Secret Worlds (400 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Hamilton,Conner Kressley,Rainy Kaye,Debbie Herbert,Aimee Easterling,Kyoko M.,Caethes Faron,Susan Stec,Linsey Hall,Noree Cosper,Samantha LaFantasie,J.E. Taylor,Katie Salidas,L.G. Castillo,Lisa Swallow,Rachel McClellan,Kate Corcino,A.J. Colby,Catherine Stine,Angel Lawson,Lucy Leroux

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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I shade my eyes with my hand and look at Tom. “The Reaper is here to kill me.”

“Why you?”

“Because I shouldn’t be here, but that’s a different issue. I’m still not entirely clear what you say is going on?”

Tom pulls out his notepad again, and I groan. “I think they might be paving the way for something big, whoever is doing this,” he whispers. “Demon big. It’s not only demons and psy-vamps out in the world; the supernatural are everywhere. All it takes is someone to come in with enough power to unite them and then…Who knows? They might enslave humans and take over the world!”

I almost laugh at his dramatics. “Someone’s watched too many movies,” I mutter and look to Alek. “We should speak to Finn,” I say.

“No!” says Alek.

“Finn? Is he the Reaper? Can he help us?”

“I said no!” Alek’s raised voice catches the eye of a passer-by and he shifts his gaze to his shoes. “I’m not having anything to do with him, didn’t you listen? He’s here to kill Rose.”

“He said he wasn’t,” I protest.

“And you believe him?”

Tom flicks his gaze between the two of us with open-mouthed fascination. “Wow...”

“What?” asks Alek sharply.

“It’s, like, all real!”

I blink at him. “I thought you dedicated your life to paranormal investigations? You mean you didn’t think any of it was real?”

“Yeah, I did... just, seeing you guys. Huh.”

Alek’s face darkens and he stiffens. “Rose. This is a waste of time; he can’t help us.”

“What should we do?” asks Tom eagerly.

“We? You don’t do anything; you can’t be involved. Come on, Rose.” Alek reaches out and takes my hand, an odd gesture which would be friendly hand-holding to normal couples. To us, he’s trying to take over. I snatch my hand away.

“Tom has contacts all over the country, Alek. He could help us!”

“All over the world,” puts in Tom, proudly. “I could help look into this. We’re already investigating and this is helpful.”

Alek sighs at me as if I’m a petulant child. “Nobody else can get involved.”


“Because the more people involved, the less hidden we are. Come on!” He attempts to take one of my hands again, and I fold them under my arms. “Fuck, Rose...” He stomps off.

I hesitate and Tom inclines his head after Alek. “Friendly guy. You going after him?”

“No, I’ve had enough of him for one day.”

Tom nods slowly then checks his watch.
Who wears watches anymore?
“I need to get back to work. Come down and see me when you get a chance; there’s other things I want to talk to you about.”

He wanders off in the same direction as Alek. I remain on the bench, watching people walking in and out of the hospital, kids kicking through autumn leaves, and close my eyes. I focus my senses on the sounds and smell of autumn in an English city.
What curveball will they throw at me next?

Chapter 17

A few hours later, I stare at the notices in the hospital, not paying attention to what I’m reading. There doesn’t seem much point studying the gym membership offers, discount restaurants, and how to recognise the symptoms of a heart attack posters when they have no relevance to my screwed-up version of life.

As I follow my list of rostered duties, my mind churns. I’ve accepted a hell of a lot of what Alek has told me, and with good reason, because I’ve witnessed and experienced the things he spoke about. But I’ve also heard a lot I have no comprehension of. I can’t Google my new “condition” and discover how to manage it. Although I bet, if I type in ‘energy vampires’ in a search box, some bizarre Tom-type theories would come up.


I’m not a vampire.

Am I?

No texts arrive from Alek, following his decision to walk away from our conversation with Tom. I’m disgruntled partly because of the attitude and partly because a deluded part of me thought taking our relationship to a physical level would change things.

The elevator door clunks open, opposite the flaking paint wall in the coolest part of the hospital. I head over to the desk Tom sits behind and halt. A man leans across the desk in hospital blues, talking to him. From behind and in the shapeless hospital blues, it’s difficult to see much of him apart from his neatly trimmed brown hair and imposing height.

