Secret Journey to Planet Serpo (2 page)

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Authors: Len Kasten

Tags: #UFOs/Conspiracy

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In part 2 of the book, we learn of the amazing adventures of a band of twelve brave and resolute Americans who were willing to leave the comforts and familiarities of their home planet for a stellar destination in the far reaches of space that they knew almost nothing about! This level of bravery has no real precedent. It could perhaps be equated with the daring of the Spanish Conquistadors who landed in a new world—comparable to a new planet—and also faced an alien race. But those men were bolstered by the belief that they had nothing to fear from a race that they believed to be primitive savages. The Serpo twelve were
willing to step off planet Earth and face unknown hardship and danger living in
the midst of a civilization of aliens who looked, acted, and thought differently
from Earthlings, and who were obviously more intelligent since they had the
technology to travel across space. They would be living in a world where nothing
was familiar and where they would be deprived of the consolations of their human
friends and lovers, who were now across an ocean of space and with whom there
could be no communication.

It would be a mistake to attribute their bravery simply to a sense of adventure, to say that their fear and trepidation was trumped by the excitement of experiencing living in such a new and startlingly different world. This kind of bravery had to be rooted in a determination to advance human knowledge about life in our galaxy. Somewhere in their minds there had to be those small voices that said that the time had come for the human race to push out into space, similar to that same voice in the mind of Christopher Columbus that told him that humans must explore this entire planet that we dwell upon. So these twelve were very special people. It is difficult to even imagine such courage and audacity. And yet, we don't even know their names! The government has rigidly maintained the policy that they must remain anonymous. Someday, somewhere, almost certainly, there will be a monument built to honor these intrepid space pioneers. Perhaps it will be at NASA, or in Houston, or at Cape Kennedy. But it really belongs at the Mall in Washington D.C., where it will remind tourists and visitors for all time that twelve courageous Americans dared to travel across the galaxy to a distant star system to advance the human race to a new level of knowledge and experience.


In the final section of the book are addressed two subjects that will be of major interest to all who have followed the story to this point. The first has to do with Eben technology. Since learning about their science and technology was probably the major reason for sending the Team to this distant planet, it is necessary that this subject be covered in detail and that it be compared to our earthly science and technology. Hence, it was believed necessary that we give this important subject its own chapter.

And finally, it is well known by now that Steven Spielberg's classic film,
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
contains a final scene showing the departure of twelve American military personnel on an alien spaceship to their home planet. Consequently, a reader of this book is likely to ask whether that scene was actually true and portrayed the Serpo team leaving Earth on an Eben craft. We considered that question important enough to devote an entire chapter to comparing the film to the real story. The conclusion is surprising.


The appendices form a very important part of this story. This is detailed information about the journey, much of it too technical to be included in the main body of the book. It was necessary to supplement the information conveyed in the narrative with facts and figures and background to what could only be covered summarily in part 2, so as not to clog those chapters with an unwieldy number of footnotes. I have included thirteen appendices, all of which I consider indispensable to the full understanding of this remarkable epic adventure. It is in this section that we learn such details as the fact that the Team brought with them recordings of the music of The Beatles and Mozart, as well as three Jeeps and twenty-four handguns, among the forty-five tons of supplies and equipment. It is in this section where we present the entire verbatim briefing given to President Ronald Reagan about Project Serpo by the CIA. Appendix 10 can be read as a firsthand account of how, with the assistance of the Ebens, we have reverse-engineered alien craft beginning in 1953. Perhaps most important of all is the amazing “true confession” of the goals of the Public Acclimation Program in appendix 12. This document, simply titled “A Framework,” confirmes what every UFO investigator and researcher since 1947 has believed, but which could never before be revealed. In effect, this brief summary constitutes the full disclosure for which Ufologists have been beleaguering and harassing the government for sixty-five years. It is really the “Holy Grail” of UFO and ET related research! Essentially, once the complete story of Project Serpo was released, these goals could really no longer remain hidden. And so, in an admirable and remarkable gesture of government transparency and honesty for the ages, here are the full admissions we have all been waiting for.


A website is an evanescent form of communication: it exists solely at the discretion of its creator, and can disappear literally overnight. If
were to be taken down—due to a change of transparency policy, a change of executive administration, or even on a whim—the world would be left without any record of this incredible event, and all the earnest work and dedication of these heroic DIA personnel would be lost to posterity. That is why it was so important to get this information into an indelible medium—that is, book form—as quickly as possible. That has now been accomplished in this volume.



