Scarlet and the White Wolf [01] - Scarlet and the White Wolf (3 page)

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Authors: Kirby Crow

Tags: #Gay, #Gay Men, #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Fantasy, #Epic, #Science Fiction, #Imaginary Places, #Outlaws

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"There's dinner soon, if you're in a mind to stay," she offered, shy and eager at the same time. Annaya said Zsu wanted to marry him one day, but he put that down to a girl's foolishness and paid no attention to her.

"Ask me next time," he said cheerily. He waved again and kept walking. "Linhona will skin me alive if she doesn't get to feed me herself tonight."

Zsu waved at him from the porch. He looked back when he was further up the road and she was still there, a small figure in a long blue smudge of a dress, her face a pale oval turned in his direction. When Scarlet raised his hand to wave a last time, she turned and went quickly into the house.

* * * *

Hilurin houses are multi-roomed domes covered with white plaster inside and out and then overlaid with bright paints in many colors. Walking through a Hilurin village is like walking through a Sondek carnivale, some said. Their love for colors and for detailed, intricate bits of art is known everywhere, and their embroidery and rugs are famous for their delicate stitching, bright dyes, and the incredible detail crafted into 18

Scarlet and the White Wolf--Book One

by Kirby Crow

each design. Nowhere else could one find such workmanship, and the Aralyrin majority of Byzantur had contempt for little Hilurin people who made no weapons and could not read or write and never journeyed far from their homes, yet who could coax such astonishing skill from their hands.

Lysia was a Hilurin village. As such, there was no street of doves and flowers in Lysia, a surprising omission for any settlement in the Southern Continent. Even Patra, a smallish city by Morturii standards, had several such districts where men and women went to relieve their lusts. Any township that did not have a street marked thus or that was not riddled with bhoros or ghilan houses was invariably a Hilurin village, filled with First People: Byzans who were proud of their pure heritage and their undiluted bloodlines that went back to Deva herself.

Nemerl was a licentious world where sex could be bought, bartered, traded or thieved from any street corner. Yet, the Hilurin believed they were descended from Deva and scrupulously kept her few and simple commandments: honor to self, chastity until marriage, fidelity to one mate, honesty in trade, charity to strangers, generosity to travelers, kindness to children, and respect for all beasts. Hilurin commoners managed to keep apart from the corruption of civilization by settling in remote villages with poor farming land that no one else would want. Hilurin nobles and primes—

those above the commoners and slaves but far short of nobility—lived in Rusa and the greater cities of the south, where they wielded much power.


Scarlet and the White Wolf--Book One

by Kirby Crow

Lysia would never see much progress or commerce, but after the raucous flesh markets of Morturii, a quiet tradesman village was a relief for Scarlet to come home to. Even now, he could see the familiar outlines of his father's small, domed house on the lane. Linhona, lean and strong, was outside taking down the last of the wash in the late afternoon sun. It had taken him three hours to walk up the steep Owl's Road from Tradepoint. When she saw him, she took off her bright scarf and waved it with a shriek of joy, her gray-streaked black hair tumbling around her shoulders.

"Scarlet!" He could hear her all the way down the lane.

"Scarlet's home!"

She turned and ran around the side of the house to get Scaja from his workshop, dragging him by the arm as he laughed and slapped sawdust from his hands.

Scarlet dropped his pack and stick in the lane to clasp Scaja's hands, and then bowed his neck to touch his forehead to his before hugging his father so hard that his bones creaked. Laughing, Scaja begged him to stop before he broke his spine.

Annaya shrieked, too, but it was over the costly ribbons and silk. Like him, Annaya had pale skin that stubbornly refused to darken in the sun, and her hair was so black it shone blue in the sunlight. Linhona took charge, gathering up her son's fallen gear and shooing her family inside. Scarlet lingered on the threshold, looking at the front yard and the sky. Winter was nearly upon them, but in late spring, Linhona's wild roses would again burst into disorganized, riotous bloom, filling the yard with vivid colors and evening 20

Scarlet and the White Wolf--Book One

by Kirby Crow

scent. He missed them and had to settle for bloomless, pale-leafed honeysuckle winding its creepers around every section of the wooden fence, vying for space with hardy lavender and leathery-green ivy. The very last of the mums bloomed in a bed near the kitchen door, yellow as butter.

