Saving My Submission BN (17 page)

Read Saving My Submission BN Online

Authors: Jenna Jacob

Tags: #Submission, #BDSM Erotic Romance, #Romance, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #Dominance

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“What? Slow down, Dylan. I have no intention of doing
anything of the kind. What the hell have I ever done to make you think—”

“It’s not you,” Dylan hissed. “
been… Listen, she’s fragile. This is the first time she’s… shit. It’s not my
story to tell, it’s hers. Just… go easy on her, okay?”

“I give you my word.” Joshua’s vow teemed in

Great, he’d want to know all about my embarrassing
past. I wasn’t sure I could bring myself to tell him, so soon. A new kind of
panic pricked. I jumped when Joshua pressed his strong hand against the small
of my back. Leaning over my body, his delicious heat surrounded me.

“Can you give me a little piece of your trust?”

His hot breath caressed my ear. “Yes, Sir.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll treat it like priceless
gold.” Placing a soft kiss on my shoulder, he stood. The loss of his body heat
left me feeling brutally barren.

“Four subs. Four swats. And Mellie shall receive an
obligatory four as well,” Tony announced in wicked glee. “Drake, you have the
honor of first punishment, my friend.”

“My pleasure,” he chuckled. Then in a raspy growl he
commanded Trevor to count.

The sound of Drake’s angry paw meeting Trevor’s ass
reverberated in my ears. The bench we four lay across jerked beneath the power
of the Dom’s blow.

“One, Master,” Trevor cried out in a howl of pain.

Fear gripped me in an icy hold. I wasn’t a pain slut
by any stretch of the imagination. I couldn’t handle what Trevor was being
subjected to. I wouldn’t last past the first slap.

Snapping my head toward Sanna, I stared into my
sister’s chocolate brown eyes, desperately trying to temper my panic.

“Trevor likes pain. Drake’s doing it hard so
won’t enjoy it. We’re not going to get spanked that
hard, I promise,” she whispered softly.

“No talking, precious,” Nick admonished.

Sanna’s explanation slightly eased my fears. Still,
the longing to bolt from the table and run from the club rode me hard. I’d
given Joshua a vow of trust. If I took it back now, it would be the same as
confessing I couldn’t place my faith in him.

“Two, Master,” Trevor’s voice cracked.

The young man wailed inconsolably before he choked out
the last number, and my heart was breaking for all he’d endured. Drake let out
a heavy sigh, then scooped his crying sub into his burly arms, clutching him
tightly to his chest. Trailing kisses over Trevor’s mouth, Drake captured the
young man’s lips and drank in his mournful sobs. As I watched the poignant
exchange, I gained a new understanding of their relationship. Tears stung my
eyes at the sheer beauty of it.

“Your turn, my beautiful bride.” Tony announced before
landing a quick succession of loud slaps over

I didn’t understand why
was being punished. She had nothing to do with the chain of events leading up
to the fire. Maybe Tony decided she’d been guilty by association by some screwy
Dominant-Caveman way. I smartly kept my opinion to myself, even though it made
absolutely no sense to me at all.

Even before Tony had gathered his new bride into his
arms, Mika sank his fingers into Julianna’s red, springy curls.

“Let this serve as a reminder,” Mika warned, aligning
a sharp slap across her backside. Julianna let out a yelp. “Always.”
“The ingredients.”

,” she keened
through clenched teeth.

Mika pulled her to his chest, smoothing back the riot
of ringlets from her face.

“My precious girl. You make me proud.” Mika’s smile
reflected the depth of honor Julianna had brought him. Leaning close in an
ardent rush, he kissed her ruthlessly.

“Ah, my naughty Savannah,” Nick began in a tone imbued
with regret. “Tell me, love…whose idea was it to purchase the elephant-sized
butt plug that caught on fire?”

“It was mine, Master.”

“I see,” he chuckled. “Was there a particular reason
you wanted such a scary slab of rubber for the centerpiece of your little

“Yes, Sir. I bought it for
as a joke.”

“Ironic… none of you seem to be laughing now, are

“No, Master,” Sanna closed her eyes and her chin began
to quiver.

Nick’s questions bordered on humiliation. I was
getting madder by the second knowing his interrogation was far worse than any
physical punishment he could inflict on her.

