Season of Desire: Complete Edition (16 page)

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Even if without the long ignition of my desire, the tormenting delight of Miles’s tongue would soon whip me up into a frenzy. He’s dipped to my slit and is pressing his tongue deep in the hole, then returning to my clit to tickle and tease. I want to seize his head, hold that maverick tongue to its work and make it release me from this building fury inside, but I daren’t act on my own initiative. The idea of his stopping now is beyond what I could take.

I’ve stopped thinking about his cock, or about his fingers, and can do nothing but concentrate on that insistent, lapping, nipping mouth, the nimble tongue that can find the apex of my clitoris and then anoint my lips with broad delicious strokes, before fucking me with it so it feels almost like a cock.

I’m in a fever of excitement and I know my climax is not far off. It’s building like a tornado inside me and any second now I will be taken up into its whirling heart.

Is Miles going to let me come? He must! I can’t stand this!

I know he is in complete control of me. He could be intending to play a tormenting game of bringing me to the brink and then holding me back. In a way, I want that too. I don’t want this to end. I want this rapture to go on for ever – or, at least, for hours.

But I can’t fight the sensations building inside. I’m beyond control now, I can think of nothing but the intensity of the passion rising within me.

His tongue engulfs my clitoris, he’s biting me gently, the tip of his tongue flutters hard on the peak of pleasure. I can’t do anything now but let the pleasure expand and possess me, taking me wherever it wants.

‘I’m coming . . .’ I gasp, as his mouth continues its divine work. He doesn’t let up but sucks harder and tickles me more fiercely and then at last, the great convulsion comes and I’m shuddering with the force of my orgasm, my head twisting back and forth, my eyes squeezed shut as I concentrate on the explosion of dark, starry pleasure that rocks my body. I’ve never known an orgasm so electrically fierce – my whole body shakes with it, my thighs tensing as I buck and thrash in its power while still that insistent tongue licks and licks me.

It seems to go on for minutes before the spasms begin to subside, leaving me spent and panting. I forgot everything in the force of my climax, and I’m almost surprised to find I’m still in the hut, on the floor, lying on a heap of sleeping bags, my head on my jacket. Miles raises himself from the place between my thighs and lies down beside me, taking my hand in his. He smiles as I blink slowly and luxuriously at him, my breathing slowing as my heart rate returns to normal.

‘Well, Winter,’ he says, ‘here endeth the lesson.’

Chapter Eight

I sigh with that languorous post-orgasmic satisfaction and nestle into his chest.

Gazing up at him, I say, ‘That was incredible.’

‘Just a beginner’s guide to the mouth. There’s much more to learn, believe me.’ He smiles down at me.

‘I can’t wait for you to teach me everything you know. But . . .’ I brush my hand over the fine wool of his jumper. ‘What about you? Don’t you have needs you want fulfilled? I feel that I’m the one getting all the attention.’

He strokes a finger over my cheek. ‘You’re very generous but at the moment, I’m the tutor, remember? I can hold back my own needs in favour of your education.’

‘But still . . .’ I want to reach out to that hardness at his groin. I want to caress and kiss him, give him back a little of the pleasure he’s given me. But I daren’t do it without permission. ‘Tutor,’ I venture shyly, ‘I don’t know what you have in mind for the next lesson . . .’

‘Eager to begin again already? I salute your desire for knowledge,’ he murmurs.

‘I am,’ I reply quickly. ‘I want to carry on learning as soon as I can.’

‘Very admirable,’ he says, and kisses my lips softly. ‘Perhaps you’re right – there’s a way to continue your education and allow some natural relief on my part. Giving you so much enjoyment has caused some tension. The delightful orgasm you just enjoyed was very stimulating for me. Very stimulating indeed . . .’ He kisses me harder and as his tongue probes my mouth, I can taste a honeyed saltiness on his lips.
My juices.

The orgasm has taken some of the fever out of my body but my desire is stirring again, this time without the unbearable drawn-out frenzy of our first encounter. Nevertheless I’m hungry to taste his body properly.

