’re sitting here, snorting more coke just to wash it away.

              Four hours ago I was washing away the reality of being with thugs who hurt people for a living. Right this second I was washing away the image of a dying baby in my arms. Her sunken eyes and flushed cheeks wouldn’t leave my mind.


              Wearing my hoodie, I’d dropped her off at the emergency doors in the hospital. The hardest part was walking away and not knowing what was going to happen to her. Was she going to be alright? How long had she been crying before her sounds died off to those soft grunts that I could still hear inside my ears? This shit was killing me.

              “Not joinin’ in on the fun, I see?” I tensed at Boss’s voice from behind me. I was sitting on the porch outside of the shitty cabin we used as our rendezvous point. There was a party inside. I could hear the music from here, and the loud hoots from the sheep I liked to call henchman. Lot of alcohol. Lot of chicks. Same shit, different day.

              I barely moved my shoulders in a shrug. I bit the inside of my lip to fight my frown as he took a seat next to me. I didn’t want to look at him. He could read all of me when I locked eyes with him. I stared out into the dark forest, and it was only when he nudged me that I looked down at the beer bottle he was handing me. I took it from him but didn’t drink.

              “Ricardo told me everything,” he then said. I couldn’t detect any disapproval in his tone. He sounded neutral, and that was sometimes worse. Unable to resist, my eyes jumped to his face for a brief moment. Nothing but a bald head and a thick black beard to look at, his face was just as impossible to read.

              Boss was a man of mystery. Nobody knew his real name. Nobody knew where he lived. Nobody knew a single thing about him. He just came, barked orders, and left. And at nights like these, he stuck around and celebrated, sinking his dick balls deep into any young looking thing.

              “I didn’t have a choice,” I quietly said to him. I nervously kicked the soil around on the ground with the tip of my shoe, waiting for something bad to happen.

              “I’m not hiring angels, Ryker. I need hard men. I can’t have you openin’ that heart of yours every time something bad like this happens.”

              “Would you rather I left her to die?” I retorted, unable to resist the anger in my voice.

              “I’d rather you have done something that didn’t risk people sniffin’ around
business. You could have returned sometime later, made sure there were no witnesses, made sure the hospital you dropped that kid off had nobody looking at you on your way to those doors. Shit like this has to be done in a way that leads absolutely no tracks to my cartel.”

              I didn’t reply. Yeah, he was right. I’d been hasty, but I didn’t take any of it back. To me, that baby couldn’t have been left for later.

              “You won’t survive until you harden yourself up,” he continued. “You’re one of us now, and that means there will be losses in the process. There’ll be shit you just have to leave behind. The second you slip up is the second
become a target. You don’t want to be that. I’d hate to see you in a similar situation: your head blown to smithereens over some mistake with a crying baby left to die without someone’s softened heart to save it. Think on that, boy. It’s a dog eat dog world, and the only way you’re going to survive it is to be the bigger animal than the rest.”

              My brows bunched together in thought as his words replayed through my mind. Distraught, I set the beer down and ran my hand through my hair. A hardened heart? I’d have to shut down my emotions? How does someone do that successfully?

              “I took you in for a reason,” he mused, more to himself than me. “You’re the same age as my kid, and he’s a fucking disappointment to me. Can’t stand that little bastard. So when I saw you strapped to that chair, there was fight in you. I admired that. I saw potential. You’ve got it in you to lead. You ignored Ricardo because you believed in what you were doing – that’s leadership material, Ryker. That’s the kind of thing I look for when I pass the torch along, because I ain’t going to be here forever. I need to know I can leave behind someone dependable. At this rate, that could be you.”

              Without waiting for my reaction, he stood up and disappeared back inside. He saw fight in me? Saw a
in me? I couldn’t process that.

              I knew the second Boss let me in that my future would be forever changed, but it hit me more now than before tonight. The image of a crying baby beside my cold, dead body did strange things to me. It made me want to keel over and vomit. As if I could have a kid! That shit wasn’t possible. Any mistake and anyone I loved would be a target.

              I couldn’t love. I couldn’t have a family. I couldn’t provide when I knew at any turn they might be in danger because of my forced change in lifestyle.

              My purpose in life was to be alone, and I wasn’t sure if I’d rather eat a bullet after all.



He scared the ever living fuck out of me. He scared the ever living fuck out of everyone else too.

