Secret Journey to Planet Serpo (12 page)

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Authors: Len Kasten

Tags: #UFOs/Conspiracy

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It has been a long time since I have made an entry. We are guessing we have been on the ship for twenty-five days. But we might be off by about five days. We were locked into our sphere for a long period of time. We had to leave in order to relieve ourselves and finally were able to open the sphere. But when we did, we all got sick, really sick. Dizzy, confused, and some couldn't walk. We had trouble urinating and moving our bowels. 700 and 754, who ate the EBE food, didn't seem to be as sick as us. They treated us with medicine. EBE came in and pointed a bluish light on our heads. We felt better, much better after this. But [he] pointed to the chairs and we figure we must get back into them. We showed him our waste containers and pointed to the chairs in a confused manner. He understood and then left the room. EBE came back with small containers we could place inside the sphere. He also brought in small jugs of the milky liquid and made a motion for us to drink it. So we went back into the sphere and just sat there with the waste containers and the jug of the milky stuff. We drink that and seem to be better, except 518 [the biologist], who seem to be sick. But we were cautioned to stay inside the sphere.


We learn now that the alien craft exited the time domain at approximately the halfway point. The team members now felt much better and were able to move freely about the ship and to explore and ask questions. Apparently, the team members felt sick and dizzy only when traveling through the time domain. This is important information for NASA and for future manned space probes from Earth. Certainly, our bioscientists will be able to develop some sort of medication to counter this problem. Maybe Mothersill's seasick pills would do the trick. The halfway point in the journey still leaves about twenty light-years, or 200 trillion kilometers, to go. It appears that the Ebens travel through space using very advanced onboard propulsion. We learn here that they may have been using antimatter technology (see
plate 12

I don't have any idea how long we stayed in that sphere this time. But EBE came in and made a motion for us to come out. We were able to move around without being dizzy or sick. EBE even allowed us to leave the room. We walked along a very narrow hallway for a long period of time, maybe twenty minutes. We then got into some sort of elevator, which moved fast because we could feel the motion. We came out into a very large room that contained many EBENS sitting in seats. Maybe this is the control center. Our escort made a motion to go into the room. We could see control panels which contained many lights. There were four different stations containing six EBENS each. They were in levels. The top level inside this room contained just one seat. One Eben was seated in that chair. We figure he must be the pilot or commander. He seemed busy with an instrument panel. There were many television screens, but they all showed EBEN language and [a] series of lines, both vertical and horizontal. Maybe some sort of graph.

We were able to wander around without any EBEN bothering us. 633 and 661 [scientist #2] were really interested in this. 633 seemed better. There was one window. But we could not see anything. It was dark but we could make out wavy lines. Maybe some
sort of distortion in time. We must be moving faster [than] light speed, but we can't see anything out the window.


OK, MVC finally arrived. He explains in broken English, that we are halfway to the home planet. Everything is functioning properly and we all will feel better once the craft gets out of this time wave, as he calls it. MVC says we can walk around any part of the ship, but we must stay together. We must be shown how to operate the movement centers. We are thinking he is referring to the elevators. It seems simple, just placing your hand over one of the operating lights. White and red. White moves it and red stops it. We hear some type of ringing sound, but MVC says it is only space sounds. Whatever he means by that. We were able to walk around the ship, but it is so large it is difficult to understand how such a large ship can move so fast. 633 wants to see the engines. MVC takes four of us to the engine room or whatever they wish to call the room. It contains large, very large metal containers. They are in a circle, with the ends of each pointing into the center. Many pipes or some type of large tubes connects them. In the center of these containers is a coppercolored coil or something looking like a coil. There is a bright light being shined from a point above into the center of the coil. We hear a very dull hum, but no major loud sounds. 661 thinks it is a negative matter versus positive matter system.

We know that 661 was a scientist. His speculation that perhaps the Ebens were using some form of antimatter propulsion at that time was amazing, since that possibility wasn't entertained then, even in classified scientific ranks. This team was well-chosen, and all were apparently highly intelligent and forward thinking. Now we have learned from Robert Lazar, who worked on reverse-engineering alien craft at Area 51 in the 1980s, that the aliens used antimatter reactions to power their craft, utilizing a superheavy substance called Element 115, an element not found on Earth.

