Read Sea of Desire Online

Authors: Christine Dorsey

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Adventure, #Mystery, #sexy, #sensual, #charleston, #passionate

Sea of Desire (17 page)

BOOK: Sea of Desire
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The scream woke him, loud and shrill and full
of fear.

Leaping from bed, Jared grabbed the pistol
from the small table and flung open the door. The candle at the end
of the hall sputtered, offering more smoke than light, but Jared
found his way to Merideth’s door. It was locked... just as he’d
left it. But he could swear the scream had come from her room.

“Merideth!” His pounding caused Monsieur
Flaubert, one of the coach’s passengers, to crack open his door. He
mumbled a few questions in French while scratching at his nearly
bald pate. Jared ignored him.

From the far side of the panels he thought he
heard sobbing. “Dammit, Merideth, answer me.” His hand reached
instinctively for the key. He’d stuck it in the pocket of his
breeches. But, of course, he wasn’t wearing his breeches. He wasn’t
wearing anything but thin cotton underdrawers, and those rode low
on his hips.


Two more doors opened, and he thought he
heard a gasp coming from one of them. But he paid little heed
because he
he heard a keening sound from behind
Merideth’s door.

The thud as his bare shoulder slammed into
the wood shook the jamb. The second thrust splintered it and he
fell into the room.

It struck him first how normal everything
looked. He didn’t know exactly what he’d expected after waking to
that scream, but certainly one or more rough intruders. But though
he brandished the pistol, seeking out the shadows for the person
bent on harming Merideth, she was the only one in the small

She was backed up as far as she could get
against the headboard on the bed, her eyes wide as saucers, the
blanket clutched in her white-knuckled fists. Golden hair tumbled
over her bare shoulders. Jared took a moment to prop the broken
door against the opening, blocking out the curious faces that
peered into her room.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Jared rested his
hip against the bed. He reached out to touch her, thought better of
it, and busied himself with lighting the candle on the commode.

“There was a man... with a knife.” Merideth
hated that her voice quivered. She took a deep breath, forcing her
fingers to relax. The captain was looking at her the same way he
did whenever she denied knowing the name of the traitor.

“A man with a knife,” he repeated, saying the
words without inflection.

“Yes!” Merideth tossed down the blanket she
was clutching, then remembered she wore only her shift and pulled
it up again. Her jaw tightened, but she lowered her voice. “Yes,
there was a man. And he had a knife. If I hadn’t screamed—”

“The door was locked,” Jared pointed out.

“He must have used the window. I don’t know.
But he

With a casualness that raised her ire, the
captain moved to the open window. He glanced out into the darkness,
then back at her. “ ‘Tis a fair drop. Not to mention climb.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Not a thing.” Jared turned back toward her.
“Merely an observation.”

“Well, I don’t like the way you’re acting...
as if I’m making it up. There
a man, and he
have a knife.” When the captain did nothing but stare at her,
Merideth continued. “Perhaps he used the door.” Merideth held up
her palm when he started to respond. “And don’t tell me the door
was locked. I’m aware of that. I also know that
have the

“Then I sure don’t know why he didn’t use
it,” the innkeeper said in his halting English as he pushed aside
the door to face Jared and Merideth. “What’s all the commotion up
here? And what happened to my door?”

“There was an intruder,” Captain Blackstone
replied before Merideth could answer. “Now, as you can see, the
lady is not dressed for visitors.” After turning the grumbling
innkeeper out into the hallway, and promising to compensate him for
the damages, Jared repropped the door shut. When he looked back at
Merideth his arms were folded across his chest. He did nothing but

Merideth felt like a rabbit caught in a

She wet her lips. “I thought it was you... at
first.” She ignored his arched brow and continued. “But then I knew
it wasn’t.”

“This man, what did he look like?”

“I don’t know. It was dark.”

“But you are sure it wasn’t I?” His tone was

Merideth ignored the question. “He was
dressed in black, and he stood over my bed. Then... then I saw the

“Was he big? Little?”

“I don’t know, I tell you. It happened so
quickly.” Merideth searched her memory. “I awoke from a dream and
sensed someone was here. Then my eyes focused and I saw him.”