“I’m sorry for embarrassing you and Master Dylan,

“You’re never an embarrassment, kitten,” Dylan
corrected. “You light up our days and nights.”

A contented smile curled on her lips as each of her
landed two firm swats on her ass. I issued a sigh of
relief for Savannah as both
covered her with
their big bodies and lifted her from the table. Trailing kisses over her lips,
jaw, and neck, they whispered praises as they led her away. Dylan stopped
before they got very far, watching Joshua closely, like a concerned big

I was next. Sucking in a lungful of apprehension,
Joshua lowered over me once again leaning in close to my ear I closed my eyes
and absorbed the feel of hard chest pressed against my back and his heated
breath as it fluttered across my neck.

“If you get scared, use your safe word for me. Do you
remember it, little one?”

“Yes, Sir. Fantasy.”

“Good girl,” he praised.

Standing, and stealing that soothing warmth once
again, I braced myself for the impact of his hand. Squeezing my eyes shut, I
held my breath. When Joshua skimmed his wide palm over my flesh instead of
spanking it, I jolted. With a rush, I exhaled the air I’d trapped in my lungs,
waiting for pain that never came. Caressing my ass, he moved his other hand to
brush the hair from my face. Trailing the back of his knuckle over my cheek, I quivered.

“Open for me, little one,” he instructed, as he
tickled my lips with his fingertips.

What? Legs? Mouth?

My hesitation earned a quick slap to my left butt
cheek. It didn’t hurt, but stung with a delicious little burn. Tickling my lips
with his fingers again, I took a chance and opened my mouth. Joshua leaned in,
whispering his approval as he slid one finger past my lips and onto my tongue.

“Show me, little one. Remind me how your silky, hot
mouth felt wrapped around my cock.”

With a tiny whimper I sucked, licked, and nibbled,
exactly as I’d done to his ample erection a few nights before. Joshua landed
another quick slap, slightly harder than the first. I couldn’t help but moan.

“You’re not as fragile as they think, are you gorgeous

Shaking my head slightly, I worshiped his finger as if
it were his shaft, swirling my tongue around him and sucking hard.

“I think it’s time to let you feel a little fire with
the next one. You’d like that wouldn’t you, little one?” He traced the tip of
his tongue over the shell of my ear, and I moaned in agreement.

The smack of his hand echoed in my ears as a sweet
burn flowed up my spine and ebbed down my legs. Seemingly weightless, I floated
on the liberating sensations.

“Give it to her, Stephen. She likes it harder than
that.” The malevolent voice of Davis Walker—my former Master—thundered in my
ears and instantly shattered the euphoric splendor.

Bolting upright from the table, I whipped my neck
toward the direction of his voice. There, stranding among a sea of curious
faces, Davis smiled. Only I could see past his mask, see the contempt
glistening in his cold, heartless eyes. Bile rose in my throat and I coughed.
Every graceless emotion—embarrassment, degradation, rage, and fear—galloped
through me leaving a trail of slimy disgust. Trembling like a leaf, I flashed a
glance toward Sanna. I needed a lifeline to pull me in from the choppy,
volatile water I felt like I was drowning in. Meshed between her Masters, my
sister’s confused frown creased her brow. Both Dylan and Nick volleyed their
attention between Joshua and my former Master.

“It’s been a long time, bunny. I’ve missed you.” Davis
addressed me in the club name he’d given me. The sound of it after so many
years made my blood run cold. He flashed me a smile I found repulsive and vile
as he took a step toward me.

Inching back, Joshua put his arms around me,
reinforcing his presence. Davis smirked as if pleased to see my overt fear.

Sliding his attention back to Joshua, he nodded.
“Don’t let me interrupt, Stephen. I’m thoroughly enjoying the show, but there’s
one thing I need to know… does her ass still feel as soft as cotton? I imagine
it does. I’ve never forgotten the feel of her flesh. Go on, slap her again;
hard. I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed hearing her lusty cries.”

“Then don’t,” Joshua commanded in a tone colder than
stone. Turning his back on Davis, he shot Mika a look of controlled fury as his
arms remained cinched around me in a protective hold. “She’s done here.”

“Yes, indeed.” Mika nodded as his hulking body seemed
to expand. “Master Kerr, I need a word with you upstairs, please.”

It wasn’t a question—it was an order.

