Seal All Exits (Tangled Web #3) (10 page)

BOOK: Seal All Exits (Tangled Web #3)
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“They’ve got a pool, so why not?”

Heather looked around.  It was bigger than she’d expected a sauna at a person’s home to be.  There were two levels, all made of wood—cedar, she thought—and the wall that had the door in it also had the little stove with rocks.  It wasn’t warm inside yet, but that was okay.  She knew it would be, and by the time it warmed up, she would be ready.  The air was cooler now that the night had fallen, and Heather was used to warmer temperatures.  Kiefer asked, “Dry sauna okay?”

Heather knew he was asking her if she wanted him to pour water over the rocks.  She didn’t feel like getting sweaty, so she said, “Yeah, that’s fine.”

He still didn’t come in yet, instead closing the door and leaving Heather inside.  She looked around the sauna.  It too was dark-ish, but the atmosphere inside the small space wasn’t as creepy as much of Johnny’s huge abode had been.  She loved the splashes of light on the pale wood, but she particularly liked the trailing lights on the risers of the benches.  Had the lights been colored rather than plain, it would have felt like Christmas.

Kiefer came back in the room holding two white, fluffy towels.  “One for you,” he said, handing it to her.  She would have wanted one if they’d been getting ready to go back in the rest of the house, but she hadn’t given it any thought while they were still in the pool area.  She smiled and unfolded the towel until it was only folded in half and then spread it on the wooden slats of the lower bench in front of her.  She sat down on the towel and then looked toward Kiefer.

Holy fuck.  He was still completely nude, and she hadn’t thought about it or even noticed it again until his junk was almost in her face.

She was pretty sure her cheeks were turning pink, but she hoped it wouldn’t be evident in the low light.  She flicked her eyes up to meet his, praying he hadn’t caught her looking just seconds earlier.

He was smiling as he walked over and sat beside her on a towel he tossed on the bench.  Heather was starting to warm up after her skin had been so cool from the time in the water.  She wasn’t too hot, though—it was pleasant and enjoyable, and if she was feeling hot, it was because Kiefer was settling in next to her.

But he’d already indicated he wanted to take it slow…if he wanted to go at all.  It was beginning to seem like he wanted to keep their relationship rated PG, if that—maybe even G.

Well, not G.  His naked ass and cock made sure of that.

But they weren’t anywhere near the upper limits of R or beyond…and, now that Heather had decided she wanted to play while she was at Katie’s, she was disappointed that he wasn’t taking her up on her offer.

For now, though, she wanted to simply enjoy the moment.  Kiefer had been acting playful since they’d entered the pool and the grin on his face told her he was still having fun, so she wanted to bask in the joy.  She rested her head back against the upper bench and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of the dry heat that was beginning to build in the room.

She decided she’d try a steamy sauna some other time while she was still visiting Katie, but she didn’t want to be dripping with sweat while she and Kiefer were touching arms.  Warm was good enough.

“Nice, huh?”


“I can make it nicer.”

Heather wasn’t about to open her eyes and give away her wishful thinking.  “Yeah, I bet you could.”

She felt his index finger on the side of her arm.  It lingered for a moment and then he trailed it down toward her elbow.  She debated with herself whether she wanted to look over at him or keep her eyes sealed shut.  When he began to drag his finger back up her arm, she couldn’t resist any longer and turned to him.  “
are a tease, Kiefer Steele.”

He grinned even though he looked dead serious.  “I can see how it might seem like that to you, but I can assure you I’m not.  I’d rather think of it as…

She couldn’t help that her eyebrows jumped halfway up her forehead, but this man continued to take her by surprise.  The sound in her voice was full of disbelief but her body was already starting to tingle at the possibility.  “Really?”

The gravelly quality his voice sometimes took on when he was singing was present and in full force when he replied, “Yeah.”  By the time he’d finished expelling the breath to say that word, his lips were millimeters from hers and his eyes, normally a light green, were smoky with the desire that Heather knew had to be rushing like a torrent through his veins.  She knew because she felt it too.