I deliberate whether to turn back to the lift but before I do, the man appears to sense me and turns. There’s nothing remarkable about him; he reminds me of so many doctors I’ve met and then forgotten. He’s attractive but not in a way that would stick in your mind; the kind of attractive that comes from a friendly smile and confidence. The man flicks a gaze over me, registering who I am before pulling his features into those of someone who’s pretending they don’t know. I examine my trolley full of manila files as he passes then head toward Tom.

Tom’s usual jovial greeting is absent, his whiter face either the result of fright or lack of chocolate.

“You okay?” I ask him.

He chews a nail. “Are you?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I’m worried about you ‘cause you’re... new to this.”

“What? Being half-dead?”

Tom leans forward and looks down the hallway, but there’s nobody else around. “Being caught in this weird shit. Come and stay with me,” he blurts. “I have a share house. Get away from them.”

“I don’t think that’s the answer, Tom. Won’t I accidentally hurt you with the energy draining?” God, that sounds weird coming from my own mouth.

“Yeah, I didn’t think. You just seem so normal. I’m scared for you living with this Alek guy.”

“You talk as if I’m human!” I hiss and tears prick at my eyes as I comprehend I’m not.

Tom shifts in his seat and looks at his desk. “You are to me... I mean, not in a weird way, but because you still are in how you behave.”

“I need Alek because I need him to show me how to cope with what I am,” I say softly. “I have to stay around him.”

Tom inhales and shakes his head slightly. “Listen, come over to mine tonight.” I give him a dubious look. “There’ll be a couple of other friends of mine there. I can show you what information we’ve gathered on Reapers so far.”

“I don’t know...”

Tom straightens as a blonde-haired nurse approaches and greets him. I step away, locating the files I have for him in my trolley and slap them on his desk.

“You have my number?” he asks.

The nurse giggles softly as I step away.


The last place I need to visit before my shift finishes is the last place I want to go. ICU. My desire to avoid the place has doubled since I discovered my new friend, Finn, could be my assassin. Even thought he also admitted this, I’m torn between wanting to see Finn and hoping he’ll stay away.

To my relief, Chloe is on the ward front desk and I glance around looking for Finn as I chat.

“Are you okay?” she asks.

“Yes.” Footsteps squeak on the tiled floor behind, and I turn sharply. A stocky man carrying a bunch of white flowers passes by; I relax.

Chloe watches. “Is this about Finn? Are you avoiding him? I thought he’d been grumpier than usual.”

“Is he working today?” I ask, on alert for his arrival.

“He’s around somewhere; checking on patients, I think. Did you want to speak to him?”

“No,” I say, too hastily, and Chloe gives me a look of surprise. “I mean, yeah, things are awkward between us.”

“Oh, I see...” She fights a small smile. Oh, great, now she thinks I had sex with him. “Shame you guys didn’t work out, you seem suited.”

“There’s someone else, that’s all.” I attempt a nonchalant tone.

Chloe leans across the desk. “Really? The hot housemate you mentioned? Tell all!”

I pass her the boxes of medical supplies I’ve brought up and hold out the clipboard for her to sign. “Maybe some time later, I’m busy now.”

She nods, but neither of us offers to arrange a catch-up. Our connection is through her caring for me when I was dying, so I guess we’re not best-friends material.

I head down the magnolia-painted corridor toward the double doors at the end and catch sight of Finn in one of the rooms with a patient. He sits in a chair by the bed, completely still. I hesitate, curiosity getting the better of me. I can’t see anything of the patient, but the plethora of machines around keeps track of their vitals. Unease trips along my spine as the word Reaper comes into my mind.

“Excuse me.”

The tall man I saw with Tom earlier waits for me to move from the doorway. He’s changed into dark trousers and a pale blue shirt and tie. He has a lanyard but no name badge, which means he must be one of the specialist doctors. His green eyes meet mine, and his proximity sends a cold energy into the space between us. He scrutinises my face for a moment then nods dismissively. The memory of Tom’s words about something killing people in the hospital skitters across my mind, and I mutely step out of his way. Is this guy Between? His aura is different to Alek’s or Finn’s; yet, I don’t think he’s entirely human.

When he enters the room, Finn stands. The two men are the same height and build, standing just inside each other’s personal space. Words are exchanged in low voices, Finn’s expression neutral. Before Finn has a chance to notice me, I sidestep and head for the double doors, desperate to get out of the atmosphere starting to dizzy me.