Before presenting the Serpo story, it is necessary to convey some preliminary
information about important events that preceded the actual
voyage. Knowing about these events will give the reader the historical
background necessary to understand why MJ-12, the president, and
the Pentagon were willing to send twelve American Air Force astronauts
to a distant star system on an alien spaceship in 1965. While the
events in Germany and Antarctica in the 1930s and 1940s may seem
remote from American government postwar space-related decisions,
there is a critical connection. After the war, the U.S. military was
justifiably alarmed about the Nazi development of antigravity fighter
discs housed in their secure ice-bound redoubt in Neuschwabenland
in Antarctica. Thanks to the intelligence that Admiral Richard Byrd
brought back from Operation Highjump in 1947, the Pentagon knew
that the U.S. was vulnerable to an invasion by these craft, and that we were basically defenseless against such an assault. American fighter jets could not possibly be successful against aircraft that could hover, fly at supersonic speeds, and change direction instantly. And we knew from British intelligence that there were large submarines and a sizeable army billeted in Neuschwabenland, so the Germans could also mount an effective land offensive as a follow-up to a devastating air attack. Consequently, when the friendly Eben aliens from Zeta Reticuli offered a diplomatic exchange program that would expose us to information about their technology—far ahead of anything the Germans possessed—we simply could not refuse such an invitation. Because of the Nazi colony at Neuschwabenland and the space technology that we knew they were developing there, as well as the possibility that Hitler himself continued to command their forces, World War II was not yet over, and it was necessary for the American military to quickly adapt to interplanetary realities in order to win. Because Eben scientists were already here and helping us to develop antigravity technology, it made perfect sense for us to visit their planet and to learn whatever we could about this other remarkable civilization that shared our habitation in the Milky Way Galaxy.



While it is popularly believed that the Roswell incident in July 1947 (see chapter 3) was our first encounter with antigravity discs, or “flying saucers,” that is not the case. Our military was very familiar with this phenomenon, having knowledge of and experience with these craft extending back to World War II. It is necessary to cover this experience in depth in order to fully comprehend the state of mind of the U.S. military at the time of the Roswell crash.

It is now well known that German aeronautical engineers were working on antigravity discs beginning in 1933, and by 1945 they had developed a highly sophisticated circular craft that was able to fly at very high altitudes and with incredible speed using electromagnetic propulsion technology. If the war had lasted only a few months longer, the Germans would have found a way to adapt these craft to aerial warfare, and the Allies' air superiority would have vanished. We would then have lost the war because our main advantage was control of the air. Even though this research and development was contained within the SS, and consequently was ultrasecret, thanks to deeply embedded Allied spies in the Nazi ranks, both Britain and the United States were receiving reports about these discs throughout the war. General Eisenhower was fully informed, as was Winston Churchill. Consequently, it became imperative to conclude the war as quickly as possible. It was very fortunate for the Allies that Hitler chose to fight on two fronts, which made an early victory possible. When he declared war on the United States on December 11, 1941, his armies in the East had not yet experienced a Russian winter, and he was still confident of a quick conquest of the Soviets. When that didn't happen, thanks largely to the American and British armaments pouring into Russia through Murmansk, and the heroic Soviet defense of Stalingrad, as well as the frigid temperatures, the previously invincible German troops were caught in a giant Allied pincer movement following D-Day, and defeat followed swiftly.


The central figure involved in obtaining the antigravity technology for the Nazis was a celebrated veteran of World War I who had emerged from that conflict with a lustrous reputation, despite the fact that the Germans lost the war. Karl Ernst Haushofer became a professional soldier at the age of eighteen in 1887 and completed artillery school and officer training at the War Academy of the Kingdom of Bavaria. In 1896, he married Martha Mayer-Doss, whose father was Jewish. He then rose through the ranks in the Imperial German Army until in 1903, at thirty-four, he became a teacher at the War Academy. During that period, the German-Prussian military enjoyed great foreign prestige as a result of their victory over the French in the Franco-German war in 1871. After teaching at the War Academy for five years, he was sent to Japan in 1908. Based in Tokyo, he was expected to study Japanese military practices and to act as an artillery instructor for the Japanese army. Japan's Imperial Army, which became centralized under the emperor at the outset of the Meiji era in 1871, was modeled after the Prussian army, and had already brought in French, Italian, and German advisors in the early stages.

According to uncredited information on Wikipedia:

Karl Haushofer

By the 1890s, the Imperial Japanese Army had grown to become the most modern army in Asia, well-trained, well-equipped with good morale. However, it was basically an infantry force deficient in cavalry and artillery when compared with its European contemporaries. Artillery pieces, which were purchased from America and a variety of European nations, presented two problems: they were scarce, and the relatively small number that were available were in several different calibers, causing problems with their ammunition supply.

