Second Chances (10 page)

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Authors: Dale Mayer

Tags: #romantic suspense, #Psychic Visions Series, #romance, #suspense, #Dale Mayer, #Sexy, #thriller

BOOK: Second Chances
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"Ian is an unhappy soul and needs to accept the changes in his life. In that way, he's no different than you or me."


"You always seem to have it so together. It seems impossible that you could have anything to work on."


"Not true—everyone everywhere has something to work on. Just because I write books and teach seminars doesn't mean I don't have issues. If anything I'm more conscious of the issues and how much I
have to work on."


Karina winced. That had to be difficult to admit. "You must always be under pressure to be a little better than everyone else."


"Which, of course, I'm not. However, people see me in that light, which adds pressure, yes, but I can't let that rule my life. Any more than you can let Ian rule your life."


"I know," she answered soberly. "I guess I'm worried." Her voice dropped to a soft whisper. "I'm glad you called."


"Good. I called because I wanted to hear your voice." She could hear the smile in his voice. "Now tell me what you and Susan are up to."


Karina launched into their news, keeping the conversation focused on business and finishing on a friendly note. But when they hung up, Karina felt uneasy again. Mugs jumped on the bed, and Karina hugged him, petting him until rumbles filled the air. Still, it took a long while before she felt calm enough to sleep.


She wondered when she would feel completely safe again.




After that harrowing night, things moved at breathtaking speed.


It took several weeks for everything to fall into place. Several weeks in which she received three more suspicious, nerve-racking phone calls—all silent. Three more weeks of coffee dates with Serena, hashing over business stuff, and luncheons with Cat, and extracting promises out of both of them to come visit.


Now her apartment was empty, her car was packed, the cats caged and strapped in the passenger seat. She was almost ready to go.


Susan and Paul were expecting her this afternoon. They were going to work together over the next few crazy weeks. Opening day was in a month's time and they still had a lot to do. Cat and Serena were delighted for her. Besides, she reminded herself for the dozenth time, they weren't going to be that far away. Victoria was only a few hours' drive or a short flight. And who knew where they were going to end up? They'd both been secretive about their plans. She could only hope it worked out for them, too.


Mark had volunteered to help with the painting and handyman stuff. But that was Mark.


Brian hadn't voiced any negative opinions over her plans but he hadn't waxed enthusiastically either. She had the feeling he did things in a slower, more methodical way than she did. As if controlling every aspect of his life was important.


Karina was reminded just how much she loved change. Loved spontaneity. These last weeks had been cathartic. She felt so in charge of her life. Dynamic and strong in ways she never could have imagined.


The plan was to meet Mark at a Starbucks just inside Victoria. He was bringing her a city map and easy directions to Susan's place. She doubted that Brian would be there, but she hoped he would be. She wanted him to see the new and improved Karina.


What she really wanted to do was to walk right up to him and lay a kiss on him that he wouldn't soon forget. She might not have his sophistication to draw on, but she wasn't lacking in enthusiasm. The question was—had she changed enough to make such a bold move?


Hours later, she pulled her silver Toyota Matrix into the busy parking lot. She was exhausted. The cats had howled in tandem for the first hour. She'd tried to drown out their screeches by turning up the radio. But her eardrums had pounded back in retaliation. She'd given up and with the help of Tylenol she'd managed to ignore them.


She got out slowly, leisurely stretching her back and rolling her shoulders to loosen up the tension.


Was Mark here already? She was actually just a few minutes later than she'd expected.


She turned and scanned the area.


There was Brian! His car was backing out of a space behind her. His face turned away from her. She walked in front of his car to get his attention and then continued around to his side. His face lit warmed, a light coming into his beautiful eyes.


She'd come so far hoping to see him and here he was, leaving. Tired, she gave into the emotions overwhelming her.


She leaned forward in the car and slipped her hand down his cheek to cup his square jaw firmly, tilting it up towards her. She paused, looking at him closely. This face had driven her crazy for months. It was just as angled and gorgeous as she remembered. The chiseled lips opened to speak. Instantly, she took advantage and lowered her head.


She kissed him. Thoroughly.




There she was.


He lifted his cell phone and snapped a picture.


And again.


Ian grinned so wide it damn near hurt his cheek muscles. He'd guessed that one right. After seeing them at the seminar and recognizing her, he knew she mattered to Brian. Damn right, she did. Now
was a kiss.


And that reminded him of Mary. The last time he'd kissed her. So long ago. He loved her.


He missed her.


That she was continuing to keep him out of her life hurt. And angered him.


He'd searched her sister's place. There was no sign of her. Where could she have gone? Her boss said she'd taken time off work. Then again, so had he. He'd even finally broken down and called his mother-in-law. She'd hung up on him.




He stared at the other bitch—this one standing in his line of vision.


He'd called Karina several times, not to interfere, but to keep tabs on her whereabouts. Today he'd gotten an out-of-service message. He looked down at the folded poster on the passenger seat. He'd torn it off the public notice board at the library when he'd spotted her picture on it. She was involved with opening up some new toy store in town. He'd looked at it so many times he already had the store's address memorized.


If it was possible, he grinned even more widely. That meant she'd moved here now. Close to Brian.


He'd have to track down a new phone number for her, but that shouldn't be too hard.


And given that kiss she'd just laid on him, the two of them were an item.




