Scandal: The Reckless Series, Book #3 (The Reckless Crew) (4 page)

BOOK: Scandal: The Reckless Series, Book #3 (The Reckless Crew)
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.” I sit up on the couch feeling only a slight twinge of pain.

“Hey.” Kip’s sitting across from me in a recliner.

“Was I out long?”

“Couple of hours.” He clutches the empty glass in his hand.

I haven’t felt uncomfortable until now and can sense something is eating at him.

“If you have something to do, I’ll be fine here.”

“I’m good.” He stands. “Your gang is heading over to see you. Should be here any minute.”

I bite the bottom of my lip, not ready to see any of them yet.

“Is that not okay?” He quirks up an eyebrow in question.

I stretch up with my good arm, hearing and feeling all my bones creak and crack. “Yeah, it’s fine.”

“You’re shit for a liar.”

I grimace knowing he read right through that and just shrug.

“Let me grab you a bottle of water and then you can fill me in.”

“Crackers too, please.”

Kip laughs lightly and turns on his heels. I watch him as he goes, studying his strong, broad back that’s way too tan. I rode that back. Then I watch him maneuver around in the kitchen. His hands are large and his arms flex with each movement. Those hands washed me. The man doesn’t have an ounce of body fat on him. He’s beautiful.

“Here.” He takes a seat next to me. “Now spill.”

“You’re pretty.” It’s out before I can slap my mouth. The more I think about it, I don’t want to slap my mouth or take the words back, because I’m serious. He’s a fucking stunning man who has saved me and is nursing me back to health.

“Do you have an infatuation with stomping the ever loving hell out of manhood? First my dog and now me.”


“Well, you suck at side-stepping the real topic. Spill.”

I turn to face him, sitting with my legs crossed. Kip is relaxed back on the couch with his legs spread wide and his fucking God like chest on display.

“I’m not a good person.”

“Can’t be that bad if they saved you.”

“I am that bad. I left my two best friends and never kept in contact. Didn’t come back for Ava’s wedding or hell, even the birth of her first child. I was sucked into the vortex back home and left the two people I’d loved the most. It was the three of us all through college. They were in my wedding and I was the selfish bitch turning my back on them.”

“They came for you.”

“That’s not the damn point. I hurt them and was selfish.”

He places his hand on the top of my thigh. “You have to forgive yourself, Chloe. If you don’t, you’ll end up right back there with Zack. Let your friends be here for you.”

“It’s not that easy. Guilt eats you alive.”

“I’m walking, talking, proof of that shit, but you have to find a way to cope and survive.”

“My luck, it won’t be a healthy way to survive.” A weak smile covers my face.

“Generally they’re not healthy ones.” He points to his empty glass on the bar. “But survival is survival.”

“You’re hurting.”

It doesn’t come out as a question, but a statement. Kip doesn’t acknowledge me. I lean forward and can smell the alcohol floating from his lips. He has demons just as I do. Maybe that’s why he’s such a good caregiver. I remember his dad’s words from the night before and want to ask questions.

Kip doesn’t seem like the type to be an open book and there’s probably some damn good explanation behind that fact. I lean forward even more, ignoring the flash of pain striking up my arm and ending in my shoulder.


He turns his head to look at me. His deep, honey brown eyes pierce me and I react. Perching up on my knees, I lean forward until our lips brush each other and I inhale the sweet scent of his drink. I lick my top and bottom lip before pressing them to his. Kip lets out a shallow exhale before kissing me back.

My lips zing with energy and I kiss him harder, melding our lips together. My tongue darts out and runs along the seam of his lips. It’s comforting and addicting at the same time. His hands crash down on my hips and pull me up into his lap. I’m straddling him, chest to chest, and kissing the ever-loving hell out of the man who’s become my protector.

I relax the majority of my body weight on my good arm, pressing down into his hard chest. He uses one hand to cradle my cast between us. I suck his bottom lip into my mouth, tasting all of him. It’s his taste mixed with the stout remnants of the whiskey he’d been drinking. I moan through my teeth when he digs one of his hands into my hips.

He repeats the action with my bottom lip, taking time to suck my taste into his mouth. His hand wanders up from the large shirt and runs up and down my ribcage. In one quick action, he takes my mouth back to his and laps his tongue lazily around my mouth, exploring it. I follow his action trying to suck my body to his as close as possible. My hips flex into his groin and I feel his want underneath me.

My hand roams down his chest between us until I’m stroking his hard on. Kip’s head falls back onto the couch and he squeezes his eyes shut. It’s an approving action and only fuels my desire. I’ve never in my life been so fucking thankful for elastic waist gym shorts.