Hence, Haushofer was brought to Japan in 1909 based on his artillery expertise, and his general experience with Prussian military discipline. He was greeted by the emperor upon his arrival, and he enjoyed a highly privileged social status while he and his family remained in Japan. Already fluent in Russian, French, and English, he easily added Japanese and Korean to his language repertoire, and, consequently, he was accepted into the highest strata of Japanese society and mingled with the power brokers in the emperor's circle. It was in this circle that Haushofer encountered the secret society at the base of Japanese political power, which encompassed the emperor as a figurehead—the Kokuryu-Kai, better known as the Black Dragon Society. Ultranationalistic, militaristic, and fascist, the Black Dragons, in addition to controlling Japan, infiltrated the power centers of all the countries of East Asia, even extending to the United States. They did not hesitate to use assassination and propaganda to further their goal of Japanese world hegemony.


At the innermost core of the Black Dragon Society was the Green Dragon Society. Here, political and economic power resolved down to occult and black magical power. Ostensibly, the Green Dragons were a small Buddhist monastic sect, although the monks also observed the Shinto ceremonies. In the sixteenth century, they chose Kyoto as their central location. In the nineteenth century it became known that the Green Dragons maintained a close affiliation with a mysterious group called the Society of Green Men, who lived in a remote monastery and underground community in Tibet and communicated with the Green Dragons only at the astral level. Capable of manifesting tremendous psychic and occult power, the Green Men easily controlled the Green Dragons, who viewed the liaison as advantageous to them, not realizing who was controlling whom.

Able to see into and travel through time, the Green Men had far-reaching plans extending to the year 5000. Impressed with German-Prussian militarism, the Green Men decided that an alliance with Germany would help them reach their fiftieth-century goals. Consequently, they convinced the Green Dragons to invite Haushofer into the society, and to initiate him into some of their mysteries. By giving him powers that only they could convey, they hoped to use him as the catalyst to bring about an invincible fascist German state,
which would form an alliance with Japan. Then, together, they would conquer Russia, and would then rule the massive Eurasian landmass and be in a position to confront the West European and Anglo-American alliances. Japan had already defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese war of 1904–1906, which was largely a naval battle but gave them control over the highly strategic Port Arthur, which became a Japanese foothold in Russian-occupied Manchuria. So the Black Dragons were confident that they would be able to conquer Russia with Germany's help by attacking from two directions.

Ryohei Uchida, founder of the Black Dragon Society

Haushofer became only the third Westerner ever to be initiated into the Green Dragon Society. He returned to Germany in 1911. Now forty-two years old, he was a changed man. Essentially, he was a secret weapon unleashed upon unsuspecting German society by the dugpas, the black magicians of the underground Tibetan civilization to further their visionary, global strategy for building a fiftieth-century world empire. He was, in effect, a missile aimed at the heart of European politics, although it is highly probable that he himself did not understand the true nature of his mission. More than likely, he had been hypnotized and brainwashed by the Green Dragon monks to believe in what he was doing. Upon his return to Germany, Haushofer had several illnesses and was unable to work for three years. However, he was well enough during that period to obtain his doctorate in geopolitics from Munich University. His doctoral thesis was titled “Reflections on Greater Japan's Military Strength, World Position, and Future,” testifying to his continuing obsession with Japan. In 1914, he entered World War I with the rank of general, and was put in charge of a brigade on the Western front. His successes in the war became well known, as he was able to predict with precision Allied bombardments and maneuvers, and consequently, was able to undertake timely countermeasures, thus clearly demonstrating the powers of foreknowledge conferred upon him by the Green Dragons. As a result, he emerged from the war as a hero in the rank of major general and was highly respected in postwar German society.


The exact location of the Tibetan monastery of the Society of Green Men is not known, and it is unlikely that Haushofer knew where it was. The monks communicated with the Green Dragons through the astral realm, so they never had to reveal where they were. In retrospect, it has become clear that the Green Men were connected with the huge underground empire of the Reptilian extraterrestrials from Alpha Draconis, which is said to extend from southwestern Tibet all across the Indian subcontinent to Benares, India. This empire is called Patala, or “Snakeworld” in Hindu mythology, and is said to be the home of the storied Nagas, or the serpent race, who have been worshipped by some and feared as demons by others in India since ancient times. It is said to be a massive, seven-level complex of huge caverns and tunnels, deep underground. The serpent people are believed to reside there mainly in their capital city of Bhogawati. It is known that there are at least two entrances to the world of the Nagas. One entrance is at Sheshna's Well in Benares, and the other is in the mountains around the beautiful Lake Manasarovar about five hundred miles west of Lhasa. At fifteen thousand feet elevation, it is the highest freshwater lake in the world, and is said to have been favored by the Buddha as a meditative retreat. Bruce Alan Walton, also known as “Branton” (now deceased), has emerged on the Internet as one of the most authoritative figures about alien colonies on Earth. He claims that locals around the lake have reportedly seen the Reptilians in that region and have seen their wingless flying craft entering and leaving the mountains. We know now that the Reptilians are closely associated with the so-called Greys originally from Zeta Reticuli, so it would be very likely that a Grey colony also exists in Patala.

