Sebastian: The Complete Series (23 page)

BOOK: Sebastian: The Complete Series
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“Hmmm.” I was too busy concentrating on how good it felt to be back in his arms, and in my bed, not a hotel, but in
apartment. It felt surreal almost.

He pressed my stomach, feeling around all doctor-like, and I watched him in silence until it hit me what he was doing.

“I didn’t throw up earlier.” I’d gone through all this with my parents as a kid and I wasn’t about to go through it again. “Honestly, don’t do this to me. I'm not a child.”

“I'm allowed to worry about you, and you know better than most how untrustworthy people with an eating disorder are about food. I'm just looking out for you.”

“I don’t lie. I never did. Not even when I suffered really badly with this as a kid. I always told my mum everything.”

“How did this start? You said at ten?”

“I didn’t have the best time at school, let’s say. I wasn’t into girls and ‘boys’ stuff. It got noticed. I knew then I liked boys. I hadn't done anything about it, but I knew I didn’t want to chase girls around in the playground. I was a bit of a book nerd, liked to sit inside and read, not play sports like the other boys. I was also chubby. Seriously, I have pictures. I was overweight and wore glasses—NHS ones which were thick and black. I still need them to read, new flashy ones, obviously, but I manage without them for everything else.”

“I think you'd look sexy in glasses.” He placed a soft kiss under my ear as he whispered the words to me.

“I do. I look sexy in,
and out
, of most things.” I caught a moan in my throat as he placed another kiss in the same place.

“Things will get better, Sebastian, and soon. I promise.”

He massaged my shoulders and back, still spreading those short, soft kisses all over my neck, lulling me into a sleepy, relaxed state which left me almost purring.

“Thank you for coming.” I couldn't believe that was the first time I’d said those words.

“No one could have stopped me from being here with you.” He ran his rough palms down my back until I was dropping off. “Sleep, baby. I’ll be right here when you wake up.”


hen I woke a couple of hours later, I found Robert sleeping behind me and the apartment in an eerie silence, which meant Harry and Leigh had gone out for the afternoon or they were in bed… hopefully not sleeping.

Straining to hear any signs of activity, I lifted my head from the pillow and glared at the door. I don’t know why. Maybe I thought if I tried hard enough, I would develop some sort of power Superman-style and see through walls and shit.

Surprisingly… that didn’t happen.

I know, right! Who would have thought?

“Harry popped in—”

I practically jumped off the bed in surprise when Robert spooked the shit out of me by talking. He laughed hard and loud, covering his mouth up and trying to stop himself, but it did nothing to stop the snorting coming out through his fingers.

“Prick.” I turned around and smiled at him. “What was that about Harry?”

Robert kissed my nose, then smiled. “He popped his head in the door about half an hour ago and said he had an appointment. I got the feeling he wasn’t going to leave Leigh here unattended with me in the apartment and you sleeping. He went with him.”

“He took Leigh with him? How’s that going to work? Christ, I really hope he didn’t.”

Robert creased his forehead. “Isn't Leigh an escort too?”

“Nope. Never happen. He’s a civilian like you.” I grinned at him. “Well… now.” I yawned, then paused with my mouth open like a fish while I tried to turn back time and stop that from slipping out.

Unfortunately, like the Superman door thingy, it didn’t work.

Damn! Just one super power would be awesome. It’s not asking too much, is it?

“He was a client?”

I faked yawning again, mainly so I couldn't talk, and then reached over for the bottle of water by the bed.

He nudged my ribs gently. “Was he and Harry like me and you?”

“No.” I moved closer to him, distracting him, or trying to, with soft little kisses on his chest. “They met later and just kind of hit it off. They’re not
together. It’s early days. I told you, Leigh’s new.”

“Right. So, they met through another escort then?”

Perceptive little fucker, ain’t he?

“Yeah. Leigh hadn't come out. Married guy paying for it elsewhere, turned out bad. No one’s fault.” Especially not mine. “He got chucked out by his wife, obviously, went off the rails. We found him and took him in.”

“Why?” Robert
. I could tell. He
it was me.

“I'm a nice guy, Robert.” I rolled the r and t and smiled up at him.

“You were the escort he paid.” It wasn’t a question. He was telling me what he knew.