“But not clearly enough to tell if he was
large or small?”

Merideth returned Jared’s stare for a moment,
then threw off the blankets and scrambled from the bed. While he
watched, annoyed that he noticed the way the fine linen of her
shift clung to her body, she grabbed up her gown. “I saw the knife
clearly enough,” she insisted as she poked her arms into the

Jared regretted it when she yanked the bodice
up to cover herself. “What are you doing?”

“Obviously, I’m getting dressed. It’s
apparent you don’t believe me, and frankly I don’t care. But I have
no intentions of lying abed and waiting for whomever it was to

“Just what do you intend to do?”

His unconcerned tone infuriated her. The
trembling fear was only now leaving her limbs, and he acted as if
nothing had happened. “
intend to stay awake and keep

“ ‘Tis hours till dawn.”

“I don’t care.” Merideth strained against the
window, shutting it with a bang, fighting to ignore the feeling
that the room was closing in on her. Suddenly the air seemed
suffocating. But she sat on the only chair in the room and crossed
her arms.

“What will you do if he returns? You barely
have a door.”

“Apparently a locked door didn’t help last
time. In any case, I shall scream.”

“For me?” Jared’s brow arched, and his lips
lifted in a mocking grin.

“For anyone who will help me.”

“I see.” Jared leaned against the wall, one
ankle crossed over the other. He let out a deep breath before
continuing. “First of all, I never said I don’t believe you.”

Merideth’s snort sounded unladylike. “You
didn’t have to. I think I know when someone thinks I’m lying.”

“In this case you’re wrong. It happens I do
think you saw someone.”

“With a knife,” Merideth reminded.

“Aye, with a knife. But I imagine it was
simply a local ruffian infatuated with your comeliness.”

“So he decided to kill me?”

“Nay, chances are he had nothing more in mind
than to partake of your charms.”

“Partake of my...” Merideth leaped from the
chair, crossing the room to stand before him in four angry strides.
“I am Lady Merideth Banistar. People do not break into my room
to... to...” At a loss for what to say, Merideth lifted her chin.
“You may leave now,” she finally said, her voice and countenance
regal... haughty. To Jared’s way of thinking, amusing.

But he didn’t have the time or inclination to
be amused. He was tired, and sleepy, and wishing he could be done
with this business soon. Though he doubted the intruder would
return after all the commotion, he wasn’t taking any chances with
Lady Merideth Banistar while he was responsible for her. And thanks
to his cousin, Daniel, that would be until they reached Paris.

“Come along.”

“Where? What are you doing? Let go of me.”
Merideth batted at the hand clasping her arm.

no intention of sleeping in here
with the door broken, and you obviously need someone to watch out
for you.”

Regardless of her reluctance to accompany
him, Jared pulled Merideth into the hall. Several faces reappeared
at the doors, but no one seemed willing to offer her assistance
against the captain. When he ushered her inside his room and shut
the door, Merideth could have sworn she heard a collective sigh of
relief from the other passengers.

This room was similar to hers, with a chair,
broken-fronted chest of drawers, and a ratty-looking bed that took
most of the space. It was there that Merideth focused.

“If you think I shall be so grateful for your
questionable concern for my welfare that I’ll... I’ll...”

“Listen, Lady Merideth. Despite what happened
in the courtyard, I’ve no interest in you other than the
information you have about a certain traitor.”

“But I have no—”

Jared held his hand up to stop her protest.
“Therefore, if you would simply climb into that bed and get to
sleep, I’d be most grateful.”

Merideth pursed her lips. “Where do you
intend to sleep?”

“In the chair.” Jared’s jaw jutted toward the
rickety piece of furniture. “I assure you it will be fine. I’ve
done it before on board the
.” Without further
discussion Jared settled onto the rush-bottomed chair and leaned it
back on two legs.

Merideth slowly climbed into the bed. The
mattress was lumpy and smelled of unwashed bodies, but Merideth
imagined it considerably more comfortable than the captain’s chair.
She was about to make some comment about it when she heard his
muffled snore.