Small-scale speculative model of an antimatter reactor on an alien craft. The dome covers the wedge of Element 115. Model designed by Robert Lazar and Ken Wright.

Since Lazar's revelation, scientists at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, in collaboration with Russian scientists in Dubna, Russia, have been able to create Element 115 by bombarding other more stable elements and have also now created even heavier atoms, Element 116 and Element 118. All these atoms are very unstable and have short half-lives, but are highly radioactive. Element 115 has been assigned the symbol Uup and named Ununpentium. All these elements have now been added to the periodic table.


The following entry in the Team Commander's diary was evidently written as they were nearing the end of the journey. Apparently, they all slept through most of the journey. And each time they woke up, they had little or no memory of what had previously transpired. We learn later that 308 (team pilot #2) died of a pulmonary embolism.

I am awake again. Ebens are in the room. My bowl is open. Some of my crew are walking around. The Ebens are helping them. I climbed out of my bowl. The English speaking Eben sees me and I ask him if everyone of my crew is alright. He doesn't understand
“alright.” I point to the crew. I say eleven. Where is number twelve? Ebe1 then points to a bowl that is empty and says, earthman is not living. Ok, someone died. But who My crew is walking around in a state of confusion. I can't get anyone's attention. They look like the living dead. What is wrong with them? I asked Ebe1, what is wrong with them. Ebe1 replied, space sick, but will not be sick soon. Ok, that makes sense. I have no idea how long.

We are still flying but don't know how long. Ebe1 brings some fluids and something looking like a biscuit. Fluid tastes like chalk and the biscuit doesn't have any taste. We all eat it and drink the fluid. Almost instantly we feel better. Ok, get organized. Told 203 to round up all crew. Found 308 [team pilot #2] missing. Must be the dead crew member. Ebe1 came back and lead me to 308. He was in bowl, something like a coffin. 700 and 754 will examine 308.
Ebe1 cautioned us no[t] to take 308 out. Don't understand the caution. 700 and 754 is [
] here. I try to tell Ebe1 that these guys are our doctors and must examine 308. Ebe1 said no, because of infection. I guess 308 must have had some sort of infection and it could be contagious. But is 308 dead? Don't know. We will take Ebe1 advice. 700 and 754 just looked into the bowl and said it looks like 308 is dead. Everyone else looks ok. The fluids and biscuit must have contained some type of energy food. We can focus our eyes and can actually think. No one can remember how we got into this room. All our equipment is here. Everyone is concerned about our status. Ebese are friendly but won't tell us much. 899 is concerned with being locked into a room. 633 and 661 thinks we should be keeping busy. I agree. I order everyone to get their packs and ration belts, inventory everything inside and see if something is missing. That will occupy the team for some time. My wristwatch says it is 0400. But what day? Date? Don't know. Very strange not being able to gauge time. We have no reference inside this room or this spaceship. The year clock that we brought will be unpacked once we can get to the stowed gear. We don't know where that is.



The Commander's diary describes the arrival on Serpo.

Ebe1 came in. Told us the journey was almost over. Lead us to a hallway. We got into a moving room and moved to another part of the ship. Came out into a large room with many items. I can't identify them, but they look like clothing chests or bedroom chests. We are also lead [
] to a large table with food. Ebe1 tells us to eat. He said good food, eat. We all look at each other. 700 and 754 says lets eat. Ok, we find plates. Seems like ceramic plates real heavy. I chose something that looks like a stew. I then got a biscuit, same as we ate earlier. The drinks were in metal containers. Same fluid we drank earlier. We all ate. Very little taste in the stew. Something like potatoes, maybe cucumbers, some type of stems. No[t] really bad. The biscuits taste the same. Everyone sat and ate. We found something like apples but didn't taste like apples. Sweet and soft, I ate one. Leaves an aftertaste in my mouth. Team looks happy. Some are joking about not having any ice cream. Ok, the MVC is in room. First time we saw him. He speaks through Ebe1. The language really bothers my ears. The high pitch sounds and then the vocal tones sound very strange. Ebe1 tells us MVC wants us to prepare for landing [see
plate 13
]. Ok, how do we do that. We must go into bowl room and get in bowl. No one wants to do that but if we have to we will do that. We are lead back to moving room and travel back to bowl room. We climb into the bowl. Some
use pot for relief of our bowels and bladders. Then climb into bowl. The lids close but we are awake. Just lie there. I fall asleep.


