Sea Dragon (Dragon Knights Book 9) (19 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Epic Fantasy Romance

BOOK: Sea Dragon (Dragon Knights Book 9)
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“Fuck him hard, Livia,” he ordered softly, wanting to see what she’d do. Would she respond to his order with eagerness, or just do whatever she wanted?

Gowan knew himself well enough to know that if she obeyed him, all bets were off. He’d want to keep her forever, and damn the consequences. She’d already proven compatible with him in most ways, but if she passed this little test, then there was no doubt she was the perfect woman for him.

“This hard?” she asked, playing along as she rocked on Seth’s cock.

Gowan watched her pussy sliding on Seth’s hard pole. He hadn’t engaged in all that much voyeurism over the years, but he’d seen enough to know that this situation was special. These people were special.

“Harder,” he ordered, and she complied, sending a secret little thrill through him. “Spread yourself for me. I want to see you take him,” he went on, wanting to see how far she would go in answering his demands. But she didn’t disappoint. She did as he asked with one hand, using the other for balance as she moved faster now. “Rub your clit for me, Livia.”

That was it. She touched herself, and then, a keening cry came from her lips as she came on Seth’s cock. Seth followed, pumping up into her, and Gowan could see it all.

He examined his feelings on the matter for a moment while they rode themselves to completion and determined that he was more aroused than he could ever recall being. Gowan hadn’t lived a sheltered life. The uncertain life of a soldier meant you took your pleasure where you could and whenever you could. He’d been with a lot of women over the years, and he’d developed certain…tastes.

The main one of which Livia had just proven to enjoy. Gowan was a dominant man in everything he did, and if he liked giving orders in the bedroom, he figured that wasn’t so bad—as long as his lady friends liked it.

Livia liked it. She’d come beautifully for him.

And it
had been
for him. She might have been fucking Seth at the time, but she’d been following Gowan’s orders, and that seemed to make all the difference to Gowan’s mind.

He felt no jealousy. How could he? Seth was his friend, and Gowan had known they were dating. If Livia hadn’t told him in so many words, Genlitha certainly had, though she hadn’t gone into detail.

For one thing, he hadn’t realized Livia and Seth were lovers, but he probably should have made that connection. Livia was a lass of hearty appetites, which was something Gowan respected. He knew she hadn’t been fucking every man in town prior to his arrival. She’d been way too tight for that, for one thing.

For another, her reputation was a good one, even though her father spent so much time abroad. There was no scandal associated with her name, but even if there had been, he would have courted her regardless. She was a special woman in so many ways. He’d do just about anything to be with her.

And that was the crux of the matter, right there.

He cared. As he hadn’t cared for a woman in a very long time, if ever. He couldn’t really recall ever feeling this deeply for someone. Not in all his years, and not for any of the women who had graced his bed in all that time.

Livia was unique.

And right now, he had to be inside her. He didn’t care of Seth had just fucked her. As far as he was concerned, that just meant she was nice and wet and would be able to receive him easier.

Gowan shed his clothes in a few quick movements, crawling onto the bed, on the side where Livia had laid down on her back, breathing hard after her exertions. Gowan framed her head with his arms, holding himself above her.

“Do you want this?” he asked, lowering his cock toward her belly.

Her answer was to spread her thighs and lift her hips toward him.

Gowan spared a thought for Seth. This was his bedroom, after all. Not to mention, his bed.

“You all right with this?” Gowan asked, looking over at Seth.

Seth just waved him on with a tired hand, too spent to talk much.

And that was all it took. Gowan pushed downward, sliding deep into Livia with one solid thrust.


Livia thought for a moment she’d died and gone to heaven. Never in her wildest dreams had she been with both of her perfect lovers at the same time. Sure, she’d thought about what it would mean to be mated to a pair of knights. What girl hadn’t?

But she’d never expected…

Conscious thought fled as Gowan slid inside her. He was huge, but he fit so well, now, after she’d gotten used to him. Seth’s come helped, too, she was sure. And that thought gave her a thrill as she realized the ramifications of being with both of them. In the same bed.

Stars above, she’d never imagined this when she accepted an invitation to dine at the Lair.