"Scarlet?" Linhona sang out.

"Coming," he called back. He took a last look at the yard.

How long had he been away this time? Three months? It seemed like more.

Scarlet closed his eyes and breathed deep of the familiar smells of hearth and home, vowing silently that
this time
he would stay longer and come back sooner. He never kept his promise, but thinking about it brought comfort, of a kind.

* * * *

"So," Scaja said as they sat down to dinner, "how did you fare this time out?"

It was as close as he ever got to asking him for an accounting. Scarlet believed he hated to ask him at all, but business is business, and he would have felt like a baby if Scaja had not.

"It was a good run. No trouble, or little enough," he replied. Linhona looked sharp at this, and before she could open her mouth, he told her the rest: "I ran into a Bledlander on the road south from Sondek. Thought he had a mind to rob me, but he mustn't have been that desperate."

Annaya was listening intently. "Did he have a long beard?"

she asked excitedly. "And were there horse-tails hanging from his helmet?"


Scarlet and the White Wolf--Book One

by Kirby Crow

"Annaya!" Linhona scolded.

He chuckled. "He had a beard, but more than that I didn't see. I was too busy running away. I did manage to work for Masdren in the souk for four weeks this time. I would have stayed longer, but with winter coming on I thought I should come back one more time before the snow falls." He planned to weather the short winter in Khurelen this year, where it was warmer and where the souk was almost as prosperous as Ankar, but he did not mention that just yet.

Annaya stumped off to get the dishes, disappointed that he had no more tales of bloodthirsty Bled.

"How is Masdren?" Linhona asked.

"His wife has run off with a scarf merchant."

Annaya hooted from the kitchen and Linhona shushed her.

Scaja looked startled. It was not every day a Hilurin wife ran away. Family was greatly important to them.

"This proves what city-life does to family," Scaja harrumphed. "Do see you send Masdren my good wishes the next time you meet up with him. Did he pay you well?"

"Better than Mekit, and he doesn't stink up the stall with his drinking, either." At Scaja's gesture, he slid a grimed leather pouch over the table.

Scaja picked it up and hefted it, though he did not tug the laces apart and look inside. His eyebrows went up.

"It feels like a goodly weight," Scaja judged, voice tinged with admiration.

He ducked his head at the praise and helped Linhona settle the iron pot on the table. Scaja and Linhona and even Annaya contributed the work of their hands to his pedlar's wares.


Scarlet and the White Wolf--Book One

by Kirby Crow

Scarlet took a percentage for himself and sold it at what profit he could, spent a little for the road, worked when there was work, and brought the rest home to Scaja to hold against the lean years that always came, sooner or late.

"In fact," Scaja said doubtfully, again hefting the pouch that contained eleven sellivar, "perhaps too goodly."

"Scaja—" he began. Scaja always was proud, but Scarlet knew his father needed the money. How not, with so many raiders and bandits and Kasiri about? People were becoming afraid to risk a costly wagon on the highways, and no broken wagons or carts meant nothing for Scaja to repair.

Scaja held up his hand. "Not over dinner. Wait until the
." The pouch vanished into his shirt as Linhona lifted the lid on the stew with a flourish.

The argument averted, Scarlet smiled at her and looked into the pot. Thick chunks of pale meat floated in a crimson soup, surrounded by spiky bits of fragrant black rice. Stewed chicken with
his favorite dish.

"Thank you," he said with a grateful sigh. "It couldn't have been easy to get spices this time of year."

"I had to trade a good apron and an iron ladle for it, but I got plenty in the bargain," she said briskly, wiping her hands on a towel. "Well, dig in! I'll bring the biscuits."

She vanished back into the kitchen and Scaja watched his son with fond eyes as he dipped out a portion that would have fed two, well-grown men. "Thin foraging on the road, I gather?"

He shrugged and dug his spoon in, ignoring the heat from the fiery seeds of the persa. He usually ate well on the road, 23

Scarlet and the White Wolf--Book One

by Kirby Crow

if plainly, and still managed to look hungry enough that he was invariably offered a meal at whatever farm or steading he wound up at near suppertime. Rabbits were a staple, as were wild hens and quail, berries and furled apples, and fish and mollusks from the river.