The bowl lids have opened. My wristwatch says 1100. I guess it is still day 1. We climb out. Ebe1 is at our side. He tells us, Landing home. Ok, I guess we are there. We gather our gear. 700 reminds us to wear out [
] sunglasses once we exit. We pack up and walk down long hallway. Then into another moving room. We travel for one minute. Then door open. We are in a large room. We see our stowed gear. Many smaller spaceships are stored here. A large door opens. Bright light. We see the planet for the first time. We walk down the ramp. Large number of ebens waiting for us. We see a large eben, largest one we have seen yet. He comes forward and starts speaking to us. Ebe1 translate[s] a welcome message from the leader. I guess this guy is the leader. About one foot taller than the others. The leader tells us we are welcome to planet, he called it something we do not understand. Ebe1 isn't doing a good job translating. But we are lead to an open arena. Looks like a parade field. The ground is dirt. Looking up, I see blue skies. The sky is very clear. We see two suns [see
plate 14
]. One brighter than the other. The landscape looks like a desert, Arizona or new Mexico. No vegetation that we can see. There are rolling hills but nothing but dirt. This must be the central village or town. We landed in an open area with large structures like electrical towers. Something is sitting on top of these towers.


On the center of the village is a large tower. Looks like a concrete structure. Very large, maybe three hundred feet. Looks like a mirror is placed on top of this tower. All the buildings looks like adobe or mud huts. Some are larger than others. Looking in one direction, can't tell any actual compass readings, but there
is a very large structure. All the ebens are dressed in the same clothing, except for some of the ebens who were on the spaceship. Now I see others dressed in a dark blue outfit, different from the others. Each eben is wearing some type of box on their belts. All have belts. Can't see any children, but maybe they are the same size too. Our boots leave an imprint on the soil. The brightness is almost too much for our eyes without sunglasses. Looking around 360 degrees, I see buildings and barren land. Can't see any vegetation. I wonder where they grow their food. What a planet. Hard to believe we will have to live 10 years here. But a journey of 1000 miles begins with one foot step. Can't remember who said that but that just came to mind.

Interestingly, the Ebens offloaded the supplies and equipment onto sixteen separate pallets. The commander was not able to view the offloading procedure, but apparently it was accomplished very quickly so it seems likely that the Ebens manually transferred everything to sixteen pallets and then floated the pallets into the underground storage area. Perhaps they were able to make the heavy items weightless when they moved them onto the pallets.

Serpo is a rather desolate-looking planet, and the commander is clearly not very happy about what he sees. In his words, “What a planet. Hard to believe we will have to live ten years here.” We later learn that this is not the Ebens' native planet, but was chosen as a refuge after the volcanic devastation of their home planet.


But large numbers of ebens are welcoming us. They seem friendly. Then, almost shocking us, someone speaks English. We all look around and see an eben. This eben speaks very good English. This eben, we call ebe2, speaks almost fluent English, with exception of not really pronouncing the letter w. But ebe2 does a good job speaking English. Ebe2 says we are welcome to the Planet Serpo. Ok, that is the name of their planet. Ebe2 shows us a device and tells us every
one of us must wear it. It looks like a small transistor radio. We put it on our belts. The weather is extremely hot. Asked 633 to take temperature. 633 says it is 107 degrees. Very warm. We take off top jacket and [that] leave[s] us with one piece flight suit.