              The scary man that everyone made sure to be away from. The one whose eyes were so cold, it made your spine stiffen and your heart rate accelerate. If he looked at you, you didn’t fucking dare look back at him. You just waited and prayed he left you alone.

              I’d seen the biggest of men crumble around him. They knew what he was capable of. Stone cold murderer. Someone who could take a life away with his bare hands. His reputation was strong as the stone walls imprisoning us; there wasn’t a corner you could escape to without listening to whispers about what he’d done.

              All the lives he’d taken.

              The mercy he lacked.

              I watched him every day. I saw the way he manhandled the men who pissed him off. He was large and robust, but I sensed that wasn’t entirely the reason he was capable of hurting just anyone. There was hunger in his eyes. He fought from within, and I noticed it the first time he beat some Nazi prick to the ground. It was the first day he stepped into the prison. Usually that was the day you got your ass beaten to the ground by the Nazi gang. They liked to pretend they were the strongest, but it was only because they were the largest crew, leading only by numbers over the rest.

He’d been so enraged by the attack, his shirt had come off, and he was pounding his chest with both his fists, screaming at everyone around him to come at him. This was after he effortlessly threw the largest man in the Nazi crew – and the prison – and beat the snot out of him with nothing but a lunch tray – the lunch tray that had been used on him initially.

“Come and try, you fucking fucks!” he shrieked, his voice deep and powerful. “Who else wants a taste of this?”

The prisoners had cheered from all sides, laughing and bouncing off the fucking walls like chimpanzees. They loved what they were seeing, probably because they’d been beaten by the same Nazi asshole before this guy had come around and danced circles around him.

But the second that shirt came off, mouths closed in the blink of an eye. Silence. For the first time since I’d been here, it was silent as a grave. I knew what they were looking at. It was the same fucking thing
was looking at. The giant tattoo on his back. An emblem of where he came from and who he was.

The tattoo only given to a member of the Black-backed Jackal MC – the most feared biker gang this last decade has ever seen, taking residence in almost every town across the country. But it was the other tattoos that gave him away. He was recognized immediately, and the name gave me chills when I heard it.


They called him Reaper, though his real name was Remy Martinez.

After he’d beaten the fool on his first day, the bloody man lay unconscious at his feet, his scrubs soaked in blood. When no one else stepped forward to fight him, Reaper casually sniffed and dusted himself off. Then he walked to an abandoned lunch tray, grabbed an untouched Granny Smith Apple in the assortment of food and ate it at a table in the far back.

He didn’t put his shirt back on the rest of the day, proudly putting on display the authority he truly possessed.

Hard as fucking nails, this guy. It wasn’t long after that he was ruling the roost. His outside connections had bought the prison guards off, so Reaper got what he wanted when he wanted. He lived in the lap of luxury here, and the fucker had an endless supply of cigarettes and blades he swapped throughout the day.

Like now, he was using his
apple blade
. Fucker liked his apples, had reserved his own fucking knife for his apples. Crazy fuck. One I needed to get close to.

I’d watched inmates approach him from time to time. They sought safety, wanted a place by his side away from the Nazi crew who still dragged the crying weaklings into the toilets for a screw. They were eyeing me more and more each day, with that arrogant look in their eyes like it was only a matter of time – and the last thing I needed was a frequent cock up my ass in this hell. I needed to be like Reaper, even if it meant not being able to stand by his side. I needed to have a shot at bringing down these bastards if I wanted to make it unscathed these next couple years. I’d been jumped enough times to make me realize I was bound to be someone’s bitch very soon.

Grabbing an apple off my tray one day, I summoned the courage and headed for Reaper. He had his own goddamn table, nobody else accompanying him. Bastard liked his solitude – his solitude
his apples. He didn’t stare at me once as I began to approach him, but I knew he was aware of me. He was aware of everything.

He held his apple blade in one hand and was slicing the skin off the fruit in a slow, calculated way. The skin dangled like a ribbon as he continued to round the blade. I stood before him, watching him silently, wondering if he expected me to talk first. I could never hear the exchange of conversations he’d had with the guys before me to know how they got rejected. Maybe that was why he seemed disinterested in me. I was just another beggar.

“Make it quick,” he finally said, still not taking his eyes off his bloody apple.

Feeling awkward, I leaned forward and set my apple on his tray. “For… you.” Fuck, I was lame, offering my apple to him like he was some god I was bringing trinkets to.

