Secret Love (Love Stings Series Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Secret Love (Love Stings Series Book 2)
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Before my mom would let me leave, I had to promise that I would bring her around and they would call me by my middle name and my undercover name, Damien. I don’t like asking my parents to lie to her too, but for now it’s what’s best for everyone. Pulling up in front of the entrance, I spot her walking toward my Jeep. Her face is unreadable as she opens the door and hops in.

Her chin wobbles as I watch her, and I hate seeing her cry so I grab her and pull her across the console until she’s in my lap.

“Hey, why the tears? Did it go bad?”

“N-No, but what if I fail it again?” She wraps her slender arms wrap around my neck. I wipe her tears away.

“When do you get the results?”

“In forty-eight hours, I can look up a preliminary report to at least see if I passed or failed, but I still have to wait six to eight weeks for the official results before I can work as a RN.”

“Okay, so we have two days before there’s anything to be worried about.”

We head back to my place. After making dinner together, we sit down in my kitchen and dig into our steaks, baked potatoes, and salads. My girl digs in to her food with vigor. When we’re finished, we work side by side cleaning up the kitchen. I’m wrapping up the last of the food when I feel her arms slide around my waist.

“Thank you for being there for me today. No matter what, I will be forever grateful for your support.”

Her lips touch the middle of my back, and I honestly feel my heart skip a beat. I turn around and wrap my arms around her, hugging her close. I don’t know how I thought I could stay away from her. Oh sure, in the beginning, it was purely physical, but there is just so much more to her. She’s smart, caring, and compassionate. When she spoke of her family, she did it with so much love.

Her need to seek the approval of her parents worries me, though. I don’t know how much of her need for approval is her parents’ doing or her just assuming the worst. Her dad clearly loves her, and his reaction at the bar was probably just his overprotection of her. Now, do I agree with how he handled it? No, but someday when we have a daughter—where the fuck did that thought come from?

I kiss the top of her head. Her hair smells like raspberries, and I want to stay there with my nose buried in her hair. Instead, I kiss her forehead and tell her to go pick out a movie on pay-per-view. The truth. I need to tell her the truth. If there is any hope for us to work, I need to tell her who I really am. It’s risky, but I trust her to keep my secret. As I throw the popcorn into the microwave, I make my decision. I’ll tell her after she gets her preliminary test results back.

Minutes later, popcorn in hand as well as two sodas, I make my way into the living room and find Carrington cuddled up under a blanket on my couch. “What’d you pick, baby?”

“I got the new Leonardo DiCaprio movie you said you wanted to see.”

I pull the blanket up and sit down next to her. She cuddles right into me as she reaches into the bowl for a handful of popcorn. Once we start the movie, she moves in closer to me and I wrap my arm around her shoulders. As the movie starts, I lean back because Carrington has maneuvered herself so her head is resting on my chest.

Not even twenty minutes into the movie and I already know that she’s asleep. I’ll let her sleep for a bit before I wake her and take her to bed. I sift through her hair as her soft breath hits my chest. She was just supposed to be a fuck, nothing more, but damn she’s becoming so much more than that. She’s becoming everything, and if I lose her I don’t know what I’ll do except fight like hell to keep her.




“Eyes, baby,” I murmur against Carrington’s lips as I slowly sink my cock inside her.

After the movie was over, I gently woke her up and watched her sleepily stumble into the bathroom and then across the hall to my bedroom. Quickly, I picked up the trash and locked up. When I made it back to my room, I found her curled up under my comforter, fast asleep.

I had stripped down into my boxer briefs and slid in beside her, immediately pulling her against me.

I’m not sure what time it was when she woke me with her lips against my neck and my dick in her hand and hard as a rock. After that, I took over, devouring her lips and moving between her thighs.

Now, as I bury myself to the hilt inside of her, something shifts between us. Even in the dark of night, I can feel it. It’s warm and sweet, and damn I want to stay inside her forever. She reaches out and cups my cheek. She strokes my skin with her thumb, making my dick jerk inside of her. I move my head to kiss the pad of her thumb, and I thrust slowly.

Together, we move, and her soft moans and cries echo in my bedroom. My breathing sounds rough and loud in my own ears as I feel her channel squeezing me. “That’s right, baby. Squeeze my cock.” I bend down, sucking her nipple into my mouth, nipping at her hardened bud. Every time I nip at it, her pussy squeezes me.