The Ebens looks at us but seem very friendly. Some are wearing some type of shawls. I asked Ebe2 about that, Ebe2 says they are females. Ok, I see. They all look alike. Really hard to tell one apart except for uniform. Some have different colored uniforms. I asked Ebe2 about that, Ebe2 says military uniform. Ok, that makes sense. Ebe2 lead[s] us to a series of huts, looking like adobe style houses. There are four. Behind them is an underground room, or storage area. It is built into the ground, underground. We have to walk down a ramp. The doors look like a military igloos that store our atomic bombs on Earth. All our gear taken off the spaceship is stored there. We walked down into this area. Very large room. Very cool, a lot cooler. We might have to sleep here. All our gear is there. Sixteen palates [pallets] of gear. This igloo is made up of something like concrete but not the same texture. Feels like soft rubber but still hard. The floor is made of the same stuff. There are lights in the ceiling. Looks like spotlights. They have electricity. We must inventory all our gear sometime. We go back to huts. The huts are cooler than outside. But still very warm. We must get organized. I tell Ebe2, we will need to be alone and get organized. Ebe2, then I realize Ebe2 is female, says ok. We will be left alone. I asked for the body of 308. Ebe2 seems to be confused and doesn't know about any body. I explained to Ebe2 held her hands across her body and bowed her head. It was really an emotional site because she was almost crying. Ebe2 told us that the body would be brought to us but she must check with her trainer. The word trainer kind of shocked me. Is Ebe2 in training and someone is teaching her? Or is the word trainer in Eben something different in English Maybe that means leader or commander. Don't know. But Ebe2 left. I told 203 to gather everyone in the lower storage area. We will have a team meeting. 633 suggested we start the calendar as of today. It is 1300 on our Day 1 on planet serpo.

The team was able to use all their electrical appliances. They plugged them all into a sealed black box, and they all worked. It is believed that the team was able to use the Eben device that they had developed to communicate with Earth. There didn't seem to be anything to prevent this, except for the slim possibility that it only worked with the Eben language. But even in that case, the Ebens would have translated messages into English. For some reason, Anonymous never discusses the utilization of this communications device by the team.

It is interesting to note that the Ebens have electricity, but no air conditioning! This is one of the many paradoxes of the Eben technology and civilization. They are advanced and civilized, and yet they are primitive and simple at the same time.

The female alien that the Team Commander designated as Ebe2, who speaks excellent English, is clearly the same Ebe2 who had translated the Yellow Book, and who presented it to our greeting party at the first landing in April 1964, and who also translated the conversation at that time. It is coincidental that she was given the same name both times because none of the team members had been present during the greeting at the April landing. They were all waiting in a bus. Her emotional reaction in this bit of drama regarding the body of 308 reveals a sympathetic and compassionate nature, which the team learned was generally characteristic of this race. As we will see, this first incident about the recovery of 308's body was the opening round of what turned out to almost become a major diplomatic problem very early in the game. In this next diary entry, we see that Ebe2 becomes a very important link between the team and the other Ebens.


We had a serious problem. How do we explain our science to an alien entity, who doesn't know Einstein, Kepler, or any of the other scientists of our time. Simple mathematics seems so foreign to them. Ebe2 is the smart one. She seems to understand our language more than 1 and 2. She even seems to understand our basic math. We started with the basic math. 2 plus 2. Then progressed on. She understood and even caught on so quickly that she continued on without our help. We realize she has a great IQ when she repeated 1000 times 1000 and came up with an answer. We showed her our slide rule. It took her a couple of minutes to figure it out, although I don't think she fully understood all the symbols on the slide rule. She is really something. We found a personality in her. Maybe because we have more contact with her than the others. She is very warm hearted, one can just sense that in her. She really cares about us and she even worries about us. During our first night, she seemed to make sure everything was just right for us. She warned us about of the heat and the light. She mentioned that SERPO does not get dark, like earth. I wonder how she knew that? Has she visited Earth? Maybe she is just educated on earth's properties. Maybe they have books about Earth. Anyway, on the first night, she told us about the winds, what winds. Gusty winds start just when the one sun sets. The other sun does not but stays in the lower horizon. The winds blow dust, free dust into our huts. We had a very difficult first night. We call it night but it seems that the Ebens just call it a period of their day. Ebe3 [Ebe2] knew the word day but didn't compare it to earth's day. Maybe she hasn't been to Earth. We didn't sleep well during our night. The Eben's don't sleep, like we do. They seem to rest for periods of time and then wake and go about their business, whatever that might be. When we awoke, Ebe2 was there, outside our hut. I opened the door and she was waiting. Why? How did she know we were awake? Maybe the huts are being monitored by some sensor. Ebe2 told us to follow her to the eating place. She didn't use the word dining hall or chow hall or facility. She used the word place.