She couldn’t hold herself back any longer.  She wasn’t going to attack him like she had when he’d entered her room earlier that evening, but she had to do something.

It wasn’t hard.  He was so close, she could already feel him, already taste him before she tilted her head and brushed her lips against his.

This time, though, he didn’t push her away.  His lips and tongue responded.  It was a slow, gentle, sweet kiss at first, but as they continued, it grew deep, reflecting the unexpressed desire she knew they both felt deep inside.

And she might not have wanted to be caught naked in the pool, but she definitely wanted to have sex in the sauna.  It was
tempting to not just grab his cock, but she restrained herself.  Instead, she grazed her fingernails along his back, wrapped his hair in her fists, dragged her fingers down the length of his chest…and when her hand brushed against his hardness, she relished the way he tensed up at her touch.  That was when she decided to move in for the kill and wrap a hand around his erection, but his lips had been moving down her neck and he had unfastened her bra.  Now that his lips and tongue were lavishing attention on her breast, she had to pause so she could feel grounded again.

She forced herself to focus finally and began trailing the backs of her fingers up his thigh, but when she turned them over and began to run a finger along the length of his cock, he said, “Uh-uh.  Not yet.”  His voice was low, husky…sexy, and it caused a violent shiver to tear up her spine.  She was starting to feel not just warm but hot, and even the shiver didn’t stop the fever that was growing inside her.

He looked up and his drying saliva caused her hard nipple to ache even more.  She knew she must look like a desperate, crazed animal at this point, but it couldn’t be helped.  He leaned close to her and her eyes fluttered, ready for her mouth to be devoured by his again, but he instead rubbed his thumb on her bottom lip.  “So sweet.”  He nudged his thumb inside her mouth between her teeth and she scraped them against his skin without biting down hard, causing him to grin.  Then she flicked her tongue on his thumb and she saw the fire in his eyes flare again.  He took out his thumb and she bit her lip, noticing her breathing was heavy and almost out of control.

She felt his fingers move down her body again, but this time they closed around the sides of her panties.  “Off they go,” he said, but she had to sit up and also grab them to pull them off.  They were wet and clingy against her skin, unwilling to part with her.

She should have felt cooler with all the clothes off, but between the heat coming from the sauna and her own internal flames, she was close to catching on fire.  At this point, only Kiefer could cool her off, but she hoped he’d help her explode first.

His tongue lapped at a nipple again, and she sucked in a deep breath while it pebbled up in response.  She jammed her fingers in his hair, holding his skull tightly in between her palms as she felt an uneasiness between her legs, a desperation, a desire that she knew Kiefer could fulfill but an unhealthy need that she wasn’t sure he’d understand.  Fortunately, she didn’t have to explain, because he seemed to know what she required.

Her muscles grew more taut as he moved his lips to the center of her torso and began making a trail down.  When he got lower, though, he slid his hands down her thighs, easing them apart, and then he kissed up one thigh from her knee up, stopping just as he reached the top. Heather let out a heavy sigh, and he looked up at her.  “I know this sounds weird, but put your feet on the bench.”

“Like this?”  She was almost in a squatting position, except her ass was still seated.

“Yeah, and this.”  He wound his arms around her back and slid her farther down the bench until her heels almost fell off the edge.  She felt a little awkward and off balance at first, but his tongue hit its target fast—a little dart on her clit—and she was no longer going to question his request.  She grabbed onto his shoulders to give herself a sense of equilibrium and then, in essence, held on for the ride.

Jesus.  She was going from sixty to one hundred in seconds.  Holy shit.  His tongue felt soft against that little nub of flesh but it was driving her mad.  She didn’t know that she’d ever been taken from hot and bothered to teetering on the edge quite so quickly before.  Her breath was coming in gasps as her body tried to adjust and prepare for the impending release.