The back of my hand glides along his abs then further down until I’m cupping him in my hand. He’s huge. By the feel of him, he has the biggest dick I’ve ever held. My hands barely wrap around the girth of it. His teeth sink down on his bottom lip.

“Why do you have to cope?” I ask, staring at him.

He doesn’t answer, so I pull his shorts down and begin stroking him from tip to base. Kip growls and bucks up into me.

“It’s only fair since you know everything about me.”

I squeeze him harder in my hand and watch as droplets of cum make the tip of his dick glossy.

“I’m fucked up, Chloe.”

“Me too.”

“I’m way too fucked up and we shouldn’t be doing this.” He finally raises his head, but doesn’t move my hand away.

I use the pad of my thumb to swirl the cum around his head and then stroke my hand right back down to the base.

“Maybe.” I finally agree. “But if it’s coping and we both feel good…”

His hips begin flexing in perfect unison to the strokes on his cock.

“You’re hurt and…”

“Please not now. Let me make you feel good, Kip.”

His eyes go foggy as he continues bucking up into my fist. I can tell he’s reserved about touching me, afraid he’ll hurt me or damage me more.

“I haven’t kissed, touched, or had sex in over a year.” My cheeks flush in embarrassment with the omission.


It’s a simple one-word question and I don’t want to answer it. I stroke him harder and faster feeling his dick pulse under my touch. He covers my hand with his.

“Why, Chloe?”

“Kip, please don’t push.” My eyes well up with tears.

“Seems you’re pushing me.” His hand covering mine begins to move up and down his dick. He guides the slow, steady pace and it’s erotic as fuck. With just a little bit of friction between my legs I’d be exploding into a full orgasm.

“Chloe,” he growls.

“Zack…” I bend my head to avoid eye contact. “Thought I was disgusting.”

His hand is gone from mine, wrapping in my hair, and pulling me down onto his lips. He attacks me like I’m his prey, working me over. After several long and punishing kisses, he pulls back.

“You’re fucking gorgeous, Chloe. I could watch you sleep for hours. You need a few more sandwiches, so I don’t fucking crush you, but you’re gorgeous.”

The tears fall. The stupid fucking endless tears race down my face out of control. I’m tired of being out of control. Tired of it all. He pulls my head down to his shoulder, careful to ease around the cast held by the sling. His hands rub up and down my back, soothing away the tears.

“This was a mistake. That’s what you’re going to tell me, eh?” I whisper into his neck.

“Nope, not at all, Chloe.” He palms my upturned cheek. “I’m not going any further until you believe in yourself and feel like the fucking reigning world queen.”


“You deserve it. I’m not going to take advantage of you right now when you don’t even believe in yourself.”

“It’s the attraction thing, uh? It’s okay, Kip.” My words make no sense, but I feel like he’s turning me down and I don’t fucking like it.

He pushes me back up into a seating position straddling his thighs and pulls my hand down to his still hardened cock.

“My dick is in love with you. Thinks you’re the most gorgeous woman on the planet, but my dick also has manners and wants you to believe it too.”

It’s easy to believe Kip and it may be my greatest mistake. The doorbell fires off in rapid fashion. Kip’s quick to pick me up and place me on the couch.

“I’ll let them in and then go to the bathroom to think of…”

I point to the tent in his shorts. “Poop patrol?”

He chuckles before turning to get the door. Kip is saved with Darby’s brazen entrance of pushing past him. Rhett’s hot on her heels arguing about something and then Ava and Rhett walk in, following a little curly-haired girl wobbling on her own two feet.

I gasp and cover my mouth at the sight of the gorgeous toddler.


oly fuck
,” I whisper to my reflection in the mirror.

What in the hell just happened? Chloe in my lap, stroking me, and me kissing the hell out of her. It all felt so fucking good. I mean more than good, it was heaven. I’ve hit an all-time low in this moment.

She started the kissing and when it happened there was no way in hell I could stop it. It felt better than any amount of booze. I could fucking devour her for days. She broke my ever-loving fucking heart with the pure honesty streaming from her.

I’m feeling things I’ve never felt before and know it’s all-wrong. She’s a victim and I’m supposed to be a protector. Even though I don’t still sport the badge, the mindset is there and I’d never let a victim kiss me, let alone kiss her back. Not to mention letting her parade her hands down the front of my shorts.

It felt so good and right at the same time. The hurt flowing from her, I swallowed up every single ounce of it. She’s fragile and in a more tender state than I even thought. Every time she speaks of what he did to her, it only fuels my desire to crush the man and makes me want to make her feel better.

I splash cold water on my face and make a silent promise to myself.
Stay away from her.

I laugh quietly to myself as I open the bathroom door, knowing promises were made to be broken.


ow are you feeling
?” Ava asks.

