Sebastian: The Complete Series (38 page)

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It wasn’t something we did a lot, but I loved being inside him, and he loved feeling me fill him up. He was definitely a pushy bottom, which I loved, and when things settled down between us, I think it would become something we would do more often.

Robert stomped into the room ten minutes later, looking beautiful all wound up, and my cock paid attention to him when it shouldn’t. “He’s such a prick.”

“What did he say?”

Robert pursed his lips and ground his teeth. “I’d rather not say.”

“Oh, shit about me, me being a whore, me not being good enough for you?”

“Yeah.” Robert sighed and then looked at me. “You look good on that bed.”

“Not as good as you did last night.”

He blushed a little then went back to the door and closed it. “I thought these walls were thicker.”

“I was
thinking that.” I patted the bed and he lay with me, taking the book from my thighs and rolling me on top of him. “At least it helped take your mind off everything for a bit.”

“Oh, it did.” I kissed him, holding him tighter as I pressed myself into him. “I love fucking you.”

“I love you fucking me.” He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me again. “But then I love everything about you, so it’s no surprise really.”

We kissed, holding each other, not mad and wild, just deep and sensual, both of us happy to just let it finish with touches rather than ripping our clothes off and having sex. We were still shook up and with everything going on around us and with his parents being so close, it kind of killed the moment, but at least we were together and able to hold each other. His mobile vibrating on the bedside cabinet made us both groan and I rolled off him, thinking it would be work, but when I saw the time, I glared at him and he sighed. “It’s Leo.”

“It’s almost nine.”

“I know. I’m ignoring him.” He stretched out and then ran his sexy gaze up and down me. “Fancy a bath? There’s a big one in there we can relax in together.”

“If we go in together, we won’t be doing anything vaguely like relaxing, and your dad’s face this morning was enough to put me off sex for a while.”

Robert chuckled as he leaned over and kissed me. “Mind if I have one?”

“Knock yourself out. I’m reading.” I kissed him again, then grabbed my book and watched him strip out of his clothes while the bath filled in the en-suite. “You’re testing my stamina on not having sex, babe. Go in there, for God’s sake. I’m getting hard.”

He laughed as he pulled his shorts over his arse. “I don’t know, I like making you flustered.”

“Robert!” I grabbed my cock and sighed. “Please.”

“Fine.” He winked at me then left for the bathroom, and I laid back, caressing my cock and trying to read again.

Robert’s phone buzzed again and I glared at it. Three times it happened, and by then, Robert had turned the tap off and heard it too. “Is that him?”

“I don’t know. I’m not a nosy boyfriend. I didn’t look.”

“Then look,” he laughed out from the bath.

I picked his phone up and saw three texts from Leo. “Yeah, it’s him. Want me to tell him to fuck off?”

“Sure, why not.” He laughed louder and I grinned as I sent Leo a text, sending him kisses afterwards and my name.

“Okay, done.”

He paused. “You told him to fuck off?”

“Well, that, and we were busy. I said it was me.” I picked up my book.

“Let’s hope he listens and stops hassling us.”

“Does he do this often?”

“Not this bad. I think he’s pissed off Mum took your side.”

“I love your mum for that.”

“She’s amazing.”

“She is.” I turned the page in my book and growled when another text came through.

“That’s probably for you.” Robert chuckled from the bath.

“Maybe it’s an apology.” I smiled as I opened the text.

“Keep dreaming, baby.”

I sucked in a deep breath when I saw it. He wanted to talk, but not on Robert’s mobile. I said no and threw the phone down. Then it rang.

Robert groaned. “I’ll talk to him.”

“No,” I called out. “Let me, please. I’ll enjoy it. There’s no TV in here and this book is boring.” I answered the call all bright and breezy. “Robert’s phone.”

“Listen, you little bitch, we need to talk.”

“We are, or do you consider words leaving your mouth something different than I do?”

“Smart arse. You’re using Robert and I want you gone, but he won’t believe me so maybe we can talk and come to some sort of agreement.”

“And what would that be?”

“You’re still a whore, aren’t you? How about I pay you for your time.”

“I doubt you could afford me.”

Robert swore loudly and I heard the water sloshing about.

