SecondSightDating (20 page)

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Authors: Marianne Stephens

BOOK: SecondSightDating
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Annoyed, Serena offered as an explanation, “Hey, I just said
it at the spur of the moment.
He never questioned what I said.
Just replied
he’d be sure to congratulate her.
I planted a seed of interest.”

“More like a germ of a complication.
You do whatever
you need to do.
I’ll get over there to hear what he says to Justine.
Then I’ll
follow him over to Mrs.
W.”, Michael winked, “since I’ve got the hots for her.”

“Hang on.
I’m coming with you.
I’m your loving
wife, remember?
I’ve got some prowling to do and Dan’s my main target.
like both of us should head in the same direction.”

As they approached Dan and Justine, Serena did a double
She thought she recognized three people sitting near a piano.
for a better view, she realized Annemarie and her parents were there to witness
the Xavier siblings’ performances.

What are you doing?” Michael rubbed his arm, the one
Serena had just pinched and gave her an inquisitive look.

“Did you invite Annemarie and her parents?
This could get
complicated if they try to talk to us and Dan gets nosy.”

“Calm down.
If I’d known you’d go ballistic, I’d
never have asked them to come.”

Serena gritted her teeth and quipped, “They can’t let on
that they know us, Michael.”

Her brother leveled a no-nonsense glare at her.
I planned to meet them after dinner.
Annemarie explained that I’m
here to help you with your clients so they won’t interfere.
I didn’t figure
we’d get a chance to talk to them, but now that we’re part of the show, I plan
to head over there later and talk.” He lifted his shoulders.
“Don’t see why
We’re supposed to mingle.”

Serena glared right back at her brother but decided to
He was right.
What harm could talking to the LaRosas do?
Speaking to
other dinner guests wouldn’t jeopardize their watching Dan.
How could it?

Serena gave her brother a “move along” signal and made a
beeline to where Dan and Justine were standing, just in time to catch part of
their conversation.
Dan had remarked, “Rich women are better suited to my
tastes.” Justine laughed and stroked his cheek with one long fingernail,
responding, “I’d pay very well.”

So, was he attempting to sweet-talk his ex-wife, Rosalia?
Or, seduce the newly wealthy Justine?
She wasn’t his type at all.
interests didn’t jive, he was to the right where she was off to the left.
Music, likes, appearances, all screamed these two wouldn’t work as a couple.

But, here they stood, eyeing each other, oblivious to all
others around them.
Justine wasn’t good enough for her Dan.

What the hell is wrong with me?
My Dan?
When did
jealousy enter the picture?
Keep focused on Dan, the possible con artist
who’s after your unsuspecting clients.

“You didn’t wiggle on your way over here.” Justine whispered
her comment in Serena’s ear.

Trying to sound enthused, she replied, “Oh.
Guess I forgot.
I’ll keep that part of my character in mind.”

“So,” purred Justine to the newly arrived twosome as she
latched onto Dan’s arm, “I was just telling Clive how I’d love to run off with
him, away from the crowd.”

Dan grinned.
“Now, you know we need to stay put for the time
I’ve got people to see, but I’ll gravitate back to you later.” He turned
and winked at Serena.

Was that Dan or Clive speaking?

Serena decided to start her performance and grabbed Dan’s
other arm to pull him toward her.
“Clive, dear.
You promised me a walk by the
palm plants.”

Dan removed his instruction card, scanning it while everyone
He returned it to his pocket.
It’s not time yet.” He removed
her hand from its position on his arm and gave a lovesick puppy-dog look toward
“We need to talk some more, don’t we, Rosalia?
You know, honey bunch,
maybe you really should consider paying me.
I can be real good for you.”

Insides ready to explode, Serena had no chance to open her
mouth and lambaste Dan before Michael pulled her away.
Fuming, she gave her
brother what she hoped translated as a look to kill.

“What are you doing?” she asked through gritted teeth.

“You were about to spoil everything.
He could be a good
improvisational actor playing up his part to Rosalia, or baiting Justine, the
now rich diamond mine seller.” Another series of laughs flowed from his mouth.

“Where are we going, husband Percy?”

As he escorted Serena to an area to their left, Michael
nodded his head toward the outrageously dressed matron, now standing by a
Her long orange chiffon dress resembled something from a movie made in
the 1930s and the assorted feathers sticking out of her hair drew Serena’s eyes

Oh, Lord.
Worthington, my rival for Clive.

After a few confusing moments of chatting with the airhead
patroness of “special” dinners, an announcement was made for everyone to take
their seats.
Relief to have an opportunity to sit once again and be
normal…whoever she was now…Serena welcomed the sight of her table and the other
two occupants already seated.

An appetizer tray had been placed on their table.
Their host
for the evening, “Jake Marshall, retired chief of police of Worthington
County”, greeted the diners.
He encouraged everyone to eat while he explained
the plan for the evening.

