Secret Love (16 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

Tags: #Romance

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“Special K?”

“Yes, Special K. I met Sterling through Kyle when I was in my teens. The three of us—Sterling, Kyle and I—became best buddies and have remained so over the years.”

She looked at Jake. “So there were never girlfriends around to have fun with, to discuss our coming-of-age and all the things that went with it, to share breathy revelations or earth-shattering secrets. You know, just someone to hang out with.

“And,” she said, pulling in a deep breath, “it’s been only recently that I’ve realized what I missed out on. Just the little time I spent with your nieces has shown me how close they are and just how much fun they have together. I think it was nice of them to include me in their group.”

Jake cocked his head to look at Diamond carefully. Again he was reminded of what Sterling had told him about her in the beginning. She was a person who loved people and who enjoyed being around them. But because of her status in life, she’d been denied that. Now it seemed her father had denied her other things as well. Something as elemental as having another woman for a friend.

“Of course they would include you,” he said. “You’re a part of the family, and they think you’re special. Not only because of your accomplishments in the movie and film industry, but because you’re also the one who captured my heart.”

He chuckled. “Everyone had pretty much given up on me in the love department. But you came along and changed that.”

Diamond smiled at him. “So you don’t have a problem with my staying at the cabin tonight with your nieces?”

“No, I don’t have a problem with it.”
Not anymore,
he thought.
You really need that time to formulate friendships you’ve been denied.

Jake stood with her in his arms. “Oh yeah, before I forget, I need to let you know that I’m having the telephone number here changed.”

Diamond lifted a brow. “Why?”

“Because it’s accessible to the public. Since the news of our marriage appeared in the morning paper, anyone can call here.”
Someone already has,
he didn’t bother to add.

“Oh, I didn’t think of that,” she said, as he placed her on her feet. “And we do want all the privacy we can get, don’t we?”

He reached out and let his thumb caress her cheek. “Yes, baby, we do.”

Chapter 18

he next day, Diamond stood at the window in Jake’s bedroom and gazed out. As far as her eyes could see, there were endless plains of lush green peaks and valleys. This was her home, the home Jacob Madaris had given her to be shared with him and his family.

This was Whispering Pines. It was Madaris land that had been in the family for six generations. She could just imagine the hard work, labor and tiring days that had gone into keeping the land out of the hands of others. Jacob had once told her that there had been a number of African-American families in Texas who had been fortunate to own spreads such as this over a hundred years ago, but very few of them still owned them today. The Madarises were in that few.

Diamond stood spellbound. The beauty of the setting sun nearly took her breath away. She didn’t think
she would ever get tired of such a beautiful view, and from this window you could see it all. She wondered if that was the reason Jacob had placed his bedroom on this side of the house and at this angle so that at any given time he could stand at this window and be reminded of all he owned—all the land he had been blessed to inherit from his family.

“Home,” she said softly. Whispering Pines was home. No matter where she went or what other places she traveled, here with Jacob was where she preferred being above all else.

She didn’t bother to turn around when she heard the bedroom door opening. As always, she sensed her husband’s presence. After his family had left to return to their homes, he had gone riding the range to help his men look for a few strays.

Gently grabbing her by the shoulders, he slowly turned her around to him. “What are you thinking?” Jake asked her.

Diamond sighed and looked up at him. “Everything. Too much. Not enough.”

He dropped his hands from her shoulders and raised a questioning brow. “Translate.”

She couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m thinking of everything because this place is so beautiful and I love it so. Then I’m thinking too much, because no matter how much I try I’d never be able to fully appreciate just what you have given me here. And I think not enough because I don’t think there will ever be enough words to tell you just how I feel. I have so much to be thankful for. You, your family, Blaylock, the men who work for you. All of you are so special to me, Jacob. For the first time in my life I feel so very blessed.”

She smiled up at him. “Like last night, for instance, when I spent the night at the cabin with your nieces. That time was very special for me.”

Jake gently pulled her into his arms. “You never told me what you all did last night and what all you talked about.

Diamond laughed. “Because, Jacob Madaris, you never gave me the chance.”

He joined her in laughter. “No, I didn’t, did I?” he said, remembering how he had arrived at the cabin on horseback right after breakfast to claim his wife. A night at the cabin was all he had agreed to. He’d had no intention of his nieces imposing on his day with Diamond, as well. He had walked into the kitchen, nodded good-morning to all those present and walked straight over to Diamond and picked her up in his arms saying, “I came for my Diamond.” He had carried her outside and placed her on his horse behind him and had ridden off, totally ignoring the surprised and shocked look on his nieces’ faces.

