Scandal: A BAD BOY Romance Novel (22 page)

BOOK: Scandal: A BAD BOY Romance Novel
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"Sorry for what?"

He didn't answer me. He wasn't even looking at me. He just went back to concentrating on his food, but there was barely anything left and he was just scraping at an empty plate.

"What's on your mind?"

"There's just so much going on, Christina. I don't know where to start," he sighed, then shook his head.

"Is anything wrong?"

"I honestly don't know how to answer that question." He refused to meet my gaze.

"Blake?" He shot his head up. "Promise me that you'll tell me the truth even if it hurts me."


"No, we don't have to discuss anything now. I know that work is stressing you out so let's not rehash things like this tonight. Especially not a night as beautiful as this one." I looked around at the twinkling lights and the stars above. "You went through so much effort to make this special. So please, no drama or work stuff tonight." His eyes shimmered.

"You are truly unique."

The rest of the night, we just talked as if everything is normal and watched the city lights together. The view from his roof was truly one of a kind in its beauty.

"You are so lucky." I was looking out at the bridge.

"I know." He was rubbing my back.

"The view from here... It's spectacular."

"That's not what I was thinking. I was thinking more along the lines of I am lucky to have you." He brushed my hair to one side and then kissed the back of my neck. "I'm so lucky."

I was spun around and kissed with such passion, my knees buckled. He was holding me by my waist and he wasn't letting me move an inch away from his body. He started to lift up my dress and instinctively reached up to pull down my underwear, except I was commando.

"So, you're not wearing any underwear?" he murmured huskily.

"You can say that I made some assumptions about tonight. I just thought I would be surprising you in your bedroom." I smiled. We walked over to the railing.

"Good girl," he said approvingly, his voice thick with lust. "Hold on," Blake ordered as he bent me over the railing.

He was inside of me without hesitation. He was pulling my hair hard and every time he was up in me, he would mutter something. I could have sworn that he was saying sorry but between the city noises, who knows what I really heard? I was winding my hips as much as I could, however, the long evening gown was really restrictive. I should always wear something light and fun when around Blake. Who knows when and where he will decide to enter me?

My whole dress hoisted up and he tucked the fabric in. Certain layers of his clothes were on the ground.

"Take both of your hands and hold on tightly to the railing. And then with all of your might, slam your hips up and down on me." I did as he asked and it was more erotic than I could have ever imagined. I even clenched my muscles only to be met with him spanking me. "You trying to get me to finish fast?" he breathed dangerously into my ear. I giggled and slammed down my hips, but every now and then, I clenched my muscles. Those Kegel exercises I did, just because, were really being put into good use right now. He spanked me harder and harder. My wetness was starting to slide down my inner thighs.

"Go faster," I moaned as I tried to speed up my own hips. Soon, I was out of breath, and when Blake noticed me slowing down he decided to take control..

With his arm around my waist, he was pumping in and out of me. Again, he was at top speed, slamming into me roughly and mercilessly, like he owned the hole he was using. He had one hand on my nipple, squeezing it and playing with it, when, out of nowhere, he pulled my head back, turned my face around, and kissed me deeply. He was slowing down and going in deep.

"You remember when you told me this is how you liked it?" he murmured, nibbling on my lower lip.

"Yes," I moaned.

"And have I been taking you by surprise?"

I chuckled. "So all along..."

"I've really been giving it to you the way you wanted." He moaned with me.

"Thank you." I rolled my hips slowly all the while holding in my muscles. When he groaned, I released.

"You don't know what you're doing to me, Christina."

He bent me completely over, put an arch in my back, and started to dominate my body. He was forcing himself in and out of me energetically. He was showing no signs that he was going to stop any time soon. He pulled my hair and dipped even further in me. I already exploded against him twice and yet he had not. How could he go on? The intense speed, how he was fiercely inside of me, I felt myself getting sore. I was still wet but I knew tomorrow, I might have to consider the fact that I wouldn't be able to move much.

He groaned out loud and started to put his hands around my neck. I thought he was going to squeeze it again, but instead, he brought me up and turned my head around as much as he could.

"Kiss me." And I did. He pulled away and looked me right in the eyes. Those emerald green eyes looked right at me and he said, "I love you." His voice was thick with lust and emotion.

My eyes opened wide.

"I love you, too," I responded with feeling, my heart doing the happiest dance it had in my life. I kissed him hard and he reached his climactic finish.

Blake held me in a tight embrace after we finished pulling ourselves together. When I tried to pull away from his arms, he held me even tighter.

"Are you planning on letting me go any time soon?" I laughed.

"No, I'm not going to let go. I'm going to try hard to hold on... despite anything that may come our way." I pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. I couldn't see what shade of green they were. I couldn't read his face.

"Blake..." My phone's vibration caught my attention.

"Go ahead." He motioned toward the table.

I picked up my phone and saw that I missed a call from Vanessa. She left a voicemail.