Do they know each other? I didn’t want to think Finn was involved with the deaths; but the more I see, the less sure I am. Is this his accomplice?

The last thing I do before I leave the ward is glance at the number on the wall next to the door. I can check if anything happens to the occupant next time I come up to ICU. As I make the mental note, it strikes me - if this person dies, who will be the one responsible? Finn or the doctor?


On the way home after my long shift, I rest my head on the bus windowpane, aware of the usual reaction to my trip home. I don’t like the house, especially the things that live in there and attack me. The worst part is I belong here now. I look up at the windows as I stand on the step outside. As each day passes, the more assimilated I am into the house, and the harder it is to consider leaving on my own.

I walk through the door and head to the kitchen; Alek sits at the kitchen table, beer in hand.

“Is there something in beer that gives us superpowers?” I ask him as I cross to the fridge.

“That’s a weird question.”

Pulling out the ingredients for a ham salad sandwich, I set them on the bench then turn back to Alek. “Every time I see you, you’re drinking, so I wondered.”

Alek attempts a frown, but his eyes show amusement. “I like beer. Plus, it keeps me calm.” I snort. “What?”

“You’re not very calm!”

“Imagine how I am when I don’t drink then.” Alek pushes his chair back and moves across to me.

The energy was tangible the moment I entered the kitchen. The closer he gets, the more it sparks between us. Alek’s skin has lost the pallid tone from yesterday, his eyes brighter beneath his unruly hair. His look moves to my mouth and back to my eyes, the thoughts unmistakable.

“I missed you today,” he says. “I’ve been waiting for you to come home.”

“Do you want to kiss me?” I blurt, and then cover my mouth.
Where the hell did that come from?

Alek touches my cheek softly, fingertips trailing tiny static shocks across my face. “Are you giving or taking?”

“Can’t we just make out?”

“Make out?” He laughs and steps back. “We’re not teenagers.”

“What’s so funny?” I snap.

In a swift movement, Alek seizes me and pushes me against the wall. I gasp as he presses his hips into mine and drags his fingers into my hair. Where our bodies touch, even through layers of clothes, I’m overwhelmed by the intensity and start to tremble.

“You feel that?” he whispers. “I’m used to taking from people. Before you, that’s all I could do. They’d give themselves to me and that would be all. With you, I can give something back. Connect.” Alek rests his head on mine, crackling heat across my skin. “Take from me again.”

My breathing intensifies as his mouth slides across my face, igniting. “Alek, stop...I made you sick last time.”

“I don’t care; I can take from you anytime I want. I know how.”

“Not if you’re too weak...” I attempt to push him away, but already my body’s attempting to meld with his and take what he’s asking me to.

The sudden shift from talking to his hands on my body disarms me; I’m shocked further as his mouth roughly closes over mine. Alek grips my hair, holding my face so I can’t move. My back presses into the wall as he puts all his force into holding me, pressing his hips into mine. I part my mouth in surprise, and Alek lightly draws his tongue along my bottom lip. As I relax, believing he’s slowing, he delves his tongue into my mouth. The familiar, overwhelming need to be locked together with this infuriating man takes over. The blinding light behind my eyes remains; this time, it doesn’t fade as we kiss, and I need more. All of it.

. He’s not doing this to me; I don’t want this right now.

I push Alek with all the force I can muster, and he stumbles against the table. His darkened eyes shine, lips paler. “I don’t know why I ever worried about this,” he says. “We’re going to have so much fun…Like last night.” He’s breathless, and the energy coursing through my body suggests I won this time. Alek looks at my mouth. “I’m working tonight and you’re coming with me, by the way.”

This is a statement not a question, and I bristle. “No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are. Do you think I’m going to leave you alone in a house where out-of-control Shades attack you?”

“I’m not staying home; I’m meeting Tom tonight.”

“Tom, the Ghostbuster?” Alek giggles as if he’s high. “He likes you; have you told him he’s not your type? Or what your type is?”

His mocking tone riles me further. “Alek, stop being a dick.”

Alek steps closer and I meet his smirk with a challenging look.

“Don’t even think about it...” I warn him.

He lightly trails a finger down my cheek. “Thanks for the kiss, Rose.”

As he walks away, I shiver, irritated by his shift in mood.
Is he only nice to me when he wants something?

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