Instead of taking Diamond back to the ranch like he’d originally intended, and where he knew his nephews were still sleeping off a long night of playing poker, he had taken her to his private place where he had shown her just how much he’d missed her.

“Well, what did you ladies talk about?”

“Umm,” Diamond moaned contentedly. “You know, girl stuff. Movies, fashions, trips we’ve taken, the men we love, Syneda’s pregnancy, our weight…that sort of stuff. We had such a good time that we’re planning on doing something like that again. I invited them to spend some time at our place in California since we’ve decided to keep it even after I move here permanently.”

Jake nodded. Ever since their marriage, everything that had been “his” and “hers” had automatically become “theirs” and “ours.” There had never been any discussion about it. There was a silent understanding between them that they would share their love and everything else that came with it.

“I would love for them to go with me to Jackie’s Spa and Resort,” Diamond was saying. “You know, the place I told you about that’s tucked away in the heart of the California mountains. I think it would be a perfect place to relax, enjoy a little bit of pampering and unlimited use of the spa’s facilities and activities.”

Diamond paused, lifted her gaze to his and smiled. “What do you think?”

Jake leaned down and kissed her lips. “Besides thinking you’re beautiful, I think the ladies will enjoy it.” A somewhat serious expression then crossed his features. “And I think that we need to talk about something.”

Diamond saw his expression and immediately became concerned. “What is it, Jacob?” She touched his arm. “What’s wrong?”

“Clayton just called. He thinks it would be a good idea for us to hold a press conference tomorrow.”

Diamond’s heart slowed for one tiny millimeter of a second. “A press conference?”

“Yes. We need to either confirm or deny what everyone has been reading in the papers for the last two days. Since we’ve had this phone number changed and Sheriff McCoy is doing a good job at keeping reporters away, the media are in a frenzy. There are a lot of questions on everyone’s mind. You disappeared seemingly off the face of the earth, right after that
incident in California. Your multitudes of adoring fans are concerned. Now they read in the papers, two weeks later, that you’re married to me, who just happens to be a very close friend of Sterling Hamilton’s, the man who’s been your alleged lover for the past two years.” Jake couldn’t help but chuckle. “To some people, all of that is more interesting than the most top-rated soap opera.”

Diamond nodded. “There’s something else, too, isn’t there? What aren’t you telling me, Jacob?”

Jake took a deep breath and captured Diamond’s hand in his. “It seems that when some of my family returned to Houston they found reporters camped out on their lawns.”

He felt Diamond tremble and tightened his hold on her hand.

“Oh, Jacob, I’m sorry. This is what I didn’t want to—”

“Shh, baby. It’s okay. My family knows how to handle this. They dealt with the media before with that incident involving Syneda.”

“But I wanted to protect all of them from this. I wanted to protect you.”

“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. Like I said, the Madarises can handle the heat, trust me. But I think you and I need to officially announce our marriage so people can stop guessing and stop hunting for answers.”

Diamond nodded, knowing he was right. “I’ll contact Robin and let her set up things.” Robin Weston was her publicist. “Do you have a preference as to where you want to hold the press conference?”

“Let’s hold the first one in Houston. Then we’ll
fly out to California and hold another one there the following day.’

Diamond’s shoulders sagged. “But that will take you away from the ranch.”

Jake shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Getting this done is more important.”

She nodded as she reached up and slipped her arms around his neck and gazed adoringly into his eyes. “You’re a wonderful man. Do you know that?”

He pulled her into his arms. “Only because you’re constantly telling me that I am. You, Mrs. Madaris, are pretty good medicine for my ego.”

She smiled. “And you, Mr. Madaris, are fantastic medicine for anything and everything that ails me.”


“I think you’re making a very wise decision, Diamond,” Robin was saying over the telephone. “I didn’t want to call and bother you about what’s been happening here, but it’s been crazy ever since the story of your marriage broke. Reporters are calling every three seconds. I spoke with Edward Stewart, Sterling’s attorney, and he said things are just as crazy over there. It’s a good thing Sterling is at his home in the North Carolina mountains so the reporters can’t get through to him.”

Diamond nodded. “I’ll give Sterling a call to give him a heads-up as to what Jacob and I will be doing. Make all the arrangements, Robin. Jacob and I want to hold the first press conference in Houston.”

“Got it. I’ll call you back after everything is set and ready to roll.”

“Thanks, Robin.”

“And Diamond?”


