Read Scarlet Online

Authors: Jordan Summers

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Romance Speculative Fiction, #Fiction

Scarlet (37 page)

BOOK: Scarlet
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"I'm afraid you'll have to spell it out," he said, hoping she gave in soon for both their sakes. He could walk away if she said no, but it would cost him.


"I need you to..." she said, her words trailing off. "I need you."


“For what?"


She growled in frustration and slammed her fists onto the chair. "Do I really have to say it?"


"Afraid so." he said, nipping the inside of her firm thigh.


"This sucks! I know I'm going to regret this," Catherine said.


Raphael stopped what he was doing and looked at her. Her freckled skin was flushed a lovely shade of pink to match her upturned nipples. Her feminine musk filled the air as her body wept for his. "I have no doubt we both will," he said, in complete honesty.


"Let's fuck and get it over with," she growled. The command had come out like sex was some kind of brisk chore to be ticked off a list.


Raphael frowned, then he leveled her with a sharp gaze "I do many things in a hurry, but
is not one of them If that's what you want, then I'll just untie you now."




He held up a hand to cut her off. "Think carefully about your next words because if you agree to my terms, you'll be here for the night. I plan to take my time with you."


Raphael could see reason warring with her need. She wanted to tell him to go to hell. Part of him hoped she did. Sleeping with her was the last thing he should be doing, considering he might have to kill her later. But that didn't stop his body from pressing its own demands. He wanted her. Wanted to feel the soft wetness of her surrounding his cock, milking him. Wanted to feel her body's firm grip as he pulled out of her seconds before plunging back in. Wanted to taste her sweet blood as she climaxed again and again.


Aroused, she smelled so deliciously fragrant that his head spun. It affected him more than her power ever could. He inhaled and closed his eyes to heighten his senses. Need hit so savagely he nearly quaked.


"I want to stay," Catherine said quietly.


"It's about time," he said.


She glared at him. "Shut up before I change my mind."


Raphael hid his victorious smile behind a groan and dipped his head between her lush thighs.


chapter twenty-four

Catherine writhed in the chair, her hard nipples stabbing the air as he feasted upon her. His lips locked onto her clit and began to suck, worrying the sensitive nub with his teeth and tongue, continuing to build pressure.
She'd tried watching him for a while, but her eyelids drooped, heavy with desire. He continued to stroke and suckle
until the pressure inside her became too much. She screamed
as the dam broke, sending ripples of pleasure rolling through her.


Raphael continued to feast upon her fevered flesh as Catherine attempted to catch her breath. He was having none of it.  He quickly stood and stripped off his shirt and shoes. At the last moment, he dropped his pants, and her mouth fell open.
She'd read stories about well-endowed men, but she'd never
seen one in the flesh until now. She'd obviously been missing out.


Catherine was far from a virgin, but even so, she found Raphael's cock intimidating.


"What's the matter, little storm? You act as if you've never seen a naked man before," he said, a teasing glint in his eyes.


She gulped and forced her gaze away. "Not like that," she said.


Raphael threw his head back and laughed. "It's nice to know I finally made an impression on you."


He made quick work of her ties, then picked her up and carried her to the rest pad. Despite his obvious need, he laid her down gently. Raphael slid in beside her. "Now where was I?" he asked before going back to arousing her.


Catherine didn't think she had another orgasm in her after the last one, but she was wrong. Raphael was patient and thorough, demanding a response from her sated flesh. He brought her back to life in a matter of minutes and left her teetering on the brink of insanity.


"This time I want to be inside of you when you come," he said, kneeing her legs apart until she opened before him in offering.


The weight of his body felt good upon her, cooling her fevered flesh. His skin held a spicy scent, but was surprisingly soft beneath her fingertips. Catherine didn't know what she'd been expecting. It's not like she'd ever slept with a vampire before. And she had no doubt he was a vampire, after the fanging she'd received a few hours ago. She knew the Others were real, but she hadn't believed that vampires existed before today.


She did now.


Catherine felt his cock kiss her opening and tensed.


"Relax," he said, stroking the side of her face.


"That's easy for you to say. I'm not trying to put that thing inside of you."


He chuckled. "I promise I'll go slow," he said, nudging her.


She was wet from his ministrations and the head of his cock slid into her easily, despite her earlier reservations.


Raphael's smile faded and sweat trickled down the side of his face. His jaw clenched as he slowly worked his way deeper. She was small. Smaller than anyone he'd ever been with. He knew he would fit, but it wouldn't happen without some pain. He kissed her cheek, working his way to her ear. There he nuzzled and licked, teasing her lobe until she squirmed beneath him. Her movements caused him to slip in a few inches more.


She gasped.


"I'm sorry. I am going as slow as I can. If it's any consolation, it pains me, too." He rocked his hips gently, waiting for her body to adjust. She was so tight Raphael thought he'd scream from the sensation or go mad before he could bury  himself to the hilt.


She canted her pelvis and he slid in further. Nearly there. Just a few more inches. Raphael bit the inside of his mouth and tasted blood. Sweat dripped from his face and landed on her voluptuous breasts. He watched the pulse jump in her throat, daring him to taste her once more. He closed his eyes for a second to resist the temptation.