Gowan began to move, fucking her harder than he ever had before, and all she could do was feel. He was so massive he hit that little spot inside her that rocketed her to the moon on every thrust.

She held onto his shoulders for dear life, her nails making little indentations into his skin, but he didn’t seem to mind. Her body strained against his, reaching for the peak that was just out of reach.

Gowan sat back on his haunches, changing position slightly, looking down at her, watching the way they came together. His hands were on her hips, guiding her.

That was when she noticed that Seth was sitting up at her side. He was watching with a lazy half-lidded gaze that spoke of his renewed hunger.

They were both watching her. Her mid-section clenched as excitement built. And then…

“Rub her tits,” Gowan told Seth. “She needs something more to make her come.”

She looked at Seth, saw him look sharply at Gowan, then watched the silent communication between them and Gowan’s slight nod. Then Seth looked back at her, and his hand rose.

She anticipated his touch, excitement cresting as Gowan pounded into her below and Seth’s hand came in for a landing on her breast. The moment he touched her, she exploded into a million pieces, crying out as Gowan’s finger found her clit at the exact moment that Seth palmed her nipple, using his hand to rub over the hard tip.

And then, his other hand joined in, and both of her nipples were rubbed between his fingers as she came. And came. And came.

She could feel Gowan’s body pump into her once, twice, and then a final time as he came with her. Pleasure mounted until it was a living, breathing thing that threatened to consume the world.

At some point, she must have passed out or fallen asleep, because when consciousness returned, she was lying in the center of the large bed, a man on either side. It was deep in the night, several hours later, if she had to guess. Seth was awake, running his fingers over her skin, watching her.

“Are you all right?” he asked, her tender lover.

She smiled in reply. “I’m fine. How are you with all of this?”

Gowan stirred, yawning on her other side when she spoke.

She was worried maybe she’d pushed him—both of the men—a little too far, but really, she hadn’t known this would turn into a threesome. She’d only intended to snare Seth tonight, not Gowan too.






Seth scratched his head. “Can’t say I expected this, but I grew up among trios. It’s not all that shocking to me as a concept. I just haven’t ever been part of one before. Never expected to be, as I said.”

Because he wasn’t a knight, she knew. Only knights had triad marriages, because of their bonds with their dragon partners.

She looked over at Gowan to find him stretched out on his back, his hands folded beneath his head as if he hadn’t a care in the world. He was watching her from under sleepy half-lidded eyes in a way that made her insides clench.

He was a commanding presence, and he’d brought out a side of her she hadn’t known existed. She’d never experienced anything hotter or more exciting with any of the men she’d been with before. Now that she’d seen a bit of what he liked—and realized she liked it too—she feared she might be ruined for any other man. Except maybe Seth. He affected her in another way—equally as exciting.

“How about you?” she asked Gowan.

He grinned slowly. “If this is what it means to be a knight, I’m all for it.” He glanced over at Seth. “Though I will admit, I didn’t count on it being like this.”

“What did you think?” Seth asked, sounding curious.

“Frankly, I didn’t see how it could work. I knew most knights died bachelors, and I figured that was probably going to be what happened with me.” He spoke matter-of-factly, and Livia’s heart went out to him. “But now that I’ve seen how it could work, I’m inclined to rethink my conclusions. If it’s always like this, I can see why the families I’ve seen in Lairs are so happy.”

“I can attest to that,” Seth added. “My parents are happy, as are all the families that I grew up around. But I’ll never be a knight, so I had no expectation of ever experiencing this. You’ve given me a glimpse of what it could be like, and I’m not sure if that’ll ultimately be a good or bad thing. For right now, though, I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”

“Me either,” Livia said softly, gazing into Seth’s eyes. They were so blue she could get lost in them.

“Me three,” Gowan said, rolling off his side of the bed, rising and stretching. “And much as it pains me to leave this happy moment, I have to go. Gen and I are on duty in about ten minutes, and I’ve got to get into my armor.” Gowan bent over to kiss Livia once, tenderly, then walked around the bed to retrieve his clothing.