Mountains surrounding Lake Manasarovar in Tibet


In the years between the armistice and 1933, Karl Haushofer actively sought the man who would lead Germany and make it into a fascist military power, capable of joining with Japan to take over Russia, either by alliance or conquest, and thus rule the entire Eurasian landmass. Already well respected and prestigious, he became an associate professor of geopolitics at Munich University in 1919, and was thus uniquely positioned to advise the chosen leader about this Green Dragon territorial agenda. It seems highly unlikely that, as a humble academic, he would have chosen to undertake such an ambitious political role if he were not acting as an agent for the Japanese secret societies. And it has become abundantly clear from the results of this endeavor that he was actively assisted and advised by his Black and Green Dragon mentors. In preparation for designating the new German dictator, Haushofer was instrumental in founding two secret organizations with ties to the Dragons. Along with Rudolf von Sebottendorf, he helped found the occult-based Thule Society in Munich in 1918. At its height, this organization had about fifteen hundred members in Bavaria, many of whom were affluent and influential in German industry and right-wing politics. The Thulists eventually morphed into the Nazi Party. So Haushofer had thereby set the stage for support of the new leader. He also founded the Vril Society, which had ties to the Tibetan monks. It was in this supersecret inner core of the Thule that the first German flying discs were developed. Clearly, the antigravity technology was being funneled from Patala, where the Reptilians were known to be using these craft, to the Vril Society through the Green Men. Haushofer arranged to bring a group of monks from the Green Dragons and the Society of Green Men to Berlin to set up a scientific advisory group.

Encouraged by Rudolf Hess, Haushofer attended Adolf Hitler's trial for treason in Munich in 1923. Hitler so impressed Haushofer, with his electrifying oration at the trial, that he decided that Hitler was the chosen one. Through the mediation of Hess, who was close to Hitler, Haushofer began Hitler's indoctrination and education in his jail cell at Landsberg Prison. He visited Hitler there frequently in 1924, and wrote all the sections about geopolitics in
Mein Kampf
. Then, through his Thule connections, Haushofer was able to influence German industrialists to finance the rise to power of both Hitler and the Nazi Party. Haushofer, as founder of the Institute of Geopolitics in Munich in 1922, began organizing annual trips to Tibet for his students and followers as early as 1926, evidently linking up with his Dragon connections on these trips. When Hitler came to power in 1933, Haushofer arranged for a pact between Hitler and the Reptilians from Patala through the mediation of the Green Men. At that point, the Vril Society became the technical arm of the SS, and the antigravity disc development became an SS operation.

Without question, Karl Ernst Haushofer was the godfather of Nazi Germany. It was he who convinced Hitler that the Germans were a master race descended from the Aryan survivors of the Atlantean deluge. It was he who invoked the term Lebensraum (living space) to justify Germany's taking over the lands of adjacent, “inferior” countries without conscience. Japan, with its world-class imperial navy, would rule the seas to protect those territorial gains. The Green Dragons even supplied Hitler with a core army of one million cloned warriors, the fearsome, intrepid Wehrmacht.
It seemed a foolproof plan. All the details had been meticulously worked out by the Black Dragons, and Karl Haushofer carried out his mission to perfection. However, there was one unpredictable element, and it proved to be the undoing of the entire operation. They were not able to control Adolf Hitler, who simply refused to be a good little puppet, and ultimately turned out to be a madman. When he insisted on becoming the military commander in chief, and undertook to fight two powerful adversaries on two fronts while, at the same time, carrying out an insane, massive genocidal program, a Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods), ending became inevitable. Eventually, Hitler turned on his mentor and sent Haushofer and his family to a concentration camp. In the end, with Germany in ruins, Haushofer, although ironically already absolved of blame by the Nuremberg tribunal, realized that he had picked the wrong man, and he ended his life in the only correct way for a failed Green Dragon. He and his wife committed suicide in early 1946. As Westerners, they did not feel obliged to use the brutal Japanese Hara-Kiri method of a stomach slash, but took poison instead. His wife also hanged herself, evidently just to make certain that she would die.

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