Secret Society (10 page)

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Authors: Miasha

BOOK: Secret Society
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“Celess, I am so nervous. I don’t believe I’m about to give somebody the rest of my life,” Tina said in my cell phone.

Michael and I were on the road, driving to Albany. We had rented a car on Friday. Tina had called me and asked that I talk to her for the entire ride. She was in her own suite alone getting ready for her wedding ceremony.

“Celess, what if I trip down the aisle or what if the minister says my real name because I had to give up my real name for the paperwork, but I did tell him that I wanted to be called Tina, so…”

“Tina, Tina, Tina, calm down. You’re just excited. Everything is going to go just right.” I tried to settle her.

“How far away are yall?” she asked for the fiftieth time.

“We just passed a sign that said we are seven miles away,” I said.

“As soon as yall get here, come straight to my suite. I need you, girl,” Tina said.

Michael waited in the lobby while I went to Tina’s rescue. Tina was sitting in a chair looking out the window when I entered her suite.

“Celess!” she squealed, holding her arms out to hug me. Tina sounded like a little girl.

“Hey, girl,” I said, hugging her tight.

Tina stood up and walked over to the dresser. “I’m so glad you could be here for this, Celess,” she said, glancing up at me as she rummaged through the top drawer.

She retrieved a small box from the drawer and handed it to me. “Celess, I want you to have this. Even though you are not in the wedding, I want you to wear this today so we’ll both have one on.”

I took the diamond choker from the box. There was a big heart-shaped diamond dangling from it that had to be at least five carats alone. On the back of the heart it read, “Forever My Friend.” It was beautiful. I had never owned so many diamonds on one item before in my life.

“This is beautiful,” I gasped. Tears were forming in my eyes.

“Don’t start crying, ’cause you gonna make me cry and it took too long to put on this makeup,” Tina said.

It was five-thirty. The wedding was scheduled for six. I helped Tina get into her gown. She looked amazing. It was a straight, form-fitting gown that brushed her ankles. It was white, of course, with diamonds embroidered on and around the bustline and on the spaghetti straps. It was very simple but very pretty. She wore a simple slide with a diamond-covered strap across the toes and a small stiletto heel. She carried a single white rose. Her hair was pulled up into a bun and she wore a Chinese bang that was cut neatly and even just over her eyebrows. Her veil was lined with jewels that matched the ones in her dress and shoes. Everything was custom-made with real diamonds. I took plenty of pictures, touched her up, and left her alone so that I could be on my way to the ceremony.

It was a little after six. Michael and I were at the park where the wedding was to take place. Derrek was already there, patiently waiting for his bride to arrive. Terry was there with a new woman on his arm. No wonder Tina had sent me two train tickets, I thought.

“Hello, Celess,” Terry said as he took his seat beside me. “Beautiful day out, hahn?”

“Yeah, very nice,” I said. “Oh, Terry, this is Michael. Michael, this is Terry, my brother-in-law-to-be.”

The two men reached over me and shook hands.

Terry finally decided to introduce his date. “And guys, this is my lovely girlfriend, Princess. Princess, Celess and Michael.”

She looked really nice and she had a pretty face, but I knew she was a man. It was just one of those things you could sense. Plus, her name was Princess. Only pets, drag queens, and strippers had names like that.

“Nice to meet you, Princess,” I said with a fake smile.

For some reason, I was jealous. I didn’t know why, considering I really didn’t like Terry and I had somebody who looked three times better than him anyway.

It was a total of fifteen people present for Tina and Derrek’s wedding—small and private just like they wanted it. There was no bridal party. There wasn’t even a best man or a bridesmaid. But that’s how Tina wanted it to be. Her exact words were, “No offense, but I want the emphasis to be on me and my husband and nobody else.” I respected that.

The ceremony lasted about a half hour and it went smoothly. Tina was so happy. I could see it all in her face. Derrek was her dream come true and she was his. The two of them were like little lovebirds. Everybody danced and mingled at the reception—all fifteen of us. Michael and I had fun.