“Yeah,” I drawled out the word, giving up the pretence and going with honesty. “Hmm, funny how things work out, isn't it?” I grinned at him and he dead panned me right back. “Ugh, Robert. It was... He was… I mean, he’s really… It’s complicated.” I ended with a sigh.

“Like I'm complicated? Like you and me are complicated? Like he’s living with you and now I'm here?” Robert frowned at me, shifting further from me on the bed.

“What? No, we’re nothing like what happened with Leigh and me. And, he’s with Harry. Sort of. Maybe. In-the-future-it-could-happen-sort-of-thing-if-they-work-their-shit-out-and-keep-calm.”

The last bit was one big word, no breaks or anything. Think Mary Poppins and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but with a lot more nervous tension.

I was planning to develop a song and dance to go with my new word. Maybe some sort of matching outfits for me and Robert with shiny bells on it which jingled when we moved. I could see it all happening in front of my eyes as I spaced out on the bed, inserting me as Mary Poppins—minus the dress—singing around, dancing with cartoons. Harry and Leigh could help out.

Yeah, it was good. One day I’ll do it and invite you all to watch.

So, anyway…

Robert stood up from the bed, wearing just his tight shorts and stealing my attention from planning the much needed choreography of my new Broadway show.

“Maybe this is a good link to talking about us.” I crawled to the other side of the bed and held his shoulder, stopping him from going any further. “I don’t want you to think I have Leigh here for any other reason than I felt guilty for what happened to him. He’s here for Harry, not me. I want you.”

He released a deep breath as I knelt up and wrapped my arms around his firm stomach. “I want you too, Sebastian, but what I want, I don’t know if we can ever have.”

“We could list all the reasons this wouldn’t work out between us. Or we could just accept them and try it anyway. I know this isn't the start of a relationship either of us wanted, but it’s still a start, Robert. That is… if you want that with me.” Maybe he didn’t. Maybe he didn’t mean a relationship.

“I want the chance of starting something. Despite everything we’ve done and gone through since we met, there’s still so much we don’t know about each other.” He turned and held me in his arms. “Like your surname.”

“Oh.” I chuckled. “Yeah, good start. It’s Knight.” He frowned at me. “No, it is. Sebastian Knight. I'm not lying.” I could tell by his face he was questioning me, so I reached over and pulled out my driving licence from my wallet and showed it to him. “See.” He shifted from foot to foot, a small blush reaching his cheeks. “It’s okay. I always get looks about it. Not as much as my dad. Want to know his name?” Robert smiled softly, running his fingers through my messy hair. “Michael. Michael Knight. No lie!”

Robert stopped stroking my hair and looked down with a cheeky grin on his face, those dimples were on full show for me and making me shiver. “Like, Michael Knight from…” He looked into space for a moment. “That car thing…
Knight Rider

“That's the one.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed the corner of his mouth. “He was obviously born before the TV show. Never stopped the endless questions and smirks though.” I kissed him again on the other side of his mouth. “Now you know something new about me. What about you?”

“My surname?”

“No, I know that.” I rolled my eyes. “Mr Barrett.”

“What do you want to know?” He pushed me back on the bed, moving with me and kneeling over me as he stared into my eyes.

“Everything.” I grinned up at him.

“Hmm, might take some time. Maybe you should go first. You have less years to go through.” He kissed me and I immediately opened my mouth and moaned. “Maybe we should do this off the bed. I’ve missed you. It’s taken a Herculean effort not to fuck you so far and I'm losing control of my libido with you underneath me.”

My hips connected with his, and I rubbed our stiffening cocks together, watching his mouth part and eyes darken. “Talking we can do when Harry and Leigh get back. Us fucking like rampant sex starved rabbits and not worrying about them hearing us… that can’t.”

Neither of us wore hardly any clothes. His shorts were pulled hastily from his firm arse, and I had them in my palms, cupping them and rubbing them gruffly as his cock brushed against mine, still hidden beneath the thin material of my own shorts.

When my hand curled around the base of his thick cock, he grunted into my mouth, lips pausing as he jerked into my clenched fist. We were both more than ready for this moment to happen. Our patience and control slipped passed us and disappeared over the horizon, and we were both caught up on the freight train of lust speeding on the track, one we couldn’t slow down or stop no matter how much we tried.

“Sebastian,” Robert moaned my name, desperately tugging my shorts down and working his cock into my fist. The wetness of his precum leaking over my fingers as I twisted my palm over his head drew out a long sigh from my kiss swollen lips.