Joshua gripped my quaking body against him tighter.
Even the heat pouring off him did nothing to stop my nervous tremors.

“I’ve got you, Mellie. Relax, baby. You’re safe…
totally safe.”

“Seriously?” Incredulity wrinkled Davis’ face. “Come
on, Mika, I was just giving Stephen some pointers, that’s all.”

“I don’t believe he asked for any. Stephen needs no
help in any Dominant fashion, not from you, me, or anyone,” Mika countered, his
tone dripping with contempt. “We can do this here, or in private. I really
don’t give a fuck. But we
going to
have a conversation, Kerr.”

“Oh for the love of… fine. Fuck it. Let’s go,” Davis

Before turning to follow the club owner, Walker turned
and pinned me with a contemptuous look. Riddled with insecurities, I dropped my
gaze as Drake rushed past the back of the padded table. Peeking up, I watched
the three men round the archway to the hall of private rooms.

“Are you all right?” Joshua whispered as his narrow
eyes delved into mine.

“Yeah.” I nodded, still shaking uncontrollably.

“Okay folks. Show’s over,” Tony announced through the
mic. “If you’ll all sit back and relax for a bit, we’ll begin the ceremony

“Mel?” Sanna asked on a quivering voice ripe with
fear. I turned my head. Panic etched my sister’s face. “Was that…him?”

“Yes.” I nodded, grateful that the members were
gravitating toward their seats.

“What’s he doing here?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know how he found me, or if he
was even looking.” The combination of shock, anger, and fear had tears
threatening to spring forth. I blinked them away as Sanna bent and handed me my
skirt, but my fingers were trembling so badly it slipped back to the floor.

“Here, let me help you.”

I clung to Joshua’s chest as Sanna picked up the
garment then waited. When I turned, Joshua’s hands supported my waist and I
stepped inside the opening before she pulled it up around my waist. Everything
and everyone around me seemed to be moving at the speed of light. My muddled
brain made it difficult to focus on anything other than the all-encompassing
bewilderment surrounding me.

Scattered thoughts flitted through my brain, like
buying a lottery ticket. I felt the odds of Davis showing up the first time I
dipped my toes into the submission waters had to be so outlandishly high, I
should try my luck on something far less frightening. What the hell was Davis
Walker doing at Genesis in the first place? Was he visiting or was he a member?
But why would Mika allow a player like Davis inside his club? Dizzied by the
barrage of questions, I braced my hand on the spanking bench and drew in a deep

“Stephen. Why don’t you let us take Mellie to our
room? She can sit down for a bit, in private, and relax,” Nick suggested.

“I’d like to take her, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course.” Nick nodded.

“Wait,” I protested through chattering teeth. “We’ll
miss the collaring ceremony.”

“No, we won’t,” Sanna assured me before racing off
toward Trevor. The two exchanged words, then she kissed his cheek and rushed

“It’s all set. Trevor will come get us before it
starts. Come on, sis. You’re as pale as a sheet. You look like you’ve seen a

“I have,” I mumbled.

Passing Trevor, he reached out and squeezed my hand.
“Don’t worry, sis. Mika’s got this under control. And if Kerr needs his ass
kicked, Daddy will be happy to do it. He’s way pissed.”

.” I shivered,
forcing a tight smile.

“Come on, little one. You need a warm blanket and a
stiff drink,” Joshua urged. He held me tight against his side and we followed
Sanna and her Masters down the long hallway.

“I’ll be back in a few,” Dylan announced as Nick
unlocked the door. There was a far-away look in Dylan’s usual jovial eyes. The
man looked downright scary.

“Don’t call me to bail your ass out of jail, bro,”
Nick warned with a derisive smirk.

“I won’t be the one going to jail,” Dylan assured him
before marching toward an open doorway near the end of the hall.

Once inside the private room, Sanna sought shelter in
Nick’s arms. Her face clouded in worry. “What’s he going to do, Master?”

“Nothing, precious. Dylan will be fine. I was only
teasing him. He’s mad, but he’ll get over it. Don’t worry, love.”

Joshua tugged a blanket from the foot of the bed,
shook it open and wrapped it around me. “Sit down and try to get warm,” he

“I’m not cold, I’m just…I don’t know. Maybe shocked is
a better word,” I explained as I plopped down on the bed.

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