He was asleep. Some protection he would be if
the intruder returned. Even so, Merideth found she felt safe.
Before she knew it, dawn had paled the eastern sky and it was time
for their journey to continue.

For nearly a sennight they followed the same
routine. Merideth would ride in the cramped coach by day surrounded
by French-speaking strangers and roasting in the captain’s heavy
cloak. At night they would share a room.

He kept his distance.

After that first night the captain made
arrangements at every inn to have an extra cot or pallet moved into
the room. He stayed downstairs until Merideth had slipped out of
the gown and covered herself, then he entered, removed his shirt,
and settled in for the night.

He fell asleep quickly, always before
Merideth. But he was also quick to wake. When the dream recurred,
the suffocating feeling that walls were closing in on her, it only
took a strangled sob from Merideth for him to be at her side.

One night she woke with his knuckles tracing
a gentle path down her tear-streaked cheek. “What is it? What’s
wrong?” His voice was so low and soothing, Merideth hesitated
before turning away. But she knew better than to share her fears.
Her father had simply found them amusing. He’d teased her often.
And in the light of day, inside a large-enough room, Merideth could
laugh too. But the terror was still there.

Miss Alice’s reaction had been different. The
governess had felt the only way to conquer fear was to face it. And
if you couldn’t do that on your own, you could always be forced.
Memories of the times she was locked in the huge wardrobe in her
bedroom made Merideth tremble. Her breath caught and she leaped
from the bed, knocking Captain Blackstone aside.

“What the hell are you doing?” Jared stood
and watched her frantic movements, his hands resting loosely on his

“Opening”—Merideth paused to shove—“the
window.” A rush of air escaped her when the sash gave.

“For God’s sake, it’s raining. You’ll get...
.” His last word was only murmured as she stuck her head

Two steps brought him to her side. Cupping
her shoulders, Jared pulled her inside. Her hair was soaked, the
water drooping her curls and spiking her long lashes. “Are you
daft?” Jared looked down into eyes as bright and prismed as the
droplets on her skin “What’s gotten into you?”

“I don’t like to sleep with the window
closed,” she said before trying to twist away.

His hands tightened. His laugh held no mirth.
“Drenching yourself is not the answer.” As he spoke, Jared’s gaze
roamed over her. He almost groaned at what he saw. Her shift was
nearly transparent, made so by the wetness that also caused it to
cling to her body. Pink nipples, tight from the chill, beckoned.
His own body responded, hardened.

God, he wanted her.

Tomorrow they’d reach Paris. And he’d hand
her over to Dr. Franklin, or Daniel, if he was there. He’d never
have to see her again. He never
to see her again.

Their eyes met, and though she tried to make
her expression defiant, Jared saw burning in those blue depths the
same hunger that he felt. In the past, whenever he’d touched her,
she’d opened to him, responded in a way that no other woman ever
had. She would this time too. The moisture on her body nearly

She swallowed and Jared watched the sweet
curve of her neck. Then, as if trying to fight the inevitable, she
twisted away.

Jared jerked her back. Closer. Contact with
her dampened his skin. The feel of her warm, wet breasts against
his bare chest turning his blood to boil. His arousal pressed her
stomach and her eyes drifted shut.


Jared could taste it. Anticipated tasting

But though his lips hovered near hers, he
hesitated. At one point he’d thought to seduce her; now he greatly
feared he was the one being seduced. By a traitor.

Jared closed his eyes, trying to steady his
ragged breathing. Slowly he pushed her away, separating them,
denying himself the erotic sensation of her body against his.
“You’d best get out of those wet clothes,” he said, his voice

“What...?” Merideth’s eyes snapped open.
“Oh... oh, yes.” Moments ago, she thought, he had planned to kiss
her... and heaven help her, she’d wanted him to. But his expression
had hardened. Hands that had caressed now turned her toward the

“Hang your shift on the chair. It should dry
by morning.”

“Where are you going?” Merideth watched as he
grabbed up his shirt, pulling it over his head with jerky motions.
He strode to the door, removed the key from his breeches, and
opened the lock.

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