‘May I be allowed to touch you?’ I whisper. ‘You haven’t let me see your body yet.’

‘A good point.’ He thinks for a moment. ‘Perhaps it will be an important part of the syllabus to examine me. Yes, Winter, you’ve hit on an excellent idea. Our next lesson will be a simple biology one.’ He sits up and takes off his jumper, revealing his incredible body. I gasp to see it so close to me: his muscled strength is almost overwhelming. His shoulders are broad and powerful and the curves of his biceps are deceptively gentle but I know that they are iron-hard. His skin is smooth and tanned, sprinkled with dark hair that also curls alluringly in his armpits and is scattered over his well-defined pecs with their small, dark red nipples. His torso narrows into a rippling abdomen and that trail of hair around his belly button leads downwards as if promising a path to pleasure. He’s aware of me drinking in the sight of him. ‘The male body,’ he says with a smile.

‘I don’t think you’re exactly a typical example,’ I breathe, awed by the sight of his physical perfection.

‘I’ll do for study purposes. Note the differences between us, Winter, but also our similarities. The male nipple, for example, is also a pleasure spot like your own. The male scent is trapped in the hair that we allow to grow on our body – unless you’re the chest-waxing type, which I am not – and the female responds to it. It contributes to her own arousal, and the release of her own sexual aromas. Smell is very important . . .’ His voice is low, hypnotic. ‘Try it.’

I move my face towards his naked skin, and when I’m close to him, the heat radiating from him, I inhaled deeply. He’s right – his scent is dark, cedary, with a top note of sweetness. My nostrils flare slightly as I take in the aroma. Arousal is there, and tang of something bitter and yet alluring. I move my face across his chest, inhaling, taking in long breaths that are delicious and darkly exciting, ripe with musk and sharp with a tang of something else. I think of how much has happened – his efforts to save the car from crashing, my rescue from it before it plunged over the edge of the cliff, the walks through the storm where every step was a battle through the fierce wind. The story of everything that’s happened to us is in the smell of his body and it’s exhilarating. Usually I would be repelled by anything less than absolute freshness but circumstances have forced me to accept standards that in normal life would horrify me. The idea of a man who hadn’t just showered would usually be repugnant but there’s nothing offensive about Miles: everything about him is exciting and alluring.

‘You smell amazing,’ I murmur. He’s right, my body is responding to the effect of his scent. I can feel a buzz in my depths that replies to it as it enters my nostrils. I want to lick him and taste him, but I restrain myself. The lesson is not over yet.

‘Now, run your hands over me and feel the difference between us.’

At last, I can touch him. I’ve been dying for this. Having him so close and yet being forbidden to touch him has been torture. I reach out to his tanned skin. It’s smooth and warm and my fingertips tingle as I feel him beneath them. But where my flesh is soft and yielding, his is firm, the muscles that lie beneath worked into a state of iron hardness. He moves slightly and I feel the flexing strength in his chest and arms. I pull in a sharp breath – that movement sends a thrill of desire rushing through me. I move my hand over the undulations of his chest, circling each dark nipple and then running my fingertip down the narrow seam that runs down between his abs to the trail of dark hair. He’s watching me all the time, his eyes hooded slightly so I can’t see the effect I’m having on him, but even though he’s lying still and breathing in a controlled, measured way, I think that my touch is having the desired effect. I can see now that there is a fearsome bulge in the groin of his jeans, a sight that provokes a shiver of intoxicating anticipation.

‘May I kiss you, Tutor?’ I ask breathily. ‘I want to touch your skin.’

‘You may,’ he replies and I press my lips to his firm chest, then run my tongue to his left nipple, circling it carefully for a while before drawing the little nugget into my mouth. I pull on it, grazing it lightly with my teeth while sucking, and it hardens gratifyingly under my ministrations. His chest is rising and falling a little quicker now and I move my face across it, inhaling the scent that clings to the dark hairs there, before tending to his right nipple in the same way, running my hands over him as I suck. When I look at him, his eyes have darkened even further, the lust in them impossible to mistake. Perhaps my tutor might not be as controlled and restrained as he likes to think . . .