“Not too bad. Kip’s been taking really good care of me.” I sit up and hold a hand out towards Charlie and smile when she toddles her way over to me babbling.

“Figured he’d throw you a box of cereal and let you tough it out,” Zane adds.

Kip rounds the corner, joining us with that comment. Zane and Rhett are merciless on the poor man, giving him shit about taking care of me and how big of a pussy he is. Kip’s a good sport and takes all their taunts. My heart dips low in my chest when he sits in a chair on the opposite wall from me.

The tent in his shorts is gone as well as the man who was beginning to open up to me. He sits quietly, taking in all the conversation around us. Charlie has climbed up on the couch, blowing raspberries and poking at my cast.


“Yes, it’s an owwie.” I brush her chubby cheeks. “She looks just like you, Ava.”

“My mom.” Charlie pats her chest.

“Yes, beautiful just like your mommy.”

“Mine.” Her little voice comes out demanding.

I laugh at her. “Yes, your mom.”

Charlie jumps from the couch and runs as fast as her little legs will take her over to Ava. She wraps her arms around her legs and lays her head in her lap.

“She’s a bit protective.” Ava waves.

“I guess so. She’s amazing.”

“Yeah, she keeps us busy.”

“You’re going to be in trouble, Zane. Payback double fold!”

He growls. “I’ll kill any boy that looks at her.”

“Oh, Jesus, baby. She’s not going to be a nun.” Ava reaches over and pecks him on the cheek.

“My daddy. No no.” Charlie points to Ava and leaps up into Zane’s lap.

“Hey princess.” He kisses the tip of her nose and takes the snapback from his head and places it backwards on her head just like he had it on.

“She’s the boss of those two.” Darby sits by me and whispers in my ear. “How are you really doing?”

I shrug. “Confused, embarrassed, tired.”

“Is Kip being nice?”

I take a moment to answer, but realize my best friend has read my face.

“You like him?” she hisses.

I look up to make sure no one else is listening to us and thankfully Charlie now sporting her dad’s expensive sunglasses is entertaining them all.

“He’s nice.”

“He’s quiet. Be careful, Chloe.”

“Jesus, I just escaped Hell, I’m not about to entertain the thought of jumping into a relationship.”

“You kissed him.”

I cover my lips and wonder how in the hell she could tell. “How do you know?”

“Wild guess, Chloe.”

“Jerk.” I punch her shoulder.

“You had sex.”

“Oh my God, no.” My voice comes out louder than expected and now everyone’s attention is on us.

“Bad guess.” She smiles.

“I’m ordering pizza.” Rhett stands and sulks off.

“Is he mad? He doesn’t like me, does he?” I ask her, not caring who heard me.

I notice Kip’s fist clench and unclench at my questions.

“Oh, he’s mad. He’s learning the consequences of waking my grumpy ass up at five a.m. to bone, so I cut him off for the day.” Darby hasn’t changed a bit.

“He woke you up at five a.m.?” Ava cringes. “I’d cut Zane’s d-i-c-k off to solve that problem.”

“You no hurt.” Charlie points her finger at Ava. Then lays her head down on her dad’s shoulder.

“Good girl.” Zane pats her back.

She nuzzles down into her dad before we all hear her heavy breathing. Ava joins us on the couch and us girls jump right into conversation. The two of them go on about married life and the adventure of motherhood. Darby opens up about her mother.

“I just need to say something,” I pause knowing this will be hard. “I was selfish and should’ve came back sooner. I thought about you two daily and wanted you in my life. I’m so sorry for being an asshole.”

“I forgive you, asshole.” Darby gives me a one-armed hug.

“I was never mad. I’ve always loved you, Chloe and I’m so happy you’re back. Please believe me,” Ava finishes with tears in her eyes.

“I’ve hurt both of you so much and I’m sorry.”

Ava wraps me up with an arm, being cautious around my cast and we lay our heads together.

“You’re not an asshole,” Ava adds. “Just a bit asshole-ish, but we will fix that.”

We all laugh and join the men in the kitchen when Rhett hollers that the pizza has arrived. Before we enter the kitchen, I have to say one more thing.

“I feel like Zane and Rhett resent me.”

“Know one thing,” Ava stops me and turns me to her. “They love you as much as we do because they love us. You’re a part of this family now.”

“Yeah, and Rhett loves his dick more than he hates anybody or anything, so you’re good.”

“Don’t talk about my dick when it’s in timeout,” Rhett mumbles around a piece of pizza.

Darby skips over to him, wrapping her arms around him, and opening up for a bite of pizza.

“Only if I’m out of jail.”

