Scandalous Redemption (Ladies and Scoundrels #3) (17 page)

BOOK: Scandalous Redemption (Ladies and Scoundrels #3)
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“Not in the least.”

They took their position on the dance floor in time for the quartet to strike the first chords of a minuet. He studied her, counting the heartbeats until they could touch again.

His hand warmed when she placed hers in it to begin the dance. When they separated, he ached for her touch. His heart soared each time the slow steps of the minuet brought them back together. She taunted him with twinkling eyes and flirtatious glances that heated his blood and left him breathless.

Though being here with her gave him a vast amount of satisfaction, he had a sudden strong desire to leave the ball early. Being here amongst the
could hardly compare to being alone with her.

She gave his hand a promising squeeze before she released it again to move into a slow turn. He swallowed hard and attempted to focus on the dance steps. Being with her proved a delicious sort of torture he could not get enough of. She had become as important to him as the very air he breathed.

The minuet concluded and she took hold of his offered arm. “Might we find a moment or two alone this evening?”

She held her fan in front of her lips. “Meet me in the library at eleven.”

Henry nodded, then led her from the dance floor. The next hours would pass in agony as he watched her dance with other gentlemen. He had never been one to skirt the rules of polite society, had never even considered doing so, but Claudia made him wish to break them all.

He drew Claudia to a stop near Lady Wexil, then lifted her hand and placed a kiss on top of her satin glove. The last thing he wished to do was walk away from her. Alas, he had no choice. “Until later.”

“I shall count the minutes, my lord.” Her cheeks tinted a becoming shade of pink.

Henry danced a reel with the Duchess of Abernathy, then sought out his sister. He enjoyed a country dance with Jane before returning her to her post near the wall and retiring to the gaming room. A glance at the tall clock revealed it was still early. Mayhap a few hands of cards would pass the time while he awaited his dance with Sarah. After their set, it would be close to eleven.

“Shillington.” Keery waved him over.

Henry moved to the table and sat next to Luvington. “Deal me in.”

Luvington shuffled the cards in his hands. “I see you followed my advice in regards to Lady Akford.”

“And ignored mine.” Keery tapped his fingers on the table.

Henry shot Keery a menacing look.

The rake chuckled before lifting his snifter for a drink.

“Pray tell, what advice did you give, Keery?” Luvington dealt the cards out in a counterclockwise fashion.

“Only that I would be happy to have the beautiful widow warm my bed.” He scooped up his cards and held them before him.

“Always the rogue, Keery. It is nice to see some things did not change while I was away.” Luvington lifted his own cards.

Henry’s jaw ticked. He cared not for Keery’s tone or words. “That may be true, but I must insist you cease speaking of Lady Akford in such ways.” He peered at Keery, daring him to insult her integrity again.

Luvington clapped his hand on Henry’s shoulder. “Keery jests. Do not take him seriously.”

“I do not find it humorous.” Henry fanned out his cards. Perhaps coming to the gaming room had not been a good idea.

A servant offered him a snifter of port.

Henry took it, grateful for the numbing effect he knew it would have. He slid his wager into the center of the table before taking a long sip of the liquor. He spent the remainder of the game focusing on his cards and doing his level best to ignore the gentlemen around the table.

Two hands later, Henry stood, excusing himself. He made his way down the maze of halls and back into the ballroom. His set with Sarah would begin soon. He wondered how Luvington would have reacted if Keery’s jesting had been aimed at Sarah. Not well at all, he wagered. Sarah came into view and he moved to stand before her. “Lady Luvington.” He bowed. “I believe the next set is ours.”

“Indeed.” She flashed a smile from behind her fan before she closed it and took his arm.

He led her toward the edge of the dance floor to await their set. “How was your trip to Scotland?”

“Wonderful. It is a beautiful country and I enjoyed catching up with Amelia.”

Yes, the Duchess of Goldstone. He had once fancied himself in love with Amelia. What a fool. He had not even known what it meant to be in love back then. Thank Heaven the good Lord saw fit to bring Goldstone into her life and shut Henry out. Had things worked differently, he may never have met Claudia. “How does Her Grace fare?”

“Very well. Scotland suits her and she could not be more in love with the duke. The two of them are quite happy together.” Sarah slanted a glance at him. “I am more interested in how you fare.”

The quartet played the final notes of the country dance and Henry led Sarah onto the dance floor. “I am well.”

“I was not referring to your health. How are you and Lady Akford getting on?”

Henry took Sarah’s hand. “She is an enchanting woman. I would like to marry her.”

“Then it is serious. Have you made your intentions known?”


The dance separated them before more could be said. Henry stood in his spot working to keep his composure as Sarah stared at him. Dare he confide the truth? They were close friends, but she was still a lady. He swallowed hard in preparation for her next question as the dance brought them back together.