“For all it’s worth, I think it’s about time you let the world know about that gorgeous hunk of Texan you’ve been hiding. The two of you make a beautiful couple. Every time I’m around you and Jacob, I feel so much love radiating between you two. You are a very blessed woman. And I’m sure everyone who sees you two together, especially all of your adoring fans, will be happy for you.”

“Thanks. It’s not my fans I’m worried about, Robin, it’s the media. You know how they can be at times.”

“Well, I think with Jacob Madaris by your side, you have nothing to worry about.”

After Diamond had hung up the telephone she took a long, deep breath, not understanding why she was feeling so nervous. She had done press conferences before, numerous times, first with her father, then later alone or with other actors and actresses. She and Sterling had done several in the past two years, denying rumors of their alleged affair. She couldn’t understand why she felt so uneasy about this one.

In her line of business, press conferences were expected. Whenever celebrities had major changes in their lives, the media felt they had a right to know about it. It was better to face a ton of them in an organized and formal setting than being cornered by them at the airport or on your front doorstep.

She and Samuel had done a press conference to announce their engagement the day before the Indy 500, in which he was a participant. They had done another press conference three months later to announce their marriage. The media had asked probing questions, which she thought were none of their busi
ness. But Samuel had answered them anyway. That had been the cause of their first argument. She had later learned that he enjoyed the media attention and that he would use anything, including the intimate details of their marriage, to get it.

Diamond took another deep breath. She needed all the strength she could muster for the press conference.


Jake had known exactly what he was doing in setting up their first press conference in Houston, where most of his family resided. It was decided it would be held on the campus of Texas Southern University in the Barbara Jordan Auditorium; an auditorium that Dex’s company, Madaris Explorations, had provided funding to build.

As expected the place was packed. Among the members of the Madaris family in attendance were community leaders, members of the Cattlemen Association and long-time friends. All had been specifically invited and were there to give their support.

Jake and Diamond walked into the auditorium together holding hands and appearing to everyone like the epitome of a picture-perfect couple. He was dressed in a dark gray suit, and she was wearing a very chic, very stylish tailored blue pantsuit and looking like she had just stepped off the cover of a magazine. Even before they had stepped in front of the microphone it was obvious that they had dazzled the members of the media.

The reporters went into action and began firing their questions amid the flashbulbs exploding all around them. Conrad Ammons, a reporter known for his tena
ciousness and hostile interviewing skills, started off by asking, “Is it true that you and Jacob Madaris are married and have been for nearly a year and a half? If so, why did you hide that fact, and why did you and Sterling Hamilton deliberately make fools of the media by leading us to believe the two of you had a thing going on?”

Before Diamond could respond, another reporter asked, “And if you are married, how does your father feel about it since to this day he still maintains a relationship with your ex-husband?”

A third reporter requested, “And could you please give us details about that attack on you in your home in California.”

Diamond smiled up at Jacob and took a deep breath. When she faced the crowd to everyone’s eyes she looked totally ravishing and in complete control. “One question at a time, please,” she said in a deceptively calm voice. “First, to answer your questions, Mr. Ammons.”

She glanced again up at Jacob and gave him an adoring smile. He smiled back at her and tightened his arms around her. “Yes, Jacob Madaris and I are married and have been for eighteen months, four days, three hours and—” after glancing at her watch added, “—twenty-four minutes and twelve seconds.”

At everyone’s chuckle, she continued. “The reason Jacob and I decided to keep the news of our marriage a secret was to preserve our privacy for as long as we could. And as for Sterling Hamilton, he’s a very close friend to the both of us. Jacob and I hold him responsible for bringing us together, and we will be indebted to him for the rest of our lives.”

She then glanced around the room, letting her gaze light on the numerous reporters present before speaking again. “Sterling and I have told all of you on numerous occasions that there was nothing between us and that we were just friends. But a number of you didn’t believe us and wanted to make it out to be more. You couldn’t accept the idea that a man and woman could be close friends without there being anything sexual between them. So we gave up trying to convince you otherwise. You printed what you wanted to believe and nothing Sterling and I ever told you. I didn’t lie to you, Mr. Ammons. You lied to yourself and your readers by printing the untruth.”

Diamond knew that she had effectively put Conrad Ammons in his place. She also knew that doing so would probably come back and haunt her one day. The man had a history of holding grudges against various members of the entertainment industry if he felt they had crossed him in some way. She took a deep breath in accepting that she was now probably on his list. She blinked when what she thought was a smile curved his lips. She quickly thought she must have been mistaken.

She swung her head toward the reporter who had asked the second question. “As for my father, you’re right. He does have a close relationship with my ex-husband, Samuel Tate. However, although I can’t speak for my dad, I believe he’s very happy for me.”

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