“Damien, I’m so close.”

I grab her thigh and pull her leg up higher, hitting deeper inside her. Carrington grips my shoulder so tight that I can feel her nails digging into my skin, possibly cutting it. I release her nipple with a pop, reach between us, and rub her clit. My lips attach to hers as I feel her clench around me. With every thrust, I give a little grind, hitting her sweet spot and making her cry out against my mouth.

I pinch her clit and hold deep as she begins to come hard. She cries against my mouth, and her hips shoot up off of the bed, almost throwing me off of her body. With a strong grip on her hips, I pound into her over and over again.

“Fuck, baby. Milk my cock.” I bury my face in her neck as the tingly sensation travels down my spine and shoots from my balls straight up to my cock. I grunt against her neck.

Carrington wraps her arms around my shoulders and holds me tight. She rubs her fingertips softly against my skin, and she whimpers as I pull out of her. I realize that I didn’t use a condom.


“Hmm…” she mumbles, her voice sounding sated. I rest my forehead against her stomach, kissing her smooth skin.

“I came inside you. I promise I’m clean. I’m so fucking sorry, and I’ve never done that before. Are you protected?”

Her fingers sift through my hair. “I’m clean too. It’s been a while since I’ve been with anyone, so I’m not on any protection. The timing should be right that pregnancy wouldn’t happen, though.”

I move my hand up her chest, over her breasts, and up to her face.

“Okay, but I’m here if it does.”

I tell her I’ll be right back and grab a washcloth to clean her up. Then I tuck her in close to my body and feel her drift off to sleep, drifting off right behind her.









Chapter Sixteen





My laptop taunts me as I sit in my living room, staring at it. It’s been forty-eight hours. Well, actually fifty-two hours since I took my boards. I can get online and, for a small fee, I can at least see if I passed or not, but I’m scared. Damien had to work at the club tonight, so he can’t be here, but I wish he were.

Things have changed between us over this past week. We’ve gotten closer, and I’m falling in love with him. I’m not stupid, though. I know he’s keeping something from me, but I don’t know what. I keep trying to get the nerve to ask him, but I’m scared. What if it’s something bad? I know he’s the muscle at The Beaver. It wasn’t lost on me the night that Mr. Travis attacked me that Damien was the one to beat him up. His knuckles were red and swollen afterward.

He’s made comments about things I can’t know. Between the drugs and the girls, I don’t know how much he’s actually involved in, but it worries me that he’s heavily involved. What if they get busted and he goes to jail?

I shake off those thoughts because there is nothing I can do about it right now. With a trembling hand, I grab my laptop and pull it into my lap. Pulling up the website, I plug in my username and password and then put in my credit card information. The little icon spins around, and I cover my eyes. I’m afraid to look, and I really wish Damien were here so he could tell me whether I passed or not.

“Come on, Carrington. Stop being a little pussy. Just look.”

Slowly, I peel my hands away from my face as my heart starts to pound. I glance at the screen, and a surprised scream leaves my lips. “I passed,” I whisper as the tears start to fall. Now I just have to wait six weeks until I get the official letter and then I can apply for a job at the hospital.

I send my boss at the hospital a quick email to let her know that I passed and that I’ll be applying for a position as soon as I get the letter. She responds almost immediately that they have a .8 position that is still open, which means I’d work three-twelve hour shifts every week and every other weekend, but it’s also considered full-time so I’ll get benefits and start accruing paid time off.

I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Damien, asking him to come over after he gets done at the club. How do you thank someone who believed in you more than you believed in yourself? I have one thought that is kind of naughty. My phone dings, and I swipe at the screen.


Hey babe, I’ll come over when I’m done. I should be done by one, is that okay?


It’s six now. I can lie down and take a nap, and then get up and get ready. I respond quickly.


That will work.


I hope this means you checked your test results. :-)


Maybe…see you later xoxoxo


Now it’s time to put together my plan.




The sound of my phone ringing pulls me out of my sleep, and I blindly reach out and snag it off of my nightstand. I see it’s my mom and I almost hit ignore, but instead I answer it.

“‘Lo,” I mumble.

“Hey, baby. Did I wake you? Are you working tonight?”

“Yes, you woke me, but that’s okay. I needed to get up. What’s up?”