“Besides, I heard from Charlotte you lost your job. So you should really be saving your money, not paying for me or some other escort. I mean, you’re good looking, go pull someone in the clubs.”

“You know damn well I want to talk to you not fuck you. You’re doing this because no doubt Robert is listening and you want him to think I’m offering sex.”

“Actually, that didn’t cross my mind. Paranoid much?”

Robert breezed in, towel around his hips and a frown on his face, he clicked his fingers and I slipped the phone into his hand. “Leo, I swear if you harass me and or Sebastian any further I’ll report it to the police, and considering what he’s going through right now, I’m guessing they’ll take it seriously. I don’t want to rerun the same conversation over and over, but here it is again. I love Sebastian, he loves me. We’re together and that’s the way I want it to be forever. Nothing you can do will change that. Nothing. He’s mine.” He paused, his hands fisting by his sides. “I heard what he said, Leo. I was right here, don’t lie to me. He didn't offer you anything.”

I shook my head, a smirk on my lips as I ran my hand up his chest, he looked so good wound up and angry. “I want you,” I whispered against his ear. “Now.”

Robert watched as I pulled the towel from him, taking his cock in my hand as I kissed my way down his body. “Leo, this call is ending now. Leave me alone. Get on with your life and let me enjoy mine.”

As soon as he ended the call, he was pushing me backward, crawling over me and kissing me, sucking on my nipples and taking our cocks in his big hand, rolling his fist over our heads as we moaned into the other’s mouth. He was just smoothing his palm over my balls and pushing his finger against my hole when the phone went off again, signalling another text.

Robert growled. “I’m switching it off.”

“You never switch it off.”

“I’m off duty work-wise, so they won’t be calling me up, and I can’t deal with him intruding on our time like this. It’s not right.”

“This guy’s peeing me off big style. I want him gone.”

“You’re not the only one.” He kissed me again, enjoying me pushing back on his finger. “I think it’s you who’ll be shouting out for my cock tonight.”

“Don’t.” I laughed as I hid my face in his chest. “I’d die if I knew they’d heard me.”

“Don’t do that. I’d miss you too much.”

“Hmm.” I grabbed hold of his cock and smirked when I felt how hard he was. “Let me suck you.” I pushed him back, but he stopped me from moving.

“Let’s do this together.”

“Oh, sixty nine. Nice.”

As soon as we were settled, I kissed his cock, licking him and pausing to suck in a deep breath when he wrapped his hot mouth around my head. “Fuck, Robert.”

I took him in my mouth, working my lips up and down in time with him, letting our bodies enjoy each other. It was slow and tender, we took our time, stopping to moan and kiss the other’s cock. When he began kissing my balls, working my stiff length in his hand, I had to stop sucking him to gasp.

“I wouldn’t stop if were you, I’ll blow over your face.” Robert chuckled as he smiled up at me.

I grinned and took him back in my mouth, feeling him stiffen as I worked him harder and faster, his pleasure heightening my own. I paused, his mouth, so tight and wet, around me, his throat opening up for me as he pushed me down. “Robert!”

My mouth hovered over him as I shot, causing his own cum to shoot out and land on my lips before I covered him, letting him pulse over my tongue as we both came. We laid on each other, catching our breath and caressing each other’s thighs and stomachs. He’d dropped off to sleep when his mobile buzzed. I glared at it, then snuck out from him and took both his phone and mine in the bathroom, closing the door and typing in Leo’s number into mine before calling him up.

“Look, leave us alone.”

“I want to talk to you. Alone.”

“Why?” I hissed out.

“Because I love Robert, and I don’t trust you.”

I sighed heavily. Okay, so I could see why he wouldn’t trust me, and I guessed we would have issues and questions from his friends. I knew him and Leo shared friends and the thought of Leo spreading lies made me realise Robert would have to work twice as hard to be with me.

“And what could meeting me do to change your opinion? I could lie.”

“I’m a good judge of character. I just need more time with you.”

“You love him. You want him back.”

“I just want him to be happy. I haven’t been able to do that for a long time. He’s having some sort of midlife crisis and being with you is only going to hurt him.”

“We’re in love, and despite what you think, that’s the truth.”

“Then meet me and let me see that from you.”