She could feel liquid dripping down her crack, being absorbed by the towel, and if she hadn’t been so desperate and needy, she might have laughed as the thought that Kiefer was salivating all over her ran through her head.  And then—again, had she not been so on edge—she would have gasped in horror as she realized it wasn’t Kiefer’s saliva that she felt.

It was her own juices that she felt.

Yeah, she knew she got wet.  She’d felt it and also knew how it added to the feel of sex.  The wetter she was, the more a guy could glide in and out.  But
?  This was ridiculous, the amount of moisture her body was creating…and there was no stopping it.

“Oh, God!”  She couldn’t help the spontaneous flow of words from her mouth, and she felt a snort of breath from him.  She looked down at him—he really wasn’t far away at all because of the weird angle she was sitting at—and saw a big grin on his face.  His eyes met hers and then they changed—dark, desirous, and if he was trying to communicate with her, he was saying one thing and one thing only:  this is what I want to do, and every little thing you do in response makes it amazing for me.  She wanted to say something to him then but she was breathless, and she was barely able to suck more air into her lungs before he hit her with another stroke that forced her to close her eyes and make her knuckles white as one gripped the bench and the other fisted his hair, hanging on for the ride.

She knew she continued making little noises, but she couldn’t help it, and she wasn’t going to fight it.  Add to that the things she would normally be processing in her head at a time like this were gone, and she knew she had Kiefer to thank for that.  He’d brought her to the brink so quickly, she could barely register anything aside from the sensation he was creating between her legs, that feeling that all she was, all she knew was collected right there, and that after the culmination of what was to be, she could die.  Right now, it was that climax that she was living for, breathing for…

That feeling of imminence exploded just then, into a million pieces of ecstasy in her head.

Yeah, that feeling.  It was the one, the only goddamned thing in her life that no one could take from her.

The moment she could let go of





Chapter Ten


WOW.  KIEFER HADN’T expected his little walk with Heather to culminate in cunnilingus, but fate had offered him the perfect opportunity, and he wasn’t the kind of guy to back down from a gift like that.

Even better was that she’d responded like her body had been made for him.  He’d barely fucking touched her and she’d given herself completely over and then simply collapsed under the pressure of his tongue.

Now, if he could just wrap his mind around the two different sides of her, his life would be peachy.

He didn’t have much time to think, though.  Heather had laid her head back against the bench, sighing and smiling and then even giggling.  He barely had time to admire the sight of her.  It was like there was a glow around the woman, and it wasn’t from the twinkly lights in the sauna.  No, she had a light that shone from her, and it was the first time he’d noticed it.  He hoped it wasn’t the last.

He had to quit focusing on that shit.  Instead, he wanted to admire her body.  She didn’t seem quite comfortable in her skin, but he couldn’t see why not.  She didn’t have the body of someone with her background.  He knew, based on their past conversations, that she could have paid for any damn kind of body she’d wanted.  Instead, it was like she was proud of the scars she had.

Only he knew that wasn’t true.  She was ashamed of her body. How or why he knew…he couldn’t pinpoint.  He only knew.

She had lovely round breasts with dark areolas and, even though she was trimmed below, she wasn’t completely nude…or sporting a landing strip as was all the rage.  He liked women to look more natural, so he appreciated the hair, no matter how closely cropped it was.  But, as he continued admiring her feminine hips, he noticed stretch marks along the sides of her body, her upper thighs, and her breasts.  That wasn’t all, though.  There were tiny cuts on the insides of her arms, lined up like matchsticks.  They weren’t recent, but there was no hiding the scars.

No tattoos.  No piercings.  Just…Heather.

And, as fucking stupid as it was, he thought he might be falling for this woman.

Before he could give it any more brain time, Heather was sitting up again, giving him a quizzical look.  At first, he figured she was going to start questioning him.  Instead, her warm hand wrapped around his shaft, and he went from semi-erect to full-on hard in two seconds as his blood rushed to respond.