"Hey, Chrissy, I know you're with Blake and I don't want to spoil your night, so when you get the chance, please don't hesitate to call me. We need to talk, either tonight or tomorrow at work."

"That is so weird," I breathed, listening intently to see if she'd say anything else.

"What is it?"

"Vanessa called and left a message."

"About what?"

"Who knows?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I have a really busy day tomorrow. I have meetings and things all day. I hate to leave things like this..."

"I know you have a ton of work, babe," I walked over and kissed his forehead. "Don't you worry about me, I'll be fine."

"I love you, Christina. Remember that."

"I love you, too," I responded happily. But something was eating away at me. As loved as I felt right now, I was getting the feeling that loving Blake was going to be the easiest and the hardest thing I'd ever do. I was going to get to the bottom of it, and then I was going to make Blake feel better. No matter what it took.

Chapter 14

I walked into the office, floating on cloud nine and feeling like nothing could bring me down from this high-on-love-and-life feeling. Work could fire me today, and I would not care. I didn't need work, I had everything I needed with Blake. (But since I could have both, I had to still be practical and go to work anyway.) I was smiling at everyone and wishing them a good morning. While I didn't have a reputation for being mean to anyone at work, I usually kept to myself and people were taken aback by how friendly I was being. Everyone looked at me strangely. I guess they were used to my resting bitch face.

"Vanessa?" I peeked my head into her office and saw that she wasn't there. I was going to walk away but there was something that caught my attention on her desk. It was a stack of tabloid magazines. Cloud nine was an illusion, and I had a rude awakening as I came crashing down from my bliss. On one of the covers, there was a picture of Blake and they pasted a picture of Blonde Beauty next to him. The headline read "Billionaire Romance Heating Up!!" and underneath, it said that she and Blake were seeing each other every night. They had a few pics of them in restaurants together but only I knew the truth. It looked romantic but I knew it was just business.

"Hey," Vanessa came in and closed the door. "I had a thing with a client and..." She sighed. "You already know how they can get."

"You don't even have to explain. So what's up? I got your message."

"I have a some news to tell you. You should probably sit down."

I frowned and took a seat in one of the chairs reserved for clients. "Well, if it's about those magazines, they have their information wrong."

"Do they? Or is
the wrong information?"


"Look at all of these pictures of them together. This all can't be just business." Her voice was full of concern, and it yanked at my common sense strings. But I wasn't ready to believe her yet.

"They are just pictures. I'm with this man almost every night."

"But not every single night. Just look at this."

She handed me a magazine that had a page folded back. There were pictures of him and the Blonde Beauty at the beach. I read the date and remembered it was one of the days where he couldn't see me all day because of his meetings. Then, in another magazine, it was another picture of them walking around together, laughing. I tried to look at his eyes. I wanted to see what shade of green they were. I looked at the magazine closely and carefully but I couldn't see it. The photographer must have been out of range. In the other magazine, there was a picture of her kissing him on the cheek. I flung the magazine across the room.

"Fucking bullshit!" I cursed. "Why?" I questioned out loud, but I knew that neither Vanessa nor I could ever answer that question. Only one person could.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered.

"Last night..."

"What about last night?"

"I think last night he was going to tell me, but it was so romantic and beautiful. Fuck!" I stood up. "How could I be so stupid?"

"Nope!" She shook her hands. "
!" she yelled. Once I heard her curse in Spanish, I knew all hell was about to break loose. "I refuse to let you blame yourself."

"But I should have--"

"Bullshit! That
should have told you the truth. You always asked for honesty. This is not on you, Christina."

I shook my head and did something that I haven't done since I was a kid: I started to bite my nails.

"What's going through your head?"

"I honestly don't know what to do." I sighed.
I don't know what to believe.

"I do." Her voice was firm and determined. "You and I are going to pop up at his place and surprise him. We're going to nip this thing in the bud for once and for all."


"Yes. Right now." She grabbed her purse and keys. "Let's go."


Vanessa and I were sitting in her car parked across the street from his building. She was bold and had her head sticking out the window while I slumped in the front seat.

"What are you doing? Sit up!" She tried to pull me up but I refused to budge.

"I don't want him to be able to recognize me," I muttered, wanting to bury myself in my blazer.

"After all the bold moves he made out in public, you have the nerve to be private?" She gave me a look.
When she's right, she's right.
I sat up.

An hour passed by and it looked like this stakeout was a bust, when suddenly, I recognized his car. It pulled in and the driver went to open a door. The blonde hair blowing in the wind was a bit much. What did she think this was? A music video shoot? I could try to hide my feelings, but I couldn't lie to myself: she's gorgeous. And like Vanessa said, she wasn't built for business.

Pinche puta.
" My friend cursed next to me in Spanish.

"English, please."

"Who does this mother--"

"Calm down," I said and I saw Blake finally get out of the car. "If I didn't really know about her, there's a chance that she doesn't even know anything about me at all."

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