He stared at my apple for half a beat before continuing his peeling. “You came here to give me your fucking apple?”

“Peace offering,” I said on a shrug.

“I don’t need peace from a fuck I’m not warring with.”

              I exhaled and ran a hand over my hair. “Shit, man, I don’t know what I’m doing, alright? I came here –”

              “You came here like all the others begging me for safety. Like I give a fuck for you opportunistic pricks. I ain’t helpin’ shit, or doin’ shit for anybody. So how about you turn back around and get the fuck outta my face before I throw this knife at your head?”

              I froze at his threat. Once upon a time I thought Boss was scary. This guy was something else entirely.

              “You wouldn’t use that blade to kill me,” I found myself saying without thought. “You’ve got different blades for different things. When you stabbed one of the Nazis the other week, it was a brown handled knife you didn’t carry again. I’d say you disposed of it or some shit, and judging by the way you shuddered at the blood dripping from its blade, I’d say you don’t like blood period. In fact, you hate it so much, you can’t stand it touching something that’s yours. And that apple knife hasn’t changed once. You like it too much to want to throw it at my head.”


              His movements slowed and his dark eyes finally looked up at me. I tried to keep my composure, tried to look him straight in those eyes, and I surprised myself by holding it together long enough.

              “You been stalking me, kid?” he growled out. “Likin’ what you see or something?”


              “Thought you could impress me enough to make me want you on my side or some shit?”


              “Then the fuck do you want?”

              “I want to fight.”

              His dark brows shot up. “You want to fight me?”

              My heart rate spiked as I rapidly retorted, “No! Not
. I want you to teach me how to fight. You’re… you’re a better fighter than the one person I ever thought fought the best.”

              Heath. He fought better than Heath ever did.

“What’re you planning on doing with those skills?” he asked, humouring himself by keeping this conversation going.

“Protect myself,” I answered. “And kill someone when I get out of here.”

He finished peeling the apple. He threw it down on his tray and crossed his arms as he looked up at me. He looked intrigued, but that humour was still dancing in those scary eyes.

“You want to kill someone when you get out of here,” he repeated slowly, stifling a laugh. “Who are you after? The fucker that put you here, I’m guessing?”

“No,” I shot back. “I deserve to be here.”

Not for the actual crime I got put away for, mind you, because I’d picked up money just as the police had come by. It was obvious someone had tipped them off, and how ironic it was I had done something I never did before and got caught for it.

Someone sold me out.

“Then who do you want to kill?” Reaper asked, pulling me away from my reveries.

“My brother.”

His face lit up and he barked out a deep laugh. “Your brother? Shit, man, the fuck did that poor cunt do to you?”

“He took my woman.”

Another moment of silence.

This time Reaper looked at me differently. Something passed in those eyes. Some kind of understanding, and I was happy to see the humour gone entirely.

“He took


He scoffed. “You sure she didn’t want to be taken?”

I gritted my teeth and didn’t reply. My chest felt heavy with pain and anger. The one thing that had kept me going had been torn from me, and I was too livid to think straight.

“You fuckin’ pussy,” he then said, chuckling deep in his chest as he shook his head. “Going out there and killin’ him isn’t going to change things. She won’t take you back.”

“I already know that.”

“And you still wanna kill the guy?”


“Because you were weak enough to love some chick that clearly didn’t return your love?”

“Yeah,” I forced out, because truth was the best route in this fucked up situation. “And loving someone doesn’t make you weak.”

For the first time since I saw him here, I think I had him speechless. He just stared at me for the longest time, his brain working hard as he trailed his eyes up and down my body. I wasn’t big, and he was checking that out. He probably saw nothing but a shrimp in front of him, but if he could stare into my eyes long enough, he’d see the fire in them. The same fire that burned in his own.

“I can teach you how to fight,” he finally said thoughtfully. “But I ain’t protecting you from shit. You get jumped or fucked, that’s not on me. You don’t get any special treatment, either. You’re not my friend. You’ll
be my friend. You’re nothing but a hobby for me to pass my time ‘til I get outta here in twelve months. If you piss me off, I’ll break your legs. If you betray me in any way, I’ll snap your head off that pretty boy neck of yours. And on that note, we’re gonna be doing something about your pretty boy looks too, because I fucking hate pretty boys. They piss me off. Understand?”

Too whiplashed to answer, I managed a nod.

“Good. Now get the fuck outta my face.”




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