His first reaction was to call her
, but he thought better of it.  Something told him Heather would not respond well to an endearment such as that.  But his mind was half gone and it was getting difficult to think clearly through the rush of desire swirling through his veins.  “Hey…we don’t have to.  I don’t have a condom on me.”

Obviously.  He hadn’t brought shit to the sauna.

She grinned, and a thought flashed through his brain.  She looked like she wanted to eat him alive.

Turned out she did.  “No need for one.  It’s your turn.”

“Aw, you don’t have to—”  But the next words turned to air as she slid his cock into her mouth. 
Holy hell.
  He hadn’t wanted her to feel obliged, but now he couldn’t give it any more thought.  She was doing it, whether he’d meant for her to or not.

And, shit, was she good.  He closed his eyes and let his head bend backward, allowing himself to enjoy the pleasant sensations her tongue, mouth, and teeth were creating, not to mention how she was cupping his balls with her hands.  He’d stood up after squatting in front of her while she’d managed to get her wits about her and catch her breath.  He’d been planning to sit beside her but now he wasn’t going to move.

Sweet Jesus.  Her mouth, the way it gripped his cock and pulled him in and out, varying the pressure of the suction but never letting go, it was masterful.  He’d never complained about blowjobs—they were
good, even when the girl hadn’t quite had the hang of it—but this one had to be in his top five.  He didn’t want to think about if that meant Heather had had lots of experience giving them or if she was just a natural…

And why, exactly, did he give a fuck?  She was here,
with him
, right now.  That was all that mattered.

was why he was enjoying it so much—because it

She took him down deep into her throat and that was just too much.  He let out a groan and shoved his fingers into her hair.  And, as if she could read his mind, she seemed to make an effort to see if she could make it that much more intense.  She drew him in deeper, harder, and faster, and then he could no longer hold his load.

He swallowed after a few seconds, trying to catch his breath, and realized he had gripped her hair as though it were rope and he was hanging off the edge of a cliff.  He loosened his hold, sucked in a deep breath, and eased himself onto the bench next to her.

Goddamn.  He felt insanely good and knew he had the stupidest grin on his face.  He stole a glance at Heather.  She brushed her bottom lip with her index finger and smiled at him, giggling, resting her head against his chest when he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

The temperature in the sauna might be too warm for sleeping, but he was considering it.  This hot woman—his best friend, no less—an amazing orgasm that still had his head swimming, and no reason to get dressed.  It was awfully tempting.

* * *

Kiefer stirred, feeling almost well rested.  It took him a second to get his bearings, and he realized his arm was draped over Heather.  Just like the morning before, he felt a cool mountain breeze passing over his shoulder.  Unlike the day before, though, he was perfectly happy to stay in bed, under the covers, curled up next to this woman’s warm body.  Hell, he could stay here all day.

He pulled her closer, bringing her back up to his chest.  She fit him perfectly, as though she were made for him.  Her light hair filled his nostrils with the scent of vanilla, making him that much more reluctant to stir.  Without giving it any conscious thought, Kiefer kissed her head before turning his slightly to the side, planning to go back to sleep.

Heather moved a little, though, and asked, “How long have you been awake?”

His voice was gravelly when he responded.  “Not long at all.  I just woke up.”

She was quiet for a few seconds before she said, “It smells good up here, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, it does.”

“I wonder what time it is.”

“Mmm.  No idea.”

She was moving around, just a little, and at first Kiefer just thought she was adjusting, trying to get comfortable again.  It wasn’t until he felt his dick waking up too that he realized she was moving around to get that exact response from him.  “Think we have time before breakfast?”

He chuckled.  “I always have time for

Her voice sounded like a purr.  “I’m so glad you said that.”  It was going to take everything in him to not just shove his dick inside her right this second, but she seemed ready.  He decided to check things out and then decide a course of action.  He started by touching his lips to her neck.  One kiss below her ear and she was sighing.  He slid his hand up her belly to touch her breast.  The nipple was rigid, and as he brushed his fingers over it, rubbing it between his finger and thumb, he heard a soft moan form in her throat.  Yeah…no sense dragging his feet.