I wanted this man so much I could feel it in every bone in my body.

It ran too deep inside me.

Hurt too much to think about stopping or letting him go.

“I need you,” he groaned against my lips before crushing our mouths together in a bruising, determined, lose your mind kiss, which took every bit of air from my lungs and left me limp beneath his big frame crowding me. His big body was over mine, arms and legs on either side of me, my thighs pinned in between his. I was being pleasantly suffocated by the scent of him, the taste, the need escaping his pores and crashing against me.

The feel of his calloused palm running up my cock took everything else from my world away, leaving just us, just that one moment in time where his touch made me connect with him more than I’d ever connected to another living person.

I had to escape his mouth for a moment just to catch a deep breath, tilting my head and panting into the pillow, his lips immediately finding that insane part of super sensitive skin under my ear, spreading demanding kisses and bites until he took to sucking. I was goo again underneath him. I felt like jelly and briefly wondered how he did this to me.

When I felt his own cock running against the hot, painfully hard length of my own cock, I garbled his name, lifting into his touch, crying out when I felt his blistering heat and stiff cock on mine, his meaty hand confining both of us in his tender but strong hold, working us both into a higher state of desperation than I thought we could get so quickly.

It had been so long since we’d been with each other. Okay, not really super long, but still, longer than the day I would choose to be apart from him. That’s all it took, one day. Twenty four hours and I was lost in desperation for his touch, for his voice, his scent—I had no control over how I wanted him, it hurt me to feel how low I got when he wasn’t right beside me.

“Robert.” I really wish I could voice all of the mumbled things going on in my brain when he touched me, but his name was the only thing which I could get out.

Robert lifted off my neck, kissing the tender area he’d been sucking on, then looking into my eyes and smiling. “You’re so close for me already.” His sultry smile had me moaning and begging for his mouth back on mine. “Seb…”

His hands were everywhere, his weight moving and crushing me as he shifted around above me. My thighs were now spread around him, knees falling to the mattress as he pulled off my lips, big hands taking hold of my hips as he lifted me, pushing my legs into the air and rolling my body over itself. I watched in stunned silence as he opened my cheeks and pressed his silky tongue to my hole.

“Fuck!” I tensed under him with the first swipe over my twitching opening. “Robert! Don’t stop.”

I fisted my fingers in his hair, making sure he didn’t change his mind and leave me so close to my orgasm it would physically hurt to not come. When he breached me, slipping his dexterous tongue into my body, my balls pulled tight and I stopped breathing, just lying there, letting my body be teased open. I was close. So close. I wanted to come, but I wanted him inside me while I did it. “Please! I need you now.”

“I know.” Robert looked at me as he kneeled up, rubbing his hot length over my needy hole, watching as his first finger opened me up. “You’re so tight. If you were in my bed every night, you’d be ruined in a month.”

My lips fell open, and if he hadn’t inserted two more fingers inside me, I would have been able to come back with something, but in fact, all that made it out was a deep growl. “Fuck me now. Stop it. Just fuck me.”

Robert wrapped my thighs around his hips before laying over me. Kissing my neck and jaw, biting the soft skin there gently as he rubbed his iron length over me, teasing me more than I liked. “Am I still the only one?” He pushed inside me, just a little, just enough for my body to stretch, to know he was there, right where I needed him to be, but nowhere near enough of him. “Is my cock the only one to fuck you since we started seeing each other?” He gave me another inch, just his wide head filling my hole, not enough to move past my second muscle and stretch it like I need him to. “Am I the only man who gets to feel how good this arse is?”

“Yes!” I cried out, lifting my body into his, trying to take more of his cock inside me, but not being able to fight his stronger frame into doing what I wanted. “Please, Robert. Please.”

So lost in my desperate need and longing, I closed my eyes, letting my body thrash into his.

“Seb!” He filled me up in one quick push, balls on my cheeks and his thick cock filling every inch of available space inside my body. We both stopped, the breath pausing in our chests, our bodies tense and fraught with too much excitement to bear. “You’re so good. So tight. So prefect.” He pulled out, moving for the first time, slowly dragging his delicious cock out of my tight hold before plunging it back in. “Perfect for me.”

BOOK: Sebastian: The Complete Series
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