“He’s nice,” Tina said, commenting on Michael. “He’s not who I’d expect to see you with, but he’s all right.”

“I know. I said the same thing,” I agreed.

“Well, have fun with him and be careful,” Tina said.

“I will, I will. You don’t worry about me, you go and enjoy your honeymoon,” I said.

“Oh, I sure will. Hawaii, Brazil, and Italy? I’m not going to know what to do with myself for these next thirty days!” Tina exclaimed.

I gave her a big hug and saw her onto the helicopter that had come to whisk the newlyweds off to the airport. I slid Tina an envelope with her wedding gift in it. Inside was $3,000 in cashier’s checks. It was the last little bit of my diminishing stash. I knew she didn’t need the money. She had just married a multi-millionaire. But I figured she could put it up. Rainy days do come up, even for wives of rich men.


o why don’t you show me some of that yoga?” Michael said out of the blue.

I put my soda down on the ceramic table. “What yoga?”

Michael nudged my shoulder, trying to get me off the sofa. “The yoga you teach to your classes,” he reminded me. “Come on, don’t be shy.”

“Baby, we’re in the middle of watching a good movie. I’m not doing yoga right now,” I whined.

“Since when did
go from a TV show to a good movie?”

“Well, we’re eating popcorn and drinking Cokes, so…”

“So anytime you eat popcorn and drink Coke you’re watching a good movie?” he asked.

“It feels that way to me,” I answered.

I never should have told him I was a yoga instructor, I thought.

“Whatever,” he said. “Come on, show me some moves. I want to do yoga.”

“All right!” I finally gave in. I figured I could fake him out with a few things I had learned from class.

I moved from Michael’s cozy, fluffy couch onto the hardwood floor. I opened my legs to stretch a little. Thank God I was wearing sweatpants. I was bending forward, allowing my nose to touch the floor.

“First it’s important to stretch your muscles,” I said with my head facing the floor.

“Is that right?” Michael asked as he crept up behind me, placing my small waist between his thighs.

I sat up and closed my legs abruptly.

“You’re not watching me,” I protested.

“I am watching you,” Michael said as he nibbled on my ear.

Michael’s hands found their way from my waist to my thighs. He was caressing me and it felt good, but I had to stop him.

“Hands to yourself,” I whispered, placing Michael’s hands on the floor.

I wanted the same thing Michael wanted at that time, but I just wanted it to be on my terms, not his. I had to be the one in charge, or else he would have a chance to learn all about me. I stood up. Michael grabbed on to my calves while he remained seated on the floor.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing, nothing at all. Just let me freshen up,” I said as I walked toward the spiral staircase.

I went into the bathroom and changed into some lingerie I had in my overnight bag. It was a Victoria’s Secret satin pink and black bra-and-panty set that had a little flirty skirt attached. Beneath the skirt was a package taped in so tight it was almost invisible. Perfect, I thought. I slid my feet into my black feathered high-heeled slippers, took some deep breaths, and looked at myself in the mirror one last time before heading back downstairs to Michael and putting my life on the line. I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous about having sex with Michael. I had risked my life with much more dangerous guys than him.

“Whoa!” Michael blurted as I walked down the stairs.

He had some slow music playing and the lights were dim. He was still fully clothed and had sat back down on the floor. I got on my knees and crawled over to him. He reached his arms out to grab me, but I moved them to his side and gently pushed him back onto the floor. I began to unbutton his pants and caress his manhood at the same time. He was aroused. He lifted his head slightly to peek at me while I performed oral sex. When he put his hand on top of my head to control my movements, I kindly removed it and placed it back on the floor. I wanted him to know I was in charge.

Michael had gotten nice and hard and was ready for the real deal. He got up from the floor and repositioned himself on the couch. He came out of all his clothes, throwing each article in a different direction. Then he motioned for me to do the same. I kicked off the slippers and removed my bra, leaving me in nothing but the skirt.

“Take that off too,” Michael said as he stared me up and down while stroking his penis.

