Second Chances (4 page)

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Authors: Claude Dancourt

BOOK: Second Chances
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“Should I return the compliment?”

She pulled a face to him.

“You think you’re that irresistible? Let me tell y…”

The unexpected kiss created a throb inside her, her heart suddenly beating faster. Her hands came up to rest on his chest. Maybe Arthur saw an invitation in the gesture, for the pressure on her mouth became more insistent and her skin warmed instantly. She used her hold on him as leverage to shove him off.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

The pang of desire that shot through him when he touched her mouth threw Arthur off balance. He didn’t understand why her lips were moving on their own accord instead of parting under his for a deeper kiss.
“What do you think you’re doing?”

Suddenly, he realized she had pushed him away. Women didn’t do that, not to him. Maya could not be different…She too must have felt the heat building between them...

Very annoyed with his own reaction, Arthur stood his ground when all he wanted was to lean forward again.

He smirked. “I needed to make sure you’re up for the role, of course.”

Her face remained expressionless. Only the sharp intake of air and a brief gleam in her eyes told him he had hit a nerve. Her stare fixed on him was as cold as ice. Arthur’s mocking smile grew into a downright leer.

The staring contest lasted for another moment before she spoke again.

“You will treat me with respect and politeness, like a real person, and not like some disposable doll. And this applies to every situation, public AND private.”

Arthur frowned. “I treat women decently.”

“You’ll have to prove that.”

“Are you done?”

Her suitor went on before she could even nod.

“Our arrangement must stay a secret. I suppose you told Tristan; Colin knows about it too, and this is it. If your sister or other friends ask about it, tell them I helped convince my father for the boy’s sake, and it pleased you.”

“It would mean I liked you before.”

“Didn’t you?”

The conceited tone was really too much to take.

“Aargh! Do you have to sound so superior all the time?!”

The outburst surprised him and reminded him of her harangue to his father in the morning, of older ardent battles; of the heat raised by a vague brush of lips...He would have to remember how passionate she could be, if he didn’t want the whole scheme to blow up in his face. Arthur held up his hands in a mute apology.

Maya sighed, already calm once more. Then she frowned again, though this time it was more worry than anger that shadowed her face.

“Your father won’t be pleased. Not only you are challenging him by refusing his candidate but you are courting me…”

“I’ll take the risk.”

His answer surprised her even more. Arthur seemed unconcerned about upsetting his father. Robert used to interview her boyfriends like a Spanish inquisitor whenever she dared bring them to the Manor, and now he apparently couldn’t stand her any more…There was more to this than met the eye. It should make her suspicious. Yet God helped her, she was curious.

“Okay then...What’s next?”

“Next? Colin is taking a look at your wardrobe.”

Chapter 6


Maya tried to push up her glasses, only to realize once more she wasn’t wearing any. The lack of weight on her nose was still bothering her, but at least she had grown out of the “I-feel-naked” phase. And she had to admit, the surprised (and sometimes appreciative) looks of her coworkers were worth the ten minutes it had taken her to put the contact lenses on in the morning.

She caught her reflection in the window. Contact lenses were not the only change Colin had suggested (imposed had been more like it). He and Gavin had spent one complete evening inspecting her closet to finally reach the conclusion that Maya was in desperate need of a shopping trip, with Arthur’s credit card.

The fact that the owner of the card had not even argued about it had annoyed her beyond reason. Her clothes were perfect for her work and the other activities she had! She was perfectly capable of paying for her own clothing, thank you very much. Making a “pretty woman” out of her was absolutely out of question, and not part of the bargain. She was not Arthur’s customary snobbish fashion starlet and it was exactly for that reason that Arthur was supposed to have fallen for her…

After a two-hour long battle, Colin had finally convinced her to buy a couple of pieces, to complement her own wardrobe. So today she was wearing her favorite jeans, which fortunately had escaped the cut, with a fitted red blouse and matching lipstick. She liked the blouse. The fabric was smooth, and the color was cheerfully bright. As for the lipstick…

The light knock on the door brought her back from her reverie.