I cover my mouth as I yawn and climb out of bed. My mom starts talking as I make my way out into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

“Well, JoJo is throwing Abby a bridal shower and she wanted to know if you could help, maybe plan the games or prizes. She knows your schedule at the hospital is crazy, but she’d love your help. How is work, by the way?”

My stomach clenches as it always does when I have to lie to my family. What is it they always say about lies? One lie ruins a thousand truths.

“It’s great, Mom. I’m really happy. I’ve met someone. We work together, and he’s really great.”

“Honey, that’s wonderful. Is he a nurse, a doctor?”

I’m surprised my dad didn’t tell my mom about Damien when we ran into him and Uncle Dylan at the bar.

My stomach clenches again. “No, he’s actually in security there. He’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s so good to me.” I take a sip of my coffee as I lean against the counter. “I’ll call Aunt JoJo. I’m happy to help with Abby’s shower. How are the wedding plans coming along?”

“Wonderful. Your aunt and uncle and Ben’s mom have got the tent, tables, and chairs all rented. Your grandma is making the wedding cake, and your aunt Stacy got a line on flowers. It’s going to be beautiful and just what our sweet girl deserves.”

I couldn’t agree with my mom more. Abby, Ben, and Natalie deserve their happily ever after. She informs me that they’ll want to meet Damien, and I promise that it’ll happen soon…maybe. I just hate to ask him to lie to my parents too. With a promise to call her to set up a date for them to meet Damien, I tell her I love her and then hang up.

With my coffee in hand, I make my way into the bedroom and start getting things ready.




It’s a quarter after one when I hear a knock. I take a deep breath and open the door.

“Well?” he asks. Of course he looks gorgeous as always in his standard uniform: black t-shirt, which showcases his ink and his muscles and jeans that hug his muscular thighs and his impressive dick.

“I passed.”

Damien grabs me, and I wrap my legs around his hips as he attacks my mouth. I feel him start moving through my apartment, but I have to stop him. Otherwise he won’t get his surprise. I reluctantly pull back. “Wait, we’ll celebrate in a minute. I have things planned.”

He gives me that cocky fucking smile of his. “Oh yeah? What kind of things?”

“Well, first, I’m going to feed you. And then…well, you’ll just have to wait and see.”

I lace my fingers with his as I pull him into my little dining room and then push him down into the chair.

As I move away from him, he wraps an arm around my thigh to stop me. “What’s all of this for?”

I try to swallow down the knot that’s in my throat. He’ll never know just how much his support has meant to me, and even though he tried to push me away, he was still there for me, especially since I couldn’t exactly confess to my parents that I failed the first time and am now working as a stripper for the time being.

“I just wanted to say thank you.”

He pulls me down onto his lap. “Thank me for what?” He cups my face, his thumb rubbing back and forth against my skin.

“Just for being there for me, and for believing in me. It was hard to deal with all of this and not being able to tell my family, but you were there. So, thank you.” I wrap my arms around him, hugging him tight. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tight.

“You know why, don’t you?” My eyebrows draw together as I look into his hazel eyes and shake my head. “I’m falling for you.”

His voice is low and rough. At his words, I feel tears prickle behind my lids.

“I’ve fallen for you too,” I reply, my words but a whisper. His lips are on mine, and I moan against his mouth. The timer goes off, interrupting our kiss, and reluctantly I pull away. “I have to get our dinner.” He kisses me one more time and then lets me go.

I pull out the baked Ziti and set it on the stovetop. While that cools, I pull the salad out of the refrigerator and the bottle of ranch dressing. I feel Damien come up behind me and look over my shoulder.

“Baby, this looks delicious. I’m fucking starving.”

“Good, because there’s plenty and I’m sending it home with you.”

We fill our plates and sit down at the table. He tells me about the club tonight and that he’s glad that I won’t be there much longer. “Things are starting to get a little crazy,” he says before taking a bite, moaning around his fork.

“I hate it, Damien. I really do. It’s not the dancing, I can handle that, but it’s the stuff that happens in those rooms. Aren’t they afraid that the cops will bust them? I mean, they’ve got to be watching, right? Even some of the girls are starting to look strung out. Taylor said she’s considering looking for a job somewhere else. She says she can’t risk getting arrested because it could mean her losing her boy.”

