Second Time Lucky (Club Decadence Book 5) (18 page)

BOOK: Second Time Lucky (Club Decadence Book 5)
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“Damn that’s hot,” he growled. He did it again, and again. The leather falling on her weeping pussy time after time, the swats catching her clit and repeating as she groaned.

“Master! I’m going to come.”

“Hold on, Mara. I’m not done with you yet.”

She heard a thunk, which she imagined was the strap hitting the floor. Then the mop slid over her belly. With a flick of his wrist, he flayed it along the backs of her thighs. To Mara, the sensation was both heaven and hell. The multitude of strands produced very little sting, sometimes none at all, creating more of a soft thud as he laid stroke after stroke across her thighs and ass cheeks. It was like a delicious soothing erotic massage, but it built the ache in her needy channel to such a state, that she struggled to keep from flying apart.

He spun her in a quarter turn and from the side he worked the tails across the top of her mound, over her belly and with an underhand stroke flicked them across the lower curves of her breasts. Pausing for a moment, he ran his fingers over her clamped nipples. “These are very red. I think they’ve been on long enough.”

Within seconds, one nipple was released and Sean was leaning in to suckle the compressed tip as the blood flow returned. Her cries rose as the prickly pain of the unclamping warred with the warm, soothing caress of his mouth and tongue. Revolving her in a one-eighty, he repeated the process on the other tip. Her chest heaved as she gulped for air in response to his sensual torment.

When he lifted his head, the mop resumed, this time falling across the fullness of her breasts and her tender nipples. It felt wonderful and she arched her back offering her breasts for his lash.

“Beautiful. One more thing then I’ll come inside you.”

“Yes, oh… please.” She wasn’t really sure what she was saying, muttering some response as her body seemed to float in the haziness of raw pleasure.

“This is also something new. You’ve felt my fingers and thumb, now I think it’s time for something a bit more solid.”

Drifting, with the pounding of her pulse in her ears, she heard him speak, barely making out what he said. Lucidity returned quickly, however, when his fingers parted the cleft of her ass and a finger, coated with cool, slick gel, slid into her bottom. As he slid it in and out, preparing her for whatever ‘something more solid’ was in his thinking, she panted unsure of how much more she could take.

“Okay, baby, bear down as I slide this inside.”

Something else cold, firm and much larger than his finger pressed against her. She stiffened and felt a slight pinch as it stretched her.


“Relax and breathe. This plug is small and will glide right in. Take it for me.”

Feeling the push as it tested the limits of her tight hole, she bore down as he bade. His thumb returned to her clit. Soon the tingling ache of pleasure he incited surpassed the slight discomfort as the plug hit home, the wide base spreading her cheeks. Her mouth opened on a groan as she felt her pussy muscles ripple and clench in response.

“That’s my girl. You took it so well for me, and it looked fucking hot going in.”

“May I have your cock now, Master?”

“Yes, Mara, as promised.”

He didn’t make her wait more than the time it took to release himself and slick the smooth head through her wetness. Then he was inside her, driving deep. Their exhales and bliss-filled groans were in harmony as he bottomed out. Closing his eyes, he lingered for a second, before grinding his hips thereby stimulating her clit and putting pressure on the plug. Stretched and filled beyond what she thought possible, she didn’t think she could bear more. Then he withdrew slowly and surged back inside. Her fingers gripped the chains, digging in and struggling for control. When she though she found it, he moved again. In long strokes, he drove into her, his hands wrapped around her thighs to hold the swing stationary.

“How does it feel, baby, taking my cock with a plugged ass?”

“G-glorious, but it’s almost too m-much.” Her halting speech intermingled with loud pants and moans syncopated his thrusts.

“It’s never too much.”

He let loose of her legs and let the sling work for him. As it swung away, she lost his thickness, when it returned, he plowed her full. He repeated this with timing and precision until she was crying out her need. At last, he ceased the mind-numbing yet agonizing torture and clamped her down, holding her in place while plunging into her. She came a split second before he roared his completion.

As she came down and her senses returned, she reveled in the weight of his body against her chest, the caress of his lips along her throat and the thud of his strong heart beat against her breast. Although she heard the rush of his breath in her ear, she began to notice the sounds of the others in the room. Cries of passion mixed with swishes and slaps, feminine cries rose above the deep masculine groans, and a play list of Led Zeppelin, Stone Temple Pilots and Nirvana—Sean’s music of choice—played in the background.

