Saving Summer (12 page)

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Authors: J.C. Isabella

BOOK: Saving Summer
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I felt a smile spread across my face. “Yeah?”

“Well, if it’s still there once the storm is over.” She laughed a little bit, and it settled me. She was okay, I was okay. We were going to be okay.

The storm raged. It beat the hotel. I heard heavy things hitting the walls and covered windows. Violet stayed close to me, and I couldn’t seem to let go of her. And the next morning when we woke to silence outside, I found myself itching to find Danny and screw up that pretty face of his.

Violet and I grabbed some breakfast, a couple sandwiches I had stashed in the mini fridge. I wasn’t going to dig into the emergency stuff yet. We were dressed and ready, and the second we left I sought out Vic. Told him everything. He said he’d have him brought in for questioning, and asked to see the boat where he’d left Violet.

We led him down to the beach, stepping over debris. A few more boats had washed ashore, but Danny’s boat was right where we’d left it. Beat and battered, and water logged, but it was still there.

And so was Danny.



Chapter 4


I don’t think I’d ever seen Damian move so fast in my life. He was next to me one second, and the next he had Danny in a headlock. The guys beat at each other, and no matter how much I cried for them to stop, they pummeled and hit. There was blood, and a few times they went rolling in the sand like animals. Growling and grunting.

Vic was on the outside, trying to pull them apart, and finally managed to pull Damian off of Danny. His face was swollen, red, and streaked with blood running from his nose, but Damian grinned. Luckily he didn’t lose any teeth.

Vic hauled Danny back to the station, questioning him the whole way.

“You didn’t have to do that,” I told Damian, holding a pack of ice to his head as we sat in sun outside the police station.

He shrugged. “Yeah I did. He tried to strand my brother on an island. Locked you in a boat that could have been swept away by a storm. He’s lucky I didn’t break his arms.”


“I don’t expect you to understand why…it just felt very satisfying.” He grunted. “When someone hurts the people you love, it makes you want to hurt them. I’m not saying it’s right to hurt them, but you want to. I gave into it a little bit.”

“If someone hurt my family, I’d be pretty angry. Probably want to hurt them too.” I agreed.

“You missed something.” He laughed a little, squinting up at me in the bright sunlight. “I said the people I love. That includes you.”

My mouth dropped open. I did not see that confession coming. “Damian, that’s sweet, but are you really sure it’s love, and not something else?”

“What else could it be? It’s not lust, we haven’t even kissed. I’ve had these feelings…trying to understand them for two years. It can only be that I love you, Violet. I want to make you happy, the way you make me happy.”

“How hard did you hit your head?” I said, looking into his eyes.

“You need time, I’ll wait another two years if I have to.”

I shook my head, sitting next to him on the bench. “I don’t need two years. Two minutes to take it all in would be nice.”

Those two minutes weren’t needed though.


His swollen lips cracked into a grin. “Yes?”

“I’ve loved you for two years, too. I can’t think of anyone else. Every time I tried to move, you would appear or do something that reminded me of why I love you. And when you smile at me, it’s like time stops and everything is just perfect.”

“From here on out you’re my everything, Vi.”

I wiped tears out of my eyes. “I used to watch you at parties, wishing you’d look at me.”

He pulled me into his arms. “That’s funny, because I did the same thing.”

We kissed, and I knew then that everything would be as it should. And once I was finished telling Gael and Summer our story, I knew that no matter how many times I told it in the future, I would never tire of the end.

Because the end was just the beginning.


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Saving Summer
by J.C. Isabella.

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Table of Contents

Also by J.C. Isabella

Chapter 1 Summer

Chapter 2 Gael

Chapter 3 Summer

Chapter 4 Gael

Chapter 5 Summer

Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Gael

Chapter 8 Summer

Chapter 9 Gael

Chapter 10 Summer

Chapter 11 Gael

Chapter 12

Chapter 13 Summer

Chapter 14 Gael

Chapter 15

Chapter 16 Summer

Chapter 17

Chapter 18 Gael

Bonus Story Through Violet’s Eyes

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