Rejuvenated, with a feeling of new purpose in his life, Ian started up his car and backed out of the lot, careful to keep out of their sight and avoid attracting attention. He didn't want them to see him until he was ready to be seen.


Things had changed. And in a good way.


He owed Brian for having sicced the police on him, for them hassling him. Thankfully he had an alibi to give them.
That time
. Now to stay focused.


And maximize the damage.

Chapter 7

he took a step back from the Porsche and smiled coolly down at his astonished face. Now
she was proud of. Not to mention the heat thrumming through her body had left a silly grin on the inside too.


"Hi, Karina." Brian killed the engine and snapped open the car door, forcing her back a step and off balance. He wasted no time, reaching out with both hands, pulling her into his arms. He pivoted smoothly, pinning her against the side of the car. He slid his thigh between hers, an intimate cage that did crazy things to her insides.


"Now it's my turn."


His kiss was hot. His mouth captured hers, consuming her and rendering her helpless with its heat. Had she really thought he was always cool? Surrounding her physically, he overwhelmed her senses. Just like he had ten years ago. Sensuously, he took his time and her breath. His lips played with hers, caressing them, teasing them and then delving deeply within them. His legs caged hers, steel rods locking her in place. Held within his arms, Karina was helpless against the onslaught. A moan escaped her, she didn't care. Her blood pounded, her body heated and her breasts swelled. She twisted against him, desire rising from within. He kept her pinned, immobile, vulnerable, his.


Then she was free, at least from his arms. Her body was still captive to the sexual heat burning through her.


Calmly, he gently set her away from him. She stood there, mute and still trembling.


"Welcome to Victoria, Karina." He dropped a gentler kiss on the tip of her nose. "I have to run, but I'm really glad you're finally here." With that, he climbed into his car and drove off.


It took several minutes for the voice trying to get her attention to pierce through the fog in her brain.


"Karina! Karina, come back to earth, please. You're crushing my ego. No girl has ever reacted to
kiss like that." Gently, Mark smoothed back her curls.


She turned to look up at the welcoming face. It was Mark—friendly, uncomplicated, giving Mark. She walked straight into his comforting arms.


"Come inside. It's definitely coffee time. You look positively shattered."


They walked into the café, arms comfortably wrapped around each other. Karina felt completely limp.


"Mark, have you ever kissed someone and felt the world fall down around you? Been given a touch of heaven only to wake up the next morning and realize it was all a fantasy?" She finally asked him. Her sense of balance was back, yet the sense of wonder was still with her. She hoped it always would be.


"If I go by your reaction to
kiss, then I'd have to say no. Unfortunately." He added mockingly, "Brian has just set a new height for me to try to reach. Knock a woman senseless, with just one kiss."


"Cute, Mark," Karina shot him a look as she tried in vain to rebalance her world.


"He really means something to you, doesn't he?"


"Oh definitely, but the question is—what?" She flushed. "I hated him for a long time, you know. Maybe hate isn't the right word, but…it's not far off. I was definitely angry." She closed her eyes at the searing memory, before opening them to carry on. "But once I saw him again, it's like all those years of pain disappeared. I also don't know what he wants," she added. "And I want him to be as rattled as I am. And he isn't. I certainly couldn't have driven away like he did."


"Brian is all about control. It's hard to know how he's feeling at any given time."


"Really?" She smiled at him wanly. "I hope he's suffering—badly."


"Now, now. You're just mad that he scrambled your brains so easily." He smiled at her engagingly. "Maybe you should let me kiss you like that. Maybe it's island men and not just Brian."


She laughed in delight, her good humor restored. "I don't think so, but nice try." Karina took Mark's hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. "Thanks for being so great." She turned her attention to her purse, pulling out a pen and a notepad. "I've got to focus on other things now. Would you mind showing me the map?"


Pulling into Susan's driveway later, Karin was still reflecting on the vagaries of fate that put a wonderful man like Mark in her life, but with no spark. Then to turn around and put a complex dynamo like Brian in front of her and load her hormones with gunpowder. Someone in the universe was definitely laughing at her.


Thankfully, the afternoon was boisterous, loving and lots of fun—a perfect distraction from the events of the morning.


Susan had invited her sister, Sandra over to join the clan. Along with the surprise of realizing the sisters were twins, was the discovery that Sandra had twin boys. The house, full with four adults and four children, left little possibility for peace and quiet. However, no one noticed. Raised as a single child, Karina had no idea what normal families were all about. She found out pretty darn fast.


"Do you have a boyfriend?" asked Susan's intrepid eleven-year-old daughter, Sara.


"No, I don't have a boyfriend. Do you?" She turned the question back to the child, hoping it would stop her from delving deeper.


"How come?" The child was undeterred.


"Because I haven't met anyone special yet," Karina fibbed.


"Oh! You've got a crush on someone." Sara beamed. "Who is it? Mom, Karina has a crush on a boy," Sara announced blithely to the living room.


Karina blushed. She couldn't even fool a child.


"Yes dear, I know that. Now stop asking personal questions and remember your manners." Susan smiled at Karina as the child ran off, still giggling, to tell the others. "Sorry."


"Don't worry about it." She laughed ruefully. "I never could tell a lie and get away with it."


"It's better not to try with children. They have built in lie detectors. Sara's is more finely tuned than most."


Now that the men and children had disappeared from the room, Karina took advantage of the privacy. Quickly she shared the afternoon's parking lot scene with the sisters.

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