“Still nervous about being watched, nightingale?”

“No, they couldn’t care less what we were doing.”

He chuckled. “Probably not. Tonight these hedonists are more interested in seeking their own pleasure than gawking as others find theirs. Though I can’t say that will always be the case. Sometimes they like to watch.”

She felt too relaxed to consider that, and didn’t. “I like the swing a lot.”

He lifted his head, grinning down at her. “I’m glad. What I like most about it is that you’re in it.”

She returned his smile before her eyes rose to the ceiling. “You’re good with a hammer and drill. I’m amazed it’s holding us both.”

“You doubted my abilities? I’m crushed.”

She bit her lip and shook her head, not wanting to admit that she had.

He ran his fingertips down her ribs in a gentle tickle and chided, “Tell the truth.”

“Okay, I did, although only for a minute. I swear.”

“Liar.” He kissed her once more, hard, and pushed to his feet. As he did, a creaking noise sounded loud overhead. Two sets of concerned eyes flew to the ceiling. Expectantly, they waited. Sean then went into action, quickly releasing her restraints and carefully lifted her out of the sling. “We’re keeping it, but on Monday, I’ll call the man.”

Her arms slipped around his neck as she tried not to giggle. “What man, babe?”

“A man who actually knows his way around a hammer and drill. I’m not too proud to admit defeat.” Setting her down, he unfastened the sling at the snap hooks. As he tucked it in the storage closet safely out of the way, he returned to her muttering, “I’m not sure our homeowner’s covers fractures from a faulty sex swing installation.”

Mara lost her battle and a full belly laugh broke free.

Ignoring her, he swept her back in his arms and headed for the stairs, not the least bit put out by her amusement. A thought occurred to her as they passed the spanking bench where Cap was plowing his very vocal blonde from behind.

“Do you know a man who won’t be shocked by the dungeon?”

“Yep, the contractor who’s building our club.”

“Good idea, babe. If you’re keeping that one for us, I suggest ordering a few more. I have a suspicion the members are going to love it and want more than one.”

“Ya think?”

“At least the submissives will once I give it my 4-star review.”

“Only four? I must be slipping.”

“No, though the swing almost did,” she returned with another giggle. “Comfort, ingenuity and execution were 5-stars across the board, but I feel honor bound to shave off a point for questionable safety and reliability. Consider yourself fortunate I don’t take off two, or call Consumer Reports.”

“Smart ass. Are you nervous or is this happy sass? It’s got to be one of the two whenever your mouth gets going.”

She snuggled contentedly against his chest with a smile. “I’m happy, Sean. More than I’ve ever been in my life.”

“As am I, nightingale,” he agreed with a squeeze of his arms. “As am I.”



Chapter Eleven


The door slammed behind her as she ran through the kitchen. When she hit the stairs, she kicked off her shoes and took them two at a time. Near the top, a shadow fell over her and she stopped in her tracks.

“Don’t break your neck, Mara. We’ve got thirty minutes before we have to leave.”

At a slower pace, she climbed the rest of the stairs, stopping on the one below him. Already nine inches taller, the extra step had him towering over her, which was intimidating to say the least.

“I can be ready before then. My clothes are laid out. I only need five minutes to shower, which leaves the rest for hair and makeup.”

“I bought you something special to wear tonight. It might take a few extra minutes to lace you up.”

This was a big night for him. After many months of planning and preparation, Club Decadence was opening its doors. He’d gone to the trouble of buying her something new and she couldn’t do as he’d requested by getting home on time. She’d meant to leave work early rather than taking the whole day as he’d urged so she wouldn’t be rushed, but it was a new job and she hadn’t built up much time off yet. She wanted to save all she could for the honeymoon trip they had planned in the fall. A heaviness settled over her as regret dampened her mood.

“I’m sorry for cutting it so close. Are you mad?”

“No.” He pulled her up to the landing, leaning down to whisper against her lips, “however, if you make us late, my pretty wife, your ass will pay the price tonight.”

“As it should. I didn’t listen. Thank you for not saying ‘I told you so’.”