"Thinner than last year," he answered around a mouthful.

"There was less growing by the wayside than usual. Less game, too. There are so many travelers on foot this year.

They eat it before I can get to it." He fanned the air in front of his face and stuck out his burning tongue to cool it off. "It's good!"

Linhona slid a pan of biscuits in front of him and he filched two with a big spoon of butter on the side. "Thanks, Mum."

Oh, she liked to be called that, he could see. As was the custom, Scarlet had called his parents by their right names since he was eight years old. Linhona had seemed sad at the change and never corrected him when he lapsed, but not Scaja. Scaja was a proper Hilurin and chivvied his growing son at every turn to be equally proper and correct, yet when Scarlet's feet took another path, he had not objected. His father could have been angry at him for not learning to be a wainwright and not wishing to spend his life in Lysia, but all he had ever done was sigh now and then and talk in a roundabout way of what daughters of Lysia were marrying this year or next. Scarlet ate while Annaya fiddled with one of her ribbons and nattered at him with questions about the road. Scaja ate his supper and occasionally cast a twinkling eye at his wife.


Scarlet and the White Wolf--Book One

by Kirby Crow

Scarlet finally pushed his bowl away with a sigh. "No more!" he laughed when Linhona would have put dessert—a raisin and apple pudding sprinkled with walnuts—in front of him. "I'll eat it later. Annaya, love, go help our mother. I want to talk to Scaja for a bit."

She rolled her eyes as she got up and began to clear away the dishes, but winked at him as she brought the little ceramic pot of green che. Scaja filled a second pipe and handed it to Scarlet as he poured a cup.

Scarlet flicked a glance to the kitchen, making certain that Annaya was engrossed in conversation with Linhona before he spoke. "There was a new farm on the Iron Path when I went to Patra last time, near the abandoned mines," he said very lowly, leaning his head closer. "They were Hilurin folk from Nantua. When I came back, they were gone. Burned out."

Scaja's eyes went stony. He passed his hand above the surface of the table as if brushing sand away, a gesture of negation. "Say nothing to your mother or sister."

Scarlet nodded. Hilurin families were being hounded and murdered all over Byzantur. There was no sense in worrying them with report of yet another disappearance. He bit his lip.

The family had had two small boys, playful as bears.

"I hear tell there's a felon charging a toll over Whetstone Pass," Scarlet remarked while tamping the herbs into the pipe bowl with his thumb.

Scaja's tone was resigned. "So they say. Polite enough, I suppose, for a robber chief."

"You've met him?"


Scarlet and the White Wolf--Book One

by Kirby Crow

"No, but I got an eye full of him in Jerivet's shop. He came in to buy an iron rim for a wagon wheel," Scaja nodded. "To carry away the goods they extort from the travelers, no doubt. A big fellow, biggest I've ever seen, and white-haired like an old man, but with a young face and body."

"Shansi says that they're all armed like Morturiis," Annaya chimed in from the kitchen as she carried bowls to be washed.

His eyebrows went up. "Shansi?"

"Cousin of Jerivet's from Nantua," Scaja muttered aside to him. "He's courting your sister. A good lad, apprentice to the blacksmith, who is his uncle as well."

Hilurin bloodlines were tangled as nests of yarn and that did not bother Scarlet. The news that Annaya was being courted did. He stared at his sister, but she had grown up during his months away. She cast a sloe-eyed look over her shoulder at him as she carried the iron pot back into the kitchen, her silky black hair falling to the pit of her back.

Suddenly, Scarlet had to admit that she was no longer a grubby little girl with skinned knees.

"I will have to visit this Shansi," he said, still a little stunned.

"As is right and proper," Scaja said.

"But she's only—"

"The same age you were when you left with Rannon and his caravan
Scaja interrupted mildly, refusing to be drawn into an argument.

From the kitchen, Annaya hooted again. Scarlet scowled.

I'll have to have a talk with this Shansi, he thought. Hilurin 26

Scarlet and the White Wolf--Book One

by Kirby Crow

daughters were prized, and some things never changed, such as lustful apprentices.

Scarlet ignored Annaya. "Well, anyroad, I'm minded to see what kind of toll this gypsy king charges to pedlars."

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