Her fingers stroked down his sides until they reached his lower back. There, she sank her short fingernails in deep. "Yes," he hissed and pulled back a second before plunging all the way inside of her. Catherine gasped, then whimpered as he pierced her tender flesh. "I'm afraid I lost control for a moment. Pain and pleasure go hand in hand in my world." Raphael held himself perfectly still, his body throbbing with the need to thrust.


"It's all right. It doesn't hurt anymore."


When he finally felt her relax, he began to move. The heat of her was pure torture as his hips rocked, setting a rhythm as old as the ages. She stayed still for a few moments, but eventually rose to meet him. Her fingers bit deep again and Raphael relished the pain. It spurred him on. Urged him to take all she had to offer and then some.


Her soft murmurs grew to loud moans as she neared orgasm. He reached between their bodies and found her hidden flesh, then stroked it repeatedly with his thumbnail. Catherine cried out, her body engulfing him in a viselike grip, which in turn sent him over the edge.


Raphael's vision dimmed and he instinctively bit down. Her coppery blood filled his mouth as he emptied himself into her willing body. Two things became readily apparent in that moment. One, once with this woman would never be enough. And two, he'd been a fool to think he could ever harm her.


Somewhere between their fight and his search for the truth, Raphael had found something he'd dared not believe exist. He'd found home in the guise of an enemy he could not afford to trust. What in the hell had he done?


*    *    *

They spent the rest of the night making love. Raphael would like to believe it was just sex, but he wasn't the type to delude himself. He recognized it for what it was, even if he didn't like it. Now that the pleasure was drawing to an end, it was time to get back to work. He ran his fingertips over her bare flesh, noting every freckle as he relished her softness. Raphael forced himself to release her. He rose and dressed quickly after showering, then urged her to do the same.


"Come on, we need to go to the sheriff's station."


"Why? I thought after last night you'd let me go."' She stared at the rug, toeing it with her boot. "Are you going to turn me in?"


"I haven't decided yet. Now come," he said, moving to the door. "We have to uncover the rest of Roark's plans."


Raphael heard Maggie before they reached the entrance to the station.


"I don't know where she is, Commander. Roark sent out a broadcast claiming she escaped en route. The shuttle he took is ruined. I've seen the images Roark supplied. There's a hole in the side of it. Looks like it was hit by a cannon blast." She paused, listening.


Raphael couldn't hear what the commander was saying but he could imagine. Maggie continued talking, but he didn't bother to listen further. He'd heard what he needed to hear. Roark hadn't made it to the IPTT detention center, which meant he'd had other plans all along.


There was no way that Red had escaped as he claimed or she would've come back here. She would have contacted him, if she were able. The fact that she hadn't meant she was far away. Too far to reach him, or she was dead. Raphael dismissed the latter option, refusing to accept the possibility. He'd know if she'd died, which meant he needed to find her. He tried mentally contacting his brother once more, since distance didn't seem to affect their bond.
Michael, I need your help.


Silence met him. Raphael tried again.
Michael, can you hear me?


Stay away,
Michael slammed the thought into Raphael's mind, causing pain to reverberate through his skull. He brought
a hand to his head.
Or they'll get you, too.


Who are they?
Raphael frowned.


The shadow people,
Michael hissed the words.
They're everywhere.
I can't keep them away.



Raphael shuddered at the madness he heard in his brother's tortured voice. What had Roark done to him? Newfound fear blossomed inside of him, spreading like a weed over his soul. If Roark could do that to his brother, what would he do to Red now that he had his hands on her?


There's been a change of plans," he said to Catherine, leading
her away from the sheriff's station. He needed to find the new recruits.


*    *    *

"We can't just leave her," Takeo said to Demery and Juan in frustration. His hands balled into fists. He needed to hit something or someone. He turned and punched the column closest to him. It bowed under the impact. He shook out his fist, preparing to strike it again.


"We aren't leaving anyone, so calm down," Juan said. "But we can't rush in without a plan. We're outmanned. And we don't even know where they've taken her. Hell, they're claiming she's escaped."


'That's bullshit! She hasn't escaped. She's not the type to cut and run. Yesterday she faced down the tactical team Someone who'd do that isn't likely to run away."


Demery grinned. "Leave finding her to me. She isn't blocking herself like the killer did when I tried to find them. It should be a piece of cake." He rubbed his gloved hands together.


"What if Roark has a way of blocking her location?" Takeo asked, pacing back and forth.


"He can't, mon. I would still be able to find her. Artificial blocking aids don't work against my abilities."


"But you said the killer blocked you," Juan said. "Maybe you're not as strong as you think."


'That was different. The killer wasn't using artificial means to block me. It was natural talent," Demery said.


"So he's an Other?" Takeo asked. "Wait until I get my hands on him."


"Don't know what he is, mon. Couldn't tell, which is odd, but he's definitely powerful if he can easily block me."

BOOK: Scarlet
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