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Authors: Olivia Linden

Secret Obsession (5 page)

BOOK: Secret Obsession
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It was part warning, part plea for mercy. He wasn't a saint and feeling her touch was too much for him to ignore. His dick was hard and his rational mind was mush. Both his hands were planted firmly on the seat around each of her thighs, his thumbs inching towards the heat of her flesh.


She nuzzled her face against his, deeply inhaling his scent. It drove her almost crazy that way he called her 'Ray'. Raven felt him grinning against her cheek and couldn't resist. She sought out her favorite dimple and lightly traced it with her tongue, relishing the taste of his slightly salty skin. \

Finn groaned at the feel of her hot tongue against his cheek. All the lustful thoughts that he'd had of her over the last few weeks swirled around his mind. He shouldn't let this happen. He should pull away and advise her to walk away. Then they could go back to ignoring each other. Those sensible thoughts were weak, and his desire was strong. She was so close, her body heat teasing him as she continued to look into his eyes with such conviction.

"Fuck it!" Finn snapped, and shoved both hands up the side of her skirt, roughly grasping at her thighs and pulling her towards him. Raven gasped as he ground his erection against her exposed panties.

"Damn, I want you bad."

"Oh!" Was all she could manage when he grabbed a fistful of her hair, bumping her pelvis with his.

"You don't know how bad I want to fuck you. Hard. I've been wanting this too damn long." Finn punctuated his words by latching onto one pointed nipple and sucking through her shirt before he could spread his hand underneath and squeeze her breast. Wrenching his head away, he pushed her top up and pulled her other tit out of the cup of her bra. Raven shuddered in anticipation of his warm lips closing around her sensitive peak.

Wrapping her long legs around his waist, she rubbed her center against the seam of his jeans. Her hands slid down his torso until she met purchase with his belt buckle, and she quickly began to fumble with his jeans to get them open.


"I've wanted you too, and I want you now," she panted. "I want to feel you inside me. Ah, you're so hard!"

His cock was freed, and Raven's warm hand stroked it to full mast. Finn took in a ragged breath, pulling away from her sweet nipple. Her scent was making him drunk with lust. A sensual mix of white musk, her sweat, and sex.


Between her legs, his fingers fondled her sensitive flesh and the slickness of her arousal maddened him. He kissed her as he took his time pulling her panties down, though he wanted to tear them away from her tempting body. Then he eased one finger inside her, grunting as the pressure of her hand increased around his cock.  


"Yeah that's it. Keep stroking me like that while I get your little pussy ready for me." 


Raven felt high off her desire. Not believing that this was really happening, but his dirty talk pulled her right back into the moment. Now he was fucking her with two fingers, and licking and teasing each nipple until she felt she would scream. She let out a whimper of frustration.


"Please, Finn,"


The wet, smacking sound of his suckling was driving her closer to the edge. She didn't want to come around his fingers. No, she wanted to feel him fill her with his hard cock, feel his heat inside of her. It's all she'd wanted since the first time she saw him. The intensity of her desire left her raw.


His grip on her relented as he pulled away from her, pushing her down onto her back. Hovering over her for a moment before he thrust his cock into her. She whimpered as her body strained to accommodate him. Finn groaned in agony. Being inside of her was so satisfying that he had to fight the urge to let his need to release go. Gradually he pushed his cock in, deeper each plunge. Pure, tight heat enveloped him and he went slowly in an effort not to lose himself too soon. Raven's heavy breathing morphed into moans with every measured thrust and the sensuality of her voice drove him wild. As much as he wanted to fuck her into submission, now that he was inside of her, Finn wanted to savor every moment. Commit the tight feel of her magnificent pussy to memory. The sensation of her snug fit, growing wetter as he attempted to give her all of him, was exquisite.


Finn looked into her eyes, hungry to see Raven's pleasure. Now his pleasure. She looked so damn beautiful with her skin slightly dampened with sweat and her jet-black hair splaying wildly against his leather seats. Her chocolate brown eyes were filled with desire, for him.

None of his dreams could have prepared him for this.

"Damn, Ray. So good, baby. I feel you getting wet for me," Finn whispered.


"You like it when I talk to you. Don't you? Tell me."

"Yes! I love it... Oh God!" Raven panted as her body trembled with her escalating climax.

Leaning down, Finn pressed his mouth against hers, pleading with his tongue for her to open for him. Raven submitted, letting him in and matching the ferocity of his kiss.  Deliberately, she began to move her hips as much as the cramped space allowed.

His kiss was ferocious, and he ravaged her lips with the intensity of his desire. Pistoning his hips and thrusting into her harder and harder. She was hit by an unexpected wave of her first major orgasm. Throwing her head back, she let out a tortured groan as she arched her pelvis into his. This is exactly what she had been craving.

No, this was better.

There was no way she could have imagined how delicious he smelled. How manly he was, or how good their bodies felt together.

"That's it! Jesus! Give it up."

Finn growled, feeling her walls tensing and grabbing at him greedily. He gripped her thighs as he pumped into her, squeezing his eyes tight while fighting the tingle that spread out from his belly. His balls were ready to explode.

