SAVING REBEL: Renegade Rebels Motorcycle Club (21 page)

BOOK: SAVING REBEL: Renegade Rebels Motorcycle Club
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Hours later, when I had finally taken a shower, it took long moments of scrubbing under the scalding hot water before I could get it all off of me.  By that time, the shaking had subsided, and I stood under the pelting hot water, watching the blood mix with the clean water and swirl down the drain at my feet.

I never expected things to turn out so badly.  When I made the decision to go to the warehouse that day, just to harmlessly watch Mason and Harley, I never imagined in a million years that Mason would be the one to pay for my childish mistake.

I felt like the worst person in the whole world, filled with the deepest regret and shame I had ever felt.  

All I could think about was how I was ever going to make it all up to him.  How I could ever convince him to forgive me.  Not just Mason, but Harley too.

I knew Harley blamed himself, and I felt awful about that, too.  I had barreled into their lives and turned everything upside down with my immature bullshit, and I deserved to be banished from their lives, no matter how much I loved them.

Harley and I had waited up until dawn, our hearts wracked with worry as Dr. Bob worked on Mason for hours.  When he finally came out to talk us, the sun was rising in the distance.

“He’s lost a lot of blood,” he said solemnly.  “I removed the bullet from his chest.  It missed his heart, thankfully, but it nicked an artery on the way in, and we won’t know if he’s out of the woods for a while.”

“Can we see him?”  Harley asked beside me.

“You can go in and see him for a second, but he’s still sleeping and I don’t expect he’s going to wake up for a while. He’s going to need a lot of rest while he’s recovering.”

“Dr. Bob, thank you so much,” Harley said, shaking Dr. Bob’s hand vigorously.  

“It’s my pleasure, Harley.  Mason’s a good, strong man, he should pull through.”

I sighed in relief, grabbing Harley’s hand and pulling him into the room where Mason was.

His eyes were closed and he looked almost peaceful.  The room was filled with medical equipment - tubes and cords snaking around the floor at our feet as we stood at his bedside, staring down at him.

I grabbed his hand, and planted a kiss on his forehead. 

I gasped with joy as his eyes fluttered open.  His gaze went from Harley to me, and he smiled weakly.  

“Hey,” he whispered.

“Shh!” Harley said, “don’t talk, bro.”

“What happened?” he mumbled, his eyes darting around to take in his surroundings.

“You took a bullet, Mason.  You saved Rebel’s life.  You’re a hero,”  Harley said, his voice shaking.

“Are you two okay?” Mason asked.

“Yes, we’re fine, sweetheart,” I replied, stroking his hair and smiling at him through my tears.  Maybe he was going to pull through after all, I thought.  Maybe, somehow, some way, I would get a chance to make up for all of these mistakes.  Maybe if I loved him enough, it would cancel it all out somehow.

“Mason, listen, brother,” Harley said, “Dr. Bob is taking good care of you, and you’re gonna be up and back on your bike in no time at all.  I promise you.”

Mason’s eyes fluttered closed again for a second, then groggily he opened them once more, looking first at Harley, and then shining his gorgeous green eyes on me again.  I had never been so grateful to see a pair of eyes in my life.

“Rebel…” he said weakly.  

“Shh! Don’t talk, it’s okay.  We’ll have plenty of time to talk later,”  I leaned in and kissed his forehead.

“Rebel…” he said again, his voice barely above a whisper.

“What, my love?”

“I’m so…s-s-sorry,”  he struggled to get the words out, but when I realized he was apologizing, I cut him off again.

“Mason, no!  You have absolutely nothing to apologize for.  This is all my fault! Not yours, not Harley’s.  If I hadn’t been irresponsible and sticking my nose in your business, none of this would have happened.  No - don’t think for a minute that I’m going to let anyone else take the blame for this.”


“What is it, Mason?”  

“I was only going to apologize for bleeding all over you,” he said slowly, trying to smile.

I looked down at myself, and realized I must have been quite the sight.  Covered in blood, with hot tears streaking down my face, I realized that for the first time in my life, I was thinking about someone else instead of myself. 

I didn’t care that I was covered in Mason’s blood.  

I didn’t care that I had made a complete fool of myself.

I didn’t care that I was so far away from having my shit together that I couldn’t even see what my future looked like from here.

All I cared about was that Mason was okay, that Mason knew I was there for him, that Mason knew how much I appreciated his courage and that no matter what happened, what our future looked like together, that I loved him with all of my heart.

And I always would.

“Mason, you could cover me in your blood every day and I would jump for joy each time, as long as you pull through this.”

“I think I’ll just cover you in love,” he said, right before his eyes fluttered closed again.

I leaned down and gently kissed his eyelids, his breathing deepening as he drifted back to sleep.

“That’s just fine with me.”  I whispered through my tears.

***The End***

Honey Palomino is a writer of short erotica and romance stories.

She loves reading and writing about dangerous bad boys and the women that love them!



Outlaws - The Novel

Dirty Crow Motorcycle Club


The Snake's Den


The Boys In The Barn

The Boys Next Door

The Boys In The Band

The Boys Back Home

The Boys From Texas




Playing With Fire

The Shrink

The Lust Boat


Lust for Luna - The Trilogy

Stranded on Werewolf Island


After Hours

The Moon Howlers

Royal Rebellion

Sex Magic

Please enjoy this bonus copy of 

Honey Palomino's Dirty Crow Motorcycle Club!

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼



“Live with vultures, become a vulture; 

 live with crows, become a crow.”

~ Laotian proverb


My name is Olivia LaVelle.

Raised by misfit parents that I loved and cursed all in the same breath, I was born into a world that made no 
sense to me, a world full of chaos and drunken debauchery, a constant party - always moving, always dark - I had no choice but to grow up fast and tough. My father rode with the Blackheart Motorcycle club. After learning that moving drugs was an easier dollar to earn than swinging a rigging ax, and that the Blackhearts provided a sense of protection and brotherhood, he quickly became a fiercely loyal and proud member, wearing his cut everywhere he went.

My mother was attracted to him at first glance. They bonded over a lap dance at the local strip club she worked at, and he had her straddling the back of his bike before her shift was over, calling an end to her dancing career. Despite the stripping, she was a good girl, but the MC lifestyle soon ravaged her beauty and her health. By the time I was born, she was deep into an alcohol and cocaine addiction with no time to properly care for a needy baby girl.

Somehow, I survived. My parents weren't so lucky. They died in a violent, bloody crash in a drunken collision with an 18-wheeler headed South on I-5 when I was ten years old.

The MC was a curse, but it was also my first blessing. After my parents died, they made sure to take care of me as best as they could - which wasn't great - but they tried. But by the time I was 12, I was running the streets and getting into trouble all on my own. Salvation was not in the cards. A future in the California prison system seemed inevitable.

Then I met my savior - Officer Tommy Kurtz.

He found me after I had broken into the house of a kid I knew from school. I knew the kid was on vacation with his parents, and I also knew they had a fully stocked liquor cabinet. Officer Kurtz found me passed out in their bathroom lying in my own puke after the family had come home early and called the cops instead of waking me up.

Tommy Kurtz was a man's man. Six foot three, two hundred seventy-five pounds and fists the size of my head, he could terrify a man just by looking at him. In spite of his rough exterior, he was a gentle soul. Kind and fair, he never left a man out in the cold or hungry, and was known to give someone the shirt off his back, if necessary. Meeting him was my second blessing.

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