There’s only one thing I want now, and that’s to see what lies beneath his jeans. I’m eager to give his cock my attention.

‘Are you ready for the next part of your biology lesson, Winter?’ His voice is lazy but below its insouciance I can hear a throb of passion.

‘Yes,’ I say happily.

‘Excellent. Then you may undo my jeans and release me.’

This is what I’ve been waiting for. Eagerly, I undo the button and slowly slide down the zip. Something twitches and moves beneath the denim. He’s wearing blue boxer shorts and I can see now that he’s bulging against them. The waistband of his jeans has been holding down his monstrous erection but as I open them, the great shaft is free and juts out, making a tent-shape in the boxers. I still can’t see it but I can feel the heat emanating from his stiff rod. I long to touch it and kiss it, set it free to be caressed, but I don’t know yet if I dare. I look up at Miles again. I know my face is flushed and my lips are moist where I’ve been licking my lips with desire to taste him in my mouth.

‘May I?’ I ask humbly.

‘Follow your desires,’ he says.

I slip my hand into the gap in his shorts and take his cock in my hand, pulling it out into the open. It’s smooth and hot and the girth makes me take in a sharp breath and my sex twitches in response to the promise Mile’s shaft holds for me. Like his muscled arms and chest, the velvety smoothness conceals a rock-like hardness and at the top the round head is swollen and flushed, ready for my attentions. This evidence of his desire for me is exciting and rouses my passions further. I’m growing wet and ready again, my bud swelling once more, keen for further pleasure. I dip down and take the hot head of his cock into my mouth, stretching my lips wide to accommodate it, while I play my hand along the shaft, moving the skin beneath my fingertips. At its root I can feel a nest of coarse hair and the tight sack of his balls and I slip a finger down to touch them. As I do, I hear him breathe hard, and when I roll my tongue around the tip of his erection, he moans appreciatively. My stomach tingles with excitement to know that I’m pleasuring him, even if I’m no expert. But this is pleasuring me as much as him: I revel in the feel and taste of his cock in my mouth, and the sense of power in the huge erection I’m toying with. I kiss and suck the head for longer, not able to get much more of it into my mouth in the position I’m in, while rubbing the shaft and tickling his balls.

When he speaks, his voice is thickened by lust. ‘Take off my jeans and shorts,’ he commands.

I leave his cock for long enough to do as he says, pulling his jeans and boxers down over hard muscled thighs and off him, discarding them in a heap while I return to his jutting erection. He is a truly magnificent sight, his cock rising thickly from the curling dark hair at its base, looking almost too large ever to be accommodated by me, but I’m longing to try. First I dip my head to kiss it again, this time running my tongue over the soft veined surface and breathing in the exhilarating scent of his maleness.

‘Play like that for a while,’ he says. ‘See if you can show me what you’ve learned about the mouth.’

I happily obey, sucking on him, rolling my tongue over the top of his cock, probing the tiny slit on the top, taking the smooth surface into my mouth and grazing my teeth across it. I rub at the shaft while I suck on his delicious knob, using more and more pressure as my own passions grow. I don’t know how long I can do this now without demanding that he fuck me properly, but luckily our thoughts are in unison, because when his cock is standing more stiffly than ever and throbbing hard under my hand, he moves suddenly. He takes me in his arms and kisses me, and I open my mouth to him so our tongues can meet. We are more close than ever, taking our pleasure in the long open kisses, our tongues darting in and out, playing on lips, running over teeth. My heart is racing as I feel him press his great hard thing against my belly. He turns me onto my back, presses my legs apart with his thigh and moves between them.

We’re staring deep into each other’s eyes now, reading our fevered lust there, and in our open mouths and panting breaths. I want him so badly, everything in me yearning for the feel of that splendid cock in me. I know this will be unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before but I’m more than ready for it.

We kiss again, our mouths hot, and I open my thighs wider to him, hoping to urge him on. Now I can feel him, that glorious stiffness hard against my mound, my little bud eager to cling to it and feel it rub across it. I moan.

‘Oh, please . . . I want it . . .’

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