I ignored him as I slowly approached and placed his hands on my breasts.

I jammed my tongue in Michael’s mouth, forcing him to take his mind off of the idea of seeing me completely naked.

“I want you,” Michael moaned.

“I want you too,” I moaned back.

“Then take me,” he said as he quickly slid his erect penis toward my middle.

I jumped back just in time.

“Michael,” I cautioned with a frown.

My heart was beating a mile a minute. I was having second thoughts about even continuing.

Michael sat up on the couch. “Come here, don’t back away from me,” he said, reaching for my hand.

“Let me handle this, okay?” I instructed as I backed away from him.

“All right, you got it, but I want to see that coochie,” Michael said. “Show me that thing!” he insisted.

I didn’t know what Michael was up to. I kept asking myself why was he so adamant about seeing what was in my panties. Usually guys just went with the flow, especially the first time around. Some head and a dominating woman were enough to keep them content. I had to come up with something, and I had to come up with it fast.

“Michael, I’m a virgin,” I said.

Michael laughed and replied, “Come on, Celess, stop playing.”

“I don’t believe in sex before marriage,” I continued.

“Are you serious?” he asked with a serious face.

“Yes,” I insisted, “and I can’t believe that a man like you don’t respect that.”

Michael sucked his teeth in disbelief. He looked away from me and reached for his boxers on the far end of the couch. I walked slowly toward him and grabbed his arm, gently pushing him away from his boxers.

I leaned over him and whispered in his ear, “But I hope you don’t think I got you all hot and steamy for nothing.”

I began to stroke his dick, bringing it back to life. It had gone down once Michael heard the word
Michael just sat there, seemingly holding back. He sure wasn’t as aggressive as he had been. As I felt his penis rising, I started sucking it, slowly and passionately. Michael began to relax as he leaned his head back against the sofa. He had learned that it was best to let me run the show, as he kept his hands by his sides and gave me full clearance to do what I wanted to do.

I began to slide Michael’s slobbered-down dick up and down between my breasts. He was slowly getting back into it as he started pumping his waist up and down. I released Michael’s dick as it stood hard and tall.

“What now?” he asked, breathing heavily.

“You just wait there and let me lead the way,” I said as I turned out the lights completely.

It’s showtime, I thought. While walking back to Michael, I reached in the back of my panties and removed the tape. I quickly grabbed my package and brought it forward. I cuffed my balls and penis and held them in place, keeping them as close to the front as I possibly could. Michael could hardly see me, but just to make sense of things for him, I told him I was playing with myself. He was turned on and was so hard I don’t think he gave a shit what I told him. I systematically positioned myself on his lap while holding on to my privates for dear life. My heart was pounding and Michael could tell.

“Celess, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, if you want to hold out…” Michael whispered.

“Anal sex is okay, Michael. As long as my hy—you know, don’t get busted,” I said. I’d forgotten the name of the thing, or perhaps I never knew it—shit, I wasn’t a woman for real. But he knew what I was referring to.

“You don’t mind?” Michael asked. “Because I want you to be ready.”

“Shh,” I whispered. Then with my one free hand I slid his erect penis in my asshole.

“Just let me handle this. Keep your hands to yourself and no sudden movements,” I moaned.

“Whatever you say,” Michael moaned back.

I felt him quiver as I moved my body up and down on top of his. I got him. It hadn’t been easy, but I got him.

Michael and I finally had our moment, and I must say it was the most amazing sex I ever had. It was passionate and pleasurable. Granted, I didn’t have multiple orgasms like I had had with James, but one was enough with Michael.


“Surprise!” Michael shouted.

I opened my eyes and took a couple steps back. I looked up at the vacant building and read the sign. Less is Best Beauty Salon, it read. I was confused at first, but then it clicked—“Less” is me. This was my shop.

“Oh, my God, baby, you didn’t!” I yelled.

“Well, you said you wanted your own hair salon,” Michael said, smiling.

