Scarlet (17 page)

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Authors: A.C. Gaughen

BOOK: Scarlet
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He motioned for another to be brought. This one struggled, and the whole crowd began to struggle with him. Gisbourne’s men surrounded the people, kicking them into one another and pushing the group. I couldn’t see any of the lads until Gisbourne dragged another up in front of him. It were Much.

I inched away from the tree. I saw Rob struggling against the townspeople. No one wanted him to move forward, but it would be bare breaths before Gisbourne caught sight of it, and I didn’t wait.

One hand

were on Much’s chin, pulling him upward,

stretching his neck for the knife in Gisbourne’s other hand. I knew it were awful close to Much’s face. I had to trust my aim. I gripped the knife tip between my fi ngers and threw it. It sank into Gisbourne’s forearm and he dropped Much, who hit the horse’s neck and sort of barrel-rolled to the ground. He scampered out quick, though, and Gisbourne yelled, “Follow me! The Hood’s in the woods!”

Yells erupted, but I heard clear Rob roar out through it all,


My heart chopped hard at my muslin-wrapped chest. The horses started to thunder at me and I grabbed the nearest branch, swinging up and dashing through the trees.

“The tree!” Gisbourne called, bringing his horse to heel around it. “They’re in the tree!”

I scrambled higher.

“Bring it down, ” he ordered.

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A. C. Gaughen

My blood ran to ice as I heard the order. That were all right. Cold makes me think better.

I got up high as I could and fl ipped into the next tree, almost missing the branch in the dark. I did it again, but this time I startled an owl off its perch, and the men heard the fl utter.

“He’s over there!” Gisbourne roared.

I swore and froze. They

couldn’t see me—


were too

dark— but they knew within a tree or two which I were on. I leaned my head against the bark, trying to shake off the picture of the young boy with his throat slit and my knife still in my hand. I could hear Gisbourne scrambling, some of his men still hacking at the trees, some of them trying to climb and failing. They drew bows and started shooting at random. Arrows rained into the trees around me, scaring the night birds. An arrow whizzed past my mug and another grazed my hand before one lodged into my shoulder. I whipped my head against the tree not to cry out. I snapped the arrow off and threw it down, the tip still stuck deep.

“He’s gone, my lord, ” one of the men said, dropping the ax he’d been hacking with.

“They say the Hood is part fey, a spirit of the trees. They’ll never betray him. ”

“Damn right, ” I muttered.


All the same, it were almost an hour before Gisbourne called it off , and even then, I’d started to swing slow ’cross the trees 212-47765_ch01_1P.indd 164

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to move farther away. I had been watching— there weren’t much else for me to do up there— and the boys had left Tuck’s

’long with the rest of the crowd. I hopped down from the trees some mile or more from Tuck’s and ran the rest of the way to the cave.

“Scarlet!” Much called, and before I knew it, Rob caught me off my feet in a hard hug, crushing my bones to my blood. I didn’t care none when my shoulder buned with pain. I pushed my face against the cords in his neck, squeezing him just as hard.

He put me down, clutching my sides like I would fall apart in his hands.

“Scar, ” John said, and I turned sharp, almost knocking into him. He tilted his head to mine like he were going to kiss me, pulling me out of Rob’s arms, but I pushed forward, hugging him instead. He chuckled. “Not so easy, Scar. You promised me a kiss. ”

“You’re bleeding, ” Rob said, taking my arm. “Much, get the kit. ” John let me go.

Much went into the cave, and Rob tried to roll up my sleeve, but it wouldn’t go so far. His fi ngers went to the neck of my shirt, and my eyes leapt to his. The tips of his fi ngers felt like burning steel on my skin. Looking at me, he tugged it over, but it still wouldn’t clear the wound.

He touched the laces of my shirt that kept it together, and my heart started fl uttering in my pipes. I weren’t even breathing.

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A. C. Gaughen

“Hold it up a bit so I can open it without showing anything, ”

he told me gentle.

