Scarlet Fever (9 page)

Read Scarlet Fever Online

Authors: April Hill

Tags: #Canadian Mountie, #spanking, #contemporary romance, #domestic discipline

BOOK: Scarlet Fever
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“You want to
me? After knowing me for only two weeks?”

“Well, as a Crown policeman, I can’t very well live in sin. It wouldn’t look good on my record. But, if you insist, we’ll have a long engagement. Maybe a full month.”

we need to discuss?”

“Yes,” he said quietly. “And this is serious, I’m afraid. You need to understand what it’s going to mean, being married to me. It won’t be easy.”

“No kidding!” she quipped.

“Regina is just a temporary assignment for me, Anne. My own post is farther north.”

She felt a twinge of nervousness. “How

“Remember Fort Honolulu?”



“I see.”

”No, you don’t. I love what I do, but it can be a hard life for women. A very hard life.”

“What do you do,
up there

“Pretty much everything. It’s a two-man post. We enforce the law, of course, but there’s a lot more to it than that.” He chuckled. “I delivered my third baby two months ago.”

Anne smiled. “That’ll come in handy. Obstetricians charge an arm and a leg in Boston.
But I have a question. If you’re in love with me, why do you have to spank me? Can’t we simply let that go, in light of our coming engagement?”

“Unfinished business. Justice delayed is justice denied, you know. A Mountie always gets his man— or woman. And I make it a point never to break my word.”

“That’s a crock, Sergeant,” she growled. “And you know it. I think you just want to spank the daylights out of me. I think you’re not satisfied with the spankings you already delivered, which, as I recall, weren’t exactly a walk in the fucking park.”

“The secret to doing a job well,” he said solemnly, “is to get sufficient practice. And that last expletive isn’t helping your case, by the way.”

Maybe because she thought he had a point, and maybe because she was understandably eager to get to the next step, Anne knew that she’d agree to what he was suggesting. While he was busy at headquarters, she bathed, unpacked and washed her things, ate two frozen TV dinners, a can of soup and two small cans of tuna, a half-jar of stuffed olives, an entire package of Walker’s shortbread, and most of a giant wedge of extra-sharp cheddar cheese that looked dried out but still good. After that, she rummaged through his desk, found his Visa card and called for a large pepperoni pizza and an order of buffalo wings. Then, feeling warm and adequately-fed for the first time in two weeks, she settled down on his comfortable couch with a heavy wool tartan blanket and two fluffy pillows, and fell blissfully asleep.

What the Sergeant returned he spanked her twice - just for good measure - he assured her both times - and then made love to her until she could hardly walk.

* * * * *

They didn’t wait the full month, but moved into his snowbound quarters at a place called Pigeon Creek two weeks later—not properly married, since the “bride investigation” would take considerably longer, but feeling like newlyweds, nonetheless. While she was unpacking her luggage, she came across a family heirloom, and wrapped it up as an engagement present.

He unwrapped the prettily wrapped antique hairbrush, and gave her a curious look. “Have you done something I should know about? Already?”

“It was my great-grandmother’s,” she explained. “When she gave it to me, she suggested one hundred strokes, every night.”

He smacked the flat side of the brush in his palm, and winced. “A hundred seems a bit harsh,” he remarked, smiling. “A full dozen, applied with proper diligence, should do nicely. Two dozen, in extraordinary situations, and
not every night. Once every month or so should be sufficient. Now, about that name you called Inspector Davidson…”




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