I jumped in Michael’s arms and hugged him tight. I was kissing him on his neck and cheek and lips uncontrollably.

He put me down and said, “Come on, let me show you the inside.”

He led me into the place. It was something out of a magazine.

“I designed it especially for you,” he said. “I incorporated a little bit of everything you like: the spiral staircase, the long mirrors, the hardwood floors, the built-in shelves, and the archway. Upstairs is a small flat. It has an eat-in kitchen and a lounge area.”

Michael paused and searched my face. “Do you like it?”

“Like it? Michael, I love it!” I cried, with my hands over my mouth.

My eyes were watering. I could not believe Michael did this for me.

“How did you do this? I mean, how did you find the time? Oh, my God, Michael, I’m speechless!”

“You know, it was funny, because I had been working on this place before you and I met,” Michael began as he took a seat in one of the styling chairs. “By the time we got together, only the cosmetics had to be done. And when you told me that it was your dream to open your own hair salon one day, I got a thought in my head. But of course I had to wait and see where we were headed, you know. The owner planned on selling it once it was finished, so after thinking long and hard, I took it off his hands,” Michael explained.

I shook my head, still holding my hands over my mouth.

“Once I paid him for it,” Michael continued, “I hired a group of guys to finish it up. We’ve been working on this day and night.”

“Baby, this is…I can’t even explain it. Words can’t say,” I said, wiping my eyes.


Weeks flew by. It had seemed like I would go to sleep on a Monday and wake up on a Friday. But I had no complaints, as all of my days had been filled with bliss. Michael was like a dream come true. I’d grown to love him, and with all that he’d done for me, how could that be a surprise? For the first time in years I had only been dealing with one dude. I was trying to take Tina’s advice and slow down. As far as my bills, I had found three stylists and a manicurist. The $2,800 they brought in each month helped out a lot.

I was home alone one day. Michael was in Pittsburgh working. After cooking myself some dinner, I made chicken Alfredo, a salad, and some Pillsbury bread-sticks. Thank God for the Foreman grill. It tasted damn near better than a restaurant’s. It filled me up too. I was sitting on the couch staring at the Guide Channel trying to find something good to watch. It was a Sunday, so I was bound to find something good on Lifetime.

Ring! Ring!


“Hey, Celess,” Tina squealed.

I hadn’t spoken to Tina since last month at her wedding.

“Hey, Tina! What’s up, girl? How is the honeymoon going?”

“Oh, it’s beautiful, girl. We’re in Italy now visiting Derrek’s family,” Tina said.

“Damn, it must be nice,” I said.

“It is. And Brazil was nice too. But girl, ain’t nothing like Hawaii. It is so pretty out there. The sun, the water, the people, everything is pretty. Shit, even Michael would be pretty out there,” Tina joked.

I just laughed.

“Speaking of Mr. Tall, Dark, and Not-so-Handsome, how is that coming along?”

“Let me see,” I teased. “He opened me a salon,” I bragged.

“A bar?” Tina asked, disgusted.

“A salon, not a saloon.”

“A hair salon?” Tina screamed.


“Get the fuck outta here, you sprung ’im up like that?” Tina joked.

“I know right,” I continued to brag.

“So what else been up, miss?” Tina asked.

“Ain’t shit. I’m tryna decide if I’m gonna go to Power House on my lonesome,” I said with a playful attitude, wanting Tina to regret leaving me.

“Damn, that’s right. That concert is coming up, ain’t it?” Tina thought aloud.

Right then my other line started beeping. I was waiting for a call from Michael, otherwise I would not have answered it.

“Tina, hold on right quick. That’s probably my boo right now. Don’t hang up.”


“Yeah, can I speak to Celess?”

The voice on the other line was deep but it did not belong to Michael.

“This is she, who is this?” I asked.

“Tariq. Do you remember me?” he asked with an attitude.

I rolled my eyes and returned the attitude. “Yes, Tariq, what is it? I have a call on the other line, long-distance.”

“This’ll only take a minute, trust me. I think you need to get tested for HIV.”

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