“There’s no get out of jail free card around here, babe.” Darby opens her mouth wider.

“It’s pepperoni with jalapenos on it.” He waggles his eyebrows. “And it’s so damn good.”

“Fine, you’re out of prison. Feed me, bitch.”

He does feed her, but with hungry kisses instead of pizza.

“They’ll be shagging in a room before you blink,” Ava announces, grabbing a slice of pizza.

“Here.” Kip’s at my side and helps me up onto a barstool. “What kind would you like?”

His lips dangerously graze the side of my ear and I ache for him. It’s so wrong, but my body doesn’t seem to care. I’ve never felt safer around someone and the way he kissed me only left me hungry for more.

“Anything, but pineapple please.”

“Okay.” He grabs the top of my hand and gently squeezes it.

“Thank you, Kip.” I turn my face to look up at him. “You were right. I told them I was sorry and they accepted.”

He shoots me a wink before trotting around the island. I look up to see Zane and Ava staring at me with curious glances that make me feel completely exposed. A warm smile spreads across Ava’s features.

Kip settles in next to me with his plate as well along with a bottle of water and two pills.

“Will these knock me out?”

“No, just anti-inflammatory.”

“You don’t even know what pills you’re taking?” Ava chimes in.

I shrug. “I was out of it last night when I woke in a panic.”

“See, I told you.” Darby hits Rhett’s chest. “I should’ve stayed.”

“No, it was fine,” I reassure her. “Kip was in a cot next to me and helped me.”

“Nurse Kip,” Darby teases.

“He fed me Chinese. Got me really sick and then gave me more pain meds.” I smile.

“Hey, you’re the one who inhaled the damn food. She almost ate the whole fucking carton.”

Everyone laughs and settles into an easy conversation. The cold beer bottles the men drink from entice me. It’s been ages since I’ve had a cold Coors Light. Zack always insisted I drank the fancy shit, but he even pushed for water instead. Less calories.

I grab Kip’s beer without thinking and take a long pull from it. The cold amber liquid tickles my taste buds, so I take another swallow.

“Not too much with the medicine you’re on.”

“It tastes so damn good.”

“Beer lover, eh?”

“Used to be,” I respond.

“I have a feeling we’re going to re-visit a lot of used to be moments.” He winks at me and then clutches my hand under the bar in his. I weave my fingers in his, feeling at home as each one of our fingers intertwine.

The men all swarm the television to dive into a baseball game of some sorts as the girls lead me back to the guest bedroom to show me the clothes they brought.

“I mean, you do look sexy in those in that beat up kind of way.”

“Darby.” Ava socks her shoulder

I laugh and wave them off. “I look like shit and know it.”

I run my fingers through the haphazard braid Kip tried his hand at and smile.

“Um, how did you braid your hair?” Ava asks.

“Kip.” It’s a one-word reply.

“And shower?” Darby asks.

I stall a bit at this question, wanting to keep that intimate moment private. It was a low of all lows, but made better at his hands.

“Kip,” I whisper.

They both gasp.

“He’s helped me go to the bathroom and suggested I shower the stench off. He was a gentleman and didn’t peek as he undressed me and showered me.”

“Holy shit,” Darby whispers.

“Yeah, no shit,” Ava adds.

“What?” I settle down onto the bed, not trying to cover up the rumpled blankets and the evidence that both of us slept in the bed the night before.

Ava flops back on the bed, dangling a red tank top over her head. “He’s a private man. I never expected this from him.”

“Yeah, he really is.” Darby sits next to me. “Rhett’s told me a little bit about him and he has a serious past.”

“Like what?”

Darby shakes her head.

“You can’t be leaving me like that.”

“He used to be a cop and his partner was shot right in front of him. Guess he’s fucked up from that.”

“That explains why he’s so protective.” I debate divulging the rest, but who am I kidding, these are my girls. “We kissed. Kissed hard. It’s on me. I started it and it felt so good. I haven’t been with Zack in over a year and to be in the arms of a kind and gentle giant was surreal.”

They both give each other a stare that screams oh shit, she’s falling. I want to argue and correct them, but I can’t start off our newfound friendship on lies.

“It’s not like I’m going to go girlfriend bat shit crazy on him. It’s feels so good and I haven’t felt good in such a long time.”

“I’ve learned one thing in life and I’m pretty sure Darby can agree with me. Shit happens when you least expect it. We fall in love or find safety in the oddest places and it’s nobody’s place to judge.” Ava clutches my hand in hers. “Just protect your heart and never let anyone shatter you again.”

“I agree,” Darby adds.

“I shouldn’t be thinking about men after fleeing, but it’s the safety that I crave.”

And his lips, touch, and smell.

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