“Miss Finnegan? You have a visitor…”

“Thanks. Oh…Hello, Arthur.”

Hopefully, to her curious assistant, her blush could pass for the simple pleasure of seeing Arthur rather than the shame of having been caught off guard when he stepped in her office. At a loss of what to do, she was glad he took the initiative, even if the hug and quick peck on her cheek felt awkward.

Arthur released her as soon as he heard the door close behind them. He kept his voice low nonetheless.

“You have to learn to relax when I touch you or no one is going to believe us.”

It vexed her to feel her cheeks growing even warmer at the patronizing tone. Maya forced a smile on her face before she asked: “Did you come for Matthew?”

He caught the hint instantly. “
We are not going public before the payment is secured.”

“Yes, indeed. I have all the papers here.”

To an outsider, the exchange could have appeared quite innocent, Maya thought. Still there was a less than subtle warning behind his engaging smile and gentle words. She had to remember he was not a friend. Arthur had his own agenda in their little masquerade, and the help he was offering was not unconditional…

Arthur placed a thin file in front of her. Maya slowly opened it. It contained only one envelope and two sheets of paper, all embossed with the Pendletons & Associates coat of arms. She paused when she recognized the logo.

“I thought Robert had changed the dragon?”

“He did. I just like this one better.”

The chimera was delicately detailed, with subtle shades of dark gold to enhance the impression of movement. Abigail had been a fantastic artist. She liked this one better too, compared to the modern stylish beast Robert had chosen to replace it with. She wanted to say so to her visitor, but Arthur had turned to walk to the window.

Maya began reading the papers carefully. The first one was explaining that Arthur, on behalf of P&A, was accepting legal responsibility for the child for as long as treatments were required. Her signature, as a representative of the Foundation’s board, was necessary to submit all medical decisions to his approval beforehand. She picked up her pen, and inscribed her name next to his.

The second paper was a receipt. Maya gasped.

“Arthur, this is way too much!...The operation will cost half that...”

“I wish to avoid going to my father a second time about this.”

Maya swallowed the coming unkind answer and opened the envelope.

Arthur approved internally. Most people considered paperwork a dull and annoying task to get rid of as soon as possible. Maya, however, was caring enough to make sure Matthew would be properly taken care of, and that no bias had escaped her. Her attention to that little detail suited him.

The amount on the bank note was the same one as on the receipt. Maya signed the receipt too, and handed back the papers to Arthur who put them in his briefcase.

“I’ll send you a copy.”

“Thank you.”

Her gratitude referred to more than the paperwork. He bowed his head courteously. Uneasy, Maya looked for something to say next.

A noise in the corridor cut through the growing silence. Arthur moved to the door and offered his arm with a cheeky smile.

“I’ve yet to meet my charge. Shall we?”

While they went to the south wing where Matthew shared a room with another kid, Maya grew animated quickly, describing the layout of the hospital and how it created an optimal environment for the ill children. She was working with the logistics department, and Moira was in human resources.

He knew that of course. He had studied the charts and organization plans. Arthur bore her babbling more or less patiently. Having her behaving normally was better than her frightened mouse jitters.

Several nurses started whispering behind their backs while they progressed along the busy corridors. The envious looks came from both men and women. The former intrigued him, and Arthur glimpsed at her while exiting the elevator.

She looked nicer today. The crimson color flattered her ivory skin and ebony hair. For once, he could really see her face. Maya had interesting features: full lips, delicately curved, and a straight nose. Her high cheekbones gave her a feline air. She had cat’s eyes too: almond-shaped and of a very pale green.

His examination put her ill at ease again and she walked away from him to knock lightly on a door.

Two children were settled in bed, one reading a comic book and the other playing with a toy car. Both smiled happily when Maya entered. She waved back with a brilliant smile. Once properly kissed and hugged, the boys stared at Arthur.

“Is he your boyfriend?” asked the one with the car.

Arthur beat her to the answer, approaching the beds in turn to shake hands with the curious boy. He glanced briefly at the embarrassed woman before he smiled.

“I’m working on that. I’m Arthur.”