His hand left her breast as he brushed it along her abdomen to the spot between her legs—the true test of how ready she was.  As his finger led the way down her slit, he felt her adjust again, parting her legs slightly to let him in.  She let another noise of pleasure drift from her lips as he discovered she was slick below.

Definitely ready.  There had been nothing to worry about.

Fortunately, he’d been smart the night before.  He’d thought they might make love again before drifting off to sleep after returning to her room, so he’d placed his wallet, complete with two condoms, on the nightstand next to the bed, but he’d had no need to use them.  They had fallen asleep not long after lying down.

He’d have to worry about coming up with more condoms later, but he was good for now.  While he felt around behind him for the wallet, she turned her head and shoved her fingers in his hair.  He could take the hint, so he began kissing her neck again while his hand groped for what he needed.

When he found the condom, he pulled it out of the wallet, which dropped to the floor right after.  He brought the condom packet up to his face, though, and he quit kissing Heather’s neck.  He bit down on an edge of the packet to tear it open and then he freed the condom from the package to slide it on his cock.

Seconds later, he was gliding inside her for the first of many strokes.  The first one, though…that was always a huge relief, because he knew release was near.  Heather said, “Oh, yeah,” signaling him to keep going.

Like he could have stopped at that point.

He slid his hand down the side of her body to halfway down her thigh and then drifted back up, only he had one target in mind.  Heather seemed to be enjoying the feel of just his cock assaulting her, but he wanted to make it as pleasurable an experience as possible.  Her hands were back in his hair, but her left one she was moving more until her nails bit into the back of his neck.  For some reason, it made him thrust harder, and she responded with more coos and groans.

And then he let his fingers massage her clit, and he thought she was going to implode right then and there.  She grew louder and sounded more demanding, and by that point, he simply hoped he could hold out until she reached her climax.  That was the danger at this point—that he wouldn’t be able to last.

Even though it felt incredible, he focused his attention on prolonging it, on
coming.  He couldn’t help but enjoy it, and he was glad the condom muted the feeling a little, but he wasn’t letting himself give in entirely.  After a few minutes of gently massaging Heather’s clit, she quivered and moaned and he knew by the way her legs clenched that she was climaxing.  He didn’t let up the motion, wanting her to derive as much pleasure as possible from his double assault, but he felt at last like he could let himself go.  It wasn’t long after that he felt the pressure build up to an impossible point at the base of his cock before it exploded and all rational thought, if it had actually already been there, rushed out of his head, replaced by a feeling of lightness and unbelievable happiness.

Kiefer rarely felt in everyday life like he did in the moments just after orgasm.  It was a short time of amazing bliss without any worries or cares or fears.  It was a time where he had no doubts about himself or his place in the universe.  Those moments were rare and so he thought he appreciated them more for that reason.

But here with Heather?  Even better.

Once he felt like he had his wits about him again, he kissed her shoulder.  He almost started laughing as he thought about it, how he had no fucking control over himself once he got to the point of no return.  He often wondered what would happen if someone walked in on him at just that moment.  How would he react?  Would he be able to stop the orgasm or would it already be locked and loaded?  Was he loud?

And why did he care?

He still thought it was funny and was continuing to smile when Heather said, “Wow.”

He was pretty sure she’d be able to hear the glee in his voice when he replied, “No shit.”

She turned her head toward him.  God, she looked so content.  She put him in the mind of a cat, ready to purr.  If she’d been one, he wouldn’t have been able to resist scratching behind her ears.  Instead, he kissed her on the temple.  “Guess we better get ready for breakfast now, right?”

“Mmm.  Yeah.”  Heather stretched a little, prompting him to pull out the rest of the way.  “But, first, why don’t we jump in the shower?”

“Sounds like a plan.”  And he wouldn’t have minded if every single damn day started out like this.


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