Characters were introduced, each having to stand up for the
others to see.
Serena groaned, her stomach twisting in knots, as she realized
Justine had done them the honor of being among the top ten players in the
They couldn’t have been given the parts of local residents of Worthington
Oh, no.
Justine had made other plans.

Serena half-listened to their host while trying to hear
snips of Dan’s conversation with Justine.
She sneaked a peek at them, realizing
they seemed to be clicking together and having a good time.

Part of the show?
His plan to fleece her newly
found wealth?
An honest match?
Which was it?

They couldn’t be compatible.
Nothing about them indicated
they’d be well-suited in anything.
She ought to know.
She’d put them together.
They were supposed to be cordial and go their separate, merry ways.

A round of applause for Mrs.
Worthington caught her
attention and she looked up front to the podium.
Worthington beamed with
delight as the host begged her to play the piano.
She agreed, joking how she
was rusty and didn’t want to bore anyone to death.

More applause followed and the woman sat down and began to

Very badly.
Painfully amateurish.

Awful didn’t begin to describe her talent, or in this case,
enormously evident lack of talent.
There weren’t enough adjectives to express
the agonizing way the woman manhandled the piano.
Being bored to death wasn’t a
true possibility.
Death by musical misery was.

Michael clapped when the torture was over, then took Justine
over with him to congratulate the performer on her butchering rendition of show
Personally, Serena thought thanking God it was over would be a better

Dan grabbed her hand, his number immediately appearing in
her head along with his letters.
She gazed at him, badly ringing piano notes
reverberating in her head.

We’re heading for the plants.” He pulled her behind
him, gliding over the dance floor and through a maze of tables.

Once behind the palms, he backed her into a corner.
driving me crazy.
I can’t keep away from you.”

Who was talking?
Dan or Clive?


“We need to talk about your business soon, Serena.”

Back to reality.
She pushed out of his reach.
“I don’t think
I’ll need you.”

“Profits must be good then.
Or, are you planning on offering
Gino a partnership?”

“It’s not your concern, is it?
I can do as I please and make
money any way I want to.”

Sadness clouded his eyes.
“You’re right.” He cleared his
throat as two other couples approached.
In a louder, seductive voice he
offered, “So, how long will you keep me waiting?
Once wasn’t enough for me.”

Back to playing?
In a confused state, Serena answered, “I-I
need some time to think.”

Dan drew her into his arms and spoke before his lips touched
“Maybe this will help.”

The mind-blowing kiss Dan planted on her lips merged reality
with fantasy.
His number rampaged through her brain, swirling around in bright
His letters intermingled with the numbers, bouncing off each other.

Want him, don’t want him, echoed through her brain.
So did
good, evil, yes, no and fool, lover.
Serena gave in to the kiss, her tongue
seeking his as their mouths slightly parted.

A dinner gong chimed, startling them.
Serena’s head told her
to pull away, her heart urged her to grab him, kiss him again and never let go.

“We need to get back.
It’s time for salad.” Dan’s uneven
tone would match her own, if she’d had to energy to speak.
All she found
strength to do was nod in agreement and then she preceded him to their table.

Justine and Michael greeted them as they sat.
Her appetite
gone, food held no appeal for Serena.
She pushed around the tasteless meal on
her plate, trying to appear interested in eating.

The host announced that before the main course would be
served, the highlight of their evening’s adventure would occur.
He then ran
through the list of characters once again, giving their names and table
location, including the mismatched foursome at Serena’s table.
Jake hinted that
one of the main characters would soon be murdered.
All the remaining nine main
players were to be suspects and anyone could question them before dessert.

Please, Lord.
Let it be me.

Serena silently prayed for a chance to be the walking dead
body, immune to holding conversations.
Or, having Dan grab and kiss her.
couldn’t kiss a dead body, now could he?

Worthington mentioned that every one of the surviving
nine characters had motives for killing the unsuspecting victim.
chuckled to herself, imagining people running around, browbeating nine
suspects, while she could have the freedom to slip out the door.

Dan and Michael both ate quickly, eyeing each other with
suspicion…maybe as Clive and Percy, perhaps as Dan and Michael/Mr.
“Eight”, and
exchanged index card information.
After confirming they were both to visit with
Worthington and stage a heated confrontation about her affections, the men
left the table.

Serena watched as Michael made a quick detour before
approaching Mrs.
He stopped by the LaRosas’s table and greeted
them, giving Annemarie a quick kiss.
Happiness flooded her as she reveled in
Michael’s joy at finding the woman he loved.
Sadness then look its place and
enveloped her as she figured that same type of contentment would escape her

Not wanting to appear rude, she decided to join the happy
No reason not to share in their joy just because her life fell apart
and no love awaited her.

Serena spoke briefly with the LaRosas, then searched the
dining room,
hoping to spot Justine and spend a few minutes with
She was anxious to see how Dan’s date for the evening viewed their
The woman gushed with joy, happy to have met Dan and loaded with
enthusiasm at her tablemates’ dedication to their performances.

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