She watched him go with a sad feeling. Would they ever have a chance to share this again? She thought not, which just seemed wrong.

“I should probably be getting you home before the sun rises,” Seth said, and she heard a note of reluctance in his voice.

“I don’t want this to end,” she admitted, “but you’re right. I have to be in the office later this morning. I’ve got ships coming in, and I have to be there to meet with their captains.”


Seth walked her all the way to her door in the dim light of false dawn. The sky was bright red, which boded ill for the weather.

Under the watchful eye of her housekeeper, who had met them at the back door with a frown, Seth couldn’t draw out the goodbyes. Overall, though, he couldn’t complain about their
. He’d gotten way more than he’d bargained for out of inviting her to dinner at the Lair.

As he walked back through the town, he saw a flight of dragons maneuvering overhead. He looked up, recognizing Genlitha’s gorgeous blue hide. Gowan and she were leading first flight in practice runs. Seth watched them as he headed back to the Lair. They were learning. Genlitha was an excellent flyer, but she hadn’t lead a wing before.

Seth also knew Gowan was a skilled fighter and leader of men, but he hadn’t fought from atop a dragon before. Both had things to learn, and it looked like they were doing a good job.

Seth’s mind was heavy with conjecture, even as his heart was light after the amazing experience of the night before. He made his way back to the Lair, and his chosen life, thinking deep thoughts.



Livia’s voice sounded in Seth’s mind later in the day. To say this kind of contact was unexpected was a huge understatement. As far as he knew, she was still down in Dragonscove. She had more reach than he’d thought.

“Is something wrong?”

“It could be. I’ve had reports from two ship captains that are very troubling. I know Gowan and Genlitha are working today, and Hrardorr is…well…not who I would approach about this, but I thought maybe you could…”
Her thoughts trailed off, and Seth wasn’t sure what she wanted him to do.

“How can I help?”
he asked gently, hoping to alleviate some of the anxiety that came through in her tone.

“I need to talk to someone in power in the Lair. These reports indicate we may soon come under attack by a fleet of war ships—probably pirates—that have been menacing the coast. They’re heading in this direction.”

Sweet Mother of All. And she was coming to
with this? What in the world did she think he could do about it? He was just the apprentice healer, he thought, in a moment of near-panic. She should have brought this to Gowan! But she was right. He and Genlitha were working and interrupting them while they were learning tricky maneuvers could be detrimental.

Seth calmed down. His fathers would know what to do. Quickly, he queried the two dragons who had raised him and learned that his parents were off duty today. Asking the dragons to quietly get their partners to meet him in the great hall, Seth made his way there as quickly as possible.

“All right. I’m going to get advice on how to proceed,”
he told Livia.
“I’ll be in touch shortly.”

Seth joined his fathers in the hall, sitting at the table in one corner they had claimed.

“Thanks for coming,” he told them as he took the flagon of ale laid out for him.

“What’s wrong?” Gerard said, frowning. “Randor said you had an urgent problem.”

“Are you acquainted with Livia O’Dare from the town?” Both Gerard and Paton nodded briefly. “She just contacted me. She had two ships make port today and both of their captains delivered grave news about a pirate fleet traveling this way. She said she needed to talk to someone in power here, but I wasn’t sure how best to proceed.”

“Is she here? Or did she send a letter?” Paton asked quickly.

“Neither, actually.” Seth tried not to fidget. His communication with Livia was extraordinary—especially when he’d never been able to speak mind to mind with anyone else. Just dragons. He could talk to dragons easily. But Livia… She was something special all the way around.

“Seth…” Paton said in a warning tone. His fathers knew him too well.

Seth sighed. “She can bespeak dragons and, it turns out, me as well. She told me in here.” He pointed to his temple. “All the way from Dragonscove.”

Both older men sat back in their chairs, clearly shocked.

“That’s…” Gerard seemed at a loss for words.

“She needs to come here, to the Lair. She belongs with us with such a gift,” Paton declared.

“We’ve already told her so,” Seth said baldly, then realized he had to explain. The raised eyebrows from both his fathers demanded an answer to the unspoken question. “She’s already involved with Sir Gowan.”

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