"I'm gonna come... gonna come...coming," Raven panted. The sweet burn uncoiled, deep inside her.

"Look at me, baby. Let me see it," Finn was on the verge, and seeing her fall apart was going to push him over the edge too.


Once again Raven obeyed his command. At that point there probably wasn't anything she wouldn't do if he asked. Bringing her gaze back to his, she grabbed two fistfuls of his hair and yanked his head closer. As badly as he wanted to see her shatter, she wanted to see him come apart too.


"Fuck me, Finn. Harder," she urged.  "That's right, fuck me just like that."


Finn's eyes rolled, and his head went lax in her hold as he grunted, and groaned her name. She felt him surge and swell inside of her before he filled her with liquid heat. The sensation drove her over her cliff.

"Ah!" Raven cried in release.

They remained in their own bliss, until they both spiraled back to earth, and reality set in. Finn felt a tinge of shame as he slowly pulled out of the warmth of Raven's body. His forehead rested on her shoulder, and he was in no hurry to move. He wasn't ready to face her yet.

What had he done?

Lost himself, that's what.

"Wow," Raven whispered. Her voice was still groggy from sex, but held a touch of wonderment.

That was a positive sign. Maybe she wouldn't freak out on him.

"You could say that again," he huffed.

"Wow," she said with a little giggle.

Finally feeling better about the situation, Finn eased up to look Raven in her eyes. She was still giggling and he couldn't help but to respond with a chuckle of his own. Nowhere to be found was the sultry minx who had seduced him so ruthlessly. A deep sigh of relief rushed through him, and he realized that he was feeling rather giddy himself.

"That was –"

"Incredible," Raven said, cutting him off before he had the chance to finish his sentence.

"Mind-blowing was what I was going to say, but I can roll with incredible."


He thought now would be a good time to get up, but Raven didn't seem to be in a hurry to move, and he didn't want to embarrass or offend her. Besides, she felt so good beneath him as her hands rubbed and massaged his back.

"So, you gonna tell me how long you've been wanting to do that?" He decided to use the opportunity to settle the score between them.

"I should ask you the same thing," she countered.

"You should have, but I asked first, and you attacked me."

"Ha!" Raven laughed out. "I highly recall you being the one that turned into the incredible sexual hulk. I just wanted a kiss."

"Hold on. Let me think on it. 'I've wanted you too, and I want you now.' That was what you said, right?"

Raven blushed furiously, and let out a nervous laugh. He was right, and she couldn't believe that she had actually said those words to him. She couldn't believe that he was lying on top of her, both of them severely disheveled.

"Don't be shy now, darlin'. I've already seen your claws," Finn teased. He actually enjoyed her modesty.

"I can't believe I did that," she confessed.

"Me either."

A weighty silence settled between them as they both became adrift in their own thoughts. Finn felt like they had opened Pandora's box, and Raven was in a state of shock. He stroked her hair and the side of her face as he contemplated what to do next. Instead of guessing, he decided to ask.

"Well, what do we do now?"

Raven sighed and managed a slight shrug in her reclined position.

"I guess we head home. It's almost dinner time," she responded.

"I suppose you're right," Finn replied. He would play it by ear with her, let her take the lead on this.

Whatever it was.

She readjusted her clothes, thanked him for the tire, and then headed to her car.

His thoughts raced as he followed her all the way home.




was restless. He paced around his room, eventually turning off the television when it proved that nothing could take his mind off Raven. Usually, after spending all day on the ranch managing the ranch hands and vendors, he was spent. Too exhausted to do more than have dinner, which his mother insisted they did as a family, he would watch a movie until he fell asleep.


When things weren't so busy, and he had free time, he would work on his art. The five acres of country land they lived on provided him with ample inspiration. Other than that, he might hit the local bar scene every now and again. But his life was clinically mundane. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so alive, so on fire.


He thought back to his past relationships, but no one had ever engaged all of his senses the way Raven did. Dana, his ex, was a sweet girl but there was no spark between them. Everyday was the same as the one before it, and while that frustrated him, she seemed to be okay with it. Before her, there wasn't anyone who he’d dated seriously. He wouldn't call himself a player, but he wasn't big on committing to anyone at such a young age.


Who knew that Raven would prove to be such an enigma? She had flat out ignored him since the night at the Dusty Lady, and then tonight she blows his mind by sticking her tongue in his dimple.


So. Damn. Hot.


Harmless flirting was easy to handle. He would have patted her on her pretty little head, and sent her away on her donut. Her outright, vixen-like assault was too much. There wasn't anyway he could turn away from her at that point. And she was more than what his fantasies could do justice. She was perfect.


Then, she flipped the coin and acted like he was invisible at dinner. Which was so smart, because he was being reckless. And he was going to continue to be reckless around her. He felt it. There was no turning this switch back to off. Feeling her come apart underneath him again wasn't a desire anymore. It was no longer a fantasy, but a need.

He needed her.

Not worrying about any consequences, Finn left his room. Making sure to quietly close his door behind him, he crept down the hall. It was after 10:00 pm. Their parents were already turned in for the night, and they were on the opposite wing of the split-level house. There was no reason for them to venture over to this side unless the house was on fire.

BOOK: Secret Obsession
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