Heat pounded through my face. His fi ngers hovered by the laces for a second, then touched the bones by my neck the littlest bit. Something jolted through me, and I could have sworn that Much were lighting off powder again.

“I wouldn’t mind catching a glimpse of her, ” John said, and Rob let go of me to whip around. He pressed his hand over John’s neck.

talk to a woman like that, John Little, ” Rob growled. John sneered and shoved him but Rob pushed him back.

I held my shirt tight round my neck. Seeing Much come out from the cave, I fair ran to him, then sat on a rock and undid the top of the laces. I let the shirt fall off my shoulder and clutched the rest tight. I knew I had my muslin on, but still. I were a girl, and they were boys, and I never felt more sure of that than when Rob were touching my skin like I were gold. Much looked to Robin, standing a few paces off now, and I looked at him for a bare second. “Will you do it, Much?”

“If you want, Scar. But I’m not very good. ”

“Sure you are. ”

“I have to dig out the tip, Scar. ”

I nodded, and a hand fi lled mine. Rob sat beside me, fl ipped around so that our faces were looking at each other and his back were sheltering me from John. A fl uttering breath fi lled my chest.

“Do it, Much, ” Rob said, squeezing my hand. 212-47765_ch01_1P.indd 166

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He raised his knife and I looked away, gripping Rob’s hand.

I felt the fi rst lance of the knife and swallowed down a scream, ramming my head into Rob’s shoulder and crushing his hand. He crushed back, putting his arm on my back and keeping me on his shoulder. Rob’s cheek pressed to my cheek as the knife dug deeper.

I didn’t yell or holler. That boy died because I didn’t trust what I knew already ’bout Gisbourne, and if this were my punishment, so much the better. When Much were done I fair collapsed against Rob, and he picked me up like a baby and brought me deep into the cave, wrapping me in furs and blankets. “You need to sleep now, ” he told me.

“Lena and the others?”

“Boarding with villagers in Edwinstowe. ” He brushed the hair back from my forehead, pushing off the cap.

“The boy died. ”

Rob nodded. “Thank God he didn’t get you too, Scar. We underestimated him before. ”

I nodded, feeling weak and sleepy.

“Scar. ” He squeezed my hand. “If John gets out of line with you, Scar, I’ll handle it for you. ”

I fi sted my hand in his shirt, fair passing out without another word.


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A. C. Gaughen

When I woke, it were light out, and Rob were at my feet, leaning against a trunk and hunched over his bent-up knees. I grunted as I rolled onto my shoulder, not remembering it were injured. Rob straightened as I sat up.

“Morning, ” I said soft. I looked back; the other two were still sleeping.

“Morning. How’s your shoulder?”

“I’ll live, I reckon. ”

“You scared me yesterday, Scar. ”

“I couldn’t not help. You were going to turn yourself in. ” I shrank my knees up, feeling smaller.

“He slit the throat of a boy he didn’t know from Adam. What’s he going to do to you?”

I looked down.

“You need to tell me how you know him, Scar. ”

“He gave me the scar, ” I told him. I didn’t look up. My bones shivered like they lost something; I held on to that one secret for so long, it felt fair strange to let it go so easy. He didn’t say anything. I ventured a glance, and he were just looking at me, waiting.

“This scar, ” I told him, covering my cheek.

“He was trying to catch you?”

“Something like that. ”

“Scar, tell me. ”

I looked at Robin and opened my mouth, and just like that it were ’bout to come pouring out. But then John sat up, yawning and calling to us, and I stood and went out of the cave. 212-47765_ch01_1P.indd 168

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Robin followed me. “Promise me you’ll tell me later. I need to know what kind of threat he is to you. ”

I looked back at John, coming out of the cave as well, and nodded. I felt cold to my bones, but I nodded. Honestly, if there were ever a time for God and praying and such, I were praying hard that Rob didn’t turn me out of the camp after he knew.