Damien is tense. I can see it on his face. His jaw clenches, and his mouth is pinched tight. “How soon can you quit?”

“I can’t apply for the nursing position until my official letter comes in the mail, but I’ve saved some money so I could quit soon and just go work in the ER as an aide until it comes.”

He visibly relaxes. He’s so serious about wanting me out of there.

“Next time you dance, give them your notice. You need to get out of there. Talk Taylor into leaving too. She’ll listen to you.” I promise him I’ll talk to her, and we finish dinner.

Side by side, we work together to clean up, and butterflies take flight in my belly. I hope he likes what I have planned. He’s used to seeing woman dance barely clothed, including me, but what I’m going to do is strictly for him.

While he uses the bathroom, I move the coffee table and place a chair in front of the couch. I place my phone in my docking station and get the music ready. He joins me a minute later. I watch his eyes move around the room and then land back on me.

“What are you up to?”

“Okay, I need a minute to get ready, but I need you to sit here.” I grab him by his upper arms and lead him backwards until he flops down in the chair, the wood groaning under his heavy frame. “Don’t move.”

Quickly, I run into my room. I strip off my clothes until I’m just in a silk and lace bra and panties the color of emeralds that I bought.

I grab the white button-down dress shirt that I bought for this occasion and slip it on, buttoning it up until it’s buttoned right at my breasts. On my bed are a pair of black, strappy, stiletto heels. I slip them on and stand up, moving toward my full-length mirror. My hair has that messy, just-had-sex look. Too bad I’m about to cover it. I grab my black fedora off of my dresser and stick it on my head. Quickly, I slap some red tinted lip gloss on and take a deep breath.

Right before I reach the mouth of the hallway, I call out for Damien to hit the play button on my iPhone. The beginning note of “Dangerous Woman”
Ariana Grande
comes on through my speakers. I take a deep breath and begin to move.

The minute Damien sees me, his mouth opens. Slowly, I move my hips from side to side as I move my hands up and down my body seductively. I drop down to my knees, moving my hips as I slowly unbutton the shirt. Once it’s undone and hanging open, I get up and move until I’m straddling his legs. I smirk internally as I watch him stare at my chest with lust-filled eyes. I grind my hips on his lap as I pull the shirt off.

There’s no mistaking the huge erection in his pants. With a finger under his chin, I tip his head up to look at me, bending forward to bite his lower lip. By the time the crescendo of the song hits, my panties are wet and my nipples are hard. He cups both of my ass cheeks, pulling me down hard against him. The song comes to an end, and I smile down at Damien.

“I know you see me dance all of the time, but I wanted to do a dance that was just yours, something that no one else will have.” Ugh…maybe this was a stupid idea. He’s not saying anything. He’s just staring at me. “Okay, it was a stupid idea—”

Damien stands up with me wrapped around him. He moves through my apartment and tosses me on the bed. I watch, stunned, as he rips his t-shirt off. On my knees, I move to the end of the bed, rip open his jeans, and pull his cock out.

My tongue peeks out, swiping at the purple head of his dick. I can taste the saltiness of his pre-come. I swirl my tongue round and round until I open my mouth wide and suck his cock into my mouth. He grabs at my hair as he starts fucking my face.

“Do you like sucking my cock, baby?” I moan around it, and he grabs my hair tighter. “Baby, you’re taking me so deep. Your mouth is so hot.”

I continue to suck, my head bobbing up and down. I grab onto his balls, massaging them. I hear him grunt, and my eyes drift up to look at him. His eyes are on me, and he looks hungry. “Fuck, baby. I need to be inside of you.”

Damien grabs me under my armpits, and then I’m up in the air and on my back. He buries his head between my legs, and I cry out. With every swipe of his tongue, I cry out. He sucks my clit into his mouth and pushes a finger inside of me. I grip his head, and my back arches up off of the bed.

“Oh God!” I cry out. The sound of my wetness echoes through my bedroom as his finger moves in and out of me. I feel the pressure build in my pussy, and know that I’m close to coming. “Damien, I’m so close,” I say with a moan.

“Give it to me, baby,” he whispers as he sucks my clit into his mouth. With his fingers, he presses on my g-spot. Reds and blues explode behind my eyes as my orgasm pulses through me. My blood roars in my ears, and I’m vaguely aware of Damien putting a condom on. He flips me over onto my knees and thrusts inside of me.

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