Scorn of Angels (41 page)

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Authors: John Patrick Kennedy

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Magical Realism, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Scorn of Angels
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Jesus rose to his feet. His face was identical to Tribunal’s in every way, save that there was a kindness and sorrow in his eyes that had never appeared in Tribunal. “I am sorry, Nyx,” he said. “For what it is worth.”

“Very little,” said Nyx. She turned back to Tribunal. “In addition, I have left you two linked. You will always be in each other’s minds, and you will never, ever be able to let the other completely go.”

“So, what?” sneered Tribunal. “I get to look at him, sitting at God’s feet, playing the good little son?”

“Yes,” said Nyx. She smiled, and though her fangs were gone it was a more terrible smile than any she had given before. “And he will be able to see everything that is happening to you. Persephone?”

Persephone stepped up and took Tribunal’s arm. “Is it all right if I take a while? Verrine and I have a date, now that he’s a whole being again.”

Nyx grinned. “Take as much time as you want. I’ll be here.”

“Time doing what?” Tribunal demanded, panic in his voice. “What are you going to do to me?”

For an answer, Persephone opened a gate to Hell beneath their feet and let the two of them drop. Nyx smiled as she listened to Tribunal’s screams fade into the distance.

“That is cruel,” said Jesus, looking down into the pit. “No one should suffer for eternity.”

“God’s rules, not mine,” said Nyx. “Take it up with him.”

“I will,” said Jesus. He smiled at her, and there was a warmth to it that spread into the depths of Nyx’s soul. “Thank you for giving me the chance.”

“Don’t waste it,” said Nyx. She nodded at Caelum and Orion, and together the two Angels lifted Jesus from the ground and carried him up to the Gates of Heaven.

The mountains around them were silent, save for the sound of the wind.

“Well,” said Michael. “Now what?”

“Now… I think I’ll spend a century lying on a beach,” said Nyx. “Eating grapes and meat, and drinking wine.”

“And after that?”

Nyx shrugged. “God offered to let me be judge on Earth for him. To decide any debates that come up between Angels and Descended and to decide the fates of souls that are balanced on the edge.”

Michael smiled. “That sounds like it’s just the thing for you.”

“Maybe,” said Nyx. “God said I could decide for myself.”

Michael’s smile grew wider. “And that sounds like it is just the thing for you, too.” He spread his wings and rose into the air. “Goodbye, Nyx. Come visit us in Heaven.”

“I will,” said Nyx. “Goodbye, Michael.”

She watched him fly up and out of sight. When her eyes came down, she saw Epiphenia slowly spreading green throughout the devastated valley. “It will take time,” said Epiphenia, “but it will come back.”

“Good,” said Nyx.

“Now, where shall we go, Mother?”

“I don’t know,” said Nyx. “I’ll have to choose a place.” She smiled with joy because for the first time in her existence, all her choices were truly going to be her own. “Let me think on it.”




Thank you for reading Scorn of Angels!

I hope you enjoyed
Scorn of Angels
. It was my honor
and pleasure to write for you. Of course I was only relaying the information that Nyx was providing, but I hope I did so with clarity and wonder. Thanks for joining me on this wild ride!


Who knows what the future holds in store for Nyx…


Also, if you’re so inclined, I’d love a review of
Scorn of Angels
. Without your support, and feedback my books would be lost under an avalanche of other books. While appreciated, there’s only so much praise one can take seriously from family and friends. If you have the time, please visit my author page on both and


Until next time,


John Patrick Kennedy



Copyright@2015 by John Patrick Kennedy

Cover design: Idrassi Soufiane with




All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the author.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2015 John Patrick Kennedy

All rights reserved.


ISBN-13: 978-0692405512

ISBN-10: 0692405518 

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