“My name is Mark. He is Matthew. He doesn’t speak much; it hurts.”

Arthur knew that too. The simple truth stung nonetheless. The silent boy had wrapped his tiny arms around Maya so his black-haired head rested on her stomach. Arthur looked away. Mark’s chatty mood chased away the growing discomfort.

“Doctor said I can go home in two weeks. I’ll be home for Christmas! I miss my dog…But not my little sister. She’s such a baby…”

“You were quite happy to see her last weekend,” Maya interjected.

“I suppose.”

Arthur winked.

“I grew up with two girls. They can be a pain…”

The tease earned him a glare from Maya, who had sat on the bed near her protégé to read the comic with him.

His big announcement made, Mark gestured for Arthur to pick up a car in the display on his bedside table.

“You can have the police one if you want…I like the yellow. Let’s play “Cops and Robbers”!”

Arthur grinned, and took off his jacket.

“You won’t win at this one…”

They started a fierce chase all over the hospital bed. Mark’s shrill laugh echoed in the room when Arthur lost his grip on the small car while running it on the metallic rail. Maya looked up. He was fumbling with the sheets to find his toy, and his smile was the first genuine one she had seen on him in years.

All smiles disappeared when the door banged open.

“What is he doing here?”

Chapter 7


Moira’s angry voice glaringly contrasted with Mark’s victorious yells. Maya gently pushed Matthew away and came to face her sister, while Arthur arranged his tie, all relaxed expression gone.

“Arthur is…”

“He’s Maya’s boyfriend!”

Moira’s eyes narrowed dangerously. Maya glanced down under their intense scrutiny. Arthur stepped between the two sisters and shook the hand that was ready to grab Maya’s wrist; to the kids, it could look like the salute had been intended all along.

“Good morning, Moira.”

The blonde pulled away abruptly. Maya noticed a slight tremor in her hands and she dreaded the upcoming storm.

“Arthur is tutoring Matthew’s medical help, Moira. We’re just…”

“We are rediscovering each other.”

The tranquil affirmation dragged Moira’s attention back to him. Her lips were so severely pinched they formed a very thin line of hatred. However, she kept her sangfroid. Maya used the temporary truce to quickly kiss the children before she slipped her arm under her sister’s to walk out of the room. Arthur winked at the boys and followed.

The atmosphere in Maya’s office was glacial. As soon as the door closed behind them, Moira exploded.

“You can’t date him! He’s a Pendleton! That’s nonsense! You hate guys like him!”

The avalanche of reproaches didn’t even connect with each other. Arthur smirked.

“Can you define “guys like me”?”

The cheeky comment fired more murderous glances from the enraged woman.

“Define you? Conceited, arrogant, blunt, a womanizer, obnoxious, a snob, cold-blooded…”

The list went on. The more Moira added unflattering epithets, the more Arthur stiffened despite the mocking smile plastered on his face. Maya feared he would lose his patience and say something irreparable. She interrupted the furious monologue.

“Please, Moira…Everybody deserves a second chance. Arthur is not Robert. His help with Matthew means a lot to me. And I want to get to know him better.”

Her intercession didn’t work.

“You can’t trust him! Don’t be ridiculous, he’s going to break your heart and…”

“I’m sorry you don’t approve but I’m a big girl and I’m free to see whoever I want.”

Maya’s convinced tone unsettled him. Each word sounded truthful. Arthur smiled back at her (a real smile this time) without really thinking. Her sister snorted but swallowed her wrath and exited the room, looking daggers at Arthur from over her shoulder.

Maya immediately stepped away from him.

“She’s very angry. Did you notice her eyes?”

“Yes, I noticed.”

He collected his things.

“I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later about tomorrow’s dinner.”

“What dinner?”

Arthur grinned; his smile held a touch of good humor under the tease.

“I faced your dragon. Now it’s your turn…”


The coffee in his mug was barely warm. Arthur put it back on his desk without drinking.

He had spent more time at the hospital than he had originally intended and he had been running behind ever since. Besides the Foundation’s case which his father had consented to entrust to him, several other projects reclaimed his attention.

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