“Have you formally proposed?”

He looked around at the other dancers, not sure how much to reveal to her. “I attempted to.”

“What happened?”

He twirled her before responding. “She stopped me.”

“Whatever for? The whole
is talking about your courtship. Rumor has it the two of you are getting on charmingly. Everyone expects a wedding.”

“She is not ready to wed again.” He clenched his jaw, hoping she would accept the simple answer. There was no way he could assault her gentility with the full answer to his predicament.

“Not ready?”

Her words echoed through his mind. He nodded confirmation, unable to find his voice.

“Then you must be patient. She will come around.”

Henry could not stop his smile. Of all the people he knew, Sarah was the one he feared would not approve. She had every reason to dislike Claudia, yet she championed the match. “Thank you.”

Her eyes twinkled. “No thanks are needed.”

* * * *

Claudia found her way to the library and positioned herself on a sofa. Dark shadows filled the room, but she did not dare light a candle lest she draw attention to her presence. Her feet ached from the hours of dancing. She removed her slippers, hiked her skirts up, and began massaging one of her feet.

Henry should be joining her in about ten minutes. Her stomach fluttered with expectation. The last few days with him had been nothing short of marvelous. She desperately wished for their courtship to last forever and their nighttime meetings to progress into a love affair. Still, she knew it would all come to end at some point. It had to.

She failed to take notice of Henry entering the library. He lowered to his knees before her, startling her. She removed her hands from her foot and smoothed her skirts.

“Allow me.” He reached for her foot and began smoothing his thumbs across the arch.

She leaned back, enjoying his soothing touch. Need coiled in her belly as he reached for her other foot. “That is heavenly.” She sighed.

He moved to her calf. “I do not imagine you attended many balls while living in Lancashire?”

“I did not.” A shiver galloped down her spin. Akford had forbidden the activity early on in their marriage. Her first beating from him had resulted from the last ball they attended. She shoved the memory away and focused on the delicious feel of Henry’s hands on her leg.

“I will have to massage your feet and legs again tomorrow evening. I fear we shall not have time this night and any good I have done will be undone once you leave the library.”

She sat up and reached for him. “Then let us make the most of our

He looked up and their lips met in a hungry kiss. She slid to the edge of the sofa and wrapped her legs around his waist as he slanted his mouth across hers. She deepened the kiss, sliding her tongue into his mouth, desperate to take what he offered.

He met her movements with his own, heating her blood to new levels. When she moaned against his lips, he pulled her closer. A deep ache took hold between her thighs and she began moving her hips, rubbing her core against the hard bulge of his need. “Henry, please.”

He broke the kiss, setting her away from him. “We cannot. Not here, not now.”

She reclined in a daze of desire and frustration as he placed her slippers back on her feet. He sat beside her and tucked a wayward curl back into her pins. “You deserve better.”

She met his gaze. “You are better.”

He caressed her cheek. “Our time will come, and when it does, I will make love to you properly.”

“Not too properly, I hope.” She nibbled her lower lip.

“There will be nothing proper about the way I touch you, love.” He dropped a kiss on her lips. “But our joining will be in a proper time and place. Not a library in the middle of a ball.”



The next night
, Henry froze in the entry to Claudia’s parlor. She lounged on the settee in an almost transparent shift, her hair cascading freely around her. Several dozen candles were scattered about the room. Their flickering flames cast her in a warm glow, reflecting off her skin like a beacon in the night. She looked at him through hooded eyes. Hard desire surged through him. He had never seen a comelier woman, his very own Aphrodite.

She crooked her finger, beckoning him to her. His loins tightened in response and he moved toward her. She licked her lips seductively. The act nearly undid him as he lowered himself onto the settee. She was a temptress, and he was powerless to stop her.

He reached out a shaking hand to trail his fingertips across her rosy cheek to her lips. Her flesh was soft and warm. “You are stunning.”

She started to sit up, a sensual smile tugging her lips.

He held up a hand, stopping her as his heart hammered against his ribs. “Stay.” He wanted to commit the sight of her to memory. She rivaled the most beautiful paintings hanging in London’s museums. From her deep emerald eyes, to the swell of her breasts, and flare of her hips, she was perfect.

Her lips parted slightly. One of her hands rested on her stomach, she twirled a lock of hair in the other.

He feathered the back of his hand across her cheek, down her neck, and past the hollow of her throat to where her open shift revealed the creamy tops of her breasts. He sucked in a breath as her eyes fluttered closed and she arched, pushing her breast into his palm.

“Henry, please.”

The breathy plea devastated any resistance he had. He captured her lips with his. Soft and welcoming, their tongues tangled together in the most erotic way. He took greedily of her sweetness, unable to get enough of her.

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