“All right, lads, ” Rob called, and we all came to the burned-out fi re. “Taxes will be called on the farmers in less than a fortnight, and the townspeople need money, so we need to get it for them. We’re going to be on the road collecting a tax of our own, and when we’re not collecting, we need to be training. Gisbourne got the drop on us last night; we need to be prepared. ”

We all nodded.

“Scar, I want you up in the trees, spotting us but staying out of it until your shoulder heals up. ”

I nodded. That were fair.

“And from now on, I’m switching the pairs. John, you’re going with Much, and Scar goes with me. ”

John chuckled, cracking his knuckles. “Come on, Rob. Don’t tell me you’re jealous. ”

I felt my mug heat up, and I looked to Rob.

“Jealous?” Rob repeated, crossing his arms.

“Scar and I are gettin’ friendly, and you’re jealous. ”

I looked down.

“You may have kissed her, John, but since then she seems damn uncomfortable around you, and more important, despite 212-47765_ch01_1P.indd 169

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A. C. Gaughen

the fact that you’re so interested in her, you couldn’t be bothered to protect her from Gisbourne last night. ”

John jumped up. His face were fl at as sheet rock. “I got her out of there. I protected her. ”

“After I told you to. ”

“I can protect my—” I tried.

John’s jaw went bumpy with muscles. “Just because you thought of it a hair before I did don’t mean—”

“Actually, that’s precisely what it means. Gisbourne won’t hesitate, and so if I think quicker than you, I’m with Scar and you’re with Much. Figure out how friendly you are when no one’s at risk. ”

“Both of you shove off !” I snapped, crossing my arms. “John Little, just because you kissed
don’t mean we’re getting friendly. I
kiss you again, but only if I damn well feel like it. Stop pushing and charmin’— I don’t like it. ” I heard Rob chuckle, and I whipped round to him. “And as for you, Robin of Locksley, on your big noble horse, I don’t remember you helping none neither. I got myself out of there, I got Much away from Gisbourne, and I am part of this band much as you. Stop talking ’bout me like I’m some lily-fi ngered lady!”

Everyone stared at me.

I shook my head. “Honestly. ”

“If the problem is how to split into pairs, perhaps you and me should stay together for now?” Much said.

“Perfect, ” I agreed.

Rob and John shot daggers at each other. With their eyes, leastways. I’m the only one who shoots real daggers. 212-47765_ch01_1P.indd 170

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“Fine, ” Rob agreed.

John nodded.

“Let’s get to work, ” I said, and Much shouldered John on ahead.

I fell in behind them to walk to the road, and Rob held back to walk with me a moment.

“Figure this out, Scarlet. Figure if you’re with John or not, because while you toy with him, you’re toying with my band, and that means you’re toying with the people of Nottinghamshire. ”

Horribly, I felt tears pushing my eyeballs. “I thought you said you’d handle him for me. ”

He shook his head. “You’re toying with me too, Scar. I’ll help you if you need it, you know that. You make me watch you like a hawk, and I don’t want to. Be with John or don’t. ”

He pushed ahead of me on the trail.

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sat in the elbow of a tree, leaning on one knee and fl ipping a knife in my hand. I watched over the lads, whistling to them as needed and just thinking. I looked at John. It were strange. Talking to him alone, I felt like we were fair kindred, but then put him with the lads and his blustering bits came out. I didn’t like him much when he were like that— well, I did, but as a bandmate and not as a fellow— but when it were the two of us, it were . . . nice.

I looked to Rob. It weren’t like I wanted him. Or that I could have him, which were the same thing, right?

He felt me watching and glanced up, meeting my eyes. His eyes scrunched together like he were worried, and I shook my head and turned away.

The roads were busy, and for once it felt like we weren’t fi ghting back such a mountain of trouble. A pair of noblemen off ered up hefty purses, and a small convoy of knights gave us 212-47765_ch01_1P.indd 172

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