Smiling softly, as his words clicked, her hand came up to his jaw in a gentle caress. After three months, hearing the word wife or being called Mrs. O’Brien was still a surprise. Her gaze dipped to the glittering band on her finger, nestled against her diamond solitaire—proof positive they had vowed to spend their lives together.

Despite her nerves over the upcoming evening and being on edge from her commute home, she grinned. “Not listening is a bad habit. One my sexy husband will have to help me break.” Teasingly, she added in a hushed tone, “Don’t tell anyone, but he’s the owner of a new BDSM club that opens tonight, so I’m sure he has the means and the know how to whip me into shape.”

“Smart ass,” he rumbled, although amusement twinkled in his eyes as he swatted her butt lightly to get her moving.

Eternally grateful to be home and excited for the night ahead, she giggled as she scurried into their bedroom with him following a few paces behind.

“Remind me never to take the 410 during rush hour ever again.”

“It must have been quite a tie up. You called forty-five minutes ago.”

“Yeah, about that. I’d have been home twenty minutes sooner, but there was another delay.” She set her purse down on the dresser and pulled out the crumpled yellow slip. He’d find out soon enough when he saw the $200 fine hit their checking account. Not to mention, he knew the trooper that had ticketed her.

He slipped the paper from her fingers and turned it over. “Illegal operation of a vehicle on an unimproved shoulder,” he read aloud. “Seriously, Mara? You could have picked something up in your tire and had a flat, or the pavement, which is uneven and not maintained like the road, could have given way or narrowed and sent you veering into the guardrail or worse, back into traffic.”

“I know. The big scary state trooper you went to high school with said the same thing.”

He scanned the citation until he found the name, which he read with a smile. “Wes Jacobs. I haven’t heard that name in a long while. We played football together.”

“You’ll be happy to know that Officer Jacobs scolded me severely and will be giving you a call to make sure I made a full confession to you about my crime. It felt like a verbal spanking. Are Doms all they breed around here?”

“It’s Texas, baby, would you expect anything less?”

Shaking her head over the arrogance of that statement, she stood on her toes and kissed him. “I better shake a leg.” Then she hurried to the bathroom to shower.

She’d let the water run hot and steamy, enjoying the feel of it pulsating against the tense muscles in her neck. When she stepped out moments later, Sean was waiting with a thick fluffy towel. He enveloped her with it and his big hands began to rub her down.

“Feeling better now? You were a bit frazzled when you got home.”

“On top of gridlock on the 410, I’ve never gotten a ticket before. It was rather nerve wracking seeing those blue lights in my mirror.”

He took another towel and began drying her hair. After the excess moisture was gone, he squirted some of her leave in conditioner into his palm, spread it between his hands and worked it through the length of her hair. His long fingers combed gently through to the ends before returning to the top of her head and massaging her scalp.

Mara leaned back, groaning with pleasure. “You have magic hands, Lucky.”

When they lowered to her towel, to wipe off the excess conditioner, he unwound it from her body, letting his magic hands wander. Desire ignited within her setting up a tingling ache in her breasts and deep in her belly. Her eyes opened, meeting his in the mirror, the penetrative blue orbs missing nothing. She leaned back and relaxed as his finger roamed freely over her breasts. As he dipped his head, gliding his lips along her neck, he captured each nipple simultaneously, his fingers rolling them slowly, making her burn before giving them a firm pinch.

“Always so eager, my nightingale. Sadly, we’ll have to wait to indulge.” With another tug and roll that left her whimpering and arching into his hands, it was over. Unable to hold his gaze any longer without begging, she stepped toward the vanity and grabbed her brush. Pulling it through the wet strands, she gathered it at the back of her head in a high ponytail. In the summer heat, it would dry quickly.

“A little makeup and I’ll be ready to get dressed.”

“I’ll be waiting in the bedroom.” When he walked out, Mara had to lean against the vanity to compose herself. Sean could make her want him with a look, when he touched and teased it was all she could do to keep from jumping his bones. As she considered her reflection, she knew the blush on her skin wasn’t from the shower’s heat. Her lower lip was swollen from where she’d bitten it trying to maintain her control. Her nipples were beaded into sharp points and her chest rose and fell more rapidly than normal. Somehow, she had to get centered.

BOOK: Second Time Lucky (Club Decadence Book 5)
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