“Fine! Just tell me when, and I’ll try to sort something out.”

“Tomorrow afternoon. Let’s do this quickly.”


fter the stunt Leo pulled, and then the texts during the night, I wanted to see this prick and get it over and done with once and for all. I had too many things running around my head and getting them out of the way seemed like the easiest way to go.

Robert would never have let me go to meet him, and Harry would have been the same. If things were different, I’m pretty sure Harry would have been all for it, but not right now. It wasn’t just Anthony being on the loose, it was Harriot.

She’d been arrested, the office shut down, staff pulled in for questioning. It was a huge stink and everyone was blaming me. They’d be out of pocket because of my little chat with the police. They didn’t see it as a way of helping them possibly stay alive, oh no. I was just being a bitch and lashing out now I’d found Robert and left.

Robert dropped me off at Harry’s with a kiss, reminding me to call him when I was ready to leave. I waved him off, then ran for it before Harry spotted me on the driveway. I made my way to the Connaught Hotel, the only place I really knew round there, and it was in an area I knew if I felt like I had to get out the place. As I waited in the bar for Leo, I ordered a beer and played with my phone, not realising he was late until my phone buzzed and the time flashed up. It was half past, and he should have been there at one.

The text was from him, saying he was running late, no shit! He also said he didn’t want me to cause a scene, and that we should do this more privately. Okay, so I
cause a scene, an ugly one. U.G.L.Y. And even though he’d only met me twice, the guy obviously knew how melodramatic I was. I couldn’t blame him for wanting to keep it quiet.

He was outside in his car, waiting for me to join him so we could go somewhere and talk away from prying eyes. I downed my beer and walked outside, noticing him sitting in a shitty, brown-coloured car which didn’t fit his style at all, but then I guessed after losing Robert
his cash, and taking into account the fact he was now out of a job… well, beggars couldn’t be choosers. I tapped on the window and he waved me in.

“I can’t park here. We need to drive somewhere else.”

“Just stay close.”

Looking out at the high street and people watching to keep my eyes off the shithead next to me, I didn’t see what caused the car to shift to one side, or was it my head? I just remember the sounds of a crash, the window hitting my forehead, the blood running down my face as I passed out. I would have to be with him when we got hit by a car, wouldn’t I? Robert was going to be so mad.



woke in a dimly lit room, a voice ringing in my ears as I tried to focus. I must have slept for a while because it was dark, really dark, or was that my eyesight? I couldn’t focus and my head was hurting like a bitch, but I was laid on a stiff bed and I closed my eyes again, waiting for the nurse or doctor, or whoever it was in the room with me, to check me out. I wondered if they’d called Robert yet and what type of mood he would be in.

Again, I’d gotten myself in a mess and was waiting for him to come running to sort everything out. I was sure I wasn’t in the hospital where he worked because it was miles away, but being a surgeon, they’d be lenient with the rules and let him be here whatever the time was. I liked the idea of him being with me, what I didn’t like was the idea of Leo speaking to him first. God knows what he’d told him. He was a sneaky fucker, and I didn’t doubt he would play with this and use it to his advantage somehow. In my heart, I knew Robert would believe me, but there was still that cloud of doubt hanging over me, making me worry.

Soft hands were adjusting me around on the bed and I felt my arms being moved. My bleary eyes tried to open and focus on what was happening and who was touching me. All I caught was a glimpse of a white coat or shirt, then I was back in my dream-like state, thinking how much my head hurt and trying to work out what was damaged. Maybe I was hurt badly and I’d been unconscious for days. Maybe I was in a coma and everyone thought I’d never wake up like in those stupid films.

I ached even more when I woke, and my chest felt tight, stretched almost. Never breaking a rib before, I wondered if that was causing the pain, and this time, when I opened my eyes, I focused. The light was dim and I was thankful for that as it hurt my eyes less, but it caused a wave of confusion to surround me when I couldn’t place anything in the room further than my own body.

“Welcome back.” The voice of a man somewhere made me jump and I spun my head around to my right and stared into the darkness, trying to see who it was. “You’ve been out for a while. At least three hours.”

I breathed out. Three hours wasn’t so bad. “Where am I?”

“You took quite the bump to the head. How do you feel?”