The fact that the team used a slide rule for computations really dates this entry, and authenticates the time frame. The introduction of inexpensive scientific calculators in 1974 made the slide rule virtually obsolete. But in the 1960s, all engineers routinely carried slide rules on their belts. The fact that Ebe2 was able to quickly understand the use of the slide rule with its cryptic symbols, tells us a lot about the high Eben intelligence.

A slide rule still in use in the 1960s

The Commander speculates that perhaps Ebe2 had visited Earth. At this point, he did not know that Ebe2 had indeed visited Earth in April 1964. And evidently, he knew nothing about the Yellow Book, or he would have been informed that she had been the translator. The fact that MJ-12 kept this very important piece of knowledge from the team is astonishing. In this case, the paranoia and secrecy went too far. This team had given up a great deal to make this journey and they deserved to know everything possible about the planet that would be their home for the next ten years. Someone should have briefed them about the Yellow Book.


Once I gathered the team, we walked across the village, I'll call it a village for the sake of wording. We entered a large building. It seemed to be large, based on the small stature of the Ebens. There were [
] food on tables. I guess we'd call this place a chow hall. Ebens looked at us but carried on eating. Do they not cook inside their huts? Maybe everyone eats here. We walked to the food tables. Same food we saw and ate on the spaceship except some items were different. They bad [had] large bowls of something like
fruits. Strange looking things. They also had something like cottage cheese, it tasted like sour milk but after the initial taste, alright. I encouraged each team member to eat and drink. We might as well get use to the food. But 700 tells us to eat just one of their meals a day and stick to our C-Rations for the other meals. That way, our system will adjust to the Eben food. We sat at a table, small compared to our standards and ate. The Ebens, numbering probably about 100, just ate and didn't really bother us. Every now and then, we would catch Ebens staring at us. But we were the freaks, not them. We are the visitors. We are the aliens. We must really look strange to them. We all look different, they all look the same. How can they compare us to them? They can't. We stare at them, they stare at us. We then see a different looking Eben. Very strange looking creature, large, long arms, almost floats along with long legs. Can't be an Eben. We all stare. This creature just floats by us and didn't even look at us. I find Ebe2. She is eating with three others. Once I approach her, she stands and almost bows her head towards me. Maybe just a greeting, have to remember that. I ask her abet [about] the creature we saw, I ask if that was some other type of Eben. Ebe2 seems confused. She asked me what creature. I used the word creature. Maybe that was an insult or maybe she didn't know the word. I pointed to the thing at the other end of the building. She then saw what I meant. Ebe2 said, no Eben, just visitor. Like you, pointing to me. Ok, I see, they have other alien visitors here. I guess we are not the only ones. I then asked Ebe2 what planet did that visitor come from? Ebe2 said something like CORTA, not sure of the exact work [word] although I asked her to repeat it twice. Ok, where is CORTA? She walks me to a television, at least it looks like one. It is positioned in the corner of the building. It is set up like some type of command station. She places her finger on the glass and something appears.
The universe? Star systems I don't recognize any of them. She points to a spot and says CORTA. Ok, where is Earth? She points to another spot and says earth. Based on this television glass space map, CORTA and Earth are very close. But I don't know the scale of this map. Maybe they are a trillion miles apart or maybe 10 light-years (see
plate 15
). But they seem close. I'll have to have one of the scientists look at this and see. Ok, I thank Ebe2. She seems pleased. She almost looks like a[n] angel. She seems so very nice. She touched my hand and pointed to my table and said, eat. Good eat? I laughed and said, Yes, good chow hall food. She looked puzzled. I guess she doesn't know what a chow hall is. I pointed to the building and said, chow hall, earth eating place. She repeated what I said, chow hall, earth eating place. I laughed and walked away. Now she will think all earth restaurants are called chow halls.

The description of the creature from CORTA sounds very much like the alien we now call the Mantis because it resembles a praying mantis. Many contactees have reported seeing these aliens on spaceships when they were abducted. They are invariably described as kind and compassionate beings. The fact that aliens from other star systems are permitted to freely mingle with the populace testifies to the galactic cosmopolitan nature of Serpo. In the chow hall incident, we see that a very affectionate, trusting relationship has sprung up between the Commander and Ebe2, who has evidently been designated as their combination translator, guide, and hostess.

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