“Drunk,” I mumbled out, still staring into the dark. Three hours? Why was it pitch black? “Where am I?”

“Safe… now.” The voice hummed quietly and I noticed movement, a flash of a leg being crossed, black trousers and black shoes hidden almost in the shadows. “Try to wake up, then we can begin to chat more.”

Feeling sleepy, and with the thousand questions running around my panicked mind burning a hole through my skull, I somehow still managed to close my eyes. When they shot open again, who knows how much later, I was able to focus more on me and what was happening. The dizziness and blurring from before felt better, but still, being in a cave made it difficult to tell just how much better I was. I felt someone near me, saw movement in the shadows.

“Is there something wrong with my eyes? Why is it so dark?”

A flash of bright light in one of my eyes made me slam them shut, a hiss leaving my lips before I could stop it. After so long in near blindness, it hurt.

“They seem fine to me. Of course… I’m no doctor.”

I huffed. Stupid nurse going above and beyond and possibly causing further damage. “Then call one. I want to find out what’s going on.”

“Aww, there’s no phones in here. They're not allowed.”

The figure beside the bed had moved back, and now the white spots from my vision had cleared up and I was getting used to the darkness again, I focused on him.

“You’re still slurring your words anyway. Not ready to communicate with anyone, not even me.” There was a heavy sigh and he sat down, the white of his shirt now displayed more clearly but the rest of him in the shadows.

“Am I?” It didn’t feel like I was, but then my mind did feel slower than usual and I kept getting the urge to just sleep. “How bad did I hurt my head?”

“Oh, you’ve got a serious concussion, I would say. I don’t know about brain damage or it being permanent, but then an MRI scan would be needed for that and you’ve not had one, so…”

I blinked, looking deeper into the shadows and listening more intently. There was constant humming in my ears, it vibrated through me and made my head ache even more. Maybe I was on some drugs for the pain and they reacted badly, but then if I was on medication for the pain they weren’t doing such a good job because I felt like I’d… Well, like I’d been in a car crash. I’d roll my eyes at myself, but they were too tired.

“There was a man with me in the car.”

“Hmm, was there?”

“Yes,” I bitched back quickly, not in the mood for his placid nature. “What happened?”

“He’s perfectly fine.”

“He would be,” I muttered out. “Why is it so dark?”

“That would be the lack of windows.”

“What…” No windows? I sighed heavily and wondered if I was the one on drugs or this guy.

A clicking noise beside my ear made me jerk to the noise. “Still hearing ringing, Sebastian?”


“Hmm, that explains a lot.” He moved around the bed, the light moving up my body so it blinded me a little. He left the bed and a softer light was switched on, a honey glowing lamp in the far corner of the room and I looked around myself for the first time. “Ask me again where you are. Let’s test your memory, shall we?”

He was fiddling on a table with his back to me as I glanced around, slowly taking in what I could see. It was a smallish room, just my bed and whatever he was leaning against, a chair which he’d been sitting in. No windows. At first that thought seemed like the strangest thing, but then I began really seeing the room and the realisation hit me.

“I’m not in hospital.”

“No.” The soft answer made me shiver.

“And you’re not a nurse.”

“No.” Again, the distant, almost preoccupied voice drifted over to me.

I sucked in a deep breath through my nose, the smell of damp clinging to the air making me stop instantly.

“Sebastian… you have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment to come.”

When I tried to sit up, I found I couldn’t move my arms and I looked backwards, noticing they were tied at the wrists by tie wraps to the metal frame of the bed.


“Anthony?” Just saying his name out loud made me freeze like someone had replaced my blood with ice, and I stopped struggling, stopped breathing, stopped feeling, just watching as his back stiffened and he shook a little with his chuckles. “Let me go. Please.”

“Begging already? Oh, dear. You’re going to be no fun at all.” He turned to me slowly, the lamp behind him casting a glow which made my still hazy eyes struggle. If the situation were different it would look almost angelic, but he was far from being an angel. He was my nightmare come alive.

As he moved forward, leaving the light further behind, I looked up into the familiar smiling face above me and shook my head.

“Now you see me, Sebastian. Now you see the
me